Showing posts with label Plumb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plumb. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Leap Year Dance

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Leap Year Dance

There were 110 dancers present at the leap year invitation dance on Wednesday evening, which took place in the Benson Hall.

The whole of the necessary arrangements were made entirely by Mrs Philpott, who is to be congratulated on the success achieved. Mrs Philpott not only issued the invitations, but also sold the admission tickets, besides contributing in no small way to the excellent assortment of refreshments which were served during the evening.

Refreshments were also given and served by Mrs Bishop, Mrs McGuinness, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Plumb, Mrs W. Watson, Miss Mulvany and Miss Spencer. The duties of M.C. were undertaken by Mr Blakiston, who spared no pains to add merriment to the evening's enjoyment.

A special feature was the lighting effects, which were greatly admired by the energetic company present. The music, which added still greater pleasure to the proceedings, was supplied by the "Mavis" Dance Band, the members of which did their utmost to provide a programme to meet with the popularity of all. Their programme was excellent.

A Spot Dance Competition was won by Miss Philpott and Mr B. Howard, the former receiving a pound of chocolates for a prize and her partner a box of cigarettes. A Novelty Dance was also greatly enjoyed.

Mrs Whitehouse, of Sunny Hill, kindly lent her piano, and Mr W. Budd acted as door-keeper throughout the evening.

The proceeds, which were for the purpose of installing new electric light wiring in the hall, were very satisfactory, but the actual amount taken is not yet known.

It was generally agreed that this was one of the jolliest dances ever held in Buntingford.

18th February 1927 - Home League

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Home League

At the last meeting of the Home League, held at the Salvation Army Hall, the following members were given suitable presents in recognition of their services for the League: Mrs Parker, Mrs Miles, Mrs Hills, and Miss L. Plumb.

The presentations were made by Capt. Green who, in the course of a few well-chosen words, expressed thanks on behalf of the donors for the work carried out.

The recipients of the gifts suitably replied.

11th March 1927 - Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

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Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

The funeral of Stanley F. Keen, whose death at the early age of 18 years was reported in this Paper last week, took place at Layston Church on Saturday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard.

Members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society carried out the duty of bearers, the deceased being a junior member of that Society. His employer, Mr A. Jackson, kindly lent his car, and the evidences of sorrow were marked by the number of people present and the beautiful floral tributes.

Mr and Mrs C.F. Keen (father and mother), Mrs W. Whiting and Mrs P. Deards (sisters), Mrs R. Saunders (aunt), Mr P. Deards and Mr J. Gibbs (brothers-in-law), and Miss Jackson.

The wreaths were as follows:

From Mum and Dad

Maggie and Will

Nellie and Percy

Vera and Phyllis

Mr and Mrs A. Jackson and Family

Mr and Mrs and H. Jackson and Mrs James Harradence.

Mr G. Hagger

Mr L. Bradford

His pals - J. and L. Plumb, C. and B. King, R. Fish, J. Ward, J. Oakley, C. and M. Worboys

Mrs Parker

Mr and Mrs French

Mr and Mrs A. Dray

Mr and Mrs Arthur Dray

Miss E. Cutts

Mr and Mrs L. Smith

Mrs Patmore and Mr Hummerstone

Mrs Pateman and Family

Mr and Mrs Haddock

Mrs Brewington

Mrs Prior and Family

Mrs Horth and Reg

Mrs G. Bradford

30th July 1926 - Funeral of Mr F. Ballard

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Funeral of Mr F. Ballard

The funeral of Mr F. Ballard, whose death we announced last week, took place at St Mary's Church, Aspenden, on Monday afternoon.

The remains, encassed in a coffin of plain oak, were conveyed to the church in a Washington coach.

There were two mourning coaches and the immediate mourners were: Mr W. Ballard (brother), Mr and Mrs Walbey (sister and brother-in-law), Mr and Mrs Grey (sister and brother-in-law), Mrs A. Grey (sister), Mrs De Fontaine (sister), Mrs Walbey (sister), Messrs. C. Walbey and L. Walbey (nephews), Miss Stubbings and Messrs. J. Parker, D. Neale, E. Plumb (employees).

Others present were - Mr and Mrs Crouch, Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs Knight, Mrs D. Smith, Dr H.E. Dixon, Mrs Brewington, Mrs C. Miles, Mrs Wylds, Miss Parker, Mr and Mrs Beeton, Messrs. H.A. and W. Hare, W. Rowley, T.J. Stick, A. Anthony, F. Hamilton, H.H. Macklin, E.P. Borsberry, J. Boniwell, E.G. Thody, G. Aylott, C. Smith, W. Smith, D. Wallis and P. Hamilton.

Messrs. J.L. Cornwell and H. Clarke represented the Buntingford Gas and Coke Co., of which the deceased was a director.

There were many beautiful wreaths, including one from the employees and one from the tradesmen of Buntingford.


Mr Walbey, Mr Ballard and relatives return thanks to friends for kind sympathy shown in their great bereavement.

Royston, Herts.

28th July, 1926.

9th July 1926 - Aspenden - Death of the Oldest Inhabitant

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Death of the Oldest Inhabitant

"The new order changest, giving place to new." Last Saturday seveal of the pretty little girls of Aspenden accompanied their mothers and grandmothers, carrying little bunches of flowers to place on the grave of the oldest inhabitant of the village, who was being laid to rest in one of the most beautiful parts of the Churchyard.

Mrs John Plumb, affectionately known as "Old Lucy," had reached the age of 86, and sincere sympathy is felt for her husband, who well known and much respected, who is now left alone after over 60 years of married life.

He was surrounded on Saturday by relatives of his late wife, and by children and grandchildren as well as by neighbours and friends, and all will long remember the sunny afternoon, the fragrance of the beautiful floral offerings, and the feelings of sympathy and friendship and the knowledge of the loving care of those who had ministered to the last days of the beloved one who had passed away.

11th June 1926 - The Bazaar

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The Bazaar

The Bazaar in the Benson Hall on June 5th and 7th was a great success. The exact amoung of the takings is not yet known, but will be about £120. Large numbers filled the Hall on both days, and hearty appreciation was expressed at the price of the goods offered. The enormous stock was almost sold out.

There were eight stalls - fancy goods, coats and skirts, jumpers and blouses, underclothing, men's clothes, boots and shoes, refreshments, and a "Woolworths" stall at which every article was 6d. or less.

Among the sellers were the Rev. Mother and Sisters from the Convent, Mesdames Bennett, Castle, Dowding, Gabbitas sen., Gabbitas jun., Game, Leslie, Plumb, Watson; Misses Blakiston, Day, Graves, Knight, Leslie, Marriage, McCarthy, Morgan, Spencer, Wilkerson; Messrs. Castle, Charles Gabbitas, Fred Gabbitas, Rowley.

Among the side-shows were - 1, silver mine, in which the prizes went to Miss D. Spencer and Mr P. Castle; 2, guessing weight of lump of coal (113 and a half lbs.), correctly guessed by Mr M. Blakiston; 3, cake, won by Miss Marriott; 4, basket of eggs, won by Mrs Knight; 5, dinner (chicken, vegetables, sweets), won by Mr Balls; 6, table-centre, won by Mrs Leslie.

Father Owen, the former parish priest, gave great pleasure to his old friends, by motoring down from town with his brother and mother on the Monday afternoon.

At the conclusion of the Bazaar, Father Morgan thanked all the helpers, whose hard work had ensured this great success.

Bazaar Items

Parcels for the Bazaar came from all over England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The promoters intended to keep a record of the number of parcels and boxes, but lost count after two hundred.

It took hundreds of hours to mark the goods.

One stall was marked "Here we are - Woolworths," every article being 6d. or less.

Buyers were five deep round some of the stalls. 

A big trade was done in hot tea and ices. No, the ices were not hot.

The weight of a lump of coal could be guessed for 1d. It was 113 and a half lbs.

Competitors were allowed to pick it up, but did not.

One of the guessers asked "Would it be a ton?" The frivolous custodian replied "It would be if it could, but it can't."

The coal was won (of course) by a man who uses no coal in his house.

A silver mine contained silver coins, the position of which could be guessed for 1d.

There was no strike of miners.

Guessing was popular. The weight of a cake could be guess for 6d, and the number of eggs in a closed basket for 3d.

Brigands in pretty dresses and bobbed tresses recorded the guesses.

Father Morgan guessed 19 lbs. for the cake. This was considered uncomplimentary.

Nobody said a cross word all through the Bazaar, and everybody seemed pleased with everything. There were many wonderful bargains.

5th Oct 1928 - Funeral of Mrs Jackson

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Funeral of Mrs Jackson

List of Floral Tributes

On Monday afternoon last, October 1st, the remains of Mrs Harry Jackson, whose sudden death we announced in our last issue, were conveyed to Layston and laid to rest in a quiet corner of the Churchyard.

The Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, who officiated, read the service very sympathetically. There was a large number of sympathisers and friends gathered at the Church and graveside to pay their last respects to the deceased's memory, which testified to the high esteem in which she was held.

At the graveside, in committing the body to the grave amid much manifestation of sorrow, the Vicar referred to the deceased as one of a family whom he had known for many years, he having watched the departed one grow from childhood in to womanhood.

The coffin, which was of plain oak with brass furniture, bore the inscription, "Betty Jackson, died September 26th, 1928, aged 42 years."

A special coach was required for the large collection of beautiful floral tributes, which more than covered the grave.

A list of the wreaths is appended.

The immediate mourners were Mr H.A. Jackson (husband), Mr and Mrs E. Harradence (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs A. Jackson (father-in-law and mother-in-law), Mr Bob Jackson, Mrs Charge, and Miss E. Jackson (brother-in-law and sisters-in-law), Mr W. Jackson and Mr F. Jackson (uncles), Mrs H. Handy (cousin), and Messrs. H. Cutts, S. Dowler and H. Plumb.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr G. Handy.


From her own "Chubby".

From her brothers, Bert and Percy, Saskatchewan, Canada.

From Ernest and Daisy to dearest Betty.

In loving memory, from Dad, Mum and Ethel.

From Francis, Daphne and Brenda, to dearest Auntie Betty.

In loving memory, from Hilda, Bert and children.

In loving memory, from Hilda and Bob.

With deepest sympathy, from Uncle Walter and Auntie.

In loving memory, from Uncle Frank and Aunt Ada.

In loving memory, from Winnie and Harry.

With sincere sympathies, from Buntingford tradesmen.

With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E.J. Totman.

With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Bartlett and family.

With sincere sympathy and in remembrance of many happy times, from Eva, Bert and Joe.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs C.H. Tottman and Mr and Mrs J. May.

In kind remembrance and heartfelt sympathy, from Ernie McNulty.

With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E. Camp and family.

In loving remembrance, from Herbert.

In loving memory of a sincere friend, from Mr and Mrs E.B. Haddock.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Dowler.

With sincere sympathy, from W. Mottram and Sid.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs J. Lawrence.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs G. Handy.

With deepest sympathy, from Fred.

In loving memory, from Mrs Game and Willie.

In loving memory, from Mrs Halls, Dolly and Len.

With sincere sympathy, from Mrs Arthur Smith.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs A. Walhert.

With heartfelt sympathy, from Stanley and Harry.

With deepest sympathy, from Mrs Pateman and family.

In loving memory, from A. Stapley.

With heartfelt sympathy, from Mrs Prior.

With deepest sympathy, from Mrs W. Parker.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E. Plumb.

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