Showing posts with label Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day. Show all posts

27th August 1926 - Horticultural Society Open-Air Whist Drive and Dance

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Horticultural Society

Open-Air Whist Drive and Dance

Fairyland Scene at West View

The spell which has cast itself on any garden function arranged at West View during recent years has at last been broken, and for a pleasant change fine weather prevailed for a Whist Drive and Dance held in the pretty grounds, by kind permission of Mrs Wyman, on Wednesday evening last.

Early in the afternoon there was a slight shower, but the weather turned out fine later.

There was not such a large company present as was expected, due perhaps to the harvest operations; sixteen tables were occupied for whist, and several persons came in later for the dancing.

The Illuminations

By the time the whist had finished, the grounds had quite a fairyland resemblance; some 600-700 fairy lights and Chinese lanterns of various colours casting a beautiful glow over the lawns and the flower-beds. It was a charming sight.

The Standon Orchestra provided an excellent programme of dance music, and Mr Little (who presided at the piano) won admiration for the way he filled the post of pianist. The other members of the orchestra were Mr A.H. Hedges, Mr Hunter and Mr G. Wilmont, who also acted very efficiently.


The Committee desire (through the medium of the Buntingford "Gazette") to thank Mrs Wyman for so kindly placing her grounds at the disposal of the Society.

Best thanks are also due to Capt. and Mrs Denny, of Little Court, and Miss Lushington, for prizes; to Mrs E.G. Thody and Miss Thody for managing the refreshments; to Mr H. Clarke, who was a very efficient M.C.; Mr C. Miles and Mr E.C. Clarke, gate stewards; Mrs Stapley for the use of piano; Mr A.G. Day and Mr B.E. Thody for arrangements; Mr E.J. Crane, carting; Mr J. Holmes and the Ex-Service Men's Club, use of tables and chairs; Mrs Coates, gift of cakes; and to the Hon. Sec. (Mr E.G. Thody) for the illuminators. Mr A. Coxall also lent valuable assitance.

The Prizes

Prizes for whist were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Miss Cornwell 160, 2 Miss Lushington 157, 3 Mrs Day 156.

Gents - 1 Mr Nash 165, 2 Mr S. Howlett 162, 3 Mr H. Cutts 157.

1st October 1926 - Buntingford and District Musical Society

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Buntingford & District Musical Society

Annual General Meeting

The Season's Work

The annual general meeting of the Buntingford and District Musical Society was held at the Congregational Schoolroom on September 20.

Dr R.W. Fell, M.D., presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

Before the commencement of the business, the chairman said he would like to compliment the Society on its splendid success last season.

At the Letchworth Festival they had carried off two cups, two firsts and one second, which was a great honour. Personally he felt that it was a great honour to be president of such a Society.

In congratulating them on their past record, he also expressed the hope that their work in the coming season would reach an equally high standard.

1926-27 Season

The coming winter season was discussed, and it was decided to hold practices every Monday at 7 p.m. Members were also asked to enrol new members, tenors being especially required.

The Herts Musical Festival will be held at St Albans early next year, and any wishing to join the Society should obtain particulars from the Conductor (Mr E.E. Dennis), Mr H. Cutts, Mr A.G. Day, or Mr S. Daniels.

Election of Officers

The election of officers resulted as follows: President (Dr R.W. Fell, M.D.), re-elected; Hon. Sec. Mr H. Cutts; and Hon. Treasurer, Mr S. Daniels.

Mr E.E. Dennis was unanimously appointed conductor. The Chairman and Mr W.J. May referred in eloquent terms to the efficient way in which Mr Dennis had carried out his duties. He had brought the Society to its present high state of efficienct, and they did not known [sic] what they would do without him. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May, the late Hon. Treas., was reluctantly compelled to resign that post and as stated above Mr H. Cutts was appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr Dennis moved a vote of thanks be accorded Mr May for his valued services during the past. (Applause).

He (Mr Dennis) also thanked the officers and members for the way in which they had carried out their duties. The members had given their local and regular support. He hoped that the splendid keenest that had prevailed amongst them would continue.

Thanks were also accorded Miss M. Macklin for her great help at the piano last season.


Before the meeting closed Mr Dennis moved a hearty vote of thanks to their President, Dr Fell.

Their President had always taken a deep interest in the Society, and it was a great pleasure to have him at their head. He hoped that the great interest Dr Fell took in all matters relating to the Society would continue. (Applause).

15th April 1927 - Funeral of Mrs Mottram

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Funeral of Mrs Mottram

Amid signs of general regret, the funeral of Mrs W. Mottram took place at Layston on Wednesday, the 6th inst.

The remains, encassed in a plain oak coffin, were carried to the graveside by members of the Foresters' Friendly Society.

The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, and the immediate mourners were Mr W. Mottram (husband), Mr S. Howlett (nephew), Mrs Howlett (sister), Mr W. Norris (brother), Mr Howlett (brother-in-law), Mrs Norris (sister-in-law), Mr Goodchild, Mrs Hants, Mrs Driver, and Miss C. Norris (nieces).

Amongst the townspeople present we observed - Mrs H. Coleman, Mrs C. Miles, Mrs A.G. Day, Miss Marsden, Mrs H. Clark, Mrs Aylott, Miss Aylott, Mrs E.G. Thody, Mrs C. Postle, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs A. Howard, Mrs E. Camp, Mrs A. Clark, Mrs H. Clark, Mr J. Smith, Mr A. Clark, and Mr J. Bishop (the last two representing the Buntingford Football Club) and others.


Read the death announcement.

23rd July 1926 - Football Club Annual General Meeting

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Football Club

Annual General Meeting

A Successful Year

The Annual General Meeting of the Buntingford Town Football Club was held on Tuesday evening. Mr A.G. Day presided, and was supported by the Hon. Sec. (Mr W. Budd).

Committee's Report

The folowing report was unanimously adopted:

The Buntingford Town Football Club has experienced one of the most successful seasons in its career.

In the field the 1st XI entered the Greg Cup, the Herts. Junior Cup, and the 2nd Division of the North Herts League.

Although being beaten in the 1st round of the Greg Cup by Royston by the odd goal in nine, they reached the semi-final of the Herts Junior Cup. This is a record for the club, the previous best being the 6th round. They were beaten three goals to two in the semi-final by Walsworth, a Senior team who eventually won the Senior Division of the North Herts League.

In the North Herts League the team finished fourth, playing 22 matches, winning 15 and losing 8.

During the season, altogether 38 matches were played: 20 won, 16 lost and 2 drawn. Total goals scored 130, against 98.

The leading goal scorers were: H. May 30, E. Pledger 24, H. Clark 20, H. Birkett 16, S. Thorogood 12, and W. May 11.

The 2nd XI, who at one time appeared to have a good chance of winning the Buntingford and District League, eventually finished fourth, playing 20 games: winning 10, drawing 2 and losing 8. Goals scored 43, against 46.

The leading scorers were: R. Reed 9, V. Cooze 8, A. Martin 6, A. Clark 4, C. Smith 4, and S. Rayment 4.

Financially the Club is in a perfectly sound condition, for after spending the sum of £43 17s. 9d. in the erection of a grand stand, £4 2s. 5d. is still in hand.

Supporters' subscriptions are practically the same as last season, while the gate money shows a welcome increase of £13, this being due to the fine play of the 1st XI in the Jnuior Cup, these gates alone bringing in £14.

Expenditure - The chief item here is the £43 17s. 9d. already referred to. Referees' fees show an increase of £2 10s., and transport of £6 10s., this being due to the Club playing more matches this season than last. Other items are practically the same as last season.

On the actual year's working the Club shows a profit of £6 19s. 9d. This is a most satisfactory state of affairs, and it is hoped, with the continued help of supporters and friends, to do even better in the coming season.

The Balance Sheet

The balance sheet, produced by the Hon. Treasurer, showed a profit of £4 2s. 5d., which was considered very satisfactory.

The accounts were duly passed.

Election of Officers

The election of offers resulted as follows: President, H.C. Marshall, Esq.; the Vice-Presidents were re-elected en bloc; Hon. Secretary, Mr W. Budd; Hon. Treasurer, Mr S. Howlett; Team Sec., Mr W. Cooze; Captain, Mr W. Hatchett; Vice-Captain, Mr H.E. Birkett; Committee - Messrs. J. Bishop, B. Nicholls, E. Smith, H. Clark, A. Clark, W. Reed, E. Pledger and F. Camp.

Votes of thanks to the President and Vice-President, the Officers and the Chairman, concluded the business of the meeting.

11th June 1926 - The Bazaar

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The Bazaar

The Bazaar in the Benson Hall on June 5th and 7th was a great success. The exact amoung of the takings is not yet known, but will be about £120. Large numbers filled the Hall on both days, and hearty appreciation was expressed at the price of the goods offered. The enormous stock was almost sold out.

There were eight stalls - fancy goods, coats and skirts, jumpers and blouses, underclothing, men's clothes, boots and shoes, refreshments, and a "Woolworths" stall at which every article was 6d. or less.

Among the sellers were the Rev. Mother and Sisters from the Convent, Mesdames Bennett, Castle, Dowding, Gabbitas sen., Gabbitas jun., Game, Leslie, Plumb, Watson; Misses Blakiston, Day, Graves, Knight, Leslie, Marriage, McCarthy, Morgan, Spencer, Wilkerson; Messrs. Castle, Charles Gabbitas, Fred Gabbitas, Rowley.

Among the side-shows were - 1, silver mine, in which the prizes went to Miss D. Spencer and Mr P. Castle; 2, guessing weight of lump of coal (113 and a half lbs.), correctly guessed by Mr M. Blakiston; 3, cake, won by Miss Marriott; 4, basket of eggs, won by Mrs Knight; 5, dinner (chicken, vegetables, sweets), won by Mr Balls; 6, table-centre, won by Mrs Leslie.

Father Owen, the former parish priest, gave great pleasure to his old friends, by motoring down from town with his brother and mother on the Monday afternoon.

At the conclusion of the Bazaar, Father Morgan thanked all the helpers, whose hard work had ensured this great success.

Bazaar Items

Parcels for the Bazaar came from all over England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The promoters intended to keep a record of the number of parcels and boxes, but lost count after two hundred.

It took hundreds of hours to mark the goods.

One stall was marked "Here we are - Woolworths," every article being 6d. or less.

Buyers were five deep round some of the stalls. 

A big trade was done in hot tea and ices. No, the ices were not hot.

The weight of a lump of coal could be guessed for 1d. It was 113 and a half lbs.

Competitors were allowed to pick it up, but did not.

One of the guessers asked "Would it be a ton?" The frivolous custodian replied "It would be if it could, but it can't."

The coal was won (of course) by a man who uses no coal in his house.

A silver mine contained silver coins, the position of which could be guessed for 1d.

There was no strike of miners.

Guessing was popular. The weight of a cake could be guess for 6d, and the number of eggs in a closed basket for 3d.

Brigands in pretty dresses and bobbed tresses recorded the guesses.

Father Morgan guessed 19 lbs. for the cake. This was considered uncomplimentary.

Nobody said a cross word all through the Bazaar, and everybody seemed pleased with everything. There were many wonderful bargains.

21st May 1926 - Hertfordshire County Library

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Hertfordshire County Library

Buntingford Branch

Membership cards may now be obtained at Mr Day's, to be returned when signed to Mr Day, or to the Local Librarian (Mrs Howard.)

The Library will be opened at the Parish Room as soon as can be arranged.

23rd April 1926 - Layston Parish Council

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Layston Parish Council

The annual meeting of the Layston Parish Council was held in the Board Room on the 8th inst. Dr H.E. Dixon, who was re-elected chairman, presided. Owing to new legislation, this was the last occasion for the appointment of overseers.

The Council elected Messrs. A.G. Day and R.F. Dellow to act in this capacity for the ensuing year. The two vacancies on the Council were filled by the election of the Rev. F.J. Cole and Mr J. Lawrence, as councillors.

The Clerk submitted the Parish Council Accounts for the year. They showed receipts amounting to £54 10s. 0d. and an expenditure of £52 9s. 8d. They were unanimously passed, and there was no further business.

2nd April 1926 - County Library Scheme

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County Library Scheme


A meeting to discuss the question of forming a Buntingford Branch of the Herts. County Council Free Library Scheme was held at the Parish Room on Saturday evening. Mr Claud Fraser presided and was supported by the Rev. A. Howard. There were about 20 representatives from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall and Throcking present.

Under the County Library Scheme libraries are formed in the various towns and villages in the County and a supply of books, normally two per member, are sent periodically. There is no charge for membership or books.

The Chairman, after reviewing the scheme, said he thought it a very good one. It involved the Committee and members in no cost and he understood the books were very useful ones. If 150 members could be enrolled, they would be entitled to 300 books.

After a discussion, the Rev. A. Howard moved, and Mr W.J. May seconded that a library be formed. The following were elected to serve on the committee:

Layston - Mrs H.L. Baker and Miss Elliott.

Aspenden - Mr H.C. Marshall and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Wyddiall - The Rev. L.W. Wright and the Rev. A. Howard.

Throcking - The Rev. A.L. Panchaud and Mrs A.W. Page.

Mrs Macklin proposed, and Mrs A. Dixon seconded that Mrs Howard be asked to take on the duties of Hon. Librarian. Mrs Howard, after enquiring what the duties entailed, said she would accept.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Mrs Howard for her promise of assistance. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May asked whether Sub-Libraries could be formed in the various parishes connected with the scheme, and the Chairman said he thought it would not be practicable at present. If any of the parishes choose to run their own scheme in conjunction with the County Council they could do so.

Mr A.G. Day said the Committee should consider what would be a suitable day and hour for opening the library. He thought the room should be open during the evening as some members would find it difficult to change their books during the afternoon.

Mr E.E. Dennis said he had made enquiries at Hertford, and had learned that gifts of books to the library would become the sole property of the library. The librarian would, however, have to render a return of all books presented. He understood that the next supply of books would be ready for despatch in April, and if members could be enrolled at once Buntingford could get a supply then.


The Chairman said he hoped as many as possible would take advantage of the scheme. When they had enrolled enough members the librarian could send for a supply of books. All that was necessary was for the public to sign a membership form, and Mr Day had kindly offered to have a supply of these in his shop.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and for the interest he had taken to the scheme.


N.B. - It is important that membership forms be completed as soon as they are available, as after the April supply of books there will be no further supply for some two or three months, and should be membership increase immediately after the first supply, enough books may not be available for some time.

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