Showing posts with label Wilderspin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wilderspin. Show all posts

4th February 1927 - Cottered Dance

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To provide for the expenses of the schoolchildren taking part in the forthcoming Folk Dance competition at Ware, there was a dance at the Rectory on Wednesday in last week.

This was organised by Miss Wilderspin and Miss Pugh, while Mrs Beadle was in charge of the refreshments.

There was a good attendance, Mr Beadle was M.C., Mrs Hull pianist, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. A net profit of £2 18s. 6d. was obtained.

4th February 1927 - Cottered Parochial Meeting

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Parochial Meeting

The annual Church Parochial Meeting was held in the School on Tuesday evening in last week.

The Rector (the Rev. E.E. Empringham) presided, and there were about fifty persons present.

The annual report was read by the hon. secretary (Mrs Beadle), and a satiasfactory financial statement was given by the hon. treasurer (Mr T.J. Stick).

Mrs Beadle was elected to represent the parish on the Diocesan Conference; Messrs. Beadle, Pitcher and Sanders, and Miss Wilderspin were elected members of the Ruri-Decanal Conference; and Messrs. Dudley and Warner, Mrs Sanders, and Miss Beamiss members of the Parochial Church Council.

2nd April 1926 - Cottered School Concert

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Cottered School Concert

"Encore" Cottered School Concert, was the demand of those who had seen the entertainment of the 20th ult.

Miss Wilderspin (head teacher) with her very able assistants (Miss Pugh and Miss Anable) most kindly consented to meet the demand they had created by reproducing the charming production that they, by infinite care and hard work, had so successfully achieved.

The youthful actors responded generously by their sweet singing and intelligent rendering of their various characters, representing sword dancers, butterlies, spiders, &c. The elocution of the children was really surprising. Ages ranging from 5 to 14 years. That in its self was a great triumph for both pupils and preceptors.

The very crowded audiences on both occasions, March 20th and 27th, were very enthusiastic, giving cheers for all concerned. Where all excelled individual praise is impossible, so in thanking the head teacher, teachers and scholars, pianist (Miss Pugh, a teacher), and chairman announcer (Mr Beadle), the writer joins in the hearty cheers of the delighted audience.

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