Showing posts with label Kingsley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kingsley. Show all posts

1st October 1926 - Reed Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

A meeting was held on Tuesday evening in last week, in the Mission Room to discuss the question of starting a Women's Institute in the village.

There was a good attendance, with Mrs Wardle in the chair. An interesting address was given by Mrs C.R. Turney, V.C.O., on "The aims and objects of the Women's Institute." A hearty vote of thanks was passed to her on the motion of the chairman.

The vote was then put to the meeting as to whether a Women's Institute should be started, with the result that all present were in favour.

The following were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs Wardle; vice-president, Mrs C.R. Turney; secretary, Mrs Kingsley; treasurer, Miss Tott; committee, Mesdames J. Bonfield, E. Drage, Giffen, F. Gatward, Hambleton, Knights, Lawrence, Scripps.

The first monthly meeting will be held on Thursday evening, October 28th, when new members will be welcomed.

24th December 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the school on December 8th.

Besides the ordinary Women's Institute business, the treasurer and secretary put their annual reports before the members, both being passed with hearty applause.

Voting for the 1927 Committee was carried out, and Mrs C.R. Turney (always a welcome visitor) with Mrs Kingsley kindly acted as tellers. Miss N. Pigg and Mrs Morris were again re-elected president and vice-president respectively.

Miss Coleman needed no introduction, having been to this Institute before, and her subject, "Icing a cake," proved very interesting, and Mrs Hill moved a vote of thanks to her on behalf of those present.

Two competitions, "Best bowl in papier mache," "Best darned sock," were won by Miss N. Carter and Mrs F. Pigg.

Miss G. Pigg, Mrs Mildren, Mrs F. Pigg, Mrs Stoton sen., Mrs Shepherd and Miss P. Malyon were hostesses for tea.

Recitations were given by Mrs Morris, Miss P. Morris, and Miss G. Gilby, with songs from Mrs Stoton and Mrs C. Jackson were much appreciated.

18th February 1927 - Funeral of Mr George Taylor

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Funeral of Mr George Taylor

Amid evidences of great regret, the funeral of Mr George Taylor, whose death was announced in this Paper last week, as a result of appendicitis, took place on Monday afternoon.

The remains had been previously brought from Hertford to White Hall, and were conveyed in a plain oak coffin inscribed -

George Taylor, Died 9th February, 1927, Aged 28 years.

There was a large congregation, and as the cortege entered the Church the organist played appropriate music, and the service, which was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. W.P. Farmer, was most impressive. Two hymns were sung "On the Resurrection Morning" and "Now the Labourer's Task is O'er."

The immediate mourners were - Mr and Mrs A. Taylor (father and mother), Mrs Jackson (sister), Mr N. Taylor (brother), Miss B. and Miss M. Taylor (sisters), Mr George Taylor and Mr George Deamer (uncles), Mr and Mrs A.W. Page (uncle and aunt), and employees of the farm.

Others present were - Mrs N. Cannon, Messrs. H.E. Dudley, F.B. Cannon, L. Cannon, G. Graves, C. Rand, T. Wornham, Henry May, R. Kingsley, C. Stick, and Miss Turney.

There were many beautiful wreaths suitably inscribed.

4th February 1927 - Cottered Gardening Lectures

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Gardening Lectures

The second of a series of four fortnightly gardening lectures was given in the School on the 21st ult., by Mr R.W.B. Keene, of the Herts. Institute of Agriculture.

Mr A. Beadle presided, and in spite of the heavy fall of snow there was a fairly good attendance.

The subject of the lecture was "Seasonable Work in the Vegetable Garden," and at its close there were questions and discussion, in which Messrs. Edwards, Hearn, Hull, Kingsley, and Sanders took part.

27th May 1927 - Reed Variety Concert

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Variety Concert

A very enjoyable concert was given by members of the Royston Concert Party, under the leadership of Miss M. Rogers and Capt. F.C. Gosden, in the Mission Room, on Thursday, May 5th.

That their efforts to entertain were much appreciated was shown by the number of encores they received, but special mention must be made of the sketch, "Impossible Perkins," which caused roars of laughter.

The Misses Eileen Giffen, Marjorie Kingsley and Dorothy Drage were very enthusiastic in selling programmes and in taking round a mystery box. Various guesses were made as to its contents, Mrs Isaacson eventually being the winner, she having guessed correctly.

The Rector, Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen, presided, and at the close proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the artists for having given their services, and for the excellent way in which they had rendered the various items on the programme.

Capt. F.C. Gosden, replying for the concert party, said how grateful they were for the Rector's words, and assured the audience that they themselves had much enjoyed the concert.

The room afterwards cleared for dancing, which was indulged in with great zest, Mrs Isaacson being the accompanist.

The concert and dance were arranged by the members of the Social Club, and the proceeds given to the Piano Fund. The proceeds of the concert amounted to £2 9s. 6d. The balance from the dance, after expenses were paid, was 9/-. A further 1/6 was given at the committee meeting, making a total of £3 for the Piano Fund.

10th June 1927 - Fatal Holiday Accident

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Fatal Holiday Accident

Motor-Cyclist Collides with Cart

Whilst motor cycling for [from?] Chatham, where he was stationed, to West Riding, on Friday last, Flagman Ernest A. Shoobridge collided with a farm cart at a dangerous corner in Cottered and was killed instantly.

There is a sign post on the corner and it is thought that the deceased, who had lost his correct route, looked up at the sign post and failed to notice the approach of a farm cart.

The district coroner, Mr H.F. J. Banham, conducted the inquest, which was held at the Cottered Rectory on Saturday evening last, when the following were sworn on the jury: Messrs. W.N. Sanders (foreman), J. Smith, J. Darton, W. Hills, C. Smith, W. Deards, W. Hummerstone, B.A. Edwards, T. Kingsley, J. Warner, H. Sheppard, G. Fenner, and F. Hummerstone.

Eric Sellers, a leading seaman in the Royal Navy, who was accompanying the deceased on another motor-cycle, said "We left Chatham on Friday morning at 6.30 for Nessborough, Yorks. The deceased was riding a 3 and a half h.p. Norton motorcycle. I was riding in front of my friend, and as I passed the corner I noticed a cart on the right side of the road, but I had no difficulty in getting by.

I happened to glance round and saw the deceased looking at the sign post; he turned his head back, and as he did so I saw a surprised look on his face as though he had noticed the cart and did not know what to do. I then heard a crash, and on going back found my friend lying across the road. He appeared to be dead. His speed at the time of the accident would be about 12-15 miles per hour."

Sidney Andrews, a carter, of Moor Green, Ardeley, said "On Friday, 3rd June, I was in charge of a horse and cart on the road from Cottered to Buntingford. As the horse approached the corner a motor-cycle passed, and immediately afterwards came another in the same direction. The second cyclist crashed into the hose, which was only moving at walking pace.

Part of the horse's harness was broken, and when I went to deceased he was lying in the road by the wheel. When the accident occurred I was about one yard from the near side of the road."

James Fuller, a roadman employed by the H.C.C., said "I was working near the corner in question on Friday, June 3rd, when I noticed two motor-cycles coming from the direction of Buntingford. The first one passed me all right, but the second one, which came on about 15-20 yards behind, took a big sweep; the rider shut off the engine and put out his right foot as if to save himself.

The cycle swayed, and I saw the rider strike the horse and then fall into the road. I went round the cart, but the deceased appeared to be dead."

Frederick James Savage, of High Street, Walkern, a labourer, also working on the corner, gave similar evidence.

Alfred James Ives, a police constable, stationed at Cottered, said "On Friday, 3rd June, about 10.15 a.m., I received a report that a motor-cycle accident had occurred on the Buntingford road. I went to the scene of the accident and saw a Norton motor-cycle lying close to the wheel of a cart which was standing on the north side of the road and facing north-east.

I found that the rider of the motor-cycle was lying with his right leg over his machine. His skull was crushed, and he was quite dead. The machine was slightly damaged. The width of the road at the particular point was 18ft. 6ins. There was 9ft. 6 ins. between the offside wheel of the cart and the other side of the road."

Dr R.W. Fell, of Buntingford, said "On arriving at the scene of the accident I saw the deceased lying on his back across the road. There was a lot of blood in the road and the deceased was dead. On examining the body I came to the conclusion that he must have struck his head on the shaft of the cart, and have died instantly."

The jury returned a verdict of "accidental death," the foreman requested the coroner to repot on the dangerous corner to the Herts. County Council.

2nd November 1923 - Special Constables

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Special Constables

We omitted last week the name of Mr George Lindsell in the list of specials who were awarded medals on Sunday, Oct. 21st.

The following have also received medals: Mr G. Handy, Mr J.L. Cornwell, Mr T. Kingsley, Mr W. Reed, Mr W. Gillett, Mr E. Jackson.

11th June 1926 - Women's Institute Result of Whit-Monday Fete

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Women's Institute

Result of Whit-Monday Fete

We have received a copy of the balance sheet of the Fete held at Layston Court on Whit-Monday.

The accounts show a satisfactory balance of £89 2s. 4d., which, it is understood, has been devoted to the hut fund.

The balance sheet is as follows:


Donation, Mrs Kingsley (Cottered) - 10s. 0d.

Donation, Town Band - £1 8s. 6d.

Donation, Mr Daniels - 10s. 6d.


Mrs Marshall and helpers - £10 2s. 6d.

Mrs Williams and helpers - £15 0s. 0d.

Mrs Coleman and helpers - £10 2s. 6d.

Mrs Roberson and helpers - £6 2s. 0d.

Mrs May and helpers - £2 5s. 7d.

Mrs Squires and helpers - £3 15s. 0d.

Mrs S. Smith and helpers - £1 6s. 9d.

Mrs White and helpers - £1 4s. 10d.

Profit on teas - per Mrs Fell - £6 5s. 8d.

Ices - per Mr Tottman - £1 6s. 0d.

Tennis - per Miss Porter - £4 0s. 0d.

Hoop-la - Mr Marshall - £3 8s. 0d.

Arrow - Mr Totman - £3 3s. 2d.

Fortune - Mr Mildren - £2 10s. 4d.

Treasure hunt - Miss Woods - £1 11s. 6d.

Balloons - Mr B. Thody - £2 9s. 6d.

Nails - Mr G.H. Maughan - 5s. 0d.

Bowls - Mr J. Lawrence - £1 11s. 6d.

Bran tub - Miss Aylott - 4s. 6d.

Gate money - £15 16s. 8d.

Doll - Miss S. Armstrong - £1 0s. 9d.

"Gipsy" - Mrs Robinson - £5 0s. 0d.

Concert - Folk dancing and dancing - £2 11s. 6d.

Per Joan Roberson - 6s. 2d.

See-Saw - 3s. 4d.

Clock golf, per Mr W.J. May - £1 12s. 6d.

Sundries - 3s. 7d.

Total - £105 17s. 10d.


Printing and advertising - £4 5s. 6d.

Band - £10 0s. 0d.

Cartgage, gas for balloons and sundries - £2 10s. 0d.

Net profit - £89 2s. 4d.

Total - £105 17s. 10d.

The Balloon Race

Of the 60 balloons entered for the balloon race, ten labels were returned through the post; the list of these is given below.

The winner is Mr H.A. Thody, Buntingford, whose balloon was picked up at Nortleulingem, France, on 27th May.

Balloon - Where found

Mr H.A. Thody- Nortleulingem, Pas-de-Calais, France.

Mrs F. Pigg - Wenden, Essex.

Mr Fowler - Peldon, Colchester.

Mr J. Waldock - Raidontree, Essex.

Mr G.S. Taylor - Braintree, Essex.

Peter Taylor - Weatherfield.

R.H. Powell - Wenden, Essex.

Miss F. Brown - Thaxted.

Mr F. Fraser - Feering, Kelvedon.

Miss Shefford - Ashen, Suffolk.

27th Jan 1928 - Cumberlow Green, Funeral of Mrs Borlase

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Cumberlow Green

Funeral of Mrs Borlase

The funeral of Mrs Borlase, whose death we announced last week, took place at Rushden Church on Sunday afternoon last, the service being conducted by the Rev. E.F. Circuit.

The immediate mourners were: Mr G. Borlase (husband), Messrs Sydney and Bert Borlase (sons), and Mr Paul (brother).

Amongst those present were: Mr Holmes (Letchworth), Mr F. Radford (Bassingbourn), Mr E.J. Marshall, Mr and Mrs Bowman (Baldock), Mr and Mrs T. Bennett, Mrs Chalmers, Mr Griggs, Messrs W. Robinson, E. Marshall, L. Cannon, G. Cannon, T.J. Stick, P. Dudley, P. Hamilton, G. Scarborough Taylor, T. Kingsley, G.H. Maughan, B.E. Thody, J. Coleman, C.S. Knowles, W. French, N.J. Treise, O.F. Austin, P. Sergt. Dean and P.C. Ives.

Mr Borlase is a Cornishman, and before coming to live at Cumberlow Green, farmed extensively at Trelissick, St. Ewe, Cornwall.

[Transcriber note - In the first two reports of her death the surname is spelled "Borlace". I've kept both spellings in the tags.]

Death announcement for Elizabeth Borlace (Borlase).

Report on the death of Elizabeth Borlace (Borlase).

13th May 1910 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Petty Sessions

Friday Last - Before Sir R. Romer (in the chair), Major Heaton Ellis, H. Shepherd Cross, E Pigg, S.P. Woollatt, and F.C. Porter, Esqs.

John Geo[rge] Skipp, labourer, Buntingford (against whom there are 53 previous convictions), was brought up in custody on a charge of being drunk and disorderly and assaulting P.C. Bell while in the execution of his duty on April 23rd, 1910, at 3.30p.m. [??]  on Layston Bridge, Buntingford.

P.C. Bell gave evidence, and stated that at 3am on Saturday morning, April 23rd, he with P.C.'s Gravestock and Hunt was on duty on Layston Bridge, when the defendent came over and went in the direction of the Railway Station, and when he came to the Adam and Eve public house, he began knocking at the door until he awoke the inmates. The landlady looking out of the upstairs window, asked what he wanted, Skipp replied "I want to come in," and the landlady replied "You will not come in here." Skipp then began to pull down a barber's pole that was over one of the windows.

He was told to let it alone and replied "Shan't." He then came back to the bridge and began to abuse witness, who advised him to clear off, and walked towards him, when he struck witness on the chest, and kicked him on the leg, and in the struggle grazed some skin off his right thumb. Seeing he was drunk and would not go away, witness then took him in to custody, and with the assitance to P.C. Gravestock took him to the Police Station, where he was charged and detained. He was the same day brought before F.C. Porter, Esq. at 6.30 p.m., and remanded to the cells until Monday the 25th, when he was brought before Sir R. Romer and remanded to St Albans Gaol until next Bench day, Friday 6th May.

P.C. Gravestock, Cottered, gave corroborative evidence.

The Bench convicted on both charges, and for drunk and disorderly he was sentenced to one calendar month hard labour, and for assulted P.C. Bell to two calendar months hard labour, the sentences to run consecutively.

Wm [William] Edward Manning, labourer, High Street, Buntingford, appeared to bail to answer a charge of being drunk and disorderl on the public highway at Bunctingford on April 22nd.

P.C. Hunt, Hare Street, proved the case, the defendant being fined 6s. 6d. including costs.

Geo[rge] Wallis, bricklayer, Baldock Lane, Buntingford, appeared to bail charged with stealing 8 hen's eggs, value 1s, the property of Harry [Dalzell?] Piper, at Judge Farm, Great Hormead, on April 27th.

P.C. Hunt, Hare Street, proved the case.

The defendant against whom there was nothing known, and who felt his position keenly, was spoken to by the Chairman, who said it was a despicable thing to do, but the Bench did not want to make a criminal of him, and would deal with him leniently. They would deal with him under the First Offender's Act, and would bing him over in the sum of £5 for 6 months to come up for judgement if called upon.

Mrs Lucy Kingsley, Cottered, applied for a new off licence (through the death of her husband) at Cottered.

The Bench could not grant it as she could produce Probate of the Will, nor Letters of Administration, but granted a Protection Order until next transfer day, 17th June, 1910.

26th Feb 1926 - Buntingford Conservative Associaton

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Buntingford Conservative Associaton

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Buntingford Branch of the Hitchen Conservative and Liberal Unionist Association was held at the George Hotel on Thursday evening last.

The chair was taken by Mr Claud Fraser. There was a small attendance of members, the business being of a formal nature only.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman said the members would be glad to hear that Major Kindersley had recovered his health, and that he would be visiting Buntingford on March 26th.

Election of Officers

Capt H.H. Williams moved that Mr Claud Fraser be re-elected Chairman of the branch. They all knew the interest their Chairman took in the Association as a whole. (Applause).

Mr Scarborough Taylor seconded the resolution, which was carried with applause.

The Chairman thanked the meeting for re-appointing him, and said he would always do his best for the cause.

The following were elected to serve on the Central Council: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. W. Steel, C.H. Poulton, A.W. Page, A. MacArthur and W Houlden.

The Chairman and Captain H.H. Williams were elected to serve on the General Executive.

The committee elected were as follows: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. F.B. Sharp, J. Pateman, E.J. Crane, C.H. Poulton, E. Camp, E.E. Dennis, E. Denson, T.Kingsley, J. Camp, W. Manning, H. Thody, W. May, W. Houlden, and G. Scarborough Taylor.

Mr B.E. Thody was nominated Secretary.

Other Business

Capt H.H. Williams spoke on the newly-formed scheme for raising subscriptions, and Mr Scarborough Taylor asked whether monthly lectures could be arranged. 

The committee were asked to meet and discuss this question.

The Secretary was also instructed to obtain membership cards.

[Transcriber note: "Major Kindersley" was Guy Kindersley, Conservative MP for Hitchen]

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