Showing posts with label Skynner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skynner. Show all posts

18th February 1927 - Charity Commission

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Charity Commission

In the matter of the charities of Henry Skynner and Sir John Watts for the benefit of the Poor of the Town of Buntingford, in the County of Hertford, and of the share of the charity of Joan Sandback applicable for the benefit of the said Town; and In the Matter of "The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853, to 1925."

By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Trustees of these Charities propose to accept a surrender of the Existing Lease expiring at Midsummer, 1932, and to grant a new LEASE of the Property mentioned in the subjoined Schedule for a term of 21 years (determinable at the option of the Lessees on the expiration of 7 or 14 years of the said term) at an annual rent of £52, the Lessees agreeing to expend not less than £125 in effecting improvements to the said Property.

Further particulars may be ascertained from H.H. Macklin, Esq., of Buntingford.

Any higher offer, objection or suggestion relative to the proposed Lease may be transmitted to the Commissioners in writing before the 12th March, 1927, addressed to "The Secretary, Charity Commission, Ryder Street, St James' London, S.W.1."

H.D.S. Leake, Secretary.


Messuage and Premises known as "The Angel Inn" Public House, situate in High Street, Buntingford.


Transcriber note: Henry Skynner's charity is now known as The Buntingford Relief in Need Charity (charity number 262264).

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