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Notes of the Week
Buntingford and the Strike - T.U.C. and N.U.R. - This Weather - A Strange Gathering - Food Only
Well done! The thanks of the public are due to those ladies and gentlemen of Buntingford and district who gave their services in various ways during the strike.
There were many things which had to be dealt with, and the spirit in which all volunteers gave their services was much admired.
The Mails - Throughout the ten days of the strike, the mails for Buntingford and district were conveyed to and from Ware by local car owners.
An official of the Post Office accompanied the mails on each occasion, and there is no doubt that some speed records were put up on the Ware road - Express delivery with a vengeance.
A Police Speed Up - The writer of these notes recollects an incident which occurred during a Parliamentary Election some years before the war.
A motor car had been sent out to a distant part to bring in three Police Constables to poll at Buntingford. The poll closed at 7 p.m., and at two minutes to that the car had not returned.
At 6.59 a droning noise was heard and a crowd of persons near the Conservative and Liberal Committee Rooms in the High Street knew that the car was coming down the hill from Hillside. It was a race against the clock, and as the car tore up the High Street to the cheers of the waiting crowd the town clock struck the hour; the constables were just in time to record their votes.
Food Only - Reference was made in this Paper last week to a Ford van which carried a side of bacon on the bonnet.
Last Friday a lorry passing through the town had chalked on the back "Milk for Baby," "Beer for Dad."
The Canteen - The all-night canteen for lorry drivers was a boon to several tired and cold men who were engaged in transporting food-stuff to London from the market gardens of Cambridge and Lincolnshire.
On Monday morning four persons of very different callings met in the canteen. One was the driver of a lorry loaded with cabbages, another a member of the Editorial Staff of The Daily Telegraph, one a petrol distributing agent, and one a gipsy in a pair of very worn boots and a ragged coat, whose horse had strayed from Westmill where a "pull up" had been made for the night. Incidentally he was a Yorkshireman, and came from the same town as the same volunteer who served him with a cup of hot coffee.
T.U.C. and N.U.R - Much has been said and written of the Policy of the T.U.C. and N.U.R. To save a long debate it is quite easy to find their policy.
Simply turn the letters around, you then have - CUT and RUN.
Congratulations - Congratualtions to the Buntingford Musical Society on their success at the Herts. Musical Festival at Letchworth on Saturday.
The adjudicator, Dr Whitaker, spoke highly of the Buntingford Choir. The choir passed on the compliments to their able conductor, Mr E.E. Dennis, to whom the efficiency of the choir is undoubtedly due.
Whitsun Weather - Unless there is a considerable change in the weather this weekend there is little prospect of a sunshine Whitsun, such as we have experienced for the past seven years.
Our gardens and farm crops are sadly in need of the warm sun. In many gardens early potatoes have suffered from frost, which has occurred on several nights recently.
The Women's Institute Fete - Given a fine day, the Fete, to be held at Layston Court on Monday, should be a great success.
There are many novel events including a parade of children in fancy dress. From latest reports there will be several well-filled stalls.