Showing posts with label Aylott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aylott. Show all posts

27th August 1926 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church Garden Fete

On Wednesday, August 18th, a Garden Fete was held in the grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford, by the kind permission of Mrs H.S. Ashford, and was opened by Mrs H.H. Williams, of Aspenden House.

The morning weather had been a little unsettled, though not such as to make necessary a revision of arrangements, but about 2 p.m. there began a steady rain, giving not a little anxiety to those more immediately concerned, and damping the ground but not their ardour.

However, the inclement weather conditions cleared, and at 3 p.m. - the time fixed for opening the Fete - the sun began to shine and hopes to rise, and everything was proceeded with as was previously intentioned.

At the commencement of the opening ceremony on the lawn, the Minister offered a brief prayer, and in a few remarks said how grateful they all were to Mrs Ashford for her kindness in placing the grounds at the disposal of the Church for the purposes of the Fete; and that it was very kind also of Mrs Williams to respond so readily when approached to be present.

Mrs Williams, in a very pleasing little speech, said how glad she was to come; hers was a real interest in the Congregational Church at Buntingford, and some of her best friends were associated with it.

A happy allusion to the many willing helpers, and Mrs Williams then declared the Fete open. Before the assembly dispersed to the various attractions, Miss Barbara Aylott presented Mrs Williams with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, which was graciously acknowledged. She was then warmly thanked for her presence and her kindly words.

The following is the list of stalls, together with the names of those in charge:

Plain and fancy articles and white elephant, Mrs J.L. Cornwell, Mrs Feasey, the Misses Dodd, Miss Dorothy Saunders;

pound, Mrs Blaxill, Mrs Benstead;

fruit and vegetable, Miss Eileen Cutts;

jumble, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward, Mrs Haley;

sweets, Miss Dolly Halls, Miss Chrissie Norris;

gingerbeer, Mrs J.W. Sutterby, Miss Alice Franklin, Misses Minnie and Nellie Harradence.

During the afternoon teas and refreshments were attractively served on the lawn by Mrs C.L. Tutty and Miss Blanche Langham, assisted by Mrs Halls, Mrs Hills, Mrs Langham, Mrs Scott, the Misses Annie Quick, Doris Camp, Mabel Cornwell, Marjory Cornwell, Kathleen Anderson, Alice Franklin, Georgina Hills, Marjory Howard, Freda Rayment, Grace Roblett, Dorothy Saunders.

The following were the competitions, together with the names of those in charge:

Bowls, Mr J.L. Cornwell;

clock golf, Mrs W.J. May, Mr Bert Dowler;

mystery parcel, contents of, Miss Winifred Ward, Miss Dorothy Saunders;

iced cake, weight of, Miss Freda Rayment, Miss Ada Wallace;

stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark, Mr Bert Dowler;

duck, weight of, Mr William Howard;

sweets, number in bottle, Misses Gertrude and Nellie Howard;

pins, number in cushion, Misses Barbara Aylott and May Ansell;

jelly-eating, Miss Chrissie Norris;

basket of fruit, weight off, Mr H. Cutts, Misses F. and D. Harradence;

balloon race, Mr Herbert Cutts, Mr Henry Clark.

At the spinning jenny, business was brisk, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Leonard Smith, Mr Harold Starr and Mr Sidney Saunders superintending, while the Misses Frances and Daphne Harradence soon sold their basket of sweet peas. Mr F.W. Butler and Mr W. Budd rendered steady service in exacting toll of all comers at the gate.

For the musical part of the proceedings, gramophone selections were played during the afternoon, Mr Arthur Dray having kindly loaned his instrument, and Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Nellie Howard doing duty in extracting the music, while in the evening the members of the Standon String Band, under the able direction of Mr A. Hedges, played admirably for the dancing which took place on the tennis lawn and in which many took part, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

In addition to those in charge of stalls, &c., mentioned above, who gave further help in many other ways on the grounds, great assistance was given also by Mr Bert Thody, Mr A. Clark, and Mr Pledger, and by many others. Everybody worked with a will and with keen interest, and to all these helpers and to the many both directly and indirectly associated with the Buntingford Congregational Church, who contributed their time, service, gifts, the best thanks are due; also to Messrs' Moss's Ltd. (Mr S. Daniels) for motor conveyance, and to the Buntingford Working Men's Club for tables to augment school furniture.

Towards the close interest ran high, caused by the assembling for the announcements by the Minister of the prize-winners, the names of the latter being:

Mr W. Budd (weight of the duck), Mr Herbert Cutts (weight of fruit), Miss Nellie Howard (weight of cake, winning the draw), Mrs Charles (number of sweets), Miss Emily Benstead (stop-watch), Mrs Peacock (number of pins), Mr Stanley Smith (clock golf), Mr Sutterby (jelly-eating), Mr Herbert Howard and Mr Stanley Warren (bowls).

The mystery parcel was proof against all guesses, and was no one thought of the correct contents the dozen eggs were sold for the funds. The result of the balloon race will be made public later.

Three cheers were given for Mrs Ashford, there was a last waltz, an announcement of the approximate financial results, a word of thanks to all who had assisted, and "The King." Thus concluded a Fete thoroughly enjoyed by all. "So," as friend Pepys would say, "to bed."

There was a very good attendance, some 200 passing through the gates. The financial realisations were also very satisfactory, the gross receipts amounting to (approx.) £40, and the nett proceeds to (approx.) £31.

John Cole.


Transcriber note - Balloon race results were published in September.

29th October 1926 - Forthcoming Concert

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Forthcoming Concert

The Concert to be given at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening next, in aid of the Buntingford Women's Institute, promises to be quite a musical event.

The artists are - Mrs Major Edridge, Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor, Mrs G. Armstrong, Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr F. Coates, Mr S. Daniels, Kenneth Beard (Comedian), Brock Daniels (Ventriloquist).

We are asked to say that tickets can be obtained of Mr H. Fry and Miss Ivy Aylott.

Get your tickets now for what promises to be a full evening's enjoyment.

10th December 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. H.H. Williams, Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. Claud Fraser, F.B. Cannon, G. Graves, H.C. Marshall, H.E. Dudley, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes and G.C. Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

Following the minutes, the House Committee's Report as follows, was submitted:

The House Committee visited the House today and found everything in good order, and the inmates very comfortable and happy.

The gas-pipe leading to the Isolation Ward became blocked, but has been put right again.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 21, women 18, children 2. Total 41.

Casuals relieved during the month 72. Corresponding period last year 8.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated -

Anonymous Lady - chocolates.

Capt. Salvation Army - books.

Mrs Coleman - books.

Mrs Laing - books.

Mrs Greg - books.

Mrs Veasey - books.


The following tenders for the supply of goods to the Institution were accepted.

Milk - Mr C. Smith (1/4 per gall.)

Groceries - Mr W.B. Moss & Son.

Meat - Mr H.W. Piggott.

Bread - Mr C.S. Coates.

Coal - Mr E.J. Sparkes (hard cobbles £2 4s. 6d., Portland hards £2 9s. 6d.)

Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.

Boots - Messrs. Wilkins.

Clothing - Messrs. Hurst and Kettewell.

Three tenders were received for renewing the kitchen floor. The amounts were as follows:

C.H. Poulton - £20 9s. 0d.

J. Aylott - £20 15s. 0d.

C.E. Harradence - £21 0s. 0d.

On the proposition of Mr Claud Fraser it was agreed to accept Mr Poulton's tender.


Several cases of relief were dealt with by the Board, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer. It was decided to allow the extra 1/- per week for coals for the period of another month.

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

18th March 1927 - Whist

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At the weekly whist drive, in aid of the Town Silver Band, the prize-winners were:

Ladies - 1 Mr E. Ward (playing as lady), 2 Mrs J. Aylott. Lowest score  Mr C. Smith (playing as lady).

Gents - 1 Mr Hiddel, 2 Mr E. Martin. Lowest score - Mr J. Philpott.

Lucky chair prize - Miss Marshall.

Over 100 were present for dancing, which terminated at midnight.

This week's winners of the spot dance competition were Mr Dowler and Mrs Case.

11th March 1927 - Town Band Whist

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Town Band

There must have been somewhere about 120 dancers at the George Assembly Room on Saturday, on the occasion of the weekly whist drive and dance organised by the town silver band.

Mr T. Wornham acted as M.C., and the whist prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mrs Aylott, 2 Mrs Turrell. Booby - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Handy, 2 Mr W. Budd. Booby - Mr A. Martin.

With so many dancing, it is a wonder that not more than four persons shared the spot dance prize.

As it was two couples were adjudged to be dancing on the spot previously selected by the judges, and the prize was shared between - Miss Philpott and Mr S. Warren and Mr Cannon and partner.

15th April 1927 - Buntingford Tennis Club Annual General Meeting

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Buntingford Tennis Club

Annual General Meeting

A Change of Officers

The Annual General Meeting of the Buntingford Tennis Club was held on Monday evening. The Rev. John Cole presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

The Hon. Treasurer presented the balance sheet for 1926 season. Particulars were as follows:


26 Members subscriptions and donations - £9 18s. 11d.

Visitors fees - 5s. 0d.

Donations from H.C. Marshall, Esq. 1925 season - £3 0s. 0d.

1926 season - £3 0s. 0d.

Total - £16 3s. 11d.


Balance due to Treasurer from 1925 season - £1 15s. 5d.

Groundsman Mr Handy - Cementing standard, repairing gate and pavilion, and coating with solignum - £5 0s. 0d.

Balls - £1 8s. 7d.

Repairs to mower - 16s. 6d.

Rent of courts - £3 0s. 0d.

Whitening, &c. - 1s. 6d.

Baance of donation to hospitals whist drive - 2s. 9d.

Total - £16 3s. 11d.

The Chairman moved the adoption of the accounts, and said he thought they were entirely satisfactory; the Club had had a most successful year. The Chairman also moved the re-election of Mr H.C. Marshall as President of the Club. Mr Marshall had supported them for many seasons, and it would be difficult to find a better President.

This was carried with applause.

The Chairman said the meeting would regret to learn that Mr and Mrs B.E. Thody had decided to resign the offices of secretary and treasurer respectively. Mrs Thody had been treasurer since the formation of the Club in 1914, and Mr Thody had been secretary since 1919. Both had done yeoman service for the Club, and the members regretted their resignation.

He (the Chairman) would move that a very heatry vote of thanks be accorded them for their service.

This was carried.

Mr B.E. Thody, in replying, said that they had both intimated last year that they hoped someone else would come forward this season. During the years they had held office their associations with the members had always been most pleasant, and if the spirit of good friendship that had existed in the Club up to now was continued there would be no reason to fear that they success of the Club would be continued.

There were several members who had been with the Club since its formation, and thanks were due to them, and to others who had ceased play, for the work that had been done to put the courts in such an excellent condition. In the early days of the Club they had no wire meeting or pavillion, and the members had to mow the courts themselves.

The Chairman said he quite agreed with what had been said about the good fellowship that existed between all the members. They had an excellent ground, a good pavillion, nets &c., and a very low subscription. He was not in Buntingford when the Club was formed, but he would like to record his appreciation of the work that had been done.

Election of Officers

Mr Leslie Smith was appointed as Hon. Secretary and Miss I. Aylott as Hon. Treasurer.

The Committee elected were: Mrs S. Smith, Mrs J. Aylott, Miss Careless, Miss Bush, the Rev. John Cole, Messrs. S. Smith and W. Smith. Captain - Mr S. Howlett, Vice-Captain, Mr H. Clark.

Suggestions as to the matches, ground improvements, &c., were discussed, and the annual subscription was fixed for 7/6 inclusive.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting.

15th April 1927 - Funeral of Mrs Mottram

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Funeral of Mrs Mottram

Amid signs of general regret, the funeral of Mrs W. Mottram took place at Layston on Wednesday, the 6th inst.

The remains, encassed in a plain oak coffin, were carried to the graveside by members of the Foresters' Friendly Society.

The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, and the immediate mourners were Mr W. Mottram (husband), Mr S. Howlett (nephew), Mrs Howlett (sister), Mr W. Norris (brother), Mr Howlett (brother-in-law), Mrs Norris (sister-in-law), Mr Goodchild, Mrs Hants, Mrs Driver, and Miss C. Norris (nieces).

Amongst the townspeople present we observed - Mrs H. Coleman, Mrs C. Miles, Mrs A.G. Day, Miss Marsden, Mrs H. Clark, Mrs Aylott, Miss Aylott, Mrs E.G. Thody, Mrs C. Postle, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs A. Howard, Mrs E. Camp, Mrs A. Clark, Mrs H. Clark, Mr J. Smith, Mr A. Clark, and Mr J. Bishop (the last two representing the Buntingford Football Club) and others.


Read the death announcement.

27th May 1927 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, H.E. Dudley, E. Bygrave, F. Prime, A.W. Page, G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, T.J. Stick and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The House Committee submitted the following report:

"The House Committee visited the House this morning, and found everything satisfactory. They think that six dozen tramp rugs will be required before the winter months, and recommend that the Master obtain tenders for them."


The following tenders were received for repairs to the laundry ceiling and for the erection of new lavatories:


Mr C.E. Harradence - £11 11s. 0d.

Mr J. Aylott - £15 10s. 0d.

Mr C.H. Poulton - £17 19s. 0d.


Mr C.E. Harradence - £70 15s. 0d.

J Hamilton & Co. - £72 15s. 2d.

Mr C.H. Poulton - £76 5s. 0d.

Mr Claud Fraser proposed that Mr C.E. Harradence's tenders be accepted. This was agreed by the Board.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates for the week ending May 21st - men 17, women 16, total 33.

Corresponding period last year - 33.

Casuals - men 80, women 4, children 2.

During the month three persons have been discharged and two admitted.


During the month the following casuals have been admitted - Men 279, women 18, children 10.

The figures for the corresponding period last year were - Men 67, women 3, children 0.

Of the men, 200 were ex-soldiers and genuine workers. Eight were unable to work, and 71 were tasked. Only five were on the books of the Labour Exchange; the majority of the others call themselves farm labourers.

Unless there is a big drop in the number of unemployed I doubt if our accommodation will be sufficient for the winter months. On some nights now our accommodation is taxed to its limits.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated: Mrs Veasey, books; Mrs B.E. Thody, books.

11th June 1926 - Women's Institute Garden Meeting at Longmead

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Women's Institute

Garden Meeting at Longmead

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute took the form of an "At Home" at Londmead on Wednesday afternoon.

Fortunately fine weather prevailed, and there was a large number present. Before tea, which was provided by the President (Mrs H.C. Marshall) and the Vice-Presidents (Mrs H.H. Williams and Mrs Fell), the members enjoyed a walk round the grounds.

There was a sale stall in charge of Mrs Coleman and Mrs May and a nail-driving competition. The flower competition was won by Mrs C. Bolton, of Wyddiall, who brought a beautiful bouquet. The caning competition was won by Mrs J. Aylott, the same member winning the tray competition.

The President read the financial statement in connection with the Whit-Monday Fete, the particulars of which are given in another column. The statement was considered most satisfactory, and the President said that thanks were due to all those who had helped to make the event such a complete success.

The dramatic section of the Institute presented a scene from Shakespeare's "As you like it." This was performed at the W.I. dramatic competitions at Hertford on Saturday last, when the Buntingford Institute gained fifth place.

Those taking part were as follows:

Mrs Scarborough Taylor - Amiens

Mrs Armstrong - Jaques

Mrs J. Aylott - Sytrius

Mrs S. Smith - Covin.

Miss Ward - Touchstone

Miss Aylott - Roslyn

Miss K. Camp - Celia

Mrs C Totman - Forester

Mrs Rand - Forester

Miss Camp - Forester.

4th June 1926 - The Whit-Monday Fete

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The Whit-Monday Fete

The result of the Coal Weight Guessing Competition (in charge of Mrs Roberson) was as follows:

1, Mr E.J. Smith, fancy stool; 2, Miss Vardon, leather book carrier and book; 3, Mrs Aylott, coal; 4, Mrs Taylor (Westmill), leather hand-bag; 5, Miss Woodley, half-dozen E.P. spoons.

The coal was given by Mr E.J. Sparkes, and the actual weight was 136 and a half lbs.

With reference to the Bowls Competition (stated in this Paper to have been in harge of Mr F.W. Butler), we have now learned that the competition was in charge of Mr J. Lawrence, who also kindly gave a prize to the winner.

4th June 1926 - Whist

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A whist drive, in aid of the Buntingford Tennis Club, was held at the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday evening.

Eight tables were in use, and the successful players were:

Ladies - 1, Miss M. Cornwell; 2, Mr H. Cutts (playing as lady).

Gents - 1, Mr S. Howlett; 2, Mr E. Ward.

Lowest Gentleman - Mr C. Robinson.

Lowest Lady - Mrs J. Aylott.

Voucher prizes were given.

28th May 1926 - Garden Fete at Layston Court

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Garden Fete at Layston Court

In Aid Of The Women's Institute

The long-talked of Garden Fete was held on Whit-Monday, May 24th, in the grounds of Layston Court (kindly lent by Miss Woods), and was a huge success in every way. The members of the Fete Committee, supplemented by many willing helpers, spared no pains to make the affair successful. Preparations had been going on for several months, with a result that there were several well-stocked stalls.

The weather was on its best behaviour until 9 p.m., when rain fell just as dancing commenced. Financially, the fete was a great success, but the sum actually realised is not yet available.

The fete was opened at 2.30 p.m. by Lady Hunsdon. The ceremony took place under a large tree in the grounds, where were assembled about 150 people, including the President of the Institute (Mrs H.C. Marshall), Mrs H.H. Williams and Miss Woods.

Mrs H.C. Marshall, after introducing Lady Hunsdon, said that as it was Empire Day she thought it would be appropriate if the company sang "Rule Brittania." Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang the verse, and all present joined in the chorus.

Lady Hunsdon expressed the pleasure it gave her to be present and enjoy the hospitality of her friend (Miss Woods) in such charming surroundings. Buntingford always did things well and that afternoon they had turned on most wonderful weather for the fete. She would like to refer too the late Mrs  Woods, with whom she had discussed the question of a Women's Institute in Buntingford.

Lady Hunsdon then formally declared the fete open.

Mrs H.H. Williams returned thanks to Lady Hunsdon for opening the fete.

Miss Sheila Armstrong handed Lady Hunsdon a beautiful bouquet and the Band struck up God Save the King.

The stall-holders were soon busy. There were five stalls replete with gifts. The stalls comprised the following: general, Mrs H.C. Marshall, Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Armstrong and Miss Ward; Aspenden, Mrs Williams and Mrs Croslegh; fancy, Mr and Mrs Roberson; pound, Mrs Squires and Miss Sambels; sweets, Mrs J. Aylott, Mrs S. Smith and Miss Aylott; needlework, Mrs Feasey and Mrs Coleman; produce, Mrs H. May; Miss Olive Poulton, dressed as an Irish girl, sold Coleen soaps; and Miss Joan Roberson had charge of the doll competition; Miss Thwaites being in charge of the cake guessing.

A delightful feature of the Fete was the parade of children in fancy dress. The first prize was awarded to Soe White, the second prize going to Joan Roberson. All the children were delightfully dressed.

The side-shows comprised: hoop-la, Mr H.C. Marshall, Miss Marshall, Mr F. Fraser and Mrs Scarborough Taylor; bowls competition, Mr F.W. Butler (winner Mr W. May); clock golf, Mr W.J. May (winner Miss Marshall); lucky arrow, Mr E.J. Totman; and fortune-telling, Mr E. Mildren, jun. Miss Woods was in charge of the hidden treasure, the four half-crowns behind won by Miss Scrivener, Mr Chapman, Mr Lees, and Miss Boniwell.

Mrs Robinson, the Gypsy Fortune Teller, spent a busy afternoon and handed over her takings (£5) to the Treasurer.

Mrs White's drawings were much admired by visitors and members alike.

The tea enclosure did a capital business under the capable management of Mrs Fell, assisted by Mrs Clarke, Mrs Houlden, Mrs Darton, Mrs Pateman, Mrs Dellow, Mrs Warren, Mrs C. Clarke, Mrs Geaves, Mrs A. Smith, Mrs Rand, Miss Fell, and Miss Crane.

For the tennis tournament, arranged by Miss Porter, there were 30 entries, and in addition to the court at Layston Court, Mrs Ashford kindly placed her court at the disposal of the Committee.

A concert was given on the lawn during the afternoon where an excellent programme was well recieved by an enthusiastic audience. The programme was as follows: Scene from "As you like it," the W.I. Dramatic Section; two dances by Miss Olive Poulton; song "Devonshire Cream and Cider," Mr J.T. White; two-part songs by W.I. Choir, "The Seekers" and "Pam's Holiday." Mrs Armstrong acted as accompanist.

Later in the evening, country folk dancing took place on the lawn, when there was again an appreciative audience.

The Buntingford Town Silver Band were in attendance, and played selections during the afternoon and evening, also for dancing later in the evening.

There were so many helpers that we have probably omitted to mention some names. We are asked, however, to state that the committee are very grateful to all who assisted in any way to make the event such a success.

7th May 1926 - Tennis Club Annual General Meeting

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Tennis Club

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Buntingford Tennis Club was held on Wednesday evening. The Rev. John Cole presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

The Hon. Sec. (Mr B.E. Thody) presented his annual report, which was adopted.

The Hon. Treasurer (Mrs B.E. Thody) presented the financial statement, which showed an adverse balance of £1 15s. 5d. The expenses last year were £22 8s. 11d., and included: new nets and posts £7 18s., groundsman £4 5s. 9d., deck chairs £2 0s. 6d., rent £3, and balls £1 12s.

The receipts, which totalled £20 13s. 6d., were made up as follows: Balance from 1924 seasons £8 1s. 3d., members' subscriptions £10 10s., whist drives on courts and Foresters Hall £1 4s., vistors' fees &c, 18s. 3d.

The Chairman said he thought the accounts were very satisfactory, considering what had been spent on improvements last year.

The accounts were then adopted on the proposition of Mr L. Smith, seconded by Mrs S. Smith.


The Chairman moved the re-election of the President (Mr H.C. Marshall).

Mr L. Smith seconded, and the motion was carried with acclamation.

Mr B.E. Thody was re-elected Hon. Sec. with Mrs Thody as Hon. Treasurer.

The Committee elected were - Mrs S. Smith, Mrs H. Handy, Miss Aylott, the Rev. John Cole, Messrs. S. Smith, H. Handy, H. Cutts and W. Smith. 

A Sub-Committee, consisting of Mrs J. Aylott, Mrs S. Smith and Miss Bush, were elected to serve as a tea committee.

On the propostion of the Chairman, Mr S. Howlett was re-elected Captain, with Mr H. Clarke as Vice-Captain.

Votes of thanks were accorded the officers for their past services, and the ladies who managed the teas so successfully.

19th Nov 1926 - National Institute for the Blind

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National Institute for the Blind

Successful Whist Drive

The whist drive and dance, in aid of the National Institute for the Blind, held at the George Hotel on Wednesday evening last, passed off most successfully.

There was an excellent company present - 88 sitting down to whist, which commenced at 7.30.

The successful players were:

Ladies - 1, Mrs Rand, 177 (butter dish); 2, Miss Aylott, 176 (case of knives); 3, Mr J. Parrish (playing as lady), 174 (scent spray).

Gents - 1, Mr F. Ward, 180 (case of brushes); 2, Mr S. Howlett, 175 (knife); 3, Mr C. Tottman, 172 (purse).

A lucky ticket prize - an attache case - was kindly given by Miss Lushington, and was won by Mr Rand, of Newtown.

A dance followed, the Standon Orchestra providing an excellent programme of up-to-date dance music, Mr L. Smith officiating as M.C.

Mr B.E. Thody, who annually organises the event officiated as M.C. for whist, and at the close thanked the company for their support.

A hearty vote of thanks was also accorded Miss Lushington for presenting a prize, and the Standon Orchestra for the music.

The total proceeds were £6 0s. 6d.

26th Feb 1926 - National Institute for the Blind

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National Institute for the Blind

Successful Whist Drive at the Benson Hall

A successful whist drive, in aid of the funds of the above institution, was held at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening.

Twenty tables were occupied, and Mr H. Clarke kindly acted as M.C. The scoring was fairly high, and four ladies had to cut for prizes.

Mrs Stapley and Miss I. Aylott both scored 180, and winning the cut Mrs Stapley took first prize - a case of tea knives, Miss Aylott being second with a cake knife. Mrs Corp and Miss Mean both scored 176, and on the cut Miss Mean took third prize - a fancy jam dish.

For the gents prizes Mr F.C. Nash was first with a score of 180 - prize, a clock. Mr T. Pledger, who was second, chose a cigarette tray and matchbox; and Mr H. Clark, with a score of 175, was third - prize, a leather purse and wallet.

Father Morgan kindly presented a pack of cards for the player with the highest score at the first-half, and this prize was won by Mr A. Coxall.

Mrs H. Clarke distributed the prizes.

At the close, Mr B.E. Thody, who organised the drive, returned thanks to Mr Clarke and the helpers.

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