Situations Vacant
Steady, Reliable Man as carman for Buntingford branch. Must be able to drive a Ford van.
Apply by letter, giving full particulars of past experience, age and wages required, to Managing Director, W.B. Moss & Sons, Ltd., Hitchin.
Buntingford in Old Newspapers consists of images on Facebook, scanned and uploaded by Alison, whose father collected them during his lifetime. Transcriptions of the text is provided by Katie C.
Situations Vacant
Steady, Reliable Man as carman for Buntingford branch. Must be able to drive a Ford van.
Apply by letter, giving full particulars of past experience, age and wages required, to Managing Director, W.B. Moss & Sons, Ltd., Hitchin.
Shopping in Buntingford
Xmas Presents and Fare
As usual, the sending of Christmas presents and greetings has disorganised the postal service, and throughout this week the Buntingford postmen have been laden with letters and parcels.
As for the shops, many seem to be doing the best trade of the whole year.
Messrs. Moss's have a wonderful show of seasonable fare from Empire fruits to prie hams and bacon. They also have many bargains in their china department, which always make useful Christmas presents, in addition to a large and varied assortment of crackers.
For those who have not ordered their Christmas Dinner, Mr H.W. Piggott, with his well-stocked shop, is able to supply some excellent quality turkeys, ducks and fowls, besides some dairy-fed pork, and some excellent beef and mutton, all at low prices.
Mr C.H. Tottman, of High Street, has all the fruits, &c, which are associated with the great Christmas Festival. His stock also includes holly and mistletoe and artistic boxes of chocolates, the latter being most suitable for Xmas gifts.
Mr F. White has many suggestions for Xmas gifts to wireless enthusiasts, and his stock extends from a complete installation for under £1 to a beautiful 3-valve cabinet, which is worthy of a place in any home.
"Give him cigarettes or tobacco" is a new slogan this Christmas, and from the variety which Mr H. Fry has in stock it is easy to obtain an acceptable gift at a low price.
What a useful present coal would make for Xmas, in order to "keep the home fires burning." Go to Mr E.J. Sparkes should you think of giving fuel.
Mr E.B. Haddock has a wide assortment of pretty and useful gifts to suit all tasts and pockets.
Mr E. Browne has a stock of articles suitable for presents; all at bargain prices.
Dark evenings at Christmas time, Mr Borsberry - lamps of all kinds.
Moss's Empire Fruits for Xmas. Large Tin Australian Pears 10 and a half pence.; Large Tin Australian Peaches 9 and a half pence. ADVT.
Moss's Famous Christmas Pies & Sausages will be made from Prize Pigs bought at Buntingford Xmas Fat Stock Show. - ADVT.
For a large and varied selection of useful Christmas Presents for ladies, children, and gents, a visit to E.B. Haddock, Buntingford, will repay you - ADVT.
Holly, Mistletoe, Xmas Trees, Oranges, Nuts, Dates, Figs, Apples, Tangerines - in fact everything you require for a Jolly Xmas can be had at C.H. Tottman's, high Street, Buntingford. Quality high, prices low. - ADVT.
Board of Guardians
Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).
Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. H.H. Williams, Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. Claud Fraser, F.B. Cannon, G. Graves, H.C. Marshall, H.E. Dudley, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes and G.C. Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).
Following the minutes, the House Committee's Report as follows, was submitted:
The House Committee visited the House today and found everything in good order, and the inmates very comfortable and happy.
The gas-pipe leading to the Isolation Ward became blocked, but has been put right again.
Master's Report
The Master reported as follows:
Number of inmates - men 21, women 18, children 2. Total 41.
Casuals relieved during the month 72. Corresponding period last year 8.
The following gifts have been received and much appreciated -
Anonymous Lady - chocolates.
Capt. Salvation Army - books.
Mrs Coleman - books.
Mrs Laing - books.
Mrs Greg - books.
Mrs Veasey - books.
The following tenders for the supply of goods to the Institution were accepted.
Milk - Mr C. Smith (1/4 per gall.)
Groceries - Mr W.B. Moss & Son.
Meat - Mr H.W. Piggott.
Bread - Mr C.S. Coates.
Coal - Mr E.J. Sparkes (hard cobbles £2 4s. 6d., Portland hards £2 9s. 6d.)
Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.
Boots - Messrs. Wilkins.
Clothing - Messrs. Hurst and Kettewell.
Three tenders were received for renewing the kitchen floor. The amounts were as follows:
C.H. Poulton - £20 9s. 0d.
J. Aylott - £20 15s. 0d.
C.E. Harradence - £21 0s. 0d.
On the proposition of Mr Claud Fraser it was agreed to accept Mr Poulton's tender.
Several cases of relief were dealt with by the Board, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer. It was decided to allow the extra 1/- per week for coals for the period of another month.
The remaining business was of a formal nature.
Situations Vacant
Superior farm-hand, steady and reliable; willing to go with horses; ledging. Good references essential. Cottage. State wages required. Moss, "The Croft", Hitchen.
Envelopes from 1 and a half pence per packet. "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.
"Pluvex" roofing felt, at 5/9 and 8/- per roll of 12 yards. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.
Lamps - Dark evenings are here. See our stock, especially the celebrated Sunlight Lamp. Smith, Furnisher, Buntingford.
Jacobean Oak bedroom suite, size 4ft; usual price 24 guineas, reduced to 18 guineas; a bargain. Linoleum squares, Turkey colourings, 9ft. x 9ft., 30/- each. E. Browne, High Street, Buntingford.
Buntingford Board of Guardians
Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week. In the absence through illness of the Chairman, Mr C. Hummerstone, the Vice-Chairman, Mr F.B. Cannon, presided, and expressed the hope that the Chairman would soon be well again.
Others present were Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Fraser, G. Graves, A.W. Page, W.J. May, T.J. Stick, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, and Herbert Ward, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officers (Mr H.H. Macklin) and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).
The Master presented his monthly report, which was as follows: Number of inmates - men 26, women 18, total 44. Number for corresponding period last year, 37.
Since the last meeting five persons had been admitted and one discharged. The following gifts had been received and much appreciated: Mrs Vasey, books; Miss Thody, magazines; Mrs Searing, books; Mrs Law, books. During the month, 293 casuals have been relieved, against 91 for the corresponding period of last year.
The Master also reported that he had received some subscriptions towards the fund for provided a loud speaker for the men's ward, and he hoped to get enough to meet the cost.
Mr May reported that he had, on behalf of the House Committee, visited that Institution that morning and found everywhere in clean and good order. The new stove had been fixed in the lying-in ward and was satisfactory. The electric light installation was well in hand.
Several cases of relief were dealt with, and a proposition allowing the usual extra Christmas relief (1/6 for adults and 1/- for children) was unanimously carried.
Tenders were received for the supply of goods, &c., to the institution, and the following accepted:
Groceries - Messrs. W.B. Moss & Sons.
Meat - Mr H.A. Jackson.
Milk - Mr C. Smith.
Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.
Hair-cutting - Mr C. Miles.
Bread and flour - Mr G.J. Pearce.
The remaining business, which lasted less than twenty minutes, was of a formal nature.
MOSS'S New Season's Marmalade reduced to 10 and halfpence. for 2lb. Jar.
COALS and COKE - For prices write - E.J. Crane, High Street, Buntingford. 'Phone 37.
The Annual Sale of Work for Home and Foreign Missions will be held in Layston Parish Room on Thursday, February 11th from 3 to 6. Admission free.
Contributions of any kind will be gratefully received by Mrs Dixon and Mrs Howard. Tea 6d.