Showing posts with label Mothers' Union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mothers' Union. Show all posts

10th December 1926 - Westmill Mothers' Union

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Mothers' Union

There was a good gathering of women in the Church on Tuesday, December 7th, when six new members were admitted by the Rev. A.G. King.

A very helpful address was given by the Rev. F.S. Holmes, of Furneaux Pelham.

After the service members adjourned to the Village Hall to ballot for a Committee for 1927, to have tea given by a number of members, and to listen to piano solos and songs by Rev. and Mrs Holmes.

Rev. A.G. King expressed the thanks of all to Rev. and Mrs Holmes, both for taking part in the service and for the music.

Mrs Laing, Mrs Pratt, Mrs Laird and Mrs Wren were elected as the Committee.

25th February 1927 - Westmill Mothers' Union

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Mothers' Union

There was a good average attendance at the Mothers' Union Meeting held at the Village Hall on Tuesday of last week.

The principal speaker was Miss May Chittenden, of Broxbourne, a lady who is always welcomed warmly. Her address was much appreciated, and the members endorsed a vote of thanks with hearty applause.

We are pleased to record that the Westmill Branch of the Mothers' Union has such a good membership, 43 now being on the books.

27th May 1927 - Mothers' Union

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Mothers' Union

A large number of members of the Buntingford branch of the Mothers' Union assembled at St Peter's on Thursday afternoon of last week to hear an address on the work of the Ladies' Home Mission.

Mrs Alex Dixon presided, being supported by Mrs Howard.

Mrs Mould, who gave a very interesting address, referred to the work the Mission was doing at Spitalfields, and showed some very interesting photographs depicting the home life of some of the poorer people.

Part of the Mothers' Union service was used, and hymns taken from Mothers' Union sheet.

At the close a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Mould, and a collection for the Mission Funds amounted to £1 10s.

26th Nov 1926 - Buntingford Branch of the Mothers' Union

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Buntingford Branch of the Mothers' Union

A largely attended meeting was held in the George Assembly Room on Wednesday at 6.30, which was addressed by Mrs Parkin, Central Organising Worker from the Mary Sumner House, who is visiting the Branches of the Deanery during this week.

After a hymn, Mrs Dixon (Hon. Sec.), opened the meeting with prayer, and introduced Mrs Parkin, who spoke with much power on the ideal of a Christian home which underlay the first starting of the Mothers' Union by Mary Sumner 50 years ago, and which is, or ought to be, still the aim of every member.

She emphasized each of the three objects: the sanctity of marriage, the responsibility to God for children, and the fellowship in Prayer. She also urged upon members the duty of service, either as members of a Branch Committee, or by living consistent lives.

Mrs Howard (Enrolling Member) expressed her thanks of the meeting to Mrs Parkin for her helpful address, and announced that at the January meeting it was proposed to form a Committee of Communicant members, who would greatly assist the work of the Branch.

2nd April 1926 - Jubilee of the Mothers' Union

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Jubilee of the Mothers' Union

In connection with the above, services were held at St Peter's on Thursday in last week. Holy Communion was celebrated at 9 a.m., and in the afternoon there was a large gathering of members in St Peter's for a service of Praise and Intercession, conducted by the Rev. A. Howard.

The Mothers' Union Litany was used, and an address was given from Psalm cxxvii. 3.

The service closed with intercession for the Church of England Zenana Society, to which the offertory was given. In the evening the Rev. T. Landulph Smith preached to a good congregation at the last Lent service.

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