Showing posts with label Kimpton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kimpton. Show all posts

21st January 1927 - Layston Church Sunday School

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Layston Church Sunday School

The annual prizegiving took place in the George Assembly Room on Wednesday evening, and was much enjoyed by children, parents, teachers and friends. After the singing of well-known choruses, Miss M. Macklin kindly acting as accompanist.

Rev. A. Howard spoke with appreciation of the work of the teachers, and alluded to the loss the Sunday School had sustained in the departure of Miss E. Howard, who with the help of several young teachers, had done much to improve the infant Sunday School.

He expressed sympathy with Miss Woodley in the loss of her father, and urged the parents present to encourage the children in regular attendance.

The prizegiving followed, after which Mr B. Thody most kindly gave a lantern lecture combining amusement, interest and instructions, which was greatly appreciated by all, the local touches raising peals of laughter.

The following is the list of prizewinners:

Boys I - Eric Nichols, W. Warner, A. Howard.

Boys II - L. Fiddaman, Charlie Scrivener, Horace Darton, Jack Crouch.

Girls I - Ethel Winters, A. Coxall.

Girls II - Vera Dowding, D. Warner.

Very regular - W. Winters, Vera Nichols.

Boys III - Christopher Hurry, Cyril Kimpton, Percy Scrivener.

Infants I - Very regular. R. Winters, Maud Hurry, Gladys Butler, C. Woods, T. Fiddaman.

Infants II - Very regular. K. Warner, S. Hurry, Doris Butler, F. Darton.

Infants III - G. Kimpton, Ben Crouch.

Class IV - Albert Butler, Joan Woods.

27th Jan 1928 - Layston Sunday School Annual Prize Distribution

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Layston Sunday School

Annual Prize Distribution

The Prize-giving and Entertainment to the Church Sunday School scholars took place at the Women's Institute Hall on Tuesday evening. There was a large number of scholars, parents and friends present.

The Vicar (the Rev. A. Howard) handed Bibles, Prayer Books or story books to the successful boys and girls. Each child was applauded on receiving his or her prize, Cyril Kimpton coming in for a special hand-clap for not having missed attendance once.

After the prize distribution Mr B.E. Thody gave a lantern lecture on "The Wonders of London," "The Tower of London," "Waterloo" and "A visit to the Zoo."

At the close thanks were accorded the Rev and Mrs Howard, the teachers, Mr B.E. Thody, and all those who had contributed to the evening's enjoyment. 

Before dispersing, the National Anthem was heartily sung and each child was handed an orange, the gift of Mrs Alex. Dixon.

The following is a list of those who recieved prize books:


Class 2- 1 W. Winters, V. Dowding, 2 D. Warner, 3 Vera Nicholls. Class 3 - 1 Gladys Butler, 2 Maud Hurry, 3 D. Harradance.


Class 1 - 1 Eric Nicholls, 2 W Warner, 3 L. Fiddaman. Class 2 - 1 Cyril Kimpton, 2 R Nicholls, 3 C. Hurry. Class 3 - 1 R. Winters, 2 C. Woods, 3 T. Fiddaman, H. Smith.


Class 1 - 1 Kitty Warner, 2 Joyce Woods, Doris Butler, 3 F. Darton. Class 2 - 1 George Kimpton, 2 Ben Crouch. 3 - 1 Joan Woods, 2 Mary Hurry.

20th Jan 1928 - Young Britons Entertained

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Young Britons Entertained

The members of the Buntingford Branch of "Young Britons" were entertained to a treat by the President, Mrs H.H. Williams, on Saturday last.

Long before 4.30 - the hour arranged for tea - there was a strong muster of Young Britons waiting admission to Foresters' Hall, where the treat was held. A bountiful tea was provided, and the sixty children present appeared to have good appetites.

After tea, bon-bons were distributed, and after a few games there was a lantern lecture given by Mr B.E. Thody and Mr R. Butler. In addition to many local slides, there were several showing various British possessions overseas, and these were explained to the children by Mrs Williams.

Before leaving, very hearty cheers were given for Mrs Williams for her kindness in entertaining such a large gathering, and to all the helpers. After the National Anthem had been sung, each child received gifts of chocolate, cake or oranges.

The arrangements throughout were excellent, Mrs Williams being assisted by Mrs Bonness, Mrs Darton, Mrs Parker, and Miss Olive Poulton. The two monitors, Horace Darton and Cyril Kimpton, were very much in evidence; their chief task was to call the roll - not a very easy one under the circumstances.

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