Showing posts with label Hedges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hedges. Show all posts

27th August 1926 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., and Captain H.H. Williams, with the Clerk (Mr H.M. Gisby).

No Licence

William Brown, of Harestreet, Buntingford, was charged with keeping a dog without a licence.

P.c. Gillett gave evidence of calling on defendant at 10 p.m. on 21st June.

The Chairman, who referred to the absence of the defendant from Court, said there would be a fine of 10/- with 4/- costs.

A Motor Case: Sequel to an Accident

Cecil Charles, of Cottered, was summoned for driving a motor car without having efficient brakes attached, at Buntingford, on 14th July.

P.c. Williams, of Buntingford, stated that he was called to the scene of an accident during the afternoon of 14th July.

On arrival he found that a motor lorry, owned by Mr Charles of Cottered, had collided with a Calthorpe car at the junction of Baldock Road. He noticed a skid mark made by the front wheels of the lorry; there were no skid marks from the rear wheels. The road was in good condition.

On Friday, 16th June, in company with P.s. Dean, he examined the brakes and hooter of the damaged lorry which had been removed to the Tanyard. Both the front and rear brakes were inefficient; the front brake when pulled back had no effect on the brake, and when the foot brake was pressed down it went easily on the casting.

On Wednesday, 21st July, in company with the defendant and Sergeant Dean, he again inspected the loory. The rear wheel was jacked up, and although the hand brake was pulled on the wheel turned easily. He asked the driver for an explanation, and he replied that a new band had been recently put on the hand brake, and that both brakes were in order.

Cross-examined by Mr Reginald Hartley, solicitor, of Royston, who represented defendant, the constable stated that he had had little experience with motor cars. He did not examine the brakes on the day of the accident. The brake guide was not disconnected when he first examined the lorry.

P.c. Gillett stated that he was present when the lorry was examined by the last witness. He tested the brakes, and neither of them had any control over the amchine. The foot brake required taking up.

Cross-examined by Mr Hartley, the constable said the front part of the lorry was badly damaged.

Alfred Hale Hedges, motor engineer, of Buntingford, gave evidence of inspecting the damaged lorry at the Tanyard. The foot brake pedal went down on top of the transmission case casting without gripping the bands. The brake required taking up. The hand brake lever could be pulled right back, and judging from his experience the two brakes had no control over the car.

Cross-examined by Mr Hartley, witness said he had had 22 years' experience with motors. Since the war he had done a lot of work on Ford cars. The Ferodo lining might last two weeks or perhaps six months, it all depended on the quality. The brakes were intact when he examined the lorry. The brake guides would have no effect on the breaking.

In reply to the Chairman, witness said in his opinion the accident to the front part of the lorry had no effect upon the brakes.

Cecil Charles, the driver, stated that the brakes had been re-lined in June. He had used both brakes just before the accident, and they were efficient.

Herbert Crowe, motor engineer, of Stevenage, who stated that he had had nine years' experience with motors, said he examined the damaged lorry on Thursday, 19th August. The hand brake was holding on the off-side rear wheel but not on the near side. 

When he replaced the brake rod in the brake guide he found that the brake operated on both wheels. The front of the lorry was badly damaged, and he thought that the collision threw the brakes out of the guide. It was not possible to test the foot brake as the engine could not be started.

Mr Frank Charles, the owner of the car, gave evidence of driving the vehicle on the day previous to the accident, and said the car stood on a hill although it was loaded with 50 trusses of straw.

Alfred Baker, of Ware, gave evidence of witnessing the accident, and stated that the defendant was travelling slowly at the time and would not require brakes to pull up.

The Bench retired, and on their return, the chairman said they had given the case very careful consideration, and had come to the conclusion that there was not sufficient evidence to warrant a conviction.

It was somewhat unfortunate that the condition of the lorry was not examined on the day of the accident by an expert.

27th August 1926 - Horticultural Society Open-Air Whist Drive and Dance

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Horticultural Society

Open-Air Whist Drive and Dance

Fairyland Scene at West View

The spell which has cast itself on any garden function arranged at West View during recent years has at last been broken, and for a pleasant change fine weather prevailed for a Whist Drive and Dance held in the pretty grounds, by kind permission of Mrs Wyman, on Wednesday evening last.

Early in the afternoon there was a slight shower, but the weather turned out fine later.

There was not such a large company present as was expected, due perhaps to the harvest operations; sixteen tables were occupied for whist, and several persons came in later for the dancing.

The Illuminations

By the time the whist had finished, the grounds had quite a fairyland resemblance; some 600-700 fairy lights and Chinese lanterns of various colours casting a beautiful glow over the lawns and the flower-beds. It was a charming sight.

The Standon Orchestra provided an excellent programme of dance music, and Mr Little (who presided at the piano) won admiration for the way he filled the post of pianist. The other members of the orchestra were Mr A.H. Hedges, Mr Hunter and Mr G. Wilmont, who also acted very efficiently.


The Committee desire (through the medium of the Buntingford "Gazette") to thank Mrs Wyman for so kindly placing her grounds at the disposal of the Society.

Best thanks are also due to Capt. and Mrs Denny, of Little Court, and Miss Lushington, for prizes; to Mrs E.G. Thody and Miss Thody for managing the refreshments; to Mr H. Clarke, who was a very efficient M.C.; Mr C. Miles and Mr E.C. Clarke, gate stewards; Mrs Stapley for the use of piano; Mr A.G. Day and Mr B.E. Thody for arrangements; Mr E.J. Crane, carting; Mr J. Holmes and the Ex-Service Men's Club, use of tables and chairs; Mrs Coates, gift of cakes; and to the Hon. Sec. (Mr E.G. Thody) for the illuminators. Mr A. Coxall also lent valuable assitance.

The Prizes

Prizes for whist were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Miss Cornwell 160, 2 Miss Lushington 157, 3 Mrs Day 156.

Gents - 1 Mr Nash 165, 2 Mr S. Howlett 162, 3 Mr H. Cutts 157.

27th May 1927 - Nursing Association

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Nursing Association

The Committee of this beneficient Association have just issued their thirtieth annual report and balance sheet. Both will be perused with general interest.

The Committee acknowledge the generosity of the subscribers and their kindly thoughts in providing, in so many different ways, such substantial assistance to the funds of the Association, and beg to thank sincerely, "The Bunties" for their talented entertainment; Miss Lushington for another successful whist drive; all those who managed and collected on flag day; to the Foresters,' Mr Fry, and those who took collecting boxes; to Miss Pigg for her concert; to Mr Hedges for the time and skill he gives to the motorcycle; to Mr Jeff Smith for finding the accommodation for it; and to Mr E.C. Clarke for auditing the accounts.

There is also a reference in the report to the death of Mrs Elliott, who for many years helped and supported the Association.

The report refers to the popularity of Nurse Davies and Nurse Tunwell, whose excellent work and kind attention has been a boon to the patients and a satisfaction to the Committee. Nurse Davies paid 2,480 visits during the year, and Nurse Tunwell 1,379.

The balance sheet, including a balance in hand at the beginning of the year, shows total receipts £341 14s. 5d., and a credit balance of £20 2s. 9d. 

The chief items on the receipt side are: Subscriptions £78 18s. 6d., donations £68 7s. 11d., collections in Churches £8 18s. 9d., collecting boxes £3 4s., cottage monthly subscriptions £15 2s. 1d., maternity fees £25 7s., health and maternity grants £18 15s. 6d., contributions from Cottered £41 12s. 9d., from Rushden £18 8s. 8d., and from Westmill £28 2s. 7d.

Thanks from the town and district is accorded to the Committee and district representatives for their valuable services, and sincere gratitude is accorded Mrs Alex Dixon, the Chairman and Hon. Sec. Her devoted services for many years have been invaluable to the wellbeing of the Association.

25th June 1926 - Buntingford Nursing Association

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Buntingford Nursing Association

The twenty-ninth annual report and statement of accounts of the above Association has recently been issued, and as usual affords pleasure in reviewing. Eight parishes are affiliated with the Assocation, which is thus one of the largest in North Herts.

The committee, in their report, express gratitude for the liberal support of subscribers and friends to the Nursing Association during the past year.

Thanks are accorded to Miss Woods, who permitted the Fete, on behalf of the Association, to be held at Layston Court last July, when the proceeds exceeded £62. Among others that rendered valuable aid in various ways were - The Foresters, Women's Institute, Miss Lushington, and Messrs. E.C. Clarke, H. Fry, A. Hedges, Jeffrey Smith, R. Brabrook and L. Smith.

The devoted work of the Nurses is highly appreciated throughout the parishes. Nurse Davies' visits totalled 2587 and Nurse Tunwells 1181.

Passing to the accounts, their perusal is equally gratifying, and show receipts £350 4s. 9d., and a balance in the treasurer's hands of £22 10s. 1d. 

Among the receipt items are - Subscriptions £79 5s. 6d., fete £62 2s. 11d., donations £32 10s., collections in Church £6 9s. 3d., and cottage monthly subscriptions £16 10s. 1d.

For many years the committee have always carried on their administrative work with signal success, and this is again a dominant feature acknowledged by the whole Association.

To Mrs A. Dixon, the time-honoured chairman and secretary, sincere thanks are expressed on all sides for the splendid work she does for the Association, which owes so much of its success and thorough efficiency to her wise counsel, energy and experience.

11th June 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Lady's Motor Cycle (MacKenzie); thorough condition; easy to ride; £10; licensed till end of June. A.H. Hedges, Buntingford.

2-Seater (swift) car for sale, in perfect running order; hood and screen, side curtains, lamps, in perfect condition. Come and see it, and make an offer. Lawrence, Jeweller, Buntingford.

20-inch Wringer, in good order, £2 10s.; Chest of 5 drawers, £2 15s.; Chest of 4 drawers, £1 16s.; Strong kitchen table, 13/6; Baby's high chair (adjustable), 9/-; Electro-plated teapot, "Ewer," and Cream Jug, 6/6; Brass standard lamp, 6/6. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

4th June 1926 - Situations Vacant and For Sale

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Situations Vacant

Wanted, a strong, Young Girl, with some experience, as Under Housemaid. Mrs Heaton-Ellis, Wyddiall Hall, Buntingford.

For Sale

Books on view for sale at Cottered Rectory. Theological, Biographical, Topographical, Art, &c.; also Pictures and Engravings.

Lady's Motor Cycle (MacKenzie); thorough condition; easy to ride; £10; licensed till end of June. A.H. Hedges, Buntingford.

Clothes horses, 4-fold, 2/9 each; Oak wardrobe, bevelled mirror, with drawer, £3 10s.; Strong kitchen table, two drawers, 13/6; Mahogany Washstand, with marble top, 13/6; Mahogany court, in horsehair, 17/6; Mahogany hat and umbrella stand, 7/6; Quantity of cocoa matting, cheap; Mahogany Pembroke table, £1 £1s. 0.; Baby's high chair (adjustable), 9/-. J. Marvill, Market Hill, Buntingford.

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