Nursing Fund Whist Drive and Dance
The annual whist drive, in aid of the Cottered Nursing Fund, was held in the hall, by kind permission of Mr Herbert Goode, on Tuesday evening.
The arrangements were well made by a band of workers, and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all present. The beautiful decorations were admired by all, and at the close, thanks were accorded Mr Goode for placing the hall at the disposal of the committee.
As usual, there was quite a large number present, and twenty-three table [sic] were in use for whist. Several non-whist players came later for the dancing which was indulged in until the early hours of the morning, the excellent dance programme being enjoyed to the full.
Mrs T.J. Stick, who for some time has carried out the duties of Hon. Treasurer, presented the prizes to the most successful players. She said she was pleased that so many were in sympathy with the Association, and she hoped that now Mrs Tapper had come to take over the duties of Treasurer, the Association would go on even more successfully (Applause).
Mrs W.J. Tapper said she was sure they were all grateful to Mrs Stick for what she had done for the Association. They were all sorry that Mrs Stick was unable to carry on as Treasurer, but they knew that the Association would receive her whole support (Applause).
For whist, Mr A. Beadle efficiently acted as M.C., and the prize-winners were:
Ladies - 1, Mrs Hull (clock); 2, Mrs A. Beadle (hot-water jug). Consolation - Miss Bastard.
Gents - 1, Mr J. Cannon (shaving set); 2, Mr C. Hills (ash tray and cigarettes). Consolation - Mr D. Pinnock.
Mr William Tapper acted as M.C. for the dancing, and the music was provided by Mr R. Brabrook (piano) and Mr G. Hunter (violin).
A special word of praise is due to the ladies of the Committee, who had charge of the refreshments, which gave satisfaction to all. Mention must also be made of the helpers who rendered their services as doorkeeps &c.
The sum of £9 0s. 9d. was realised.