Property Sale at Buntingford
Messrs Nash, Son & Rowley, Auctioneers, of Royston, conducted a sale of Freehold Properties, comprising The Old Vicarage House, six important building sites and three enclosures of old pasture, situate [sic] at Buntingford, at the George Hotel on Friday evening last.
The lots and prices realised were as follows:
Lot 1 - The Old Vicarage House, now in the occupation of Mrs Coptcoat. Starting at £100, the bidding went to £260, when it was sold to Mrs Bridges, of Tottenham, a relative of the present tenant.
Lots 2 to 7 inclusive - Six freehold building sites situated immediately adjoining lot 1, and having a frontage of approximately 92ft. each, with depths averaging from 139ft. to 103ft. The Auctioneer was unable to sell the lots separately, and offered the whole field, which was withdrawn at £185.
Lot 8 - An enclosure of old freehold pasture near Layston Church; area 1a. 2r. 5p., and let to Mr Albert Porter. Starting at £20, the bidding was carried to £60, when the lot was sold to Mr A. Jackson, of Buntingford.
Lot 9 - An enclosure of old grazing pasture, known as "Goose Acre" and let to Mr Albert Porter. Starting at £15, bids of £5 carried the figure to £40, when the lot was withdrawn.
Lot 10 - An encloure of freehold pasture land, known as "Brand's Croft"; area 7a. 0r. 34p.; let to Mr J.R. Russell. Starting at £70, the bidding was carried to £120, when this lot was sold to Mr G. Scarborough Taylor.
We understand that the building plots have since been sold privately.