Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts

18th January 1924 - The Remembrance Day Fund

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The Remembrance Day Fund

The President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presided at a meeting of the committee of this fund on Wednesday last. Others present were Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G.H. Maughan, F.W. Butler, E.J. Totman, J. Warner, A.E. Mayes and the Secretary, Mr E.J. Crane.

The Secretary reported that since Dec. 1st, 1923, 180 grants had been made to Ex-Service Men, widows and dependants.

The amount dispersed was £20 0s. 2d., which was made up as follows: Groceries £14 18s. 6d., milk and eggs 16s. 6d., meat £2 16s. 6d., bread 18s. 8d. and coal 10s.

28th December 1928 - Sausage Dinner to Inmates of Poor Law Institution

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Sausage Dinner to Inmates of Poor Law Institution

On enquiries we find that the Master has not been approached in this matter.

It will be remembered that the late Mrs F.J. Robinson, until her death, followed the custom of her husband and provided the dinner which has been held for upwards of 35 years.

Might we suggest that one of our local philanthropists will come forward and keep the ball rolling so the inmates may continue to enjoy this long-looked-for treat.

28th December 1928 - Buntingford Charities

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Buntingford Charities

The trustees of the Buntingford Charities at a meeting made arrangements for the annual distribution of coal to the necessitous families of the town, and this was delivered by local merchants last week.

Some 200 families come within the scope of the will of the testator who beqeathed this legacy, and the widows received approximately six hundredweight of coal, the less needy families receiving about four hundredweight.

21st December 1928 - Nursing Association

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Nursing Association

In aid of the above, a flag day was held in Buntingford on the 10th inst., and as a result the most acceptable sum of £6 14s. 5d. was raised.

The Committee and Treasurer of the Nursing Association are very grateful to those who sold flags or assisted in any way with the event.

5th August 1927 - Buntingford Charities

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Buntingford Charities

The Trustees of the Buntingford Charities invite tenders for the hire of "The White House," High Street, Buntingford, on a lease of seven years from 29th September next.

The lessee will be required to accept a lease in the form granted by the Trustees, including covenants to keep the premises in good and tenantable repair, to pay all rates, taxes and out-goings (except landlord's property tax), and to pay the rent quarterly.

The lessee will be required to pay the cost of the lease and counterpart.

The premises will be put in good and tenantable repair before possession is given.

Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for House," addressed to the Chairman of the Trustees, should be delivered at my office on or before Wednesday, the 7th day of September, 1927.

Dated this 30th day of July, 1927.

H.H. Macklin, Clerk to the Trustees.

High Street, Buntingford, Herts.

13th August 1926 - Buntingford Charities

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Buntingford Charities

The Trustees of the Buntingford Charites [sic] invite Tenders for the hire of the undermentioned pieces of land for the terms of 7 years from the 29th September, 1926:

1. The piece of land containing about 1 acre and 24 poles, situate near to Hillside on the London Road, and now in the occupation of Mr Saunders.

2. The piece of land containing about 1 acre, situate near the Wyddial Road and adjoining Littlecourt, and now in the occupation of Mr Albert Porter.

3. The piece of land containing about 1 acre, situate in Great Bartholomew's Field near the Hare Street Road, and now in the occupation of Mr Stearn.

Tenants will be required to pay the rents annually on the 29th September in each year, and also to pay all rates, taxes and other outgoings (except Landlord's property tax), and they will also be required to accept a Lease or Agreement in the form usually granted by the Trustees, and to pay half the cost thereof.

Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for Land," addressed to the Chairman of the Trustees, should be delivered at my office on or before Wednesday, the 8th day of September, 1926.

H.H. Macklin.

Clerk to the Trustees.

High Street, Buntingford, Herts.

29th October 1926 - Correspondence

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All contributions must bear the name and address of sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

The Editor reserves the right to publish the name and address of the sender if he thinks it necessary, irrespective of the same being signed by a "nom-de-plume."

We are not at all responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents, and do not necessarily endorse them - Editor, Buntingford Gazette.

To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette.

Dear Sir,

Will you permit me space to remind the public that Miss Ward and myself are again making a collection of pennies on Armistice Day in aid of Earl Haig's Fund, and it is hoped that the total will be worthy of the cause for which the collection is made.

During the past three years the totals have been:

1923 - £13 13s. 7d.

1924 - £10 3s. 0d.

1925 - £7 15s. 8d.

May this year's exceed that of 1923.

Yours faithfully,

F.W. Butler

Buntingford, Oct. 29th, 1926

15th October 1926 - Correspondence - Red Cross Flag Day

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Dear Sir,


I think your readers will perhaps like to know the result of the Red Cross Flag Day held at Buntingford and district on September 25th.

The following amounts were collected:

Buntingford - £5 2s. 6d.

Aspenden - 17. 8d.

West Mill - £1 1s. 2d.

Wyddiall - 13s. 5d.

There were no expenses, so that the full amount collected, £7 14s. 9d., was able to be sent to Sir Hildred Carlile, Bart., the County Treasurer.

I wish to thank both the Flag Sellers who worked so hard and so successfully, and the general public who gave so generously.

Yours faithfully,

M.I. Veasey, Vice-President, B.R.C.S.

Layston Lodge, Buntingford.

Oct. 14th, 1926.

15th October 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, H.E. Dudley, T.J. Stick, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The following report was submitted.

The House Committee visited the House today, the work of distempering the male casual ward has been completed, and the condition of the building is very satisfactory.

The committee have no suggests to make involving further expenditure.

Katherine J. Dimsdale, Harold H. Williams, G.C. Wilson.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 15, children 2. Total 32.

Number admitted to casual wards 16.

Corresponding figures for last year - men 20, women 16, children 2. Total 38.

Tramps 2.

Two females, aged 70 and 92 respectively, have been admitted during the month.

A committee of the Hertford Guardians paid a visit on September 5th, and left a report in the visitors book.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated by the inmates.

Cheque £2 - Hertford Guardians.

Eggs - Salvation Army.

Papers - Mrs Dixon

Fruit and vegetables - Westmill Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. A.G. King.

Fruit, vegetables and eggs - Meesden Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. W. McKerr

Grapes and fruit - Layston Harvest Thanksgiving, per Mrs Howard

Daily Mail for past year - Mrs Anderson

Weekly Mail for Blind - Mr H.C. Marshall

Books and magazines - British Red Cross Library

Mrs L.M. Baker brought her pupils and sang Harvest Hymns in the sick wards and distributed tea, eggs, fruit &c.


During the past month 78 have been relieved, against 13 last year.

Labour Master

Mr R. Budd, the labour master, has been appointed porter at Luton. Would the Board kindly give Mr Budd a testimonial.

The Chairman said it was pleasing to note the number of gifts received during the month. The Board were very grateful to the donors and especially to Miss Baker and her pupils for giving the aged inmates a share in the thanksgiving of Harvest.

It was decided to give Mr Budd a testimonial and the Chairman was authorised to sign it.

Fire Protection

The Minimax Co. reported that the fire extinguishers at the Institution had been recently inspected and found to be in order.


Mrs Dimsdale stated that the Hormead School Library Committee had several books which they would be pleased to hand over to the Guardians for the use of the inmates of the Institution.

The Chairman said he thought the books would be very acceptable, and no doubt the Master could put up some shelves.

Captain Williams and the Rev. Wright expressed their thanks to Mrs Dimsdale for the offer.

The Late Mr E. Pigg

The Clerk read a letter from the family of the late Mr Edward Pigg expressing their thanks for the expression of sympathy passed at the last Board meeting and for the wreath sent.

Hertford Boarders

A letter was read from the Hetford Union authorising the continuance of relief to persons resident in the Buntingford Union and relieved on behalf of the Hertford Union, for a further period of 14 weeks.


The following remarks were entered in the House Committee register by visitors from the Hertford House Committee:

"We visited the Institution and found the inmates most comfortable and happy.

The Master and Matron are particularly patient and kind to all. The Box girls are greatly improved. With regard to the Dimsdale Charity, any surplus money might be used on 'bus rides or little outings in any way the Matron and Master think best."

24th December 1926 - Charity Trustees Meeting

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Charity Trustees Meeting

A meeting of the Trustees of the Town Charities was held at the Technical Institute on the 9th inst.

Mr H.C. Marshall presided, and there were also present Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, and Messrs. C. Fraser, W.J. May, P. Hamilton, G. Armstrong and H.H. Macklin (clerk).

The income arising from the charities amounted to £80, which is in excess of last year, a fact welcomed especially as the money has to be dispersed in coal according to the trusts.

The old Bigg's Bread Charity produced an income of £4 9s. 4d. This was administered by the Clerk in small loaves to cottagers' families as stated in the terms of the bequest.

Between 400 and 500 of these small loaves were needed, and they were supplied by Mr C.S. Coates, of Buntingford.

10th December 1926 - British Legion Buntingford and District Branch

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British Legion

Buntingford and District Branch

The following is a Statement of the amounts raised and collected on Remembrance Day, 1926.


C. Fraser, Esq. - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Nevett - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Greg - £1 1s. 0d

Mrs J.R. Russell - 10s. 0d.

Mrs Codrington - 10s. 0d.

Miss Gruner - 5s. 0d.

Mr Sutterby - 2s. 0d.

Total - £4 10s. 0d.

Poppy Sales - Buntingford

Miss M. Crane and Miss Armstrong - £1 13s. 4 and half pence.

Mrs L. Smith and Miss Cutts - £1 15s. 8d.

Miss Lushington - £1 13s. 0d.

Masters John and Georgie Taylor - £1 6s. 11d.

Miss M. Fell - £1 5s. 0d.

Miss Scrivener and Miss Wilkerson - £1 11s. 4d.

Miss E. Smith - £1 2s. 6d.

Mrs J. Aylott - £1 4s. 10d.

Miss P Mayes - 14s. 1d.

Mrs Marshall - 8s. 6d.

Mr H. Fry - 7s. 6d.

Total - £12 2s. 8 and a half pence.

Anstey - per Miss Buckwell - £1 8s. 1d.

Wyddiall - per Lady Heaton-Ellis - £1 17s. 3d.

Aspenden - per Miss Grace Phillips - £1 14s. 6d.

Buckland - per Miss Morris - £2 13s. 8 and a half pence.

Cottered - per Miss Wilderspin - £2 6s. 3d.

Furneaux Pelham (part) - per Mrs Holmes - £1 8s. 2 and a half pence.

Westmill - per Mrs Coutts-Deacon - £4 0s. 4 and a half pence.

Meesden - per Mrs Kerr - £1 6s. 0d.

Great and Little Hormead - per Mrs Dimsdale - £4 0s. 0d.

Rushden - per Mr E.J. Marchal - £3 16s. 6d.

Ardeley - per Mr J.H. Thorpe - £2 3s. 6d.

Brent Pelham - per Mrs Barclay - £2 10s. 0d.

Wallington - per Miss Cragg - £2 0s. 0d.

Total - £31 4s. 4 and a half pence.

British Legion (Branch and Club) Poppies for Wreath - £1 0s. 0d.

Proceeds of Rummage Sale - £10 3s. 8d.

Trail of Pennies - £7 10s. 0d.

Proceeds of Concert, including Sale of Programmes (£1 2s. 1d.) and auction sale of Baby's Comforter (£1 0s. 9d.) - £22 7s. 4d.

Church collections

St Richard's R.C. Church, Buntingford - £1 1s. 2d.

Anstey - £2 1s. 7d.

Buntingford Congregational Church - 17s. 0d.

Total - £3 19s. 9d.

Grand total - £93 17s. 10d.

The above figure of £93 17s. 10d. represents the Gross Receipts up to the 7th December, and there is a further amount to be included in respect of the Church Collections, which has not yet come to hand.

The Gross Receipts for Poppy Day, 1925, amounted to £91 11s. 8d.

E.C. Clarke, Hon. Sec., Buntingford and District Branch British Legion.

Buntingford, 7th December, 1926.

21st January 1927 - The C.S.S.

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The C.S.S.

If during the past week you have been accosted by a gentleman, who, before leaving you, has relieved you of a penny, there is no fear that you have been the victim of a confidence trick.

"On Monday," writes a correspondent, "I was accosted by a rather stout gentleman who begged of me to give him a penny. I told him that I had nothing but a sixpence and he quickly took this and tendered me five pennies change. Why should he beg, I thought, he is too well nourished to want food, and too well dressed to want clothes. Before my thoughts had wandered further he handed me a printed slip about 2 1/2 inches by 1 inch. On it were these words:




I found out on Thursday, that the gentleman was none other than Mr H. Clarke, and that as a result of his penny snatching he had paid into the Buntingford Nursing Fund Account at Messrs Barclays Bank the sum of six shillings."

18th February 1927 - Charity Commission

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Charity Commission

In the matter of the charities of Henry Skynner and Sir John Watts for the benefit of the Poor of the Town of Buntingford, in the County of Hertford, and of the share of the charity of Joan Sandback applicable for the benefit of the said Town; and In the Matter of "The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853, to 1925."

By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Trustees of these Charities propose to accept a surrender of the Existing Lease expiring at Midsummer, 1932, and to grant a new LEASE of the Property mentioned in the subjoined Schedule for a term of 21 years (determinable at the option of the Lessees on the expiration of 7 or 14 years of the said term) at an annual rent of £52, the Lessees agreeing to expend not less than £125 in effecting improvements to the said Property.

Further particulars may be ascertained from H.H. Macklin, Esq., of Buntingford.

Any higher offer, objection or suggestion relative to the proposed Lease may be transmitted to the Commissioners in writing before the 12th March, 1927, addressed to "The Secretary, Charity Commission, Ryder Street, St James' London, S.W.1."

H.D.S. Leake, Secretary.


Messuage and Premises known as "The Angel Inn" Public House, situate in High Street, Buntingford.


Transcriber note: Henry Skynner's charity is now known as The Buntingford Relief in Need Charity (charity number 262264).

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