Showing posts with label Mayes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mayes. Show all posts

25th January 1924 - British Legion Annual Meeting

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British Legion

(Buntingford Branch)

Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion was held at the Ex-Service Men's Club Room on Wednesday evening.

The chair was occupied by the President, Captain H.H. Williams, and there was a good attendance of members, including a strong contingent from the Hormead Branch.

Balance Sheet

The Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, presented the balance sheet of 1923.

Receipts were: Subscriptions £5 18s. 4d., Donations 7s. 6d., Sale of Badges 15s., Poppy Day £64 14s. Total £71 14s. 10d.

Expenditure - Membership cards 10s. 6d., Club funds £1 5s., Badges £1 4s., Poppy Day fund £64 14s., Fees £1 16s. 9d. 

The balance in hand amounted to £2 8s. 7d. The balance sheet was adopted.

Secretary's Report

The Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, gave a satisfactory report of the working of the organisation.

Since February, 1923, 57 members had been enrolled, and 17 new applications for membership had been accepted for 1924.

The amount forwarded to the Headquarters in respect of Armistice Day was £66 1s. 4d., and after deducting the cost of the poppies, 85 per cent. of this was returnable to the branch for relief.

During the year several pension questions had been dealt with.

It was proposed to hold a public meeting next month, and Colonel Crossfield, D.S.O., had consented to address the meeting.

The report was passed as satisfactory.

Election of Officers

Capt. H.H. Williams was unanimously elected President and re-elected Chairman, Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor being elected Vice-Chairman.

The Chairman said that he would like to move that the Hon. Secretary, Mr G.H. Maughan, and the Hon. Treasurer, Mr F.W. Butler, be re-elected. They had both performed their duties in an excellent manner. The proposition was seconded by Capt. G. Scarborough Taylor and unanimously carried.

The election of the Committee was carried out by ballot, and resulted as follows: The Rev. H.L. Sheppard, Messrs. P. Woollard, H. Piper, A.E. Mayes, E. Totman, H. Cutts, G. Coleman, A. Dray and E. Crane.

Captain H.H. Williams and the Rev. H.L. Sheppard were elected as delegates on the area Council.

The formation of a sub-branch at Great Hormead was confirmed.


The Secretary was instructed to write to the Secretary of the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club thanking the Committee for the use of the Club Room for the Legion meetings.

It was announced that subscriptions for 1924 were now due.

18th January 1924 - The Remembrance Day Fund

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The Remembrance Day Fund

The President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presided at a meeting of the committee of this fund on Wednesday last. Others present were Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G.H. Maughan, F.W. Butler, E.J. Totman, J. Warner, A.E. Mayes and the Secretary, Mr E.J. Crane.

The Secretary reported that since Dec. 1st, 1923, 180 grants had been made to Ex-Service Men, widows and dependants.

The amount dispersed was £20 0s. 2d., which was made up as follows: Groceries £14 18s. 6d., milk and eggs 16s. 6d., meat £2 16s. 6d., bread 18s. 8d. and coal 10s.

13th August 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Fete

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Garden Fete at the Red House

By the kind permission of Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser, a Garden Fete was held at the Red House, Buntingford, on Bank Holiday, in aid of the Buntingford Bowls Club.

It was organised by the committee, the hon. sec. (Mr J. Lawrence) being ably assisted by Mr H. Clarke. Favoured with a brilliant summer's day, the 600 people who attended the Fete entered with zest into the pleasures, and spent indeed a very happy time.

At the opening ceremony of the Fete, Mr W.J. May, the Chairman of the Committee, said Mr Marshall, the President of the Club, who was to open the Fete, was so well known that he needed no introduction.

The Club especially wished to thank Mr and Mrs Fraser for the kindness in placing their beautiful gardens at the disposal of the committee. The Club had hitherto been somewhat handicapped by the use of a green that was slightly below the ordinary standard size, and this had affected their play. The opportunity had arisen of acquiring a suitable piece of land in Wyddiall Road, which was in course of construction as a bowling green.

Mr H.C. Marshall endorsed the remarks of Mr May, and in declaring the Fete open said the Bowls Club had every cause to be grateful to Mr and Mrs Fraser (Applause).

There was a very big choice of attractions, and all were fairly well patronised.

Messrs. Barratt's Jazz Band and Concert Party from Bedford besides playing selections and for dancing on the lawn up to 10 o'clock in th evening, gave two excellent concerts that were greatly appreciated. The humourous items on the programme deserve special mention.

Upwards of a hundred persons tried their skill at the treasure hunt, the treasure being won by Mr H.C. Marshall, whose success highly pleased the visitors. In guessing the weight of a lump of coal, actually weighing 89lbs. 6ozs., Mr E.J. Totman was the winner, his estimate being 90lbs.

Two, Miss Bartrop and Mr C. Fraser, guessed the weight of a cake (4lbs. 3 and three quarts ozs.), and the latter resigned his right, and the cake was handed to Miss Bartrop.

For the bowls competition, Mr F. Boniwell won premier honours with a score of 25, and in clock golf Mr C. Fraser with a score of 23. No less than six tied in hitting the target for a prime ham, which was eventually won by Mr Howard. This was superintended by Mr W.J. May.

The greatest novelty was the pig in a poke, the pig being presented by Mr Mannox, who managed this competition. There were numerous entries, and five tied, the winner being Mr Skipper.

For the stop-watch competition, Mr J.P. Hill, of the Bengeo Club, Hertford, was the winner with only a minute out. He gave the time 3.27, but it actually stopped a minute earlier, 3.26.

The flying arrow pastime in charge of Messrs. E.J. Totman and A. Mayes proved very popular, as also did Mr F.W. Butler's offer of 2s. for a penny, but the anticipations of those who participated in this feat were not altogether realised. A good prize was set apart for the lucky ticket. It turned out to be 126, and the possessor of this ticket has not yet claimed the prize.

It was just the evening for an open air whist drive, and the prizes were won as follows:

Ladies - 1 Miss Boniwell, 2 Mrs Stepley, lowest score Miss Wilds.

Gents - 1 Mr Walsingham, 2 Mr Watson, lowest score Mr Ward.

Teas and refreshments were in great request, and this part of the Fete arrangements was in the capable hands of a ladies' committee, which won high praise for the dainty way the teas were served on the lawn.

At the gate Mr J.L. Cornwell and Mr J. Boniwell, two of the oldest members of the Bowls Club, had charge.

For such a well-arranged Fete, to uphold a good old sport reaching back centuries, the promoters certainly deserved every success, and it is pleasing to record that the proceeds amounted to about £60.

7th January 1927 - Ex-service men entertain the children

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Ex-service men entertain the children

That nothing appeals to the heart more than a group of happy children was amply demonstrated on Monday evening, when the children of the members of the Buntingford British Legion Club were the guests at the annual party.

The arrangements for the treat were made by Mr H. Clarke (Sec. of the Club) and Mr E.C. Clarke (Hon. Sec. of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion).

The room, with its attractive decorations was much admired. A great attraction was the huge Xmas Tree (given by Mr C.H. Poulton). The tree was heavily laden with toys and gifts selected by Mrs H. Clarke.

Some 50 children responded to the invitation to be present, and judging by the enthusiasm displayed this party exceeded all predecessors.

The whole party sat down to tea at 4.30, assistance at the tables being given by Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs E.C. Clarke, Mrs Starr, Mrs Warren, Mrs White, Mrs S. Smith, Mrs Scarborough Taylor and Miss Mayes.

Mrs Hall, the stewardess at the Club, also lent valuable assistance. Visitors included Captain and Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs, Miss and Master C. Fell, Messrs G. Scarborough Taylor, E.C. Clarke, H. Clarke, E.J. Crane, E.E. Dennis, B.E. Thody, F. White, T. Pledger, A. Coxall, S. Daniels and W. Hall.

During tea Mr H. Clarke installed a powerful wireless set, and the music was much enjoyed.

Following tea, games and songs were indulged in until 7p.m. when the arrival of "Father Christmas" was the signal for three hearty cheers.

Mrs H.H. Williams then presented each child with a gift from the tree, and a National Savings' Card with two sixpenny stamps attached.

Mr H. Clarke called for cheers for the members of the Club and numerous friends who had made the treat possible.

Cheers were also given for the ladies, the New Year and Messrs. H. and E.C. Clarke. On leaving each child was given two oranges, a bag of sweets and a small gifts, and a thoroughly successful treat ended with the singing of God Save the King.

22nd April 1927 - The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw

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The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw


The following are the Prize-winners, together with the Prizes, in connection with the Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw. Those persons who had not yet received prizes can obtain same to by applying to Mr S. Daniels, High Street, Buntingford.

Name - Address - Prize

J. Castle - 20, Heaton Road, Heston - Silk for Jumper

J. Geary - 232, High Street, Ponder's End - Condiment Set

A. Brooker - London Road, Hitchin - Voucher

D.A. Burr - Standon - Powder Bowl

D. Pinnock - Cottered - Biscuit Barrel

A. White - 23, Green Road, Nr. Croydon - Sugar Bowl

D. Neale - Hare Street Lane - Easter Egg Basket

H. Mayes - Baldock Lane - Oak Tray

F. Handscombe - 9, Bridge St., Bishops Stortford - Umbrella

N. Page - Cottered - Iced Cake

Mr Tinsley - Buntingford Station - Half-dozen Knives.

E. Wyman - Nuthampstead - Port

Mr Taylor - Westmill - Teddy Bear

P.C. Brown - Letchworth - Tea Cosy

F.J. Hind - 12, Straff Road, Brixton - Wrist Watch

W. Hills - Cottered - Easter Egg

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Cigarettes

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Tin Biscuits

C. Chapman - Brecknock, Puckeridge - Fountain Pen

F. Savage - (White City) Walkern - Hearth Rug

A. Brinklow - 33, Vic Road, Bletchley - Tea Spoons

Vera Whiting - Church Street, Buntingford - Box Chocolates

J. Mitchell - 8, Shackleton Rd, Soulhall, Mix. - Cookery Book

N. Hatchett - Wyddiall - Easter Egg

J.G. Mallian - 27, Croft Road, Ware - Fruit Bowl

A.A. White - 23, Greenwood Road, Croydon - Silk Scarf

Vera Dowding - Wyddiall Road - Fowl

Mrs Scott - Church Street - Scooter

A. Jackson - Buntingford - Mirror

E.C. Howard - Langley, Bucks - Chocolates

Mark Hammond - Throcking - Pair Silk Stockings

Mrs Heman - Easter Egg

Mr H. Houlden - Station Road - Clock

Grip - High Street - Box Handkerchiefs

S. Corp - Wakeley - Whiskey

Joan Sparkes - Furneaux Pelham - Tin Tea.

30th July 1926 - Cricket - Aspenden v. Cottered

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Aspenden v. Cottered

The above teams met at Cottered on Saturday last, and resulted in Cottered just managing to win by one run - a very exciting finish.

Only two batsmen managed to score double figures for Aspenden, and for Cottered, A. Gravestock made the highest score of the match (21), and to him lies the honour of Cottered's win. Scores:


W. Manning, b J. Gravestock - 0

J. Holmes, lbw, b Parker - 8

F. Stoten, run out - 12

K. Rayment, b J. Gravestock - 1

H Mannox, b Parker - 0

C. Ward, b J. Gravestock - 4

A.E. Mayes, b J. Gravestock - 0

T. Pledger, c J. Gravestock, b Parker - 0

H.W. Parker, b J. Gravestock - 11

L. Skipp, not out - 4

S. Oakley, b J. Gravestock - 0

Extras - 7

Total - 47


H. Hearn, lbw, b Rayment - 1

W. Reed, lbw, b Manning - 4

F. Parker, b Manning - 8

A. Gravestock, c Mannox, b Manning - 21

F. Darton, c Skipp, b Rayment - 3

J. Gravestock, c Mannox, b Manning - 5

T. Newman, b Manning - 1

J. Pinnock, b Parker - 0

E. Draper, b Parker - 0

T. Kingsley, b Manning - 2

W. Patmore, not out - 2

Extras - 1

Total - 48.

20th Jan 1928 - Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club

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Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club

Annual Treat to Members Children

For upwards of seven years the children of the members of the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club have, during the Christmas season, been entertained to a tea and Christmas Tree.

Those who attended the treat given on Wednesday last were unanimous in their praise for the excellent arrangements. A Christmas Tree, lit up with electric lamps, was at one end of the room, and by it stood a huge clothes basket full of neatly wrapped parcels.

The entire room presented a scene fitting to the festive season - evergreens and paper decorations being used on a lavish scale.

About forty children sat down to a sumptuous tea, consisting of bread and butter, cakes, &c., huge plates of which speedily disappeared, whilst the helpers were also kept busy in filling the cups with hot tea.

Following the tea, the long tables were cleared away and games went on merrily until 7 p.m., when the arrival of Father Christmas was the signal for an outburst of cheering. He immediately went to the Christmas Tree and commenced distributing the presents. After this, the noise of drums and various wind instruments can better be imagined than described.

Before leaving each child was handed a National Savings Card bearing two 6d. savings stamps. The cards were distributed by Mrs H.H. Williams, who thanked the helpers for their excellent work.

Winnie Winters then call for three cheers for the ex-service men, which was heartily given.

Mr Scarborough Taylor proposed a vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs H. Clarke for their work in connection with the arrangements, and this was carried amid cheering.

The National Anthem was then sung, and each child was handed a bag of sweets and an orange.

Those responsible for the excellent arrangements were Mr and Mrs H. Clarke, Mr and Mrs E.C. Clarke, Mrs Warren, Mrs S. Smith, Mrs S. Howlett, Mrs Davies, Mrs Starr, Mrs Hall and Mr E.E. Dennis.

Visitors during the evening included Mrs Williams, Mr and Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mr G.H. Maughan, and Mr and Mrs B.E. Thody.

Ex-Service Men At Supper

Hardly had the last child left the children's party when the ladies who assisted with the children's tea set to work on an equally important job - the preparation of the tables for the ex-service men's supper. This was the first event of its kind to be held in Buntingford, and judging by the number present and the success of the evening it promises to become an annual event.

About forty ex-service men and their friends sat down at daintily laid and prettily decorated tables, doing justice to an appetising spread consisting of roast beef, boiled beef and ham, cheese, pickles &c. Mr A.E. Mayes, a former honorary secretary of the club, presided, and a very enjoyable evening was spent.

After the loyal toast had been honoured, songs were contributed by Mr S. Daniels and the whole company joined in the singing of well-known Army choruses and songs. Mr Dennis worked extremely hard at the piano throughout the evening, and kindly lent song books.

At the close, the Chairman proposed the toast of "The Ladies." Everyone was very grateful to them for the excellent service they had rendered, not only at the supper but also at the children's treat.

The ladies were then accorded musical honours.

Musical honours were accorded Mr Dennis for his valuable assistance at the piano, and votes of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and to Mr H. Clarke, the hon. secretary, for the excellent arrangements, concluded a day which gave great pleasure to the members of the Club and their children.

26th Feb 1926 - Boys' Club

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Boys' Club

A whist drive and dance, in aid of the funds of the Buntingford Boys' Club, was held at the George Hotel on Tuesday evening in last week.

There were 14 tables in use for whist, and Mr E.E. Dennis carried out the duties of M.C. The prize winners were: Ladies - 1 Mrs W. Jackson (biscuit barrel), 2 Mrs Smith (jam dish), 3 Mrs Hummerstone (jam dish). Gents - 1 Mr Mannox (clock), 2 Mr A. Mayes (tobacco pouch and pipe), 3 Mr A. Coxall (cut-glass bowl).

Following the whist, dancing was indulged in until midnight, Mr E.E. Dennis acting as accompanish and Mr J. Wall as M.C.

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