Showing posts with label July 1926. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July 1926. Show all posts

30th July 1926 - Another Accident

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Another Accident

Yesterday (Thursday) morning, another serious accident occurred, which resulted in Mr C. Smith, a farmer, of York Cottage, Buntingford, being conveyed to Royston Hospital sufering from an injury to his hip.

Mr Smith was carting grass from a meadow in Baldock Lane, and through the hors becoming restless Mr Smith was thrown to the ground.

He was seen by Dr Dixon who advised his immediate removal to hospital.

30th July 1926 - School Attendance

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School Attendance

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Education Sub-Committee was held at the Board Room on Monday, Mr C. Hummerstone presiding.

The question of evening classes for the 1926-27 session was discussed, and a skeleton syllabus drawn up.

It is proposed to hold classes for Horticulture and Agriculture in addition to the usual subjects, and it is hoped that many will avail themselves of the opportunity of studying these two important subjects.

30th July 1926 - Puckeridge - New Catholic Church

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New Catholic Church

On Sunday evening the new Roman Catholic Church, situated in a garden adjoining the high road, and almost exactly opposite St Thomas' R.C. School, was opened by His Eminence Cardinal Bourne, who was attended by the Rev. E.J. Mahoney, D.D., as deacon, and the Rev. J. McKenzie as sub-deacon.

The alter vases were filled with Madonna lilies and white phlox. The church was crowded wto its fullest extent. The hymns from the Benediction Service were sweetly sung by the children from the school, and Miss O'Brien presided at the organ.

In his address, the Cardinal expressed pleasure that such a convenient site had been obtained for the church. He was also glad that the number of Catholics had grown sufficiently for them to have a church of their own at Puckeridge. 

The church was designed by Mr Thomas Scott, and built by Messrs. Ekins and Co., of Hertford. Towards the cost of the building, Puckeridge and district have contributed £120.

30th July 1926 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis (Chairman), The Hon. Baron Dimsdale, Capt. H.H. Williams, H.C. Marshall and Claud Fraser, Esqs.

Congratulations to the Chairman

A very pleasing and well-deserved tribute was paid to the Chairman before the business of the Court commenced. The Hon. Baron Dimsdale moved that thhe Bench take that opportunity of according hearty congratulations to their Chairman on the well-earned distinction conferred upon him by their Sovreign Lord the King.

They then ably referred in the meritorious terms to the splendid service Sir Charles had done for the county, not only on that Bench, but in many other branches of unpaid work. It was a credit to them that their Chairman had been marked out for this honur.

Mr G.H. Gisby, the Senior Joint Clerk to the Magistrates, said on behalf of the clerical staff, he should like to associate himself with the congratulations of the Chairman. All agreed it was a well deserved honour. He had been connected with that Court for upwards of half-a-century, and had had experience of many Chairmen of that Bench, and in no case had the dignity of the Bench been kept up, and justice better administered than during the Chairmanship of Sir Charles.

He could not call to mind an honour received in the county with more unanimity and goodwill. The interests of Sir Charles covered a wide ground. He then alluded to the good work the Chairman had done in Ecclesiastical and Educational matters, and the responsible duties he discharged in such a distinguished manner in the Boer War, and again in the recent war.

In county matters, it was an advantage to have the counsel and assistance of Sir Charles acting in the public interest. It was to men of this stamp they had to look in the future to further the welfare and honour of country.

Supt. Wright, on behalf of the Chief Constables and the police of the division, said they were all proud that an honour had been bestowed on the Chairman.

Mr H.C. Marshall seconded the motion, proposed by Baron Dimsdale, and it was carried with great cordiality.

Sir Charles, on thanking them for their warm expressions of appreciation of the efforts he had made on behalf of the county, said what he valued most were the tributes of goodwill he had received from old friends and associates. He had done very little; others had done infinitely more, and to their good work he owed the honour that had been conferred upon him.

He remembered well Mr Gisby's father, who was clerk of that Bench, and he then spoke highly of the wise counsel they had received from their clerk, enabling the business of the Court to be conducted so satisfactorily. He thanked them again for their kind expressions - it was these that made the honour so valuable to him.

There were no cases before the Court, and the only business transacted related mostly to licensing.

A full transfer was granted of the licence of "The Bell" Inn, Cottered (owners Messrs. Christine and Co) from Alice Clements to George William Alder.

The Buntingford Horticultural Show is fixed for next Thursday. This led to two applications to which Supt. Wright offered no objections. Mr William Warner, of "The Bull" Public House, was allowed an extension of hours on the day from 2.30 to 6 p.m., and an occasional licence was granted to Mr J. Holmes, of "The George" Hotel, who will have a refreshment tent on the show ground.

Structural alterations at "The Crown" Inn. Mr L.J. Gomme, architect for Messrs. Christie & Co., produced plans for the addition of a new tea and dining room to the premises of "The Crown" Inn, of which Mr Mannox is the licensee. The Bench examined the plan and granted the application.

30th July 1926 - Cricket - Wyddiall v. Hamels Park

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Wyddiall v. Hamels Park

The above match was playing at Hamels Park on Saturday last, resulting in a win for Wyddiall by 37 runs.

Wyddiall batted first - F. Hatchett being top-scorer with 18 (not out). Hamels scored only moderately against the bowling of S. and H. Pledger, and were dismissed just on time for 44 runs, W. Wallace and R. Drevuit making 30 between them. S. Pledger was the most successful bowler, taking six wickets at a small cost.



C. Hatchett, b W. Wallace - 5

S. Pledger, b Drevuit - 7

W. Hatchett, b Drevuit - 2

H. Pledger, c S., b W. Wallace - 13

R. Pledger, b W. Wallace - 2

H. May, c C., b W. Wallace - 5

F. Hatchett, not out - 18

E. Bonfield, W. Wallace - 12

H. Hatchett, c W., b S. Wallace - 1

R. Reed, c Bysouth, b S. Wallace - 4

A. Martin, b Drevuit - 6

T. Mole, run out - 2

Extras - 6

Total - 81

Hamels Park

W. Gruss, b S. Pledger - 3

C. Bysouth, b S. Pledger - 2

S. Wallace, b S. Pledger - 0

R. Drevuit, run out - 14

W. Wallace, b H. Pledger - 16

F. Green, b H. Pledger - 0

V. Roberts, b S. Pledger - 2

H. Clarke, c H. Hatchett, b H. Pledger - 1

B. Allen, b H. Pledger - 0

F. Clements, b S. Pledger - 1

T. Rayreen, not out - 1

Extras - 5

Total - 44

30th July 1926 - Cricket - Aspenden v. Cottered

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Aspenden v. Cottered

The above teams met at Cottered on Saturday last, and resulted in Cottered just managing to win by one run - a very exciting finish.

Only two batsmen managed to score double figures for Aspenden, and for Cottered, A. Gravestock made the highest score of the match (21), and to him lies the honour of Cottered's win. Scores:


W. Manning, b J. Gravestock - 0

J. Holmes, lbw, b Parker - 8

F. Stoten, run out - 12

K. Rayment, b J. Gravestock - 1

H Mannox, b Parker - 0

C. Ward, b J. Gravestock - 4

A.E. Mayes, b J. Gravestock - 0

T. Pledger, c J. Gravestock, b Parker - 0

H.W. Parker, b J. Gravestock - 11

L. Skipp, not out - 4

S. Oakley, b J. Gravestock - 0

Extras - 7

Total - 47


H. Hearn, lbw, b Rayment - 1

W. Reed, lbw, b Manning - 4

F. Parker, b Manning - 8

A. Gravestock, c Mannox, b Manning - 21

F. Darton, c Skipp, b Rayment - 3

J. Gravestock, c Mannox, b Manning - 5

T. Newman, b Manning - 1

J. Pinnock, b Parker - 0

E. Draper, b Parker - 0

T. Kingsley, b Manning - 2

W. Patmore, not out - 2

Extras - 1

Total - 48.

30th July 1926 - St Francis' School Outing

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St Francis' School Outing

Arranged as usual with great completeness by the Sisters, the boys at St Francis' School had their annual outing on Wednesday in last week.

About 40 boys and the Catholic children of the town had an enjoyable drive round in two charabancs to Royston. Luncheon on Royston Heath proved a great enjoyment, as also did a capital meat tea served in the afternoon.

One of the events of the outing was a cricket match between the school's two teams, captained respectively by a boy from Halifax and one from Cardiff, by which names the teams are known. Mr E.J. Sparkes rendered very welcome aid on the Heath and added to general enjoyment.

The party arrived home soon after 9 p.m. highly delighted with their pleasant outing, and full of gratitude to the Sisters.

30th July 1926 - Layston Sunday School Festival

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Layston Sunday School Festival

The annual festival in connection with the Layston Church Sunday School was held on Saturday last.

After a short service in St Peter's, the children, accompanied by Rev. A. and Mrs Howard, the teachers, mothers and other helpers, proceeded to Aspenden House at the kind invitation of Captain and Mrs Williams, who not only welcomed the Sunday School to their beautiful grounds, but provided a bountiful tea for all on the lawn.

After tea a well-planned programme of sports was carried out by Mr Albert Freeman and Mr George Hill, the races causing much interest and amusement to the lookers-on. Bucket ball was popular with all, including the mothers and teachers.

Mr and Mrs Claud Fraser and Miss H. Fraser and Mr and Mrs R.H. Hardy and their children were also present.

When the programme ended prizes were distributed to the winners, but by this time the rain, which had threatened to fall during the afternoon, became persistent, and after cheers for Capt. and Mrs Williams and the National Anthem the company broke up after a very enjoyable afternoon.

30th July 1926 - Layston Church Choir Outing

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Layston Church Choir Outing

On Wednesday last the Choir enjoyed a delightful day at Clacton-on-Sea.

The party, with the addition of the Rev. A. and Mrs Howard, the Misses Howard, Mr S. Howard, Mr and Mrs Baker and others, left at 7 in Mr Spencer's new and comfortable charabanc. The drive was enjoyed by all, the weather being favourable.

On arrival, the party separated for bathing, paddling and the other delights of Clacton, but met at 5 for tea at the Clifton Restaurant.

The expenses of the Choir were chiefly met by the kind gifts of members of the congregation and other residents in Buntingford.

The rain held off well till the start home was made, and was not sufficient to cause serious inconvenience.

30th July 1926 - Bowls

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The Buntingford Bowls Club journeyed to Bengeo on Thursday (yesterday), when they were badly defeated by the home team by 31 points.

Buntingford only scored 26, against the Bengeo Club's 57.

30th July 1926 - Fatal Accident

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Fatal Accident

Mr Walter Benstead, of High Street, Buntingford, met with a fatal accident on the 24th inst. by falling from a ladder whilst window cleaning at Mr Harry Postle's house.

He was conveyed to the Infirmary at Buntingford on Sunday, the 25th inst., and although he received every attention he passed away on the 29th inst.

At the time of going to press, it is not known whether the facts will be notified to the Coroner or not.

A further report will be found in our next issue.

30th July 1926 - Funeral of Mr F. Ballard

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Funeral of Mr F. Ballard

The funeral of Mr F. Ballard, whose death we announced last week, took place at St Mary's Church, Aspenden, on Monday afternoon.

The remains, encassed in a coffin of plain oak, were conveyed to the church in a Washington coach.

There were two mourning coaches and the immediate mourners were: Mr W. Ballard (brother), Mr and Mrs Walbey (sister and brother-in-law), Mr and Mrs Grey (sister and brother-in-law), Mrs A. Grey (sister), Mrs De Fontaine (sister), Mrs Walbey (sister), Messrs. C. Walbey and L. Walbey (nephews), Miss Stubbings and Messrs. J. Parker, D. Neale, E. Plumb (employees).

Others present were - Mr and Mrs Crouch, Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs Knight, Mrs D. Smith, Dr H.E. Dixon, Mrs Brewington, Mrs C. Miles, Mrs Wylds, Miss Parker, Mr and Mrs Beeton, Messrs. H.A. and W. Hare, W. Rowley, T.J. Stick, A. Anthony, F. Hamilton, H.H. Macklin, E.P. Borsberry, J. Boniwell, E.G. Thody, G. Aylott, C. Smith, W. Smith, D. Wallis and P. Hamilton.

Messrs. J.L. Cornwell and H. Clarke represented the Buntingford Gas and Coke Co., of which the deceased was a director.

There were many beautiful wreaths, including one from the employees and one from the tradesmen of Buntingford.


Mr Walbey, Mr Ballard and relatives return thanks to friends for kind sympathy shown in their great bereavement.

Royston, Herts.

28th July, 1926.

30th July 1926 - Preliminary Notice

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Preliminary Notice

The Vicarage, Ardeley, Herts

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I.,

Has received instructions from the Rev. F.P. Harton to Sell by Auction at the above, on Wednesday, August 18th, 1926, at 11 a.m., the whole of the modern and antique furniture and effects, kitchen utensils, outdoor effects, poultry & appliances.

Catalogues of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Welwyn (Tel. 98); Baldock (Tel. 62); and at Hatfield (Tel. 16).


Note from Alison: Rev. Frederic Percy Harton was born in 1889 and he died in Wells, Somerset in 1959 while out walking.

He was vicar of Ardeley from 1922 to 1926 when he went to spend a year in Ceylon as missionary. Upon his return he was appointed warden of the Sisters of Charity, Knowle, Bristol. In 1936 he became vicar of Baulking in Berkshire, where he remained until he was appointed Dean of Wells.

30th July 1926 - For Sale

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For Sale

Creosote - Wood preservative, at 1/8 per galloon. E.P. Borsberry, Ironmonger, Buntingford.

Gent's bicycle for sale. Good condition; new rear tyre, chain, free wheel, &c. Bargain 35/- Beadle, Cottered.

Walnut washstand, marble top, tile back, drawer and cupboard. 26/-; Single bedstead, spring and mattress, 17/6; Axminster carpet, 10ft. 6in. x 6ft., in good condition, 30/- Marvill, Buntingford.


Found a brown and white puppy. Can be claimed at Police Station, Buntingford.

Room for two passengers. Private car leaving Buntingford Monday morning, August 2nd - London, Bexhill, Hastings, Brighton, Eastbourne. David Smith, c/o Mr Anthony, Buntingford.

Foster-mother required. Sole charge of infant; private person only; Buntingford or district. Write full particulars, Box No. 60, "Gazette" office, Buntingford.

23rd July 1926 - Westmill Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The July meeting was held on Wednesday, the 21st inst., at Knight's Hill, by kind invitation of Mrs Laird.

The usual proceedings took place and one new member elected at the business meeting, which was at 6.30.

A whist drive followed, prizes for which were given by six members, and the bountiful tea was given by Mrs Laird. There were eleven tables, Mrs Laird acting as M.C. It was a very stormy evening, so the proceedings were conducted under cover.

For the prizes, Mrs Darton and Mrs Lee tied for the first lady's; Mrs Pegram was awarded consolation, while an extra prize was won by Mr G. Warner (playing as lady).

Mr W. Jackson and Mr W. Baker won first and second gents' prizes respectively, Miss Bright (playing as gent) being awarded consolation prize.

Mr Harvey, for the visitors, proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the hostess.

In spite of the weather, a very cheerful evening was spent.

23rd July 1926 - The Storm

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The Storm

Buntingford missed - and a good miss - the centre of the severe thunderstorm which assed over Essex and part of Hertfordshire on Sunday night.

The lightning could be seen at 10 p.m., and was very vivid and incessant until about 11.30.

Little rain fell in the district, though a certain amount of damage was done to growing crops by the strong wind.

It is understood that the havoc caused in certain parts of Essex was heartbreaking to witness on Monday morning.

23rd July 1926 - New Station Master

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New Station Master

Mr M. Hare, station master at Barkingside, Essex, has been appointed by the Railway Authorities to succeed Mr F.W. Bower, as station master at Buntingford.

Prior to becoming station master at Barkingside, Mr Hare, was relieving station master for the Norwich district. He will begin his duties here shortly, and comes with a deservedly high reputation.

Since Mr Bower left, Mr W. Spratley, relieving station master for the Buntingford Branch has been in charge of the Buntingford Station, and has carried out the duties most efficiently.

The many friends of Mr Bower wish him many days of happiness in his reitrement.

23rd July 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

A meeting of the Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding.

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor's Report was presented and passed.

Little Hormead Cottages

The Surveyor reported on the drainage at these cottages, and after a discussion the Surveyor was instructed to interview Mr Pattern.

Housing Acts

Application for subsidies under the House Act, 1923, were received from Mrs Lacey, of Cottered, and Mr R.G. Peck, of Rushden. Both applications were granted.

The Milk and Dairies Order, 1926

The order was discussed, and the Medical Officer of Health (Dr Dunn) was asked to report on the order at the next meeting of the Council.

Rating and Valuation Bill

The question of the new Rating and Valuation Bill was discussed, and the following elected to serve on the local Rating Committee: Mrs Dimsdale, Messrs. W.J. May, C. Fraser, A.J. Hayes, W.H. Kittow and G. Graves.

Mr C. Hummerstone asked what would be the position of the present Assistant Overseer when the new act came into force.

The Clerk pointed out that there would have to be a certain number of collectors, and the matter was left for the Committee to report upon.

23rd July 1926 - Board of Guardians

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Board of Guardians

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Tuesday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Captain E.T. Morris, Messrs F.B. Cannon, H.C. Marshall, G. Graves, C. Fraser, H.E. Dudley, W.H Kittow, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May and G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin), and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 13, children 2. Total 30. Corresponding period last year - 35.

Casuals 65. Corresponding period last year 5.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated:

Fancy cakes and strawberries, Mrs Greg; books, Mrs Tapper.


Tenders were received for work on the casual wards at the Institution.

Only two tenders were received, these being as follows: Messrs J. Hamilton & Co., £82 15s. 6d.; Mr C.H. Poulton, £99 5s.

Messrs Hamilton's tender was accepted.

23rd July 1926 - Success

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We have pleasure in recording that at a recent examination, in connection with the Daily Graphic National Scholarship Competition, Doris Queenie Law, of Church Street, Buntingford, was award [sic] a Diploma of Merit for proficiency in the following subjects - History, Geography, English, Needlework and Drawing.

We congratulate Miss Law, who is only 13 years of age, on her success, especially as there were some 130,000 entrants to the competition.

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