Women's Institute
A meeting was held on Tuesday evening in last week, in the Mission Room to discuss the question of starting a Women's Institute in the village.
There was a good attendance, with Mrs Wardle in the chair. An interesting address was given by Mrs C.R. Turney, V.C.O., on "The aims and objects of the Women's Institute." A hearty vote of thanks was passed to her on the motion of the chairman.
The vote was then put to the meeting as to whether a Women's Institute should be started, with the result that all present were in favour.
The following were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs Wardle; vice-president, Mrs C.R. Turney; secretary, Mrs Kingsley; treasurer, Miss Tott; committee, Mesdames J. Bonfield, E. Drage, Giffen, F. Gatward, Hambleton, Knights, Lawrence, Scripps.
The first monthly meeting will be held on Thursday evening, October 28th, when new members will be welcomed.