Showing posts with label Sayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sayer. Show all posts

9th April 1926 - Easter at St Peter's

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Easter at St Peter's

Bright and hearty services were held on Easter Day in St Peter's, which had been tastefully decorated with spring flowers and plants by Miss F. Feasey, Miss E. and Mr S. Howard, Miss Brodie, Miss M. Macklin, Miss Bell, Mr S. Thody, Miss J. Sayer and Miss E. Winters.

The Holy Communion was celebrated at 8 a.m., mid-day and evening, when there was a large number of communicants.

A children's service was held in the afternoon, followed by baptisms. At the morning and evening service the anthem "He is not here, He is risen" (Caleb Simper) was well rendered.

19th Feb 1926 - Annual Sale of Work

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Annual Sale of Work

The annual sale for Home and Foreign Missions was held in the Parish Room on Thursday in last week. 

The C.M.S. stall was presided over by Mrs Dixon and Miss Fry; that for the C.P.A by Mrs Fell, Mrs Howard and Mrs Wyman; Mrs White, Miss B. White, Miss M Feasey and Miss Howard sold sweets and old books; while Mrs Ambrose, Mrs Sayer and Miss Cutts had charge of the tea tables, provisions for which had been kindly given.

There was a good attendance, several friends from neighbouring parishes showed their kind interest. The of £10 was raised - £6 for C.M.S. and £4 for C.P.A.

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