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Showing posts with label Page. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday morning, when there were present Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Messrs. F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Claud Fraser, W.J. May, G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, T.J. Stick, H.H. Williams, A.W. Page, and G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.B. Butler), the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

Master's Report

The Master presented his monthly report, which showed that 2 inmates had been admitted, 2 discharged, and one had died. The number now in the Institution was 45.

During the month 388 casuals had been admitted, against 189 for the corresponding period last year.

The Master reported that the copper in the laundry was worn out, and a new one was needed.

The Rev. Howard is holding a service at the Institution on Sunday next, and the Master asked for sanction to purchase some chairs and hassocks, which a tradesman is willing to supply at cost price.

The Master also reported the receipt of the following gifts: Books from Mrs Brian Laing and Mrs Clark, and cakes from Miss Lushington and the secretary of the Buntingford Football Club.

House Committee Report

The House Committee reported that they had considered the suggestion of furnishing one of the rooms as a chapel, but had left the matter over for a month.

A new copper was essential in the wash-house, as also was a wire cage for the stove and pipe, which had been recommended by the Insurance Company.

The Committee also stated that the milk supplied to the Institution had not been of a good quality, and the sanitary inspector had submitted a report thereon.

The patients in the hospital and the inmates of the House were visited, and found to be comfortable and proceeding satisfactorily.


The Chairman said he was sure the Board was very grateful to those who had sent gifts to the Institution.

With regard to the equipping of a room for the religious services, the matter was left in Mr Thody's hands to enable him to find out that amount of money would be required to meet the cost. The Board thought £5 or £6 would pay for the chairs and hassocks.

Mr Hayes asked whether it would not be possible to use the chairs of other rooms, but the Master replied the only ones available were those in the Board Room, and he thought some difficulty would be experienced in carrying the chairs about.

A tender for the provision of a new copper was received, but it was agreed to invite other tenders before carrying out the work.

The Clerk read Mr Thody's report of his inspection of the milk supplied to the Institution, in which he stated the reason for the milk turning sour was lack of cleanliness. The Contractor (Mr Smith) sent a letter to the Board, stating that he could not understand what caused the milk to curdle in so short a time.

Mr Page said that new milk supplied at 5 o'clock in the evening should remain fresh for twenty-four hours, and the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Smith.


Several cases were dealt with, and instructions issued.

Appointment of Relieving Officers

The Clerk read a letter from the Ministry of Health, stating that the Ministry had assented to the appointment of Mr B.E. Thody as successor to Mr Macklin.

The Clerk also read a letter from the Ministry agreeing to allow two years to be added to the late Relieving Officer's actual years of service for the purposes of superannuation.

The Clerk read copies of resolutions which had been passed by other unions in the country.


The Clerk presented his estimates for the half-year ending 30th September, from which is appeared that the amount required for Common Fund Charges would be £2144, as against £2073 for the corresponding period last year.

The Clerk stated that the increase was accounted for by the increased cost of in-maintenance due to the large number of casuals.

A Guardian's Resignation

A letter was read from Capt. E.T. Morris, tendering his resignation as a Guardian and Rural District Councillor. 

Capt. Morris stated that his other engagements did not allow him to attend the meetings, and he sincerely thanked the members of the Board and their officers for the help they had given him in the past.

The Chairman, in moving that a letter be sent Capt. Morris expressing the Board's regret at his resignation, said Capt. Morris had done a great amount of work in the past and his services would be greatly missed.

Capt. Williams, the Chairman of the Rural District Council, endorsed Mr Hummerstone's remarks, and this concluded the business.

10th December 1926 - The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

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The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

Buntingford & District Represented

The Empire Fete and Carnival, held at the New Town Hall, Hitchin, on Wednesday and Thursday in last week, was an outstanding success, the numbers attending and the trade carried out exceeding all expectations.

The Stalls were beautifully arranged, and comprised: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, West Indies, and New Zealand.

The Stall for this district, which was presented by Buntingford, Great and Little Hormead, Westmill, Buckland, Cottered, Ardeley, Wyddiall, Aspenden, and Layston, was managed by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Cavendish, Mrs Codrington, Mrs Crane, Mrs Croslegh, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Dimsdale, Mrs Howard, Mrs May, Miss May, Mrs Mildren, Mrs Page, Mrs Thody, Miss Wall and Mrs Williams.

On Wednesday the Fete was opened by Major G.M. Kindersley, and on Thursday by the Countess of Strathmore.

There was character dancing, Scotch reels, sword dancing, and selections by the Kitchin Symphonic Society Orchestra.

The illustrated 16-page programmes were sold by Miss Kindersley and helpers who were dressed in red, white and blue.

Towards the close of the second evening crowds began to assemble for the announcement of the result of the competition in which a motor car, motor cycle, and a fur coat were offered as prizes. The results were as follows:

Motor car, Mrs E. McCormick, St Ives Hotel, Maidenhead (No. 5612).

Motor cycle, Lady Jane Van Koughnet, Aston (No. 15680).

Fur coat, E. Gray, 43 Gentlemen's Row, Enfield (No. 23251).

The Buntingford effort was well supported, and at the time of going to press the excellent sum of £52 15s. 10d. has been paid to Col. Tyrrell by Mrs Deacon. This amount includes donations, and proceeds of sale of gifts both in Buntingford at the Women's Annual Meeting and at Hitchin on 1st and 2nd December.

It is hoped to hold a stall at a garden meeting in the summer to dispose of rest of goods not sold.

7th January 1927 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday.

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Fraser, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, W.H. Kittow, W.J. May, A.H. Hayes, A.W. Page, G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

House Committee

The House Committee reported as follows:

"The House Committee visited the House today and found everything in a satisfactory condition.

"The inmates expressed their pleasure in having spent a very Happy Christmas.

"The work required to be done in renewing kitchen floor has not been commenced, and we suggest that the contractor should be written to to put this work in hand immediately."

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 20, women 15, children 3. Total 38.

Corresponding period last year - 41.

During the month 1 male and 1 female have been admitted.

The Christmas Festivities passed off well and all had a happy time. The inmates wish me to thank the Board for the liberal fare provided.

Through the kindness of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, I do not ask for a collection from the Board, as there is no deficit to meet on the Christmas party. Of the £2 sent by Hertford, I handed 10 of their inmates 2/6 each.


The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Board to all those who had sent gifts, &c., to the Institution.

Mr W.J. May, in associating himself with the Chairman's remarks said that the as there was no necessity for a collection amongst the Guardians towards the Christmas festivities, he would like to say that there was an old lady, an inmate of the Institution, who would attain the age of 93 years next Monday, and he thought that if any of the members chose to give a small donation it would be handed to her for the purpose of holding a birthday party in the Sick Ward.

This was agreed.

Several cases of relief were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

A letter was received from the Rev. L.W. Wright, stating that he was unable to attend the meeting owing to illness.

The Chairman expressed a hope that the Rev. Wright would soon be better.

important letters regarding the payment of National Health Insurance benefits to persons while inames of a Poor Law Institution were read, and these will appear in our next issue.

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

18th February 1927 - Funeral of Mr George Taylor

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Funeral of Mr George Taylor

Amid evidences of great regret, the funeral of Mr George Taylor, whose death was announced in this Paper last week, as a result of appendicitis, took place on Monday afternoon.

The remains had been previously brought from Hertford to White Hall, and were conveyed in a plain oak coffin inscribed -

George Taylor, Died 9th February, 1927, Aged 28 years.

There was a large congregation, and as the cortege entered the Church the organist played appropriate music, and the service, which was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. W.P. Farmer, was most impressive. Two hymns were sung "On the Resurrection Morning" and "Now the Labourer's Task is O'er."

The immediate mourners were - Mr and Mrs A. Taylor (father and mother), Mrs Jackson (sister), Mr N. Taylor (brother), Miss B. and Miss M. Taylor (sisters), Mr George Taylor and Mr George Deamer (uncles), Mr and Mrs A.W. Page (uncle and aunt), and employees of the farm.

Others present were - Mrs N. Cannon, Messrs. H.E. Dudley, F.B. Cannon, L. Cannon, G. Graves, C. Rand, T. Wornham, Henry May, R. Kingsley, C. Stick, and Miss Turney.

There were many beautiful wreaths suitably inscribed.

11th February 1927 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Monthly Meeting

Appointment of Rate Collector

Over 30 Applicants

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Board Room on Thursday of last week.

Present - Capt. H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. G. Graves, C. Hummerstone, F.B. Cannon, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, E.J. Marshall, H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, A.W. Page, and T.J. Stick, with the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody), and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported as follows:

Isolation Hospital

No cases of infectious disease have been notified, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the month has been:

1st week - 262,000 gallons.

2nd week - 249,000 gallons.

3rd week - 248,000 gallons.

4th week - 248,000 gallons.

Four hundred gallons of paraffin are required and 40 gallons lubricating oil.


Three persons make application for licenses to store carbide of calcium, and 14 for the renewal of their petrol licenses.


The purchase of the paraffin and lubricating oil was approved, and all the licenses were granted.


Mr H.C. Marshall reported that he had interviewed the County Surveyor, and had arranged the matter of the roads which the County Council proposed taking over from the Rural District Council. The arrangements were subject to confirmation by the County Council.

The Chairman said the Council were very grateful to Mr Marshall and Capt. Morris for what they had done in the matter.

Appointment of Rate Collector

There were over 30 applicants for the post of Rate Collector, at a salary of £150 per annum. A Sub-Committee had been into the applications, and had chosen six applicants for interview by the Council.

Mr Hayes: I don't think there was any suggestion that the Sub-Committee should open the applications and choose any number to come before the Board. It has caused a lot of talk in the town, and I heard last week that it was almost decided who should have the post.

The Chairman: You have heard the minutes read, and no doubt you noticed that you seconded the resolution, proposed at the last meeting by Mr F. Cannon, that the Sub-Committee should meet and go into the matter immediately after the last day for receiving applications for the post.

Mr Hayes: I certainly seconded the resolution, but I did not think that the Sub-Committee would go into the matter so early.

The Chairman: Immediately after the last day for receiving applications: that was the resolution.

Mr G.C. Wilson: I quite see Mr Hayes' point. I admit that I was a little surprised to find that the Council were interviewing applicants today. At the same time I think the Council are very grateful to the Sub-Committee for going into the matter so thoroughly.

The Rev. L.W. Wright: I quite agree. It would have been a lot of unnecessary work for the Council to have to go into the question of the whole of the applicants today. The Sub-Committee has done quite the right thing.

Mr Hayes: I am quite satisfied now, only I heard that there was a good deal of canvassing.

The Chairman: As far as I am concerned I can say that I have no spoken to anyone or interviewed anyone respecting the post.

Mr Hayes: I am satisfied. Let us get on with the selection.

The Council then interviewd the six applicants recommended by the Sub-Committee, and after ninety minutes' deliberation it was unanimously agreed to appoint Mr W.G. Bonness.

The other business was of a formal nature.

11th March 1927 - Buntingford Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week.

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G. Graves, E. Bygrave, A.W. Page, E.J. Marchal, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May, F. Prime, G.C. Wilson and H.E. Dudley, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and the Master (Mr F.W. Butler).

Master's Report

The Master reported that there were 39 inmates in the Institution. During the month five had been admitted and four discharged; one had died. There was again an increase in casuals, 189 being admitted during the past month, again 19 for the corresponding period last year.

The Master also reported that on Wednesday, 1st March, two casuals - Albert Smith and J. Brown - were set a task of woodchipping in one of the cells. When the Master entered at 11.30 a.m., Smith picked up a chopper and threatened him; Brown also became abusive, and the Master entered the cell and tried to eject Brown; in doing so Smith picked up a log of wood and again threatened the Master, who overpowered both men, and later had Smith locked up in another cell for the night.

The man again became abusive, and smashed all the panes of glass in the window. The following morning he was set to pick oakum, and was visited by members of the House Committee.

Mr Butler stated that he had engaged the services of an ex-Police Sergt. to watch the man until his discharge from the casual ward.

The Chairman said he was glad the Master came through his experience unhurt. The question has been raised as to whether the Master should engaged additional assistance when cases such as this arose.

Mr G.C. Wilson said the event was quite a serious matter, and he was of the opinion that the matter of engaging extra help with the casuals should be left to the Master.

This was agreed, the rate of pay per hour or day being fixed.

House Committee

The House Committee reported that they had visited the Institution and had found everything in a satisfactory condition.

It was reported that the night nurse at the Institution had secured another appointment, and the matter of filling the post left to the Matron.


The Clerk submitted the estimates for the half-year. The net amount required for common fund charges was £1323 against £1385 for the corresponding period last year.

The produce of a penny rate was £85 10s. - the amount required would therefore mean a rate of approximately 1/4 in the £.


Several relief cases were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

22nd April 1927 - The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw

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The Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw


The following are the Prize-winners, together with the Prizes, in connection with the Buntingford and District Musical Society's Easter Draw. Those persons who had not yet received prizes can obtain same to by applying to Mr S. Daniels, High Street, Buntingford.

Name - Address - Prize

J. Castle - 20, Heaton Road, Heston - Silk for Jumper

J. Geary - 232, High Street, Ponder's End - Condiment Set

A. Brooker - London Road, Hitchin - Voucher

D.A. Burr - Standon - Powder Bowl

D. Pinnock - Cottered - Biscuit Barrel

A. White - 23, Green Road, Nr. Croydon - Sugar Bowl

D. Neale - Hare Street Lane - Easter Egg Basket

H. Mayes - Baldock Lane - Oak Tray

F. Handscombe - 9, Bridge St., Bishops Stortford - Umbrella

N. Page - Cottered - Iced Cake

Mr Tinsley - Buntingford Station - Half-dozen Knives.

E. Wyman - Nuthampstead - Port

Mr Taylor - Westmill - Teddy Bear

P.C. Brown - Letchworth - Tea Cosy

F.J. Hind - 12, Straff Road, Brixton - Wrist Watch

W. Hills - Cottered - Easter Egg

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Cigarettes

Miss Porter - Norfolk Road - Tin Biscuits

C. Chapman - Brecknock, Puckeridge - Fountain Pen

F. Savage - (White City) Walkern - Hearth Rug

A. Brinklow - 33, Vic Road, Bletchley - Tea Spoons

Vera Whiting - Church Street, Buntingford - Box Chocolates

J. Mitchell - 8, Shackleton Rd, Soulhall, Mix. - Cookery Book

N. Hatchett - Wyddiall - Easter Egg

J.G. Mallian - 27, Croft Road, Ware - Fruit Bowl

A.A. White - 23, Greenwood Road, Croydon - Silk Scarf

Vera Dowding - Wyddiall Road - Fowl

Mrs Scott - Church Street - Scooter

A. Jackson - Buntingford - Mirror

E.C. Howard - Langley, Bucks - Chocolates

Mark Hammond - Throcking - Pair Silk Stockings

Mrs Heman - Easter Egg

Mr H. Houlden - Station Road - Clock

Grip - High Street - Box Handkerchiefs

S. Corp - Wakeley - Whiskey

Joan Sparkes - Furneaux Pelham - Tin Tea.

3rd June 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis (in the chair), H.C. Marshall, William Steel, G.C. Coutts-Deacon, and G.W. Pepper, Esps. The last three named gentlemen took their seats on the Bench for the first time.

No Licence

Charles Clark, of 20, Balmouth Road, Borough, London, was charged with driving a motor lorry without being duly licensed, at Chipping.

P.C. Hill, who proved the case, said that he stopped the defendant, who was driving a six-wheeled vehicle, at 2.30 a.m. The defendant told him that he had lost his licence since last November.

A fine of £2, including costs, was imposed.

A Regrettable Case

What was described by all parties concerned as a very regrettable case, came before the Bench, when Daisy Hilda Page (aged 17), of Rushden, Buntingford, made application for an affiliation order against John Sydney Lyon (aged 15), also of Rushden.

The case lasted nearly two hours, the complainant being in the witness box for an hour.

After a short adjournment, the Chairman said that the Bench had given the case their very deepest and sincerest consideration, and they were of the opinion that there was inssuficient evidence to make an order.

The case would, therefore, be dismissed.

A Rate Summons

Harry D. Piper, of "Wedlands," Hare Street, Buntingford, did not appear to a summons for non-payment of Poor Rate.

Mr W.C. Kitchen, the Assistant Overseer, was granted a distress warrant.

2nd July 1926 - Puckeridge Motor-Cycle Accident

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Motor-Cycle Accident

A serious accident occurred on Wednesday morning last to Mr Ted Roberts, of Barkway, as he was cycling towards Ware.

It appears that a motor lorry, belonging to Mr Page, of Braughing, was being turned round, when Roberts' motor-cycle ran into the lorry.

He was rather badly injured, and at the time of going to press we learn that he is still unconscious.

28th May 1926 - Hertfordshire County Library

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Hertfordshire County Library

The Local Committee of the Buntingford Centre met on Tuesday at the Parish Room, the Rev. A. Howard presiding in the absence of the Chairman (Mr C. Fraser).

The other members present were Mrs H. Williams, Mrs Page, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Mrs Baker and the Local Librarian (Mrs Howard).

It was decided to open the Library weekly on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m., commencing with a formal opening on Tuesday next (June 1st), when those who have signed the membership cards will be able to select a book.

30th April 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council


Mr G.C. Wilson proposed that Captain H.H. Williams be elected Chairman for the ensuring year. Capt. Williams was one who had done a large amount of work for the Guardians and the Council, and he was one of those members who attended every meeting.

Capt. E.T. Morris seconded.

Capt. Williams, in thanking the members for electing him, said he appreciated the honour and privilege. The position meant a certain amount of work, but one's labours were lightened by the way in which the members worked together and by the Council's excellent clerk.

The Chairman then proposed that Mr G.C. Wilson be appointed Vice-Chairman. Mr Wilson had done a large amount of good and practical work.

Mr H.E. Dudley seconded.

Mr Wilson thanked the members for his appointment, and said he would do his best.


Mr C. Hummerstone proposed, and Mr W.J. May seconded, that the following be appointed to serve on the Housing Committee:

Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Captain E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, C. Fraser, G. Graves, C. Hummerstone, W.H. Kittow, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May, E.J. Marchal and G.C. Wilson.

The following were appointed to serve on the Hospital Committee:

Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. John Bygrave, C. Fraser, C. Hummerstone, A.J. Hayes, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May and A.W. Page.

The following were appointed to serve on the Water and Sewage Farm Committee:

Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, H.E. Dudley, W.H. Kittow, W.J. May, T.J. Stick and A.J. Hayes.


The Surveyor reported as follows:


No cases of infection disease have been notified during the month, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week - 264,000 gallons.

2nd week - 249,000 gallons.

3rd week - 256,000 gallons.

4th week - 258,000 gallons.

The water level remains stationary at 42 feet, being the same level as April 29th last year. Water services have been made to premises in the High Street for the Electro Tanneries, LTD., and to premises in the London Road.


In consequence of complaints made by the tenants of the Council's cottages alleging impurity of the water supply, a sample of water has been submitted to the Counties Laboratories for analysis.

The analyst reports as follows: "This is very hard water of the highest degree of organic purity. The hardness is such that it will rapidly fur kettles, boilers, &c. We regard the water as a pure and wholesome supply."

A same from the newly-dug well at Westmill has also been submitted for analysis, and the analyst reports: "This is a hard water containing a trace of vegetable matter in suspension, which is doubtless due to the recent sinking operation. In other respects it is satisfactory and of a fair degree of organic purity. Assuming that the well is efficiently constructed, we regard the water as suitable for drinking and domestic purposes.


The Survey reported on the Housing Scheme as follows:

All the cottages owned by the Council are in occupation.

A tenant makes application to erect a small motor shed at one of the cottages at Meesden.

The Chairman said the application would be granted.

A letter was read from the Ministry of Health with reference to the sundry expenditure in connection with the Housing Final Accounts, and stating that subject to audit the amounts would rank for financial assistance.


The North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company wrote stating that they had been obliged to alter their proposed route owing to the trouble of getting way leave. The route would not be about 500 yds. further east.

The Chairman said the Company had not stated where the new line would be diverted, and he thought it would be a good thing if the Clerk wrote and asked the Company.

This was agreed.


The Clerk stated that the Herts. County Council had asked the Council to appoint three members on the Local Education Committee of the Herts. County Council. The following were then elected: Capt. H.H. Williams, Messes. C. Hummerstone and G.C. Wilson.


A circular was read from the Council Council respecting the above Act which gives power to protect from disfiguring advertisements.

1. The view of rural scenery from a highway or railway or from any public place or water.

2. The amenities of any village within the district of a Rural District Council.

3. The amenities of historic or public buildings &c.

The County Council also pointed out that a conference upon the subject was being held in London on Friday, 7th May, and asked for two representatives of the Council to be appointed to attend.

Capt. Morris proposed that Capt. H.H. Williams and the Rev. L.W. Wright be appointed. This was agreed.


The Clerk stated that the sum of £93 0s. 10d. had been placed to the credit of the Council under the Agrucultural Rates Act of 1896.

2nd April 1926 - County Library Scheme

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County Library Scheme


A meeting to discuss the question of forming a Buntingford Branch of the Herts. County Council Free Library Scheme was held at the Parish Room on Saturday evening. Mr Claud Fraser presided and was supported by the Rev. A. Howard. There were about 20 representatives from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall and Throcking present.

Under the County Library Scheme libraries are formed in the various towns and villages in the County and a supply of books, normally two per member, are sent periodically. There is no charge for membership or books.

The Chairman, after reviewing the scheme, said he thought it a very good one. It involved the Committee and members in no cost and he understood the books were very useful ones. If 150 members could be enrolled, they would be entitled to 300 books.

After a discussion, the Rev. A. Howard moved, and Mr W.J. May seconded that a library be formed. The following were elected to serve on the committee:

Layston - Mrs H.L. Baker and Miss Elliott.

Aspenden - Mr H.C. Marshall and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Wyddiall - The Rev. L.W. Wright and the Rev. A. Howard.

Throcking - The Rev. A.L. Panchaud and Mrs A.W. Page.

Mrs Macklin proposed, and Mrs A. Dixon seconded that Mrs Howard be asked to take on the duties of Hon. Librarian. Mrs Howard, after enquiring what the duties entailed, said she would accept.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Mrs Howard for her promise of assistance. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May asked whether Sub-Libraries could be formed in the various parishes connected with the scheme, and the Chairman said he thought it would not be practicable at present. If any of the parishes choose to run their own scheme in conjunction with the County Council they could do so.

Mr A.G. Day said the Committee should consider what would be a suitable day and hour for opening the library. He thought the room should be open during the evening as some members would find it difficult to change their books during the afternoon.

Mr E.E. Dennis said he had made enquiries at Hertford, and had learned that gifts of books to the library would become the sole property of the library. The librarian would, however, have to render a return of all books presented. He understood that the next supply of books would be ready for despatch in April, and if members could be enrolled at once Buntingford could get a supply then.


The Chairman said he hoped as many as possible would take advantage of the scheme. When they had enrolled enough members the librarian could send for a supply of books. All that was necessary was for the public to sign a membership form, and Mr Day had kindly offered to have a supply of these in his shop.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and for the interest he had taken to the scheme.


N.B. - It is important that membership forms be completed as soon as they are available, as after the April supply of books there will be no further supply for some two or three months, and should be membership increase immediately after the first supply, enough books may not be available for some time.

16th Dec 1927 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

A Lengthy Agenda

A number of cases were down for hearing at the Buntingford Petty Sessions, held on Friday last. The proceedings lasted until nearly 5 p.m. Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E, presided, other magistrates present being Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. H.H. Williams, Mr Claud Fraser, and Mr G.W. Pepper.


An application for sanction to alterations at "The White Hart," Puckeridge, was granted. Mr Claud Fraser was appointed representative on the Hertfordshire County Probation Committee, and the Bench fixed Friday, February 3rd, for the annual licensing meeting.

The licence of "The George and Dragon" Hotel, Buntingford, was temporarily transferred to Fredk. S. Brigham, the Chairman commending the late tenant, Mr J.E. Holmes, on the satisfactory way the house had been managed.

Application for the temporary transfer of the licence of a beer house at Westmill from David Rayment to Albert Coxall was granted.


Frank Brand, of Harestreet [sic], Buntingford, was summoned for non-payment of poor rate, amounting to £5 18s. 1d. 

An order for payment was made.


Wilfrid Bentley, of Harestreet, Buntingford, was summoned for allowing a dog to stray at Little Hormead.

P.C. Gillett, who proved the case, said that when he spoke to defedant about the offence defendant remarked "I shall have to put up with it, I can get off with paying."

Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 10/- including costs.


Henry Pigg, of Biggin, Buntingford, was summoned for allowing a dog to stray at Harestreet, and for failing to have name and address on the dog's collar.

The defendant told the Bench that he did not know it was necessary to have one's name and address on a dog's collar.

The Chairman said he was afraid that it was not generally known.

Supt. Wright: I will see that notice to the effect that the owner's name and address must be inscribed on a dog's collar, are posted in the district.

The Chairman: You will be fined 5/- including costs in each case, Mr Pigg, and in future you and I must read the posters. (Laughter).


Fred Warner, of Council Cottages, Ardeley, Stevenage, was charged with game trespass at Ardeley.

Thos. Hugh Sale, of Coates Manor, Ardeley, gave evidence of seeing the defendant in a field at 7.30 a.m. on 14th October. The witness saw defendant shoot at a pheasant. When witness spoke to him about it the defendant replied "Tell your father I will sting his pheasants up when the moon shines."

Alfred Carter, game-keeper, of Westmill, gave evidence, and after consultation the Chairman said it was quite clear the defendant was trespassing in search of game. The first witness had said that defendant put the barrels of his gun into his pocket when he left the field; this was not a proper action. There would be a fine of 15/- including costs.


Horace Dearman, of Back Lane, Rushden, was charged with stealing a gent's overcoat, &c, at Buckland, on 21st October.

Thos. William Lawrence said he attended a dance at Buckland on the date in question. He had an overcoat, which he out on a chair in the lobby. He put his cap in the pocket of the overcoat. When he went for his coat after the dance it was missing.

George W. Andrews, of Cottered, said he attended the dance mentioned. When he came out into the lobby after the dance the defendant Dearman handed him a cap, saying "Here's your cap." The witness later found that it was not his cap, so it put it on his bicycle.

P.C. Hill gave evidence of interviewing defendant, who made a statement on the following Sunday morning.

Mr G.H. Maughan, of Messrs. Chalmers-Hunt & Co., represented defendant. The whole affair, he said, was a mistake. The defendant went to a dance at Buckland and put his coat on a chair in a very small and badly lit lobby. When he left the dance he picked up what he thought was his own overcoat and went home in it. He (Mr Maughan) agreed that the defendant should have reported the mistake to the police the next morning.

The defendant, in the witness box, told the Bench that he did not know he had the wrong coat until he was nearly home, when he heard something rattle in the pocket. In the pocket he found a tin of carbide, a scarf, belt and clips. He admitted to the Bench that his own coat differed a great deal from the one he took and also that his own coat pockets were torn.

After consultation, the Bench dismissed the case.


A case in which a Mrs Page, a London schoolmistress, applied for possession of a cottage at Sandon Lane, owned by her and occupied by Jonah Brown, was dismissed because the solicitors acting for the applicant had failed to read over a statutory notice at the time it was served to the defendant Brown.

Mr H.G. Woolfe, barrister, appeared for Mrs Page, and stated that the cottage was purchased in 1926, as Mrs Page, who was in ill health, wished to live in the country. The rent was 2/- per week. Defendant had been offered alternative accommodation. He was a thatcher by trade and the cottage offered him was quite suitable. The applicant had been paying rent for some time in respect of the cottage who had been offered Brown, in the hope that he would accept it.

The question of the notice to quit was discussed by the Bench. The notice was served through the post, but Brown, who was not respresented, although warned by the Chairman that he need not answer the question, admitted that he had received the notice to quit.

The question which led to the case being dismissed was one which the clerk put to the solicitor's clerk, Mr L. Hutchinson: "Did you serve the notice to appear at this Court, on Brown?" asked Mr Gisby. "Yes," replied the clerk. "Did you read it over and explain it to him?" "No."

The Chairman said he was in sympathy with Mr Woolfe, but the law had not been complied with. The statutory notice must be served personally, read over and explained.

The solicitor's clerk explained that defendant had used bad language to him and that he could not read the notice over to him.

Mr Woolfe said it seemed ridiculus to have to adjourn the case just to enable him to go through the formal business of reading over a statutory notice which Brown admitted having received.

The Chairman said they had no other course but to dismiss the application.


A Buntingford woman applied for an affiliation order against Leonard Ward, of Wakeley Cottages, Buntingford. When the case came before the Bench in September last it was dismissed.

The applicant was represented by Mr H. Lathom, the defendant being represented by Mr R. Hartley, of Royston.

The hearing lasted over two hours and at the close the Chairman said the Bench had come to the undoubted conclusion that Ward was the father of the child. An order would be made for the defendant to pay 7/6 per week till the child reached the age of 16 years.

Defendant would also have to pay the cost of the day's proceedings and £1 1s. towards the cost of the confinement.


Hugh W. Sale, of Coates Manor, Ardeley, made application for the possession of a cottage owned by him and in the occupation of A. Culver. The man had received a week's notice to quit.

Mr G.H. Maughan, of Messrs. Chalmers-Hunt & Co., represented defendant, and told the Bench that the tenancy was a yearly one. When Calvert paid his rent, which he did by cheque, Mr Sale entered the rent in thr rent book as though it had been paid weekly.

Mr Sale submitted a certificate from the Agricultural Committee. He particularly wanted the cottage for a stockman. Alternate accommodation had been offered Calvert.

The Chairman said that in the eyes of the law Calvert was a yearly tenant and would have to be served with a year's notice for the application to be in order. The case would have to be dismissed.

24th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E. (in the chair), Capt. H.H. Williams, Claud Fraser, William Steel, and G.W. Pepper, Esqs.


Ernest Newman, of 15, Council Cottages, Cottered, brought a charge of common assault against his neighbour, Jack Gravestock. Gravestock pleaded "not guilty."

The plaintiff said that on Saturday, 7th January, he returned to his home shortly after 9 p.m. After he had been indoors some minutes he heard someone at the front door. He went to the door and the defendant took hold of him and tried to pull him out. Some men were standing at the front gate, and the plaintiff went down the path to enquire what was the matter. Jack Gravestock then took hold of him and pushed him on the village green, and dumped him in the mud two or three times. He afterwards reported the matter to the police.

Edith Newman, wife of the complainant, said she was having a few words with her husband on the night in question when the defendant came to the front door and tried to pull her husband outside. Later her husband went outside and was pushed in some mud by defendant.

Cross-examined, witness stated that her husband was not drunk that night.

The defendant, in giving evidence, said that at about 10.20 p.m. on the Saturday night in question he was indoors with his parents when he heard screams of "murder" and "help." He went to the front door, where he saw Mrs Newman, who asked him to hit her husband.

Newman then came out of the house and witness said to him "I want to see you; come on to the green." Newman walked over to the green and slipped down in the mud, where he laid for some minutes.

Mrs Hearne, of 14, Council Cottages, said that at 10.30 p.m. on the day in question she heard someone screaming. She ran outside, and saw Mrs Newman lying in the path. When Newman came out of the house she asked him to go to his wife's assistance, and he replied "She is only putting it on."

Harry Gravestock, the defendant's father, gave evidence, and said that when he went outside Mrs Newman was shouting "murder" and asking for protection. When Newman came out into the road he walked on to the green, and slipped and fell in the mud.

Harry Hearn and Joseph Pepper said they stood in the road and saw Newman fall down in the mud. The defendant did not push him down.

Mrs Gravestock, the defendant's mother, said there was an awful row outside, and when she went out Mrs Newman told her that Newman would kill her son. The witness went out on to the green where she saw her son (the defendant) standing with another man. She went up to the man, and, thinking he was Newman, smacked his face. She then discovered it was Mr Pepper she had struck. (Laughter). The witness added she helped Newman up and pushed him indoors.

The Chairman said the Bench were of the opinion that the assault had not been proved. The case would be dismissed.


Mrs K. Goss, a married woman, of Buntingford, was summoned by John E. Gibbs, of Buntingford, for alleged cruelty to his child, Frederick Gibbs, aged three years.

The plaintiff, in a lengthy statement to the Bench, said that while his wife was in hospital his three children were placed in the care of Mrs Goss. He paid her £1 per week for their maintenance.

On Tuesday, 20th December, Mr Goss brought the boy, Frederick, home, stating that the child had misbehaved himself. The complainant found that the child complained, and on examining him it appeared as though the child had been struck. He took the child to the Police Station, where he was examined by Police Officers. He also saw Mrs Goss, who denied thrashing the boy.

Mrs Goss, in giving evidence, said that when she took the children into her care they had chicken-pox. In consequence they had marks on their bodies.

On the morning of December 20th she attended to the boy, Frederick, as usual. When she went to dress him at 7.30 a.m. she found he had misbehaved himself, so she gave him a smacking. She did not smack his head, and the child seemed all right at breakfast. She had three children of her own, and would have treated any of them just the same.

Mr G.H. Maughan, of Messrs Chalmers Hunt & Co., defended, and pointed out that a person who has charge of a child is legally entitled to administer such punishment as is necessary. There were times when corporal punishment was necessary, and this occasion had been one of them.

The complainant then called his daughter (Barbara) to give evidence and further evidence for the defendant was given by her husband and daughter.

The Chairman, in addressing the complainant, said that the Bench had listened with great patience to all the evidence. They were impressed by the fact that the complainant had called no medical evidence to support his case. 

They further noted, from the evidence, that although an officer of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children had his attention called to the matter, there was some significance in the fact that he did not intervene in the case.

The Bench were of the unanimous opinion that the case must be dismissed.


The case in which Mrs Page applied for the possession of a cottage in the occupation of Jonah Brown, and which, as reported in our issue of 10th February, was adjourned for the Magistrates to inspect the alternative accommodation offered the tenant, again came before the Bench.

In dismissing the application for possession, the Chairman said that the alternative accommodation offered the tenant was, in the opinion of the Bench, unsuitable.

10th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week, when there were present: Capt. H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Messrs. C. Hummerstone, F.B. Cannon, H.C. Marshall, C. Fraser, H.S. Ward, A.W. Page, T.J. Stick, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

The Surveyor presented his monthly report. During the month the water consumption had been 1,060,000 gallons. The water level at the Waterworks had risen a further six feet, being six feet higher than at February last. Owing to this it was considered advisable to overhaul and re-leather the pumps.

Isolation Hospital

No cases had been reported during the month and the hospital was closed. Certain repairs were necessary to the building.

The Hospital Committee agreed to inspect the Hospital at an early date and submit a statement of what repairs were necessary.

Mr W. Houlden, of Buntingford, made application for assistance under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, and the necessary forms to be completed were issued.

The Clerk read a letter from Mr W.J. May tendering his resignation from the Board of Guardians and Rural District Council, as he was shortly leaving the district.

The Chairman said how much they all regretted Mr May's departure. They were all deeply conscious of the fact that he had been a very valuable member, and the Council would wish him the best of luck.

Mr Hummerstone, the Chairman of the Board of Guardians, associated himself with the Chairman's remarks, to which Mr May suitably replied.

The remainder of the business was of a formal nature.

10th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before J. Howard-Carter, Esq. (in the chair), Claud Fraser, William Steel, G.C. Coutts Deacon and G.W. Pepper, Esqs.


The superintendent presented his annual report, as follows:

Gentlemen, I am directed by the chief constable to report that the number of licensed houses within the Buntingford Petty Sessional Division is 33 fully licensed, 7 beer (one), 4 beer (off), 1 grocer's and 2 registered clubs; total 47.

Four houses have changed hands during the year, being the same number as last year. One licensee has been proceeded against during the year. No person has been proceeded again for drunkenness during the year, this being a decrease of one compared with last year.

The permitted hours in the Buntingford Petty Sessional Division are week-days, 10.30 a.m to 2.30 p.m., and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 12 noon to 2 p.m., and 7 to 10 p.m.

The Chairman said he thought the whole bench would agree that the report was satisfactory. The renewel of all the licenses would be granted.


Application was made by Mr George Wickham, of "The Angel" Inn, Buntingford, for the extension of hours from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays (Buntingford Market Day). The application was granted.


There were two charges against car drivers for failing to illuminate their rear identification plates on motor cars. The defendants, who did not appear, were William B. Witts, of Heathfield, Bassingbourn, and Walter C. Salmon, of 4, Rye Road, Rye Park, Hoddesdon, both motor drivers.

Evidence in each case was given by P.C. Gillett, who said that the rear light of one of the cars was alight but did not illuminate the number plate.

Asked by the Chairman if it was because of dirt on the lamp or plate, the constable replied that the lamp was bright enough but threw a light on to the ground instead of on the number plate.

In imposing a fine of 10/- on each defendant, the Chairman said cases of this kind were becoming before the Bench more frequently. If this continued the Bench may feel it their duty to inflict a more severe penalty.


Sidney Edwards, of 62, Catharine Street, Cambridge, was summoned for driving a motor car without a driving licence at Buntingford.

P.C. Williams said he saw defendant at Buntingford at 2.40 a.m. on 2nd January, and when he asked him for his licence the defendant said he had left it in another coat.

Supt. Wright read a list of former convictions in 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1928, and the Chairman, remarking that the defendant had kept the police force busy, said there would be a fine of 10/- including costs.


Herbert Petts, of Powel's Green, Braughing, Alfred Hagger, of the same address, and Frank Stacey, of Church End, Braughing, labourers, were chared with game trespass at Braughing. Petts did not appear.

P.C. Barker gave evidence of seeing the defendants in a field with dogs on a Sunay morning. The dogs were hunting the land. When he spoke to them they told him they were after rats.

Mr C.P. Mole, of Braughing, the owner of the sporting rights of the land in question, said he had never given the defendants permission to go on the land.

The bench inflicted a fine of 2/6 towards the costs in each case.

William Prior, of The Street, Braughing, was summoned for a similar offence.

P.C. Barker said he saw the defendant coming from a stack and noticed the legs of two rabbits protruding from the defendant's clothes. He told the defendant he would be reported, to which he replied "There they are; they are worth 1/6 each."

The defendant said that he was returning from work when his dog drove a rabbit into a hole. He got it out, and as luck would have it there was another rabbit in the hole.

The defendant, who had been fined twice previously for similar offences, was fined 10/- including costs.


Mr G.H. Maughan of Messrs. Chalmers-Hunt & Co., solicitors, made application on behalf of Mrs Page for possession of a cottage situate at Sandon Lane, Buntingford, owned by her and in the occupation of Jonah Brown. The case came before the bench at a previous sitting, when it was dismissed as a notice had not been read over and explained to the tenant.

Mr Maughan stated that the applicant purchased the cottage in 1926. She was a London school teacher and was retiring on account of ill-health. Brown's rent was 2/- per week, and suitable alternate accommodation had been offered him. The alternate accommodation was at Buckland, and the cottage was larger than the one he was now residing in.

Mr B.E. Thody proved service of the statutory notice to the defendent to the effect that the owner was making application for possession at that Court.

Mrs Page and Mr Page both gave evidence, after which the defendant entered the witness box. He said that the cottage offered him was not suitable. It was three miles further away from his work, and his pony could not pull a cart up the road to the cottage. He objected to taking it.

The Bench discussed the case, after which the Chairman said it would be adjourned for 14 days to give the magistrates an opportunity of inspecting the property. [Transcriber note - Read about the next session here]


The Probation Office, Mr H.J. Andrews, presented his report to the Bench. Of the seven cases placed in his hands by the Bench, six had proved successful and one had proved a failure. Mr Andrews then gave particulars of the number of cases - 91 - which had passed through his hands during the year, and said that there were only two failures. This meant that 89 persons had been helped to better things.

The Chairman congratulated Mr Andrews on his report, and said that the magistrates recognised in the Probation of Offenders' Act opportunity for the improvement of many people.

Mr Claud Fraser, a member of the Probation Committee for the county, said he was pleased to have recently made a satisfactory report on Mr Andrew's work.

3rd Feb 1928 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, C. Fraser, H.S. Ward, A.W. Page, T.J. Stick, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).


The Master presented his monthly report, which was as follows: Number of inmages - men 26, women 18. Casuals admitted - men 77, women 5, children 2. During the month 5 males were admitted, and 2 males and 1 female discharged.


Since the last meeting 310 casuals have been admitted, against 174 for the corresponding period last year.


On January 30th, at 6.30 p.m., Mr A.J. Hayes visited the casual wards and signed the visitors book.

On January 31st, four members of the Hertford Board visited the House and signed the visitors book.


A gift of apples has been received from Mr E.G. Thody, and much appreciated.


The House Committee reported as following: "The House Committee visited the House and found all the inmates comfortable and happy. We recommend the estimate for painting the walls of the chapel be accepted, also that the existing fireplace be removed and a radiator installed. With regard to the ironing room, we recommend the flue be covered by wire netting as recommended by the fire insurance inspector."


The question of the appointment of a Relieving Officer in succession to Mr H. Macklin, whose retiremeny dated as from 31st January, 1928, was discussed.

The Chairman read the Sub-Committee's report, and said that although the Committee had put forward certain suggestions he wished to make it quite clear that they were prepared to fall in with any suggestions of the Board, including advertising the post.

Mr Hayes proposed that the post be advertised, and this was seconded by Capt. Williams, and carried.


Three tenders were received for the provision of a bath at the Institution hospital, the tenders being as follows:

Mr G Handy - £5 18s. 0d.

Mr C.H. Poulton - £6 19s. 0d.

Messrs J. Hamilton - £7 4s. 6d.

It was agreed to accept Mr Handy's tender.


The Clerk read the report of the Sub-Committee appointed to go into the question of the fire insurance of the Institution, and stated that the entire building had been surveyed by the Sun Insurance Company's Surveyor, who was reporting in due course. The Clerk also reported that a cheque had been received in settlement of the claim lodged in respect of the recent outbreak of fire at the Institution.


The other business was of a formal nature.

26th Feb 1926 - Buntingford Conservative Associaton

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Buntingford Conservative Associaton

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Buntingford Branch of the Hitchen Conservative and Liberal Unionist Association was held at the George Hotel on Thursday evening last.

The chair was taken by Mr Claud Fraser. There was a small attendance of members, the business being of a formal nature only.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman said the members would be glad to hear that Major Kindersley had recovered his health, and that he would be visiting Buntingford on March 26th.

Election of Officers

Capt H.H. Williams moved that Mr Claud Fraser be re-elected Chairman of the branch. They all knew the interest their Chairman took in the Association as a whole. (Applause).

Mr Scarborough Taylor seconded the resolution, which was carried with applause.

The Chairman thanked the meeting for re-appointing him, and said he would always do his best for the cause.

The following were elected to serve on the Central Council: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. W. Steel, C.H. Poulton, A.W. Page, A. MacArthur and W Houlden.

The Chairman and Captain H.H. Williams were elected to serve on the General Executive.

The committee elected were as follows: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. F.B. Sharp, J. Pateman, E.J. Crane, C.H. Poulton, E. Camp, E.E. Dennis, E. Denson, T.Kingsley, J. Camp, W. Manning, H. Thody, W. May, W. Houlden, and G. Scarborough Taylor.

Mr B.E. Thody was nominated Secretary.

Other Business

Capt H.H. Williams spoke on the newly-formed scheme for raising subscriptions, and Mr Scarborough Taylor asked whether monthly lectures could be arranged. 

The committee were asked to meet and discuss this question.

The Secretary was also instructed to obtain membership cards.

[Transcriber note: "Major Kindersley" was Guy Kindersley, Conservative MP for Hitchen]

12th Feb 1926 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council


The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Council Offices on Thursday last week.

Present - Mr C Fraser (in the chair), Capt E.T. Morris, Capt H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs A.W. Page, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May, E. Bygrave, J.C. Pigg, F.B. Cannon, H.E. Dudley, A.J. Hayes, W.H. Kittow, C. Hummerstone, G. Graves, and G.C. Wilson, with the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody) and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).


The Surveyor presented his report as follows:

Isolation Hospital

No cases of infectious disease have been reporte during the past month, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week - 238,000 gallons.

2nd week - 240,000 gallons.

3rd week - 250,000 gallons.

4th week - 244,000 gallons.

The water level has risen 12ins. and now stands at 40ft., being 3ft. flower than at February last year.


Application is made for the renewal of 9 petrol and 2 carbide of calcium licences.

Norfolk Road

Plans showing the proposed scheme in connection with Norfolk Road are submitted. The total length of the road is 537 feet, and width 28ft. In addition to the road it is proposed to provide two footpaths 4ft. wide and a storm water drain with four surface gullies. The tenements number 30 with a frontage of 709ft., whilst land with a further frontage of 366ft. remains undeveloped.


It was reported that owing to the bad state of the roads it was impossible to get road material delivered in some districts.

Mr F.B. Cannon said he thought the road material should be carted during the summer months. This was generally agreed and the matter was left to the Surveyor to deal with.

Applications were submitted for one of the Council houses at Meesden, and it was agreed to let it to an applicant who was at present in lodgings.

An application for a subsidy in connection with a proposed bungalow at Cromer was considered and granted.

A letter was read from one of the tenants of the Sunny Hill houses, asking for permission to replace the kitchener in the living room by a register stove. After discussion the request was agreed to.


The Chairman said the Sub-Committee appointed to go into the matter of the sign boards, warning motor traffic to slow down while travelling through the town, had approved of a warning board, and that tenders for supplying and fixing the boards had been received.

The tenders were as follows:

Mr C.H. Poulton 4 19 6

Messrs Hamilton 5 10 0

Messrs Attwood 5 16 0

On the proposition of Captain Williams, seconded by the Revd L.W. Wright, Mr C.H. Poulton's tender was accepted.

The question of suitable sites for the boards was left to the sub-committee.

Mr C. Hummerstone asked whether the large board at Hillside could be removed. It was an eyesore.

Mr F.B. Cannon said the "Buntingford" board was of no use to local residents, but no doubt strangers found it useful.

Capt. Morris: It's quite as well to leave the board where it is, because I am often being asked where Buntingford is. (Laughter)


A letter was read from a householder at Great Hormead point out the bad state of the road near the "Three Horseshoes" Public House, and the Surveyor was instructed to attend to the matter.


(With regard to the above matter - the BUNTINGFORD board - we would like to state that the board has been lying on the ground for several weeks. - Ed.)

5th Feb 1926 - Death of Mr George Pepper

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Death of Mr George Pepper

Respected and esteemed by all who knew him, Mr George Pepper, who has resided at Chipping since he retired from farming five years ago, passed away at the advanced age of 86 on the 20th ult [sic].

For over 50 years he was tenant of Southfield Farm, Sandon, and was greatly respected in the village, and regarded as a kind and considerate employer and a generous friend.

The funeral took place at Throcking Churchyard on Saturday afternoon. The remains, encased in an unpolished oak coffin which had brass furniture, were conveyed to the church on a Washington car.

There were two motor-coaches, the immeadiate mourners being Mrs Jones (sister-in-law), Mr Walter Pepper, (nephew), Mr Bedford, Mr Hugh Bedford, Mrs Rowlatt, Mrs Scarf, and Mrs Oakley.

The Rev. A. Howard (Vicar of Layston) officiated, and in his short address referred to the simple Christian faith of the deceased, so abundantly exeplified in his long life.

There was a large number of friends present at the funeral to show their respect to the memory of the deceased. Amonst them were the Rev A.L. Panchaud (Throcking), the Rev. John Cole (Buntingford), Mr and Mrs A.W. Page, Mrs T.J. Stick, Mrs Cordell, Mrs Field, Mr and Mrs Norman Chalmers-Hunt, Mr Rand (of Southfield Farm), Mr Russell Pigg, Mr A.C. Bartlett, Mr James Cooper, Mr and Mrs Tofts, Mrs Turner, Mr Woodman etc.

There was a number of floral tributes.

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