Showing posts with label Searle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Searle. Show all posts

18th January 1924 - Wyddiall - An Enjoyable Concert

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[Transcriber note: To save everyone's eyes I've turned the collections of names at the end into bullet pointed lists]


An Enjoyable Concert

The concert given in the schoolroom on Tuesday last attracted a crowded audience, that spent a delightful time.

Mr H. May was the chief organiser, and Mr R. May presided at the piano.

No charge was made for admission, but during the interval a collection was made in aid of the Men's Club, the satisfactory sum of 30s. being collected.

At the close Mr H. Pigg congratulated the artistes on the excellent programme, and called for three cheers, which were heartily given.

On behalf of the performers, Mr H. May thanked the audience for their support, and the liberal way they had subscribed to the Club funds.

The programme was as follows:

Part 1 -

  • Pianoforte Solo, Mr R. May;
  • song, "Maryland," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mary Ann and Jack," Mr H. Money;
  • duet, "Barbara Allen," Misses N. Hatchett and R. Marshall;
  • recitation, "From the wreck," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "Passing by," Mr W. May;
  • song, "The old armchair," Mr W. Searle;
  • dialogue, Messrs B. Hatchett and E. Martin;
  • song, "I passed by your window," N. Hatchett, Miss L. Pledger and R. Marshall;
  • song, "Whispering," Mr H. Pledger;
  • song, "I shall have to ask my mother if she'll let me," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "That old fashioned mother," Miss L. Pledger;
  • song, "God send you back to me," Mr W. Watson.

Part 2 -

  • Song, "Annie Laurie," Mrs W. Mead;
  • song, "Light of her life went out," Mr H. Money;
  • song, "Bubbles," E. Bonfield, R. Reed and C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Bells of St Mary's," Mr H. Pledger;
  • duet, "The old rustic bridge," Miss N. and Mr B. Hatchett;
  • recitation, "A great fit," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "My meatless day," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mate of mine," Mr W. May;
  • song, "Poor ole' Joe," Mr W. Searle;
  • reading, "Our village," Mr J. Searle;
  • song, "Touch the harp gently," Mr W. Watson;
  • song, "Amazon," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • "Auld Lang Syne," concert party.

7th January 1927 - Wyddiall Choir Social

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Choir Social

The Rector of the Parish and Mrs Wright were "At Home" to the members of the Church Choir on Thursday evening of last week.

The proceedings were of a very happy nature, and well in keeping with the spirit of Christmas.

During the evening Mr Walter Searle (Verger) presented the Rector, on behalf of the Choir, with a beautifully bound copy of "Hymns - Ancient and Modern."

The Rector, in acknowledging the gift, said that he was sure they could not realise what the kindness and co-operation of the Choir meant to him in his parish work, and he deeply appreciatied their very handsome gift. It was always a real pleasure to Mrs Wright and himself to have the Choir in their own home at Christmas time.

At the close of the evening, Mr W.E. May proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Rector and Mrs Wright, and called for three cheers.

These were given in the usual lusty manner, and the proceedings terminated with the singing of "They are jolly good fellows" and "Auld Lang Syne."

30th November 1923 - Wyddiall Men's Club Formed

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Men's Club Formed

On Tuesday evening last, a meeting was held in the schoolroom, the object being to form a Club in the village.

Col. C. Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., presided, and there was a large attendance.

It was decided to form a Club in the village, and to open the room four nights a week. Mr E. Searle was elected Hon. Secretary, and Mr H. Money, Hon. Treasurer.

It is hoped, also, to arrange a small refreshment bar in the Club Room. 

The subscription was fixed at 3/- for the season. Col. Ellis said he was pleased to let the Club have the use of the schoolroom, and he wished it every success.

Magazines would be welcome, and should be sent to the Club Room.

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