Showing posts with label Witts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witts. Show all posts

10th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before J. Howard-Carter, Esq. (in the chair), Claud Fraser, William Steel, G.C. Coutts Deacon and G.W. Pepper, Esqs.


The superintendent presented his annual report, as follows:

Gentlemen, I am directed by the chief constable to report that the number of licensed houses within the Buntingford Petty Sessional Division is 33 fully licensed, 7 beer (one), 4 beer (off), 1 grocer's and 2 registered clubs; total 47.

Four houses have changed hands during the year, being the same number as last year. One licensee has been proceeded against during the year. No person has been proceeded again for drunkenness during the year, this being a decrease of one compared with last year.

The permitted hours in the Buntingford Petty Sessional Division are week-days, 10.30 a.m to 2.30 p.m., and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 12 noon to 2 p.m., and 7 to 10 p.m.

The Chairman said he thought the whole bench would agree that the report was satisfactory. The renewel of all the licenses would be granted.


Application was made by Mr George Wickham, of "The Angel" Inn, Buntingford, for the extension of hours from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays (Buntingford Market Day). The application was granted.


There were two charges against car drivers for failing to illuminate their rear identification plates on motor cars. The defendants, who did not appear, were William B. Witts, of Heathfield, Bassingbourn, and Walter C. Salmon, of 4, Rye Road, Rye Park, Hoddesdon, both motor drivers.

Evidence in each case was given by P.C. Gillett, who said that the rear light of one of the cars was alight but did not illuminate the number plate.

Asked by the Chairman if it was because of dirt on the lamp or plate, the constable replied that the lamp was bright enough but threw a light on to the ground instead of on the number plate.

In imposing a fine of 10/- on each defendant, the Chairman said cases of this kind were becoming before the Bench more frequently. If this continued the Bench may feel it their duty to inflict a more severe penalty.


Sidney Edwards, of 62, Catharine Street, Cambridge, was summoned for driving a motor car without a driving licence at Buntingford.

P.C. Williams said he saw defendant at Buntingford at 2.40 a.m. on 2nd January, and when he asked him for his licence the defendant said he had left it in another coat.

Supt. Wright read a list of former convictions in 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1928, and the Chairman, remarking that the defendant had kept the police force busy, said there would be a fine of 10/- including costs.


Herbert Petts, of Powel's Green, Braughing, Alfred Hagger, of the same address, and Frank Stacey, of Church End, Braughing, labourers, were chared with game trespass at Braughing. Petts did not appear.

P.C. Barker gave evidence of seeing the defendants in a field with dogs on a Sunay morning. The dogs were hunting the land. When he spoke to them they told him they were after rats.

Mr C.P. Mole, of Braughing, the owner of the sporting rights of the land in question, said he had never given the defendants permission to go on the land.

The bench inflicted a fine of 2/6 towards the costs in each case.

William Prior, of The Street, Braughing, was summoned for a similar offence.

P.C. Barker said he saw the defendant coming from a stack and noticed the legs of two rabbits protruding from the defendant's clothes. He told the defendant he would be reported, to which he replied "There they are; they are worth 1/6 each."

The defendant said that he was returning from work when his dog drove a rabbit into a hole. He got it out, and as luck would have it there was another rabbit in the hole.

The defendant, who had been fined twice previously for similar offences, was fined 10/- including costs.


Mr G.H. Maughan of Messrs. Chalmers-Hunt & Co., solicitors, made application on behalf of Mrs Page for possession of a cottage situate at Sandon Lane, Buntingford, owned by her and in the occupation of Jonah Brown. The case came before the bench at a previous sitting, when it was dismissed as a notice had not been read over and explained to the tenant.

Mr Maughan stated that the applicant purchased the cottage in 1926. She was a London school teacher and was retiring on account of ill-health. Brown's rent was 2/- per week, and suitable alternate accommodation had been offered him. The alternate accommodation was at Buckland, and the cottage was larger than the one he was now residing in.

Mr B.E. Thody proved service of the statutory notice to the defendent to the effect that the owner was making application for possession at that Court.

Mrs Page and Mr Page both gave evidence, after which the defendant entered the witness box. He said that the cottage offered him was not suitable. It was three miles further away from his work, and his pony could not pull a cart up the road to the cottage. He objected to taking it.

The Bench discussed the case, after which the Chairman said it would be adjourned for 14 days to give the magistrates an opportunity of inspecting the property. [Transcriber note - Read about the next session here]


The Probation Office, Mr H.J. Andrews, presented his report to the Bench. Of the seven cases placed in his hands by the Bench, six had proved successful and one had proved a failure. Mr Andrews then gave particulars of the number of cases - 91 - which had passed through his hands during the year, and said that there were only two failures. This meant that 89 persons had been helped to better things.

The Chairman congratulated Mr Andrews on his report, and said that the magistrates recognised in the Probation of Offenders' Act opportunity for the improvement of many people.

Mr Claud Fraser, a member of the Probation Committee for the county, said he was pleased to have recently made a satisfactory report on Mr Andrew's work.

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