Showing posts with label Hale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hale. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs

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Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs

The Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs took place on the Market Hill on Monday last, this being the first occasion that the show has been held separate from the fat stock show.

There was an excellent display of birds, the pens of turkeys being particularly fine, and numbered 57 in all. Some of the best birds realised £1 11s., the lowest prices ranging from 14/- apiece. As will be seen from our list of awards (which is appended), Mr T. Vigus secured the first prizes in each case for the best pen of three cock turkeys, three hen turkeys and the best killing cock bird. These exhibits were some of the best birds in the district.

The supplies of hens and cockerels more than exceeded those of previous years, the number of birds penned being 355, of which 195 were cockerels. These made a fine show as their crowed out their last notes, and the majority will be heard no more, but seen in another guise during next week!

There was a good all-round trade for the birds, some of the cockerels realising 12/6 each, the hens being knocked down at 7/. The geese numbered 45, the highest price which these realised being 10/-. There were also a good many ducks and rabbits penned, the latter being for sale purposes only. The eggs classes were also well filled.

The judge of the poultry was Mr G.H. Hankin, of High Cross, the well-known local expert.

List of Awards

Three cock turkeys - 1 T. Vigus, 2 J.H. Glascock, 3 J.H. Glascock

Three hen tukeys - 1 T. Vigus, 2 T. Vigus.

Killing cock turkey - 1 T. Vigus, 2 T. Vigus, 3 C. Warren.

Killing hen turkey - 1 J.H. Glascock

Four geese - 1 E. Howard, 2 J. Poulton, 3 A.W. Gray.

Four killing cockerels - 1 H. Piggott, 2 C. Chappell, 3 W. Burrow.

Four killing hens - 1 J. Cogan, 2 J. Hale, 3 J. Russell.

Four killing ducks - 1 F.W. Gatward, 2 F.W. Gatward, 3 A. Macarthur.

Three score hens eggs - 1 E. Brett, 2 E. Brett.

18th February 1927 - Death of Mrs R. Nelson

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Death of Mrs R. Nelson

The death of Mrs Rebecca Nelson, at the advanced age of 86, took place at "The Angel " Inn on Thursday last.

The deceased, who had been living in Buntingford with her daughter, Mrs W. Hale, for about a year, was one of the oldest inhabitants of Blankney, Lincs., where she was well-known and greatly respected. She was a cheerful old lady, and one who had a kind word for everyone.

The funeral took place at Layston Church on Wednesday afternoon, when a number of townspeople were present.

The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, and the immediate mourners were:

Mr and Mrs W. Hale (son-in-law and daughter), Miss Counsell and Mr Barnett.

The deceased was a widow, her husband having died about a year ago.

5th Feb 1926 - Death of Mrs E. Hale

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We regret to announce the death of Mrs E. Hale, formerly of Sunny Hill, Buntingford.

The deceased, who has been in ill health for some time, passed peacefully away at 31, Calderon Road, Leytonstone, on Friday last.

She was a kind-hearted woman, and much sympathy is extended to her bereaved husband and young child in their great bereavement.

(Announcement of Mrs Hale's death here)

5th Feb 1926 - Births, Marriages and Deaths

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Births, Marriages and Deaths

[There is a price list for announcements in the original image, linked above.]


HALE - On Friday, January 29th, at 31, Calderon Road, Leytonstone, Mrs E. Hale, formerly of Buntingford.

(More on Mrs Hale here)

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