Buntingford Group of Women's Institutes
Group Conference
Fine weather favoured the large gathering of the various Women's Institutes who attended the Group Conference at Buntingford on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs H.H. Williams, Group Leader, presided, and the spacious hall was filled to overflowing, members having to sit on the edge of the platform.
After a few words of welcome, Mrs Williams asked all present to join in the singing of "England," to Mrs Armstrong's accompaniment. This was followed by a most illuminating and extremely interesting and instructive address by Mrs Watkins, who explained with great care and lucidity the various functions of the present Insurance Acts - touching on health and unemployment insurance and old age and widows' and orphans' pensions.
The audience listened very attentively, and at the close questions were asked - showing the intelligent interest that had been taken, and it was felt that many difficulties had been cleared up and explained.
Mrs Martin V.C.O., from Hunsdon Mill, was an able exponent of the aims and duties which W.I. members are especially anxious to emphasise, and in speaking of the King's message to his people, she laid great stress on the extreme importance of "The homes of the people."
Members must have felt that they had both the inward and the outword prosperity of the workers put before them by the two speakers in their most attractive addresses.
Tea and talk followed. "Jerusalem" was sung, and thanks were expressed by members from Barkway and Westmill, and the meeting dispersed after singing God ave the King.
The general feeling seemed to be that it was one of the happiest of group conferences that the various institutes represented have ever attended.