Showing posts with label Hayes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hayes. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday morning, when there were present Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Messrs. F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Claud Fraser, W.J. May, G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, T.J. Stick, H.H. Williams, A.W. Page, and G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.B. Butler), the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

Master's Report

The Master presented his monthly report, which showed that 2 inmates had been admitted, 2 discharged, and one had died. The number now in the Institution was 45.

During the month 388 casuals had been admitted, against 189 for the corresponding period last year.

The Master reported that the copper in the laundry was worn out, and a new one was needed.

The Rev. Howard is holding a service at the Institution on Sunday next, and the Master asked for sanction to purchase some chairs and hassocks, which a tradesman is willing to supply at cost price.

The Master also reported the receipt of the following gifts: Books from Mrs Brian Laing and Mrs Clark, and cakes from Miss Lushington and the secretary of the Buntingford Football Club.

House Committee Report

The House Committee reported that they had considered the suggestion of furnishing one of the rooms as a chapel, but had left the matter over for a month.

A new copper was essential in the wash-house, as also was a wire cage for the stove and pipe, which had been recommended by the Insurance Company.

The Committee also stated that the milk supplied to the Institution had not been of a good quality, and the sanitary inspector had submitted a report thereon.

The patients in the hospital and the inmates of the House were visited, and found to be comfortable and proceeding satisfactorily.


The Chairman said he was sure the Board was very grateful to those who had sent gifts to the Institution.

With regard to the equipping of a room for the religious services, the matter was left in Mr Thody's hands to enable him to find out that amount of money would be required to meet the cost. The Board thought £5 or £6 would pay for the chairs and hassocks.

Mr Hayes asked whether it would not be possible to use the chairs of other rooms, but the Master replied the only ones available were those in the Board Room, and he thought some difficulty would be experienced in carrying the chairs about.

A tender for the provision of a new copper was received, but it was agreed to invite other tenders before carrying out the work.

The Clerk read Mr Thody's report of his inspection of the milk supplied to the Institution, in which he stated the reason for the milk turning sour was lack of cleanliness. The Contractor (Mr Smith) sent a letter to the Board, stating that he could not understand what caused the milk to curdle in so short a time.

Mr Page said that new milk supplied at 5 o'clock in the evening should remain fresh for twenty-four hours, and the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Smith.


Several cases were dealt with, and instructions issued.

Appointment of Relieving Officers

The Clerk read a letter from the Ministry of Health, stating that the Ministry had assented to the appointment of Mr B.E. Thody as successor to Mr Macklin.

The Clerk also read a letter from the Ministry agreeing to allow two years to be added to the late Relieving Officer's actual years of service for the purposes of superannuation.

The Clerk read copies of resolutions which had been passed by other unions in the country.


The Clerk presented his estimates for the half-year ending 30th September, from which is appeared that the amount required for Common Fund Charges would be £2144, as against £2073 for the corresponding period last year.

The Clerk stated that the increase was accounted for by the increased cost of in-maintenance due to the large number of casuals.

A Guardian's Resignation

A letter was read from Capt. E.T. Morris, tendering his resignation as a Guardian and Rural District Councillor. 

Capt. Morris stated that his other engagements did not allow him to attend the meetings, and he sincerely thanked the members of the Board and their officers for the help they had given him in the past.

The Chairman, in moving that a letter be sent Capt. Morris expressing the Board's regret at his resignation, said Capt. Morris had done a great amount of work in the past and his services would be greatly missed.

Capt. Williams, the Chairman of the Rural District Council, endorsed Mr Hummerstone's remarks, and this concluded the business.

27th August 1926 - Correspondence - Health of the District

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The Health of the District

To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette

Dear Sir - 

Having read the report on the Buntingford Rural District by Dr R.A. Dunn (Medical Officer of Health for this portion of Hertfordshire), which I consider should be made widely known in the district, it seems that Buntingford is actually one of the healthiest parts of the county.

The death rate for the year is very low, being only 61 (namely 12.3 per 1000), of whom 39 were of persons over 65 years of age, and of these 16 were actually over 80 years of age - figures which speak for themselves.

As regards Housing, it compares very favourably with other parts of the county. According to the last census, the number of rooms per person was person was 1.35, as compared with 1.27 for the whole county.

I certainly think that these figures should be made widely known, and that if only the L&N.E. Railway Co. gave better facilities in the way of cheaper weekend and daily excursion tickets it would no doubt be of considerable benefit to the district, as it would cause a larger number of visitors to come more frequently.

Yours faithfully,

Albert J. Hayes

25 Aug., 1926.

20th August 1926 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Tramps Still On The Increase

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Capt. H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, E. Bygrave, G.C. Wilson and W.J. May, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin), and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 13, children 3. Total 31.

Number admitted to Casual Ward - men 14, women 1. Corresponding period last year, men 2.

During the month two male inmates have died.


The following gifts and invitation has been received by the inmates and much appreciated:

Mrs H. May and Mrs Greg (books), Mr E.G. Thody (invitation to Flower Show).

Mr C. Miles has recently overhauled and cleaned the harmonium free of charge.

The Chairman said the members of the Board were very grateful to the donors of the gifts.

Mr G.C. Wilson said he would like to refer to the work Mr Miles had carried out to the harmonium. He had really made a good job of it and had done it free.

The Clerk was instructed to write a letter of thanks to Mr Miles.

House Committee

The House Committee reported as follows:

"The House Committee visited the wards and found all in good order and the inmates comfortable, and well cared for. The contract work was well in hand for the accommodation of the increased number of tramps, and will shortly be completed."


Cases under this heading were discussed, and instructions given to the Relieving Office.

Other Business

Mr A.J. Hayes stated that some of the tenants of the cottages at Union Row had complained that the large chestnut trees at the entrance to the Institution robbed their bedrooms of light.

After discussion the Master was instructed to have the trees trimmed.


The Chairman enquired the position with regard to the Poor Rates, and the Clerk stated that some of the parishes had not paid in the amounts required.

7th January 1927 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday.

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Fraser, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, W.H. Kittow, W.J. May, A.H. Hayes, A.W. Page, G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

House Committee

The House Committee reported as follows:

"The House Committee visited the House today and found everything in a satisfactory condition.

"The inmates expressed their pleasure in having spent a very Happy Christmas.

"The work required to be done in renewing kitchen floor has not been commenced, and we suggest that the contractor should be written to to put this work in hand immediately."

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 20, women 15, children 3. Total 38.

Corresponding period last year - 41.

During the month 1 male and 1 female have been admitted.

The Christmas Festivities passed off well and all had a happy time. The inmates wish me to thank the Board for the liberal fare provided.

Through the kindness of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, I do not ask for a collection from the Board, as there is no deficit to meet on the Christmas party. Of the £2 sent by Hertford, I handed 10 of their inmates 2/6 each.


The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Board to all those who had sent gifts, &c., to the Institution.

Mr W.J. May, in associating himself with the Chairman's remarks said that the as there was no necessity for a collection amongst the Guardians towards the Christmas festivities, he would like to say that there was an old lady, an inmate of the Institution, who would attain the age of 93 years next Monday, and he thought that if any of the members chose to give a small donation it would be handed to her for the purpose of holding a birthday party in the Sick Ward.

This was agreed.

Several cases of relief were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

A letter was received from the Rev. L.W. Wright, stating that he was unable to attend the meeting owing to illness.

The Chairman expressed a hope that the Rev. Wright would soon be better.

important letters regarding the payment of National Health Insurance benefits to persons while inames of a Poor Law Institution were read, and these will appear in our next issue.

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

11th February 1927 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Monthly Meeting

Appointment of Rate Collector

Over 30 Applicants

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Board Room on Thursday of last week.

Present - Capt. H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. G. Graves, C. Hummerstone, F.B. Cannon, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, E.J. Marshall, H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, A.W. Page, and T.J. Stick, with the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody), and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported as follows:

Isolation Hospital

No cases of infectious disease have been notified, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the month has been:

1st week - 262,000 gallons.

2nd week - 249,000 gallons.

3rd week - 248,000 gallons.

4th week - 248,000 gallons.

Four hundred gallons of paraffin are required and 40 gallons lubricating oil.


Three persons make application for licenses to store carbide of calcium, and 14 for the renewal of their petrol licenses.


The purchase of the paraffin and lubricating oil was approved, and all the licenses were granted.


Mr H.C. Marshall reported that he had interviewed the County Surveyor, and had arranged the matter of the roads which the County Council proposed taking over from the Rural District Council. The arrangements were subject to confirmation by the County Council.

The Chairman said the Council were very grateful to Mr Marshall and Capt. Morris for what they had done in the matter.

Appointment of Rate Collector

There were over 30 applicants for the post of Rate Collector, at a salary of £150 per annum. A Sub-Committee had been into the applications, and had chosen six applicants for interview by the Council.

Mr Hayes: I don't think there was any suggestion that the Sub-Committee should open the applications and choose any number to come before the Board. It has caused a lot of talk in the town, and I heard last week that it was almost decided who should have the post.

The Chairman: You have heard the minutes read, and no doubt you noticed that you seconded the resolution, proposed at the last meeting by Mr F. Cannon, that the Sub-Committee should meet and go into the matter immediately after the last day for receiving applications for the post.

Mr Hayes: I certainly seconded the resolution, but I did not think that the Sub-Committee would go into the matter so early.

The Chairman: Immediately after the last day for receiving applications: that was the resolution.

Mr G.C. Wilson: I quite see Mr Hayes' point. I admit that I was a little surprised to find that the Council were interviewing applicants today. At the same time I think the Council are very grateful to the Sub-Committee for going into the matter so thoroughly.

The Rev. L.W. Wright: I quite agree. It would have been a lot of unnecessary work for the Council to have to go into the question of the whole of the applicants today. The Sub-Committee has done quite the right thing.

Mr Hayes: I am quite satisfied now, only I heard that there was a good deal of canvassing.

The Chairman: As far as I am concerned I can say that I have no spoken to anyone or interviewed anyone respecting the post.

Mr Hayes: I am satisfied. Let us get on with the selection.

The Council then interviewd the six applicants recommended by the Sub-Committee, and after ninety minutes' deliberation it was unanimously agreed to appoint Mr W.G. Bonness.

The other business was of a formal nature.

11th March 1927 - Buntingford Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week.

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. G. Graves, E. Bygrave, A.W. Page, E.J. Marchal, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May, F. Prime, G.C. Wilson and H.E. Dudley, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and the Master (Mr F.W. Butler).

Master's Report

The Master reported that there were 39 inmates in the Institution. During the month five had been admitted and four discharged; one had died. There was again an increase in casuals, 189 being admitted during the past month, again 19 for the corresponding period last year.

The Master also reported that on Wednesday, 1st March, two casuals - Albert Smith and J. Brown - were set a task of woodchipping in one of the cells. When the Master entered at 11.30 a.m., Smith picked up a chopper and threatened him; Brown also became abusive, and the Master entered the cell and tried to eject Brown; in doing so Smith picked up a log of wood and again threatened the Master, who overpowered both men, and later had Smith locked up in another cell for the night.

The man again became abusive, and smashed all the panes of glass in the window. The following morning he was set to pick oakum, and was visited by members of the House Committee.

Mr Butler stated that he had engaged the services of an ex-Police Sergt. to watch the man until his discharge from the casual ward.

The Chairman said he was glad the Master came through his experience unhurt. The question has been raised as to whether the Master should engaged additional assistance when cases such as this arose.

Mr G.C. Wilson said the event was quite a serious matter, and he was of the opinion that the matter of engaging extra help with the casuals should be left to the Master.

This was agreed, the rate of pay per hour or day being fixed.

House Committee

The House Committee reported that they had visited the Institution and had found everything in a satisfactory condition.

It was reported that the night nurse at the Institution had secured another appointment, and the matter of filling the post left to the Matron.


The Clerk submitted the estimates for the half-year. The net amount required for common fund charges was £1323 against £1385 for the corresponding period last year.

The produce of a penny rate was £85 10s. - the amount required would therefore mean a rate of approximately 1/4 in the £.


Several relief cases were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

23rd July 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

A meeting of the Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding.

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor's Report was presented and passed.

Little Hormead Cottages

The Surveyor reported on the drainage at these cottages, and after a discussion the Surveyor was instructed to interview Mr Pattern.

Housing Acts

Application for subsidies under the House Act, 1923, were received from Mrs Lacey, of Cottered, and Mr R.G. Peck, of Rushden. Both applications were granted.

The Milk and Dairies Order, 1926

The order was discussed, and the Medical Officer of Health (Dr Dunn) was asked to report on the order at the next meeting of the Council.

Rating and Valuation Bill

The question of the new Rating and Valuation Bill was discussed, and the following elected to serve on the local Rating Committee: Mrs Dimsdale, Messrs. W.J. May, C. Fraser, A.J. Hayes, W.H. Kittow and G. Graves.

Mr C. Hummerstone asked what would be the position of the present Assistant Overseer when the new act came into force.

The Clerk pointed out that there would have to be a certain number of collectors, and the matter was left for the Committee to report upon.

4th June 1926 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

The Tramp Question

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Poor Law Institution on Thursday in last week.

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Fraser, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson and H.E. Dudley, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), and the Master (Mr F.W. Butler).

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 16, women 16, children 2. Total 33.

Corresponding period last year - 36.

During the past month 67 tramps have been relieved, against 1- for the corresponding period of last year.

The Master stated that he viewed the position in the coming winter with alarm, having 25 tramps a week now in the middle of the summer, and with scanty accommodation.


Gifts have been received from the following and were greatly appreciated: Mrs Greg, rhubarb and books; Miss Bower, Mrs Camp, Mrs H. May, Rev. L.W. Wright, books.

The Chairman said the Guardians were very grateful to the donors of the gifts.

The question of the large increase in the number of tramps was fully discussed, and it was resolved to invite tenders for more hammocks in the tramp wards. The following resolution, proposed by Mrs Dimsdale, was also passed:

"That this Board views with alarm the continued increase in the number of vagrants seeking admission to the casual wards, and are of opinion that such increase is attributable to the action of the Minister of Health in abolishing the task of oakum picking, and the inability of various Boards of Guardians to prescribe an alternative task, where, in consequence of abnormal numbers and inadequate accommodation, the tasks set out in the Fourth Schedule to the Casual Poor (Relief Order) 1925 cannot in all cases be imposed.

"That representation has been made to the Minister of Health with a view to his authorising the task of oakum picking, in certain cases, more especially in cases of habitual tramps.

"That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Health and all Boards of Guradians in the county."

Amongst the correspondence was a letter from the Gaumont Company asking whether they could quote the Board for a cinema installation. The matter was left over.

30th April 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council


Mr G.C. Wilson proposed that Captain H.H. Williams be elected Chairman for the ensuring year. Capt. Williams was one who had done a large amount of work for the Guardians and the Council, and he was one of those members who attended every meeting.

Capt. E.T. Morris seconded.

Capt. Williams, in thanking the members for electing him, said he appreciated the honour and privilege. The position meant a certain amount of work, but one's labours were lightened by the way in which the members worked together and by the Council's excellent clerk.

The Chairman then proposed that Mr G.C. Wilson be appointed Vice-Chairman. Mr Wilson had done a large amount of good and practical work.

Mr H.E. Dudley seconded.

Mr Wilson thanked the members for his appointment, and said he would do his best.


Mr C. Hummerstone proposed, and Mr W.J. May seconded, that the following be appointed to serve on the Housing Committee:

Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Captain E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, C. Fraser, G. Graves, C. Hummerstone, W.H. Kittow, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May, E.J. Marchal and G.C. Wilson.

The following were appointed to serve on the Hospital Committee:

Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. John Bygrave, C. Fraser, C. Hummerstone, A.J. Hayes, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May and A.W. Page.

The following were appointed to serve on the Water and Sewage Farm Committee:

Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, H.E. Dudley, W.H. Kittow, W.J. May, T.J. Stick and A.J. Hayes.


The Surveyor reported as follows:


No cases of infection disease have been notified during the month, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week - 264,000 gallons.

2nd week - 249,000 gallons.

3rd week - 256,000 gallons.

4th week - 258,000 gallons.

The water level remains stationary at 42 feet, being the same level as April 29th last year. Water services have been made to premises in the High Street for the Electro Tanneries, LTD., and to premises in the London Road.


In consequence of complaints made by the tenants of the Council's cottages alleging impurity of the water supply, a sample of water has been submitted to the Counties Laboratories for analysis.

The analyst reports as follows: "This is very hard water of the highest degree of organic purity. The hardness is such that it will rapidly fur kettles, boilers, &c. We regard the water as a pure and wholesome supply."

A same from the newly-dug well at Westmill has also been submitted for analysis, and the analyst reports: "This is a hard water containing a trace of vegetable matter in suspension, which is doubtless due to the recent sinking operation. In other respects it is satisfactory and of a fair degree of organic purity. Assuming that the well is efficiently constructed, we regard the water as suitable for drinking and domestic purposes.


The Survey reported on the Housing Scheme as follows:

All the cottages owned by the Council are in occupation.

A tenant makes application to erect a small motor shed at one of the cottages at Meesden.

The Chairman said the application would be granted.

A letter was read from the Ministry of Health with reference to the sundry expenditure in connection with the Housing Final Accounts, and stating that subject to audit the amounts would rank for financial assistance.


The North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company wrote stating that they had been obliged to alter their proposed route owing to the trouble of getting way leave. The route would not be about 500 yds. further east.

The Chairman said the Company had not stated where the new line would be diverted, and he thought it would be a good thing if the Clerk wrote and asked the Company.

This was agreed.


The Clerk stated that the Herts. County Council had asked the Council to appoint three members on the Local Education Committee of the Herts. County Council. The following were then elected: Capt. H.H. Williams, Messes. C. Hummerstone and G.C. Wilson.


A circular was read from the Council Council respecting the above Act which gives power to protect from disfiguring advertisements.

1. The view of rural scenery from a highway or railway or from any public place or water.

2. The amenities of any village within the district of a Rural District Council.

3. The amenities of historic or public buildings &c.

The County Council also pointed out that a conference upon the subject was being held in London on Friday, 7th May, and asked for two representatives of the Council to be appointed to attend.

Capt. Morris proposed that Capt. H.H. Williams and the Rev. L.W. Wright be appointed. This was agreed.


The Clerk stated that the sum of £93 0s. 10d. had been placed to the credit of the Council under the Agrucultural Rates Act of 1896.

30th April 1926 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

The Chairmanship

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).

Present: Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, W.J. May, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, T.J. Stick, E.J. Marchal, W.H. Kittow, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, H.E. Dudley, and C. Hummerstone, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

Capt. H.H. Williams was voted to the chair.


The Chairman said the first business was to elect a new Chairman of the Board.

Mr W.J. May said he had much pleasure in proposing that Mr C. Hummerstone be appointed Chairman for the ensuing year. Mr Hummerstone had been on the Board for the past nine years, and no one had taken a keener interest in the affairs of the Board.

Mr A.J. Hayes seconded the proposition.

On taking the chair, Mr Hummerstone said he had hoped that Mr May would carry on for another year, but as it was the Board's wish that he (Mr Hummerstone) be elected Chairman he would do his best. (Hear, hear).

The Chairman moved that Mr F.B. Cannon be elected Vice-Chairman. The members all knew what interest Mr Cannon took in matters of local government. 

The Rev. L.W. Wright seconded.

Mr Cannon thanked the members for electing him and said he would do his best.


On the proposition of Mr W.H. Kittow, seconded by Mr G.C. Wilson, the following were appointed to serve on the House Committee:

Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, C. Fraser, G. Graves, C. Hummerstone, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May, A.W. Page and G.C. Wilson.

Capt. H.H. Williams moved, and Mr F.B. Cannon seconded, that the following be appointed to serve on the Finance Committee:

Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Fraser, C. Hummerstone, H.C. Marshall, W.J. May, E.J. Marchal, A.W. Page and G.C. Wilson.

The following were appointed to serve on the Assessment Committee on the proposition of Capt. E.T. Morris, seconded by Mr E.J. Marchal:Gr

Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. F.B. Cannon, H.E. Dudley, C. Fraser, C. Hummerstone, W.H. Kittow, W.J. May, T.J. Stick, and G.C. Wilson.


The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 17, women 15, children 2. Total 34. Corresponding period last year - men 21, women 17, children 3. Total 41. Casuals 18. Corresponding period last year 9. Since the last meeting of the Board 55 casuals have been relieved.


Gifts of books have been received from the Captain (Salvation Army), Mrs Veasey, Mrs Scarborough Taylor and Mrs J. Smith. On 28th the inmates were invited to a concert given by "The Bunties" Concert Party, and a most enjoyable time was spent.


A discussion arose as to the increased number of tramps, and the Master as given instructions with regard to certain cases.

The Chairman said the Board were grateful to the donors of the gifts and to "The Bunties" Concert Party.


The House Committee visited the House on April 19th, and found the inmates carefully attended and comfortable.

The contract work to the day rooms, sick wards and scullery was well in hand. The question of dealing with the excess of tramps was discussed by the Committee.

The Committee also inspected the meat and found it quite satisfactory.


The clerk read a circular from the Ministry of Health giving the average weekly cost per inmate for officers' salaries and rations, also of buildings and repairs. The following is an extract - Officers' salaries - Buntingford Union 7/5 and a half, Ware Union 9/3 and a half, Royston 8/5. Buildings and repairs - Buntingford Union 3/2 and a quarter, Ware Union 2/4, Royston Union 2/2 and a quarter.

The Chairman said the Buntingford figure of 3/2 and a quarter included the cost of the new heating arrangements.


Several cases of relief were dealt with by the Board, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.


The Board appointed overseers for the following parishes: Broadfield, Buckland, Little Hormead, Meesden and Rushden.


The Clerk stated that the sum of £240 14s. 4d., under the Agricultural Rates Act, 1896, had been placed to the credit of the Guardians.

9th April 1926 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

Big Increase in Tramps

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday of last week.

Present - Mr W.J. May (in the chair), Capt. H.H. Williams, Capt. E.T. Morris, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, C. Hummerstone, H.E. Dudley, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, F.B. Cannon, A.J. Hayes and G.C Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).


The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 18, women 14, children 2. Total 34. Corresponding period last year 40.


During the past month 56 casuals have been received, as against 13 for the corresponding period last year. On some nights we have had 12, although we have only accommodation for 10.

The majority of the tramps are young men under 40 years of age, who find tramping no hardship since the regulations have been altered. They are insolent, and make it known that they will not work two days for one night's lodging, and as each tramps is supplied with a chopper I do not think it safe to enforce the order. It is only those Unions that have proper constructed cells who can keep tramps for two days.

The blankets (24), which has been more than sufficient for our requirements in the past, are not enough now, and tenders for a further supply, also nightshirts, are before the Board today. It is not long ago since the Board were called upon to relieve 3595 tramps a year, which at the present cost of diet would mean a big charge upon the rates. The first year I was appointed we had 43 tramps, and I have been able to keep them somewhere near that number until the recent new regulations came into force.

After 20 years' experience with tramps, it is my opinion that the majority (with few exceptions) do not respond to kindly treatment, but look upon it as weakness on the part of the officers in dealing with them. Would the Board kindly consider the telephone being fixed in my office so that I am in close touch with the police?


Gifts of books have been receiving from the following and have been much appreciated: Mrs Greg, Mr C. Hummerstone, Mrs H. May, Miss Bowers, Mrs Hamilton and Miss Lushington.


The Chairman said he was sure the members felt that the Master ought to be supported, and it was agreed to install the telephone at once.


The following tenders were accepted for the current half year:

Meat - Messrs. W.G. Clark, Ware.

Bread - Mr C.S. Coates, 8 1/2d. and 9d.

Coal - Mr E.J. Sparkes, £1 15s. and £1 17s. 6d.

Milk - C. Smith, 1/- per gallon.

Haircutting - Mr C. Miles.

Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.

Groceries and Oilman's Goods - Messrs. Forrest Stores.

Clothing - Messrs. Hirst, Kettlewell & Co.

Soaps - Messrs. McDoughall and Robertson.

Boots - Messrs. Wilkins & Denton.

Mr Hayes: I notice that no tenders have been received from Buntingford butchers. Were the tender forms submitted to them?

The Clerk: Yes.

Mr Hayes: I think the meat supplied to the Institution should be inspected from time to time. I saw some recently and it struck me that it was not English.

The Master said Messrs. Clark's contract was satisfactory. It was only during the summer months that the meat was ever discoloured, and on any occasion when it had arrived in that condition Messrs. Clark always changed it.

The Rev. L.W. Wright asked if there were any other tenders for the supply of coals, and the Chairman said there was one from Messrs. Nash, of Royston.

16th Dec 1927 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

Cottered Drainage Scheme

A meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council followed, Captain H.H. Williams presiding.

The Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody) reported as follows: Since the last meeting one patient has been admitted to the Isolation Hospital and one discharged. The consumption of water in the town has been 1,005,000 gallons during the past four weeks. Tenders have been invited for the provision of an overflow drain at the Cottered housing site. The total length of the drain is 262 yards, which varies in depth from three feet to eleven feet.

The Surveyor also presented his house report, which showed a list of tenants in arrear with their rent. Instruction respecting the collection of these arrears were given the Surveyor.

There was a further discussion of the question of a differentiation in the rents of Council cottages let to farm labourers, the Clerk stating that he had heard from the Ministry on the matter. The Ministry required an answer to a lengthy list of questions respecting the wages, &c., in the district.

Mr Hayes, Mr May and Mr Ward joined in the discussion, the latter remarking that he thought a letter should be sent to the Ministry of Health stating that the Council were of opinion that the highest rent a farm labourer could pay was 3/-.

The Chairman said he was sure they were all agreed upon the general principle of the question. Perhaps they would be getting a little further with the matter if they could get out the particulars asked for by the Ministry.

On Mr Wilson's proposition, the Clerk and Surveyor were requested to draw up a report which would form the basis of a letter to the Ministry.

10th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week, when there were present: Capt. H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Messrs. C. Hummerstone, F.B. Cannon, H.C. Marshall, C. Fraser, H.S. Ward, A.W. Page, T.J. Stick, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

The Surveyor presented his monthly report. During the month the water consumption had been 1,060,000 gallons. The water level at the Waterworks had risen a further six feet, being six feet higher than at February last. Owing to this it was considered advisable to overhaul and re-leather the pumps.

Isolation Hospital

No cases had been reported during the month and the hospital was closed. Certain repairs were necessary to the building.

The Hospital Committee agreed to inspect the Hospital at an early date and submit a statement of what repairs were necessary.

Mr W. Houlden, of Buntingford, made application for assistance under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, and the necessary forms to be completed were issued.

The Clerk read a letter from Mr W.J. May tendering his resignation from the Board of Guardians and Rural District Council, as he was shortly leaving the district.

The Chairman said how much they all regretted Mr May's departure. They were all deeply conscious of the fact that he had been a very valuable member, and the Council would wish him the best of luck.

Mr Hummerstone, the Chairman of the Board of Guardians, associated himself with the Chairman's remarks, to which Mr May suitably replied.

The remainder of the business was of a formal nature.

3rd Feb 1928 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, C. Fraser, H.S. Ward, A.W. Page, T.J. Stick, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).


The Master presented his monthly report, which was as follows: Number of inmages - men 26, women 18. Casuals admitted - men 77, women 5, children 2. During the month 5 males were admitted, and 2 males and 1 female discharged.


Since the last meeting 310 casuals have been admitted, against 174 for the corresponding period last year.


On January 30th, at 6.30 p.m., Mr A.J. Hayes visited the casual wards and signed the visitors book.

On January 31st, four members of the Hertford Board visited the House and signed the visitors book.


A gift of apples has been received from Mr E.G. Thody, and much appreciated.


The House Committee reported as following: "The House Committee visited the House and found all the inmates comfortable and happy. We recommend the estimate for painting the walls of the chapel be accepted, also that the existing fireplace be removed and a radiator installed. With regard to the ironing room, we recommend the flue be covered by wire netting as recommended by the fire insurance inspector."


The question of the appointment of a Relieving Officer in succession to Mr H. Macklin, whose retiremeny dated as from 31st January, 1928, was discussed.

The Chairman read the Sub-Committee's report, and said that although the Committee had put forward certain suggestions he wished to make it quite clear that they were prepared to fall in with any suggestions of the Board, including advertising the post.

Mr Hayes proposed that the post be advertised, and this was seconded by Capt. Williams, and carried.


Three tenders were received for the provision of a bath at the Institution hospital, the tenders being as follows:

Mr G Handy - £5 18s. 0d.

Mr C.H. Poulton - £6 19s. 0d.

Messrs J. Hamilton - £7 4s. 6d.

It was agreed to accept Mr Handy's tender.


The Clerk read the report of the Sub-Committee appointed to go into the question of the fire insurance of the Institution, and stated that the entire building had been surveyed by the Sun Insurance Company's Surveyor, who was reporting in due course. The Clerk also reported that a cheque had been received in settlement of the claim lodged in respect of the recent outbreak of fire at the Institution.


The other business was of a formal nature.

19th Oct 1928 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Housing Troubles

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held on Thursday, the 11th inst., when there were present: Captain H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Messrs. C. Hummerstone, G.C. Wilson, H. Ward, J. Russell, S. Pigg, A.J. Hayes, E.J. Marchal, G. Graves, J. Bygrave and H.E. Dudley, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Tenders were received for the erection of a fence, etc., around the water supply at Little Hormead, these being from Messrs. D. Wilson and Son, of Hare Street, who quoted £13 15s.; and Mr C.E. Harradence, who quoted £16 10s. 

It was resolved that the tender of Messrs. Wilson & Son be accepted.


The Surveyor submitted his monthly report, in which he stated that the Isolation Hospital was closed. The consumption of water during the last month had been 1,218,000 gallons, and the water level now stood at 38 feet. A supply of 400 gallons of paraffin was required for use at the Waterworks, at a cost of £12 10s.

The Surveyor also reported that the County Council had completed the wharfing of the River Rib as requested by the Council. The work at the Hospital and the Ardeley water supply had now been carried out. No report was forthcoming with reference to the extension of the Sewage Farm owing to the dry weather having made it impossible to ascertain certain details.

The Council authorised the purchase of the paraffin, and instructed the Surveyor to dispose of the crop of mangolds at the Sewage Farm to the best possible advantage.


The Surveyor also submitted a detailed statement showing the amount expended on the repair and maintenance of the Council's cottages throughout the district for the seven years ending March last, together with a lengthy list of the various repairs that were necessary.

It appeared that the average cost of maintenance per house per annum had been £2 13s. 6d., whereas the sum allotted was £2 7s. 2d., and thus the Maintenance and Repair Fund had been overdrawn by the sum of £287 3s. 1d.

The matter was referred to the Housing Committee, and it was decided to call a meeting of the Committee at an early date. It was also resolved to furnish the Ministry of Health with a report upon the matter, together with a statement of the expenses incurred in connection with the Cottered drainage scheme, and the £300 that was required for the external painting of the cottages in the district.

The Surveyor pointed out that it would be necessary to repair the roofs of the cottages at Meesden as the tenants had declined to pay their rents owing to the wet coming in, and it was decided to carry out the repairs forthwith.

There were several applicants for the two cottages at Buntingford and Chipping, which were both let to local residents.

The Clerk submitted the report of the district auditor with reference to the audit of the Council's accounts, in which the auditor made certain suggestions with regard to rate collection.

Notification was received from the North Metropolitan Electric Power Company that owing to the delay experienced in procuring materials the lighting scheme would not be ready until a few days later than the specified time.

Mr Hayes asked whether the Council could not write to the County Council about the speed of motor vehicles which used the Hare Street Road. The road which had just been repaired, he said, would soon be as bad as before.

The Chairman replied that the Council would take no action in the matter as motor vehicles were licensed to use the roads, but the speed of the vehicles, however, was a matter for the police to deal with.

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