Showing posts with label Osborne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osborne. Show all posts

21st December 1928 - Emigrants to Australia

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Emigrants to Australia

The news of the departure of Mr and Mrs Osborne and their daughter to Australia has come as a surprise to the villagers, who will doubtless wish them a safe voyage and every success in their new undertaking.

For the sixteen years they have resided at "The Bull" hotel, Mr and Mrs Osborne have made many friends and acquaintances, due to their hospitable manner and corteous [sic] nature.

The new year will see three familiar faces set sail for that far-off land, where Mr and Mrs Osborne will join their son Jim, who went to Australia some six years ago. He is in a flourishing position on a sugar cane farm at Mackay, Queensland.

24th December 1926 - "The Bull" Share-Out

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"The Bull" Share-Out

The annual share-out of "The Bull" Hotel Slate Club took place on Monday evening last, when a good number of the members attended to receive their share.

Although a heavy year's sick pay had been paid out, each member received £1 7s. 9d.

A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Osborne for lighting and fires during Club hours. Also to Mr Osbourne, the landlord, for acting as Hon. Treasurer.

After the share-out, a number of games were played, darts and skittles and songs rendered.

A very enjoyable evening was spent.

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