Showing posts with label Baker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baker. Show all posts

28th December 1928 - Festivities at the Poor Law Institution

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Festivities at the Poor Law Institution

Through the untiring efforts of the Master and Matron (Mr and Mrs F.W. Butler), who neglect nothing that will prevent the inmates from spending a merry Christmas, and to the generosity of many kindly donors, all the inmates spent a happy time in the Institution one of the happiest in the real sense of the adjective.

On the 16th inst. Miss E.N. Davies sent sponge sandwiches for tea.

On the 18th inst. Miss Lushington provided cake for tea and distributed sweets and tobacco, for which, one leaving, she was loudly cheered.

On the same day Miss Baker took her pupils to the sick wards, where they sang carols, and these were greatly appreciated by the sick inmates.

On the 21st inst. the Rev. and Miss Shepherd, of Great Hormead, visited the wards, and left parcels for the inmates from that parish.

The wards and dining hall had been tastefully decorated by the staff with evergreens and paper chains, which gave a festive appearance. Breakfast on Christmas Day consisted of ham, and each inmate received a new shilling as a gift from Mr Claud Fraser, a member of the Board of Guardians. Parcels and other gifts were handed round, the kindly donors of which are below mentioned.

For dinner there was a liberal supply of roast beef, roast pork, chicken, parsnips and potatoes, plum pudding, ale and minerals, and after Grace had been said by Rev. A. Howard, Hon. Chaplain to the Institution, the inmates did full justice to these viands, and ate and drank to their hearts' content. The Master was assisted with the carving by Mr B. Thody (Relieving Officer), Mr H.H. Macklin, Mr W. Bonness and Mr F.J. Butler. Mr H.C. Marshall, another Guardian, provided nuts and fruit for dessert.

During the meal the Misses Olive and Marion Macklin rendered pianoforte selections, and visitors to the wards included Mrs A. Dixon, Dr., Mrs and Miss Fell and Master S. Howard. Capt. and Mrs H.H. Williams provided iced and fruit cake for tea, and also distributed sweets. Cheers by the inmates followed, and in replying Mrs Williams wished all a happy time. She also referred to the King's health, and afterwards all sang the National Anthem.

In the evening an entertainment was held, the inmates being chief performers. The Matron and Master R. Butler were at the piano.

It is impossible to single out any performer, as all showed fine talent for the music hall. Sweets, nuts, cake and tobacco were again handed round, also coffee and ale, and all went well until 10 p.m., when the merry day was brought to a close.

The Master called for cheers for the Guardians and other kind donors of gifts, and cheers were also given, with musical honours, for the Master, Matron and staff. The National Anthem followed.

The following are gifts, together with the kindly donors, besides those already mentioned:

Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman of the Guardians), 10s;

Hertford Board of Guardians - per Dimsdale Fund - 3/- each Hertford inmate;

Mrs and Mr E.C. Clarke (Clerk to the Guardians), sweets and tobacco;

Miss Lushington, Christmas cards;

Mrs A. Dixon, parcels for women, tobacco for men;

Mrs Goode, parcels for Cottered women;

Mrs Fell, sweets for sick women;

Mrs F.R. Williams (Standon), biscuits for sick women;

Miss E.N. Davies, sweets for inmates and casuals;

Messrs. Moss & Sons - per Mr Daniels - bon-bons;

Mr and Mrs A.G. Day, bon-bons;

Mrs Joobins (Reigate), Xmas greetings;

Mrs H. Clarke (Newtown), books;

Mrs Wheeler (Ware), books;

Captain Salvation Army, books;

National Institute for Blind - per Mrs Scarborough Taylor - parcel of groceries, sweets, &c.

5th August 1927 - Scholastic

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At a recent examination of the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and Royal College of Music, the following pupils of Miss L.M. Baker passed, as stated:

Elementary - Rachel Prime, with distinctions. Joan Roberson and Mary Fell, honourable mention.

Lower class - Mary Feasey, Jean Weir and Miriam Brand, honourable mention.

27th August 1926 - Buntingford Petty Sessions

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Buntingford Petty Sessions

Friday last, before Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., and Captain H.H. Williams, with the Clerk (Mr H.M. Gisby).

No Licence

William Brown, of Harestreet, Buntingford, was charged with keeping a dog without a licence.

P.c. Gillett gave evidence of calling on defendant at 10 p.m. on 21st June.

The Chairman, who referred to the absence of the defendant from Court, said there would be a fine of 10/- with 4/- costs.

A Motor Case: Sequel to an Accident

Cecil Charles, of Cottered, was summoned for driving a motor car without having efficient brakes attached, at Buntingford, on 14th July.

P.c. Williams, of Buntingford, stated that he was called to the scene of an accident during the afternoon of 14th July.

On arrival he found that a motor lorry, owned by Mr Charles of Cottered, had collided with a Calthorpe car at the junction of Baldock Road. He noticed a skid mark made by the front wheels of the lorry; there were no skid marks from the rear wheels. The road was in good condition.

On Friday, 16th June, in company with P.s. Dean, he examined the brakes and hooter of the damaged lorry which had been removed to the Tanyard. Both the front and rear brakes were inefficient; the front brake when pulled back had no effect on the brake, and when the foot brake was pressed down it went easily on the casting.

On Wednesday, 21st July, in company with the defendant and Sergeant Dean, he again inspected the loory. The rear wheel was jacked up, and although the hand brake was pulled on the wheel turned easily. He asked the driver for an explanation, and he replied that a new band had been recently put on the hand brake, and that both brakes were in order.

Cross-examined by Mr Reginald Hartley, solicitor, of Royston, who represented defendant, the constable stated that he had had little experience with motor cars. He did not examine the brakes on the day of the accident. The brake guide was not disconnected when he first examined the lorry.

P.c. Gillett stated that he was present when the lorry was examined by the last witness. He tested the brakes, and neither of them had any control over the amchine. The foot brake required taking up.

Cross-examined by Mr Hartley, the constable said the front part of the lorry was badly damaged.

Alfred Hale Hedges, motor engineer, of Buntingford, gave evidence of inspecting the damaged lorry at the Tanyard. The foot brake pedal went down on top of the transmission case casting without gripping the bands. The brake required taking up. The hand brake lever could be pulled right back, and judging from his experience the two brakes had no control over the car.

Cross-examined by Mr Hartley, witness said he had had 22 years' experience with motors. Since the war he had done a lot of work on Ford cars. The Ferodo lining might last two weeks or perhaps six months, it all depended on the quality. The brakes were intact when he examined the lorry. The brake guides would have no effect on the breaking.

In reply to the Chairman, witness said in his opinion the accident to the front part of the lorry had no effect upon the brakes.

Cecil Charles, the driver, stated that the brakes had been re-lined in June. He had used both brakes just before the accident, and they were efficient.

Herbert Crowe, motor engineer, of Stevenage, who stated that he had had nine years' experience with motors, said he examined the damaged lorry on Thursday, 19th August. The hand brake was holding on the off-side rear wheel but not on the near side. 

When he replaced the brake rod in the brake guide he found that the brake operated on both wheels. The front of the lorry was badly damaged, and he thought that the collision threw the brakes out of the guide. It was not possible to test the foot brake as the engine could not be started.

Mr Frank Charles, the owner of the car, gave evidence of driving the vehicle on the day previous to the accident, and said the car stood on a hill although it was loaded with 50 trusses of straw.

Alfred Baker, of Ware, gave evidence of witnessing the accident, and stated that the defendant was travelling slowly at the time and would not require brakes to pull up.

The Bench retired, and on their return, the chairman said they had given the case very careful consideration, and had come to the conclusion that there was not sufficient evidence to warrant a conviction.

It was somewhat unfortunate that the condition of the lorry was not examined on the day of the accident by an expert.

6th August 1926 - Inquest at the Poor Law Institution

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Inquest at the Poor Law Institution

The District Coroner (H.F.J. Banham, Esq.) held an inquest, without a jury, at the Poor Law Institution on Saturday, July 30th, touching the death of Walter Benstead, 60 years of age, a labourer, who died as the result of a fall whilst window cleaning.

Stephen Baker, labourer, of Buntingford, stated: "I lived with Walter Benstead for about eight months. I have known him 20 years. He has an uncle in Buntingford, who is his nearest relative. I saw him in the morning before he went to work, and soon after he was brought home by Mr Postle. I have known him to be giddy at times. He would not see a doctor. The body I saw in the mortuary is that of Walter Benstead."

Mr Harry Postle, dairyman, of Salisbury House, Buntingford, stated: "Deceased has been in my employ for about seven years, doing odd jobs about the place. On Saturday last in the afternoon he was cleaning windows, which he has done several times before. My house is in the main street. He used a 20 round ladder with a 56lb weight at the foot to keep it from slipping.

I saw him at 11 o'clock when I gave him a pint of beer. He was quite sober. I saw him again about 4.30 p.m., when my brother brought deceased to me in the yard. He was being carried. His faced was grazed and his right-hand knuckles were bleeding. I bathed his face with cold water, gave him some tea and sent for the doctor. Dr Dixon came at once. Deceased soon came round and told the doctor he came over giddy. Deceased then walked round and went home with assistance."

Frank Postle, brother of the last witness, stated: "I was sweeping up the front near the deceased. I saw the ladder slip on one side - the weight was at the bottom of the ladder. As the ladder came down the weight remained in an upright position at the bottom, but was pushed out into the gutter with the ladder. Deceased came down and hit his head on the doorstep. When I saw him he was about 10ft. from the ground cleaning the window over the porch. His pail and clothes were on the porch. He came down the side of the door post rather sharp."

Mrs Julia Conyard, of Buntingford, stated: "I was standing in the High Street near Mr Postle's house on the opposite side of the street. I knew deceased. I saw him up the ladder; his pail was on the verandah. I saw the ladder slip out. There was a weight at the bottom. The ladder came down straight. Deceased fell upon his face and struck the doorstep. He came down with the ladder."

Mrs Ethel Milton, of Buntingford, stated: "I saw Benstead on the top of the ladder. I saw the ladder slipper - the foot into the road. Deceased was coming down with the ladder. He fell and struck his face on the doorstep. I saw the weight at the bottom of the ladder. It had rolled over on to its side."

Dr Richard Wm. Fell, Medical Officer at the Institution, stated: "I saw deceased on Sunday after he had been admitted. He was unconscious. He roused a little when spoken to. He had a slight abrasion on the nose and bruise on his right arm. The left side of the face was paralysed. He had a strong pulse.

There was every evidence of a cerebral haemorrhage. The caused would be a diseased artery of the brain. It would not required any violence to bring on the haemorrhage, probably carrying the pail up the ladder would be sufficient exertion to cause it. There was no injury to the body of any importance. The paralysis of the face was characteristic of cerebral haemmorhage."

The Coroner summed up after inspecting the weight, and stated that the evidence was not conclusive as to whether the ladder slipped and caused deceased to fall, or whether he pushed the ladder away and then fell. He would return a verdict of "Death by Misadventure."

15th October 1926 - Harvest Festival at St Peter's

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Harvest Festival at St Peter's

The Harvest Festival services were held on Thursday in last week and were continued over the following Sunday.

The church was beautifully decorated with a profusion of corn, flowers, fruit and vegetables, which had been brought as thankofferings.

The corn had previously been weathered at the Parish Room by Mrs Pateman, Mrs Corp, Miss Woodley, Mrs H. Clark, Miss V. Feasey, Mrs Howard and Miss Brodie, the actual decorations being tastefully carried out by Miss Boniwell, Mrs Butler, Mrs Coleman, Mrs White, Miss M. Howard, Miss Lushington, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs J. Pateman and Mr H.L. Baker.

The Rev. H.B. Webb-Bowen, R.N., Vicar of Barkway, preached on Thursday evening to a large and attentive congregation. The anthem "Song to the Lord of the Harvest," was well rendered by the choir, and the whole service was a hearty and happy one.

On Sunday, in addition to the morning and evening services, a Flower Service was held in the afternoon.

The church was well filled, and many generous offerings were brought by the children of flowers, fruit and eggs, accompanied by appropriate texts, which been warmly appreciated by the sick and needy. The Festival closed with a very hearty service on Sunday night.

Owing to the special fuel and lighting difficulties, the offertories were for that object, over £6 being received, but in addition nearly £3 was given for the hospitals.

15th October 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, H.E. Dudley, T.J. Stick, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The following report was submitted.

The House Committee visited the House today, the work of distempering the male casual ward has been completed, and the condition of the building is very satisfactory.

The committee have no suggests to make involving further expenditure.

Katherine J. Dimsdale, Harold H. Williams, G.C. Wilson.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 15, children 2. Total 32.

Number admitted to casual wards 16.

Corresponding figures for last year - men 20, women 16, children 2. Total 38.

Tramps 2.

Two females, aged 70 and 92 respectively, have been admitted during the month.

A committee of the Hertford Guardians paid a visit on September 5th, and left a report in the visitors book.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated by the inmates.

Cheque £2 - Hertford Guardians.

Eggs - Salvation Army.

Papers - Mrs Dixon

Fruit and vegetables - Westmill Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. A.G. King.

Fruit, vegetables and eggs - Meesden Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. W. McKerr

Grapes and fruit - Layston Harvest Thanksgiving, per Mrs Howard

Daily Mail for past year - Mrs Anderson

Weekly Mail for Blind - Mr H.C. Marshall

Books and magazines - British Red Cross Library

Mrs L.M. Baker brought her pupils and sang Harvest Hymns in the sick wards and distributed tea, eggs, fruit &c.


During the past month 78 have been relieved, against 13 last year.

Labour Master

Mr R. Budd, the labour master, has been appointed porter at Luton. Would the Board kindly give Mr Budd a testimonial.

The Chairman said it was pleasing to note the number of gifts received during the month. The Board were very grateful to the donors and especially to Miss Baker and her pupils for giving the aged inmates a share in the thanksgiving of Harvest.

It was decided to give Mr Budd a testimonial and the Chairman was authorised to sign it.

Fire Protection

The Minimax Co. reported that the fire extinguishers at the Institution had been recently inspected and found to be in order.


Mrs Dimsdale stated that the Hormead School Library Committee had several books which they would be pleased to hand over to the Guardians for the use of the inmates of the Institution.

The Chairman said he thought the books would be very acceptable, and no doubt the Master could put up some shelves.

Captain Williams and the Rev. Wright expressed their thanks to Mrs Dimsdale for the offer.

The Late Mr E. Pigg

The Clerk read a letter from the family of the late Mr Edward Pigg expressing their thanks for the expression of sympathy passed at the last Board meeting and for the wreath sent.

Hertford Boarders

A letter was read from the Hetford Union authorising the continuance of relief to persons resident in the Buntingford Union and relieved on behalf of the Hertford Union, for a further period of 14 weeks.


The following remarks were entered in the House Committee register by visitors from the Hertford House Committee:

"We visited the Institution and found the inmates most comfortable and happy.

The Master and Matron are particularly patient and kind to all. The Box girls are greatly improved. With regard to the Dimsdale Charity, any surplus money might be used on 'bus rides or little outings in any way the Matron and Master think best."

24th December 1926 - Bowls Club

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Bowls Club

Successful Whist Drive

A whist drive, in aid of the funds of the Buntingford Bowls Club, was held at the George Assembly Rooms on Monday evening. There was a good company present, upwards of 70 sitting down to whist, which commenced at 7.30.

Mr E.E. Dennis officiated as M.C., and the successful players were:

Ladies - 1, Mrs Philpott, 189 (box chocolate); 2, Mrs Lawrence, 178 (jam dish); 3, Miss D. Camp, 170 (sugar sifter).

Gents - 1, Mr Hatchett (clock); 2, Mr C. Baker (rose bowl); 3, Mr G. Holmes (cigarettes).

Mrs W.J. May congratulated the winners and distributed the prizes.

Mr W.J. May, the Captain of the Club, thanked the company for their support. A vote of thanks to Mr Dennis was proposed by Mr F.W. Butler and carried with applause.

At the close, the result of the Xmas Ballot was announced by Mr Dennis.

3rd December 1926 - Women's Conservative Association

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Women's Conservative Association

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Women's Branch of the Conservative Association was held in the George Assembly Room, Buntingford, a 6.30 p.m., on Friday, November 19th.

The President (Lady Heaton-Ellis) was present, also Mrs Williams (as Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale (the Vice-President), Mrs Baker (the hon. treasurer), and also the hon. secretary. There were over 100 members of the Association present.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed.

The hon. secretary's report was read, which showed the meetings had been well attended, as also had the Committee meetings.

The number of members on the books up to the end of October, 1926, was 244, which, in spite of removals and resignations, showed an increase of 26 members on last year's total.

A financial report was read by Mrs Baker, showing a small balance in hand.

Mrs Howard proposed, and Mrs Henry May seconded, that the officers be re-elected en bloc.

This was carried unanimously.

New names were added to the Committee, proposed by the hon. secretary and seconded by the hon. treasurer.

Mrs Howard, of Watford House, Westmill, gave a most excellent address on the danger of apathy on the part of women voters, and emphasised the responsibility that the vote had given to women.

There was an exhibition and sale of goods sent by members for the Buntingford stall at the Hitchin Fete, and the hon. sec. would like to take this opportunity of thanking all in the villages who have so generously contributed.

Tea was served most expeditiously by Mrs Thody and a band of helpers.

22nd April 1927 - Anstey - The Late Mr James Cowlin Pigg

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The Late Mr James Cowlin Pigg

Impressive Scenes at Church and Graveside

It is with sincere regret and sympathy with the bereaved relatives we record the decease of Mr James Cowlin Pigg, of Anstey Hall.

The deceased, who had been ill for some considerable time, passed away in a London nursing home on Wednesday of last week. His death, at the age of 41 years has brought great sorrow, not only to the parish but to the whole district.

The deceased's father, the late Mr J. Pigg, farmed the 700 acre Hall Farm for over 30 years, and at his death some six years ago, the villagers were happy to think that his son, "Jimmy," was to remain with them and farm the land his father had left. "Jimmy" as he was known to all, was a man of whom no one spoke ill. A good farmer and a very generous employer, he was loved by all who came into contact with him. The most marked characteristic of him was his love of fair play and fair dealings. He was also a lover of sport and was considered an excellent shot.

Prior to the Great War he joined the Herts Yeomanry, but at the outbreak of war he expressed a wish to go abroad and was transferred to the R.G.A. and saw a good deal of fighting in Palestine. 

Ater the war he returned to Anstey, where he took an interest in all local affairs. A staunch Conservative, he was an enthusiastic supporter of the cause. He was also a member of the Buntingford Board of Guardians and Rural District Council.

The deceased was only married some two years ago.

The Funeral

The popularity of the deceased over a wide area was testified to by the large number who assembled for the funeral on Monday afternoon last. The interior of the Church was bright with Easter flowers, many of them having grown in the woods on the Hall farm. The full choir was present, and the service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. F.R. Williams, assisted by the Rural Deal (The Rev. W. McKerr), and The Rev W.L. Shepherd (Hormead). The hymn song was "Peace, perfect peace."

The coffin was plain oak, and was borne from the Hall by eight of the deceased's employees. The interment took place in a flower-lined grave at the east end of the churchyard, being only separated from the Hall garden by a yard entrance to the Hall.

The immediate mourners were: Mrs J.C. Pigg (widow), Mr H.F. Pigg (cousin), Miss Pigg and Miss G. Pigg (sisters), Mr and Mrs L. Duke (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs Seabrook and Mrs Baker (aunts), Mr and Mrs E. Pigg, jun. (cousins), Mr and Mrs F. Pigg, and Mr T. Coleman.

Among others present were - Mrs Wyman, Mrs Dimsdale, Miss F. Pigg, Miss N. Pigg, Mrs Oyler, Miss Beale, Miss N. Ashford, Mrs Monk-Jones, Miss Lyall, Mrs C.R. Turney, Mrs White, Mrs H.F. Pigg, Mrs Turney, Miss Coleman, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Rev. Morton, Mr and Mrs S. Pigg, Mr and Mrs W.T. Patten, Mr and Mrs F.B. Cannon, Mr and Mrs W. Johnson, Mr and Mrs J.F. Lofts (Stortford), Mr H. Clarke (representing the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club) and Mrs Clarke, Mr and Mrs Hammond (Ware), Captain E.T. Morris, Dr H.E. Dixon, Messrs. T. May, H. Fry, J.R. Russell, J. Russell, G. Scarborough Taylor, P. Hamilton, E. Mildren, R. Gardener, F. Brown, W. George, W. Millbank, F. Sapsed, W.J. Sapsed, F. Prime, Andrew Weir, C. Bolton, C. Johnson, H. May, F. Rand (Kelshall), A.W. Page, S. Lees, Harry May, J. May, H.R. Stubbing, A. Macarthur, V. Pledger, C. Burr, W. Burr, F. Dibbin (representing the local branch of the Conservative Association), Herbert Ward, G. Andrews, S. Hoy, W.J. May, J.S. Baker, T.J. Stick, H.E. Dudley, Jack Pigg, J. Woollard, B. Kent, S.A. Rice, H. Mole, C.P. Mole, C. Chapman (Standon), John Coleman, and Messrs. F.W. Butler, E.G. Thody, and H.H. Macklin (officers of the Buntingford Guardians and R.D.C.)

There was also a large number of villagers and employees present.

8th April 1927 - Whist

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Prizes at the whist drive, held on Saturday evening in aid of the Town Band funds, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr S. Pledger (playing as lady), 2 Miss E. Cutts. Lowest score - Mrs S. Smith.

Gents - 1 Mr South, 2, Mr C. Baker. Lucky chair - Mr C. Crane.

Spot dance competition - Mr L. Smith and Miss D. Bush.

27th May 1927 - Cricket - Wyddiall v. Hormead

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Wyddiall v. Hormead

The above teams met at Hormead on Saturday last, Hormead winning by 46 runs. Hormead batted first, and made the moderate score or 77 - V. Bentley making a good score of 39. E. Wilson also scored double figures.

Wyddiall made a poor display against the bowling of V. Bentley and A. Scripps, the former taking 6 of the wickets. H. Pledger was the onl batsman to reach double figures. Score:


E. Wilson, b S. Pledger - 11

R. Brabrook, b S. Pledger - 0

V. Bentley, c H. May, b S. Pledger - 39

A. Scripps, b S. Pledger - 0

H. Bardwell, c S. Pledger - 3

A. Brand, b H. Pledger - 2

O. Bentley, c S. Pledger - 3

G. Moule, c F. Hatchett, b S. Pledger - 2

A. Baker, b S. Pledger - 0

G. Bardwell, not out - 2

H. Barker, c H. Pledger, b H. May - 0

Extras - 15

Total - 77


S. Pledger, b Scripps - 0

C. Hatchett, b Scripps - 1

R. Reed, c and b V. Bentley - 1

E. Bonfield, c Baker, b V. Bentley - 1

H. Pledger, b V. Bentley - 14

F. Hatchett, b V. Bentley - 6

T. Pledger, c Bardwell, b Scripps - 3

H. May, c Moule, b V. Bentley - 1

E. May, c Bardwell, b Scripps - 1

S. Reed, b V. Bentley - 1

G. Bardwell, not out - 0

Extras - 2

Total - 31

27th May 1927 - Country Dancing

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Country Dancing

The first of a series of meetings of the Buntingford Branch of the English Folk Dance Society was held at the George Hotel on Thursday evening of last week.

There was a good number present, and a company from Walkern came over to join in the evening's pleasure. Miss M. Macklin presided at the piano, and Mr E.E. Dennis made an efficient M.C.

Thanks to Mrs H.L. Baker (the hon. secretary) and Mrs M. Corp (hon. treasurer), the Buntingford branch of this popular society is on a very sound footing, and an attractive programme is promised for the coming season.

Miss G. Pugh, of Ardeley, is the efficient and popular instructress.

30th July 1926 - Layston Church Choir Outing

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Layston Church Choir Outing

On Wednesday last the Choir enjoyed a delightful day at Clacton-on-Sea.

The party, with the addition of the Rev. A. and Mrs Howard, the Misses Howard, Mr S. Howard, Mr and Mrs Baker and others, left at 7 in Mr Spencer's new and comfortable charabanc. The drive was enjoyed by all, the weather being favourable.

On arrival, the party separated for bathing, paddling and the other delights of Clacton, but met at 5 for tea at the Clifton Restaurant.

The expenses of the Choir were chiefly met by the kind gifts of members of the congregation and other residents in Buntingford.

The rain held off well till the start home was made, and was not sufficient to cause serious inconvenience.

23rd July 1926 - Westmill Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The July meeting was held on Wednesday, the 21st inst., at Knight's Hill, by kind invitation of Mrs Laird.

The usual proceedings took place and one new member elected at the business meeting, which was at 6.30.

A whist drive followed, prizes for which were given by six members, and the bountiful tea was given by Mrs Laird. There were eleven tables, Mrs Laird acting as M.C. It was a very stormy evening, so the proceedings were conducted under cover.

For the prizes, Mrs Darton and Mrs Lee tied for the first lady's; Mrs Pegram was awarded consolation, while an extra prize was won by Mr G. Warner (playing as lady).

Mr W. Jackson and Mr W. Baker won first and second gents' prizes respectively, Miss Bright (playing as gent) being awarded consolation prize.

Mr Harvey, for the visitors, proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the hostess.

In spite of the weather, a very cheerful evening was spent.

16th July 1926 - Buntingford Sale

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On Monday last, Mr G. Scarborough Taylor offered for sale at the George Hotel, Buntingford, the freehold property situate on the Market Hill, and formerly occupied by Mr J. Marvill.

Bids of £50 and £25 carried the bidding to £475 at which price the property was sold to Mrs H.L. Baker, of Buntingford.

The late owner was Mrs F.J. Robinson.

16th November 1923 - Buntingford Women's Institute

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Buntingford Women's Institute

A meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute was held at the Assembly Room, George Hotel, on Wednesday evening last.

A lantern lecture on "Flowers" was given by Mr W. Graveson, of Hertford, and was much enjoyed by all present. The lecturer spoke of the various legends connected with our English flowers, and many of the beautiful pictures were taken by Mr Graveson himself. At the close a very hearty vote of thanks was carried with acclamation by all present.

The lantern was manipulated by Mr B.E. Thody.

Following the lantern lecture musical items were rendered by Miss Baker's pupils. The programme for the ensuing year was also discussed, and it was resolved to have an Institute outing next summer.

Bulbs for the Bulb Competition were sold at the meeting.

Two new members were co-opted on the committee, namely Mrs W.J. May and Mrs G. Saggers. It was also announced that tickets were now on sale for the Whist Drive, which will be held at the George Hotel on Tuesday next, Nov. 20th.

A special feature will be a prize for a lucky ticket, which must be purchased before Tuesday. The whole of the prizes to be offered will be on view in Mr Sharp's window on Monday.

Tea was provided by Miss Boniwell, and the meeting closed with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

28th May 1926 - Hertfordshire County Library

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Hertfordshire County Library

The Local Committee of the Buntingford Centre met on Tuesday at the Parish Room, the Rev. A. Howard presiding in the absence of the Chairman (Mr C. Fraser).

The other members present were Mrs H. Williams, Mrs Page, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Mrs Baker and the Local Librarian (Mrs Howard).

It was decided to open the Library weekly on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m., commencing with a formal opening on Tuesday next (June 1st), when those who have signed the membership cards will be able to select a book.

21st May 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

A very large and successful meeting took place at the George Room on Wednesday evening of last week. The members not on the Committee gave a free tea, and themselves provided the tiems of entertainment. The chair was taken by Miss Woods as a non-Committee member.

Mention was made by the President and Chairman of the joy at the conclusion of the strike, and of the desirability of avoiding all bitterness or sarcasm, fostering a spirit in every quarter of Buntingford of goodwill and good fellowship.

Mrs Houlden jun., was the accompanist and gave a piano solo; Mrs Thwaites and Miss Howard sang; and delightful recitations and readings were given by Mesdames Howard, Saggers, Horth, the Misses Beadle and Nurse Davies; amusing stories were told by Mrs Baker and Miss Lushington; two dances were delightfully performed by Miss Poulton, accompanied by Miss Macklin; and the competition glees were well sung under the able conductorship of Miss Baker.

Two interesting competitions were arranged by Mrs Warren and Miss Doris Camp, and prizes were won by Miss Leslie, Miss Boniwell and Mrs M. Miles. The prizes consisted of eggs, sugar, tea and butter, given respectively by Mrs Warren, Mrs David Baker, Mrs Geaves and Miss Woods.

2nd April 1926 - County Library Scheme

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County Library Scheme


A meeting to discuss the question of forming a Buntingford Branch of the Herts. County Council Free Library Scheme was held at the Parish Room on Saturday evening. Mr Claud Fraser presided and was supported by the Rev. A. Howard. There were about 20 representatives from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall and Throcking present.

Under the County Library Scheme libraries are formed in the various towns and villages in the County and a supply of books, normally two per member, are sent periodically. There is no charge for membership or books.

The Chairman, after reviewing the scheme, said he thought it a very good one. It involved the Committee and members in no cost and he understood the books were very useful ones. If 150 members could be enrolled, they would be entitled to 300 books.

After a discussion, the Rev. A. Howard moved, and Mr W.J. May seconded that a library be formed. The following were elected to serve on the committee:

Layston - Mrs H.L. Baker and Miss Elliott.

Aspenden - Mr H.C. Marshall and Mrs H.H. Williams.

Wyddiall - The Rev. L.W. Wright and the Rev. A. Howard.

Throcking - The Rev. A.L. Panchaud and Mrs A.W. Page.

Mrs Macklin proposed, and Mrs A. Dixon seconded that Mrs Howard be asked to take on the duties of Hon. Librarian. Mrs Howard, after enquiring what the duties entailed, said she would accept.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Mrs Howard for her promise of assistance. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May asked whether Sub-Libraries could be formed in the various parishes connected with the scheme, and the Chairman said he thought it would not be practicable at present. If any of the parishes choose to run their own scheme in conjunction with the County Council they could do so.

Mr A.G. Day said the Committee should consider what would be a suitable day and hour for opening the library. He thought the room should be open during the evening as some members would find it difficult to change their books during the afternoon.

Mr E.E. Dennis said he had made enquiries at Hertford, and had learned that gifts of books to the library would become the sole property of the library. The librarian would, however, have to render a return of all books presented. He understood that the next supply of books would be ready for despatch in April, and if members could be enrolled at once Buntingford could get a supply then.


The Chairman said he hoped as many as possible would take advantage of the scheme. When they had enrolled enough members the librarian could send for a supply of books. All that was necessary was for the public to sign a membership form, and Mr Day had kindly offered to have a supply of these in his shop.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and for the interest he had taken to the scheme.


N.B. - It is important that membership forms be completed as soon as they are available, as after the April supply of books there will be no further supply for some two or three months, and should be membership increase immediately after the first supply, enough books may not be available for some time.

3rd Feb 1928 - Whist Drive

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Whist Drive

A successful whist drive was held at the Working Men's Club on Wednesday evening.

There were 44 present, and the prize-winners were as follows:

Ladies - 1 Mr W. Watson (playing as lady), 172; 2 Miss L. Clark, 172. Highest score first-half, Mr E. Pledger, 92; lowest, Mr W. Gilby.

Gents - 1 Mr C. Baker, 181; 2 Mr A. Postle, 171. Highest score second half, Mr Francis, 84; lowest, Mr C. Crane.

Mr H. Clark was M.C.

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