New Vicar Instituted and Inducted
The institution and induction of the newly appointed Vicar, the Rev. Frederick William Baron Jobson, B.A., to the living at Braughing took place at the Parish Church on the 28th ult. A good congregation assembled.
The St George's Flag waved from the church tower, and both before and after the service the bells pealed out joyously. The Bishop of St Albans instituted the incumbent, and the Ven. Archdeacon Kenneth Gibbs carried out the induction ceremony.
In both cases the little procession was preceded by Mr W.B. Minton (vicar's warden) and Mr W.F. Boards (acting for the parish warden). The Rev. F.S. Holmes (Furneux Pelham) acted as Bishop's Chaplain, and the other clergy present were the Revs. F.R. Williams (Anstey), W.L. Shepherd (Hormead), and A.L. Panchaud (Throcking).
The Bishop gave the congregation a motto for the new chapter that had begun that day in the history of Braughing. On this motto, "We are labourers together with God," he discoursed eloquently showing the relationship between the parish priest and people welded together by the spirit of fellowship. The latter was produced by witness, and power, strength and life from God, resulting in love to their neighbour.
He concluded by exhorting them that the best place to speak to a person was straight to his face, and the worse possible place behind his back. Telling the story of the cavalry regiment who on dismounting always gave three pats on the back to their horses, he said, to get the best of their parson they must give him three pats occasionally, a bit of encouragement so that he might be cheered along in his work, remembering always the motto from God's Book that they were all working together with God.