Showing posts with label King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Death and Funeral of an Old Resident

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Death and Funeral of an Old Resident

The death of Mrs E. Plumb, wife of Mr William Plumb, occurred at the Hertford County Hospital on Saturday in last week.

Mrs Plumb was born in the village close on seventy years ago, where she was greatly respected by the inhabitants. The mortal remains were brought to Aspenden the following Wednesday, and rested in the deceased's home throughout the night before burial on Thursday afternoon.

The Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill, conducted the service, and the family mourners included: Mr W. Plumb (husband), Mrs Savage (daughter), Messrs. William and Fred Plumb (sons), Mrs Tolts (sister), Mrs Gooch (sister-in-law), Mr Arthur Plumb and Miss Annie Plumb (brother-in-law and sister-in-law), Mrs W. Plumb (daughter-in-law), Mr John Plumb (brother-in-law), Mrs Bunn, Mrs Morly, Mrs Waters and Miss L. Plumb (nieces), and Mrs Miller (grand-daughter).

There was also a large number present at the Church to pay their last respects to the memory of the deceased, and there was a collection of beautiful floral tokens, and included wreaths from Mrs Steel, Mrs A. Wilson, Mrs H. Poulton, Mrs Fletcher, Captain and Mrs Williams; a small posy was also sent by Master Leslie Moule, who showed many little kindnesses to the deceased in her old age.

The Rev. King, preaching at the Parish Church on Sunday morning, referred to the deceassd's [sic] life and her simple faith. Much symyathy [sic] is extended to the family in their bereavement.

18th January 1924 - Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

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Mr and Mrs Crofton's Generosity

School Children Entertained

At the invitation of Mr and Mrs H. Crofton, of the Dial House, Westmill, the whole of the children attending the Westmill School were entertained to a treat at the Village Hall on Monday last.

A capital tea was served by the committee of the Women's Institute, and was much enjoyed.

After the tables were cleared, games organised by Mr and Miss Harvey and Miss Jackson afforded general delight.

At the close the Rev. A.G. King, on behalf of the children, expressed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Crofton for entertaining the children in such a pleasant manner, and to all those who had contributed in any way to make the treat such a success. Mrs Crofton, in responding, said she was pleased they had all had a good time, and said she was glad to see such a merry party.

Loud cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Crofton, and the children dispersed after singing God Save the King.

5th August 1927 - Congregational Church Garden Fete

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Congregational Church

Garden Fete

To those who are more immediately concerned in organising it, a garden fete is always a very anxious affair - until it is over!

The one held on Wednesday, the 27th inst., in connection with the Buntingford Congregational Church, was no exception to the rule, for the very intermittent downpours which continued throughout the day constituted and additional cause for apprehension.

But although contingent arrangements had been made for holding in the Schoolroom as many of the attractions as possible in the event of decidedly unfavourable weather, it was decided to carry on as previously intended. It is gratifying to know that both numerically (more particularly as the day wore on) and financially the event was a success.

The fete was held in the beautiful grounds of Layston Cottage, Buntingford (by the kind permissions of Mrs H.S. Ashford), and was opened at 3 p.m. by Mrs Greg, of Coles, Buntingford. Prayer was first offered by the minister, who introduced both Mrs Greg and the Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill.

Mrs Greg's was a gracious and happily worded little speech, and both the opener of the fete and her supporter acknowledged the welcome extended to them. Little Nora Piggott presented Mrs Greg with a bouquet of very sweet flowers, and an expression of cordial thanks to the visitors was very heartily endorsed by those assembled for the opening.

It is practically impossible to give a complete list of all those who assist on such an occasion, by the following is as accurate a list as possible of the various helpers at the stalls, to which the friends now dispersed:

Stalls - Ladies' stall, Miss Dodd, Miss E. Dodd, Mrs Benstead, Mrs Cornwell, Mrs Scott; L.M.S. stall, Miss Edith Careless, assisted by Sunday School girl scholars; pound stall, Mrs Blaxill, Miss Doris Camp; fruit and vegetable stall, Miss Chrissie Norris, Miss Eileen Cutts; sweets stall, Mrs Halls, Miss Bolton, Mr and Mrs L. Smith; jumble stall, Mrs Baker, Mrs Ward.

Side attractions - Clock golf, Mr R.F. Dellow; weighing machine, Mr Scrivener; spinning arrow, Mr Scrivener, Mr C.L. Tutty, Mr Henry Clark; bran tub, Miss Winnie Ward.

During the afternoon, tea were very daintily served, those responsible for the catering, &c., being: Mrs C.L. Tutty, Miss Blanche Langham, Miss Edith Careless, Miss Mabel Cornwell, Miss Marjorie Cornwell, Miss Dolly Street, Mrs Hills, Miss Georgina Hills, Miss Nellie Howard, Miss Kathleen Smith, Miss Kitty Reed, and Sunday School girl scholars.

Miss Emily Benstead and Miss Dolly Street did duty at the lemonade stand. Ices, too, made a very welcome appearance, Miss Nora Ashford meeting the needs of customers.

There was again quite a number of competitions, &c., and the following is the list together with the names of those in charge (the names of the donors of the prizes are inserted in parentheses):

Stop-watch, Mr Henry Clark; cake-guessing (Mrs Mead), Miss Dorothy Saunders and S.S. scholars; duck guessing (Mr A. Dray), Leonard Saunders and Eric Halfhide; doll guessing (Mrs Squires), Miss Nora Piggott; steak and kidney pie (Mrs Peacock), Cyril Saunders; game of skill, Mr J. Cutts; jelly-eating, Miss Langham; pins guessing (Miss K. Minns), Miss Minnie Ashton and other S.S. girl scholars.

For the musical part of the proceedings, Mr A. Dray kindly lent his gramophone during the afternoon, the charge of which was undertaken by Harold Starr and Sidney Saunders; whilst in the evening the Standon Orchestra, under Mr A. Hedges, was in attendance from 6.30 p.m. and played for the dancing, which latter took place very soon after on the lower lawn, Mr Leslie Smith acting as M.C.

Mr Newson rendered great help in exacting toll at the gate, and was relieved by Mr W.H. Smith.

Just before 10 p.m., the minister announced the results of the various competitions, and the list of winners is appended:

Of lady's wrist watch, Mr Leslie Smith; of the clock golf prize, Mr S. Daniels; of the cake, the minister; of the duck, Nurse Davies; of the doll, Mrs Woods; of the pie, Miss Helen Fraser; and of the needlework box, Miss Minnie Ashton.

The minister expressed the great thanks of all to Mrs Ashford for throwing open the grounds as she had done, and this was very heartily confirmed. He said how grateful he was to all who had so willingly given any assistance whatsoever towards making the event so successful. There was a final dance, and the National Anthem concluded the proceedings.

As already indicated, it is impossible to enumerate the helpers on an occasion such as this for their name is legion, but in addition to the stall-holders and those mentioned above, all of whom rendered splendid service on the grounds, mention must be made of the help given in removal of furniture, &c., both before and after the day; of the assistance rendered on the grounds by Mr Pledger; of the splendid response to the appeal for provisions and for articles for the stalls; and of the help of Mr S. Daniels (Messrs. Moss & Sons, Ltd.), the motor greatly facilitating the conveyance of furniture, &c. To each and all, as also to the Workmen's Club for hire of tables, and to the Rev. L.W. Wright for materials, grateful thanks are proffered.

As a result of the fete, it is estiamted that the gross receipts will approximate to £43, and the nett proceeds to £33. J.C.

15th October 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held on Thursday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. E.T. Morris, Capt. H.H. Williams, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, H.E. Dudley, T.J. Stick, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The following report was submitted.

The House Committee visited the House today, the work of distempering the male casual ward has been completed, and the condition of the building is very satisfactory.

The committee have no suggests to make involving further expenditure.

Katherine J. Dimsdale, Harold H. Williams, G.C. Wilson.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 15, children 2. Total 32.

Number admitted to casual wards 16.

Corresponding figures for last year - men 20, women 16, children 2. Total 38.

Tramps 2.

Two females, aged 70 and 92 respectively, have been admitted during the month.

A committee of the Hertford Guardians paid a visit on September 5th, and left a report in the visitors book.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated by the inmates.

Cheque £2 - Hertford Guardians.

Eggs - Salvation Army.

Papers - Mrs Dixon

Fruit and vegetables - Westmill Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. A.G. King.

Fruit, vegetables and eggs - Meesden Harvest Thanksgiving per Rev. W. McKerr

Grapes and fruit - Layston Harvest Thanksgiving, per Mrs Howard

Daily Mail for past year - Mrs Anderson

Weekly Mail for Blind - Mr H.C. Marshall

Books and magazines - British Red Cross Library

Mrs L.M. Baker brought her pupils and sang Harvest Hymns in the sick wards and distributed tea, eggs, fruit &c.


During the past month 78 have been relieved, against 13 last year.

Labour Master

Mr R. Budd, the labour master, has been appointed porter at Luton. Would the Board kindly give Mr Budd a testimonial.

The Chairman said it was pleasing to note the number of gifts received during the month. The Board were very grateful to the donors and especially to Miss Baker and her pupils for giving the aged inmates a share in the thanksgiving of Harvest.

It was decided to give Mr Budd a testimonial and the Chairman was authorised to sign it.

Fire Protection

The Minimax Co. reported that the fire extinguishers at the Institution had been recently inspected and found to be in order.


Mrs Dimsdale stated that the Hormead School Library Committee had several books which they would be pleased to hand over to the Guardians for the use of the inmates of the Institution.

The Chairman said he thought the books would be very acceptable, and no doubt the Master could put up some shelves.

Captain Williams and the Rev. Wright expressed their thanks to Mrs Dimsdale for the offer.

The Late Mr E. Pigg

The Clerk read a letter from the family of the late Mr Edward Pigg expressing their thanks for the expression of sympathy passed at the last Board meeting and for the wreath sent.

Hertford Boarders

A letter was read from the Hetford Union authorising the continuance of relief to persons resident in the Buntingford Union and relieved on behalf of the Hertford Union, for a further period of 14 weeks.


The following remarks were entered in the House Committee register by visitors from the Hertford House Committee:

"We visited the Institution and found the inmates most comfortable and happy.

The Master and Matron are particularly patient and kind to all. The Box girls are greatly improved. With regard to the Dimsdale Charity, any surplus money might be used on 'bus rides or little outings in any way the Matron and Master think best."

10th December 1926 - Westmill Mothers' Union

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Mothers' Union

There was a good gathering of women in the Church on Tuesday, December 7th, when six new members were admitted by the Rev. A.G. King.

A very helpful address was given by the Rev. F.S. Holmes, of Furneaux Pelham.

After the service members adjourned to the Village Hall to ballot for a Committee for 1927, to have tea given by a number of members, and to listen to piano solos and songs by Rev. and Mrs Holmes.

Rev. A.G. King expressed the thanks of all to Rev. and Mrs Holmes, both for taking part in the service and for the music.

Mrs Laing, Mrs Pratt, Mrs Laird and Mrs Wren were elected as the Committee.

11th February 1927 - Annual Vestry Meeting and Parochial Church Council

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Annual Vestry Meeting

The Annual Vestry Meeting, postponed from January 17th, was held at the Village Hall on Monday evening last. There was a scarce attendance owing to the prevalence of influenza.

The chair was taken by the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King, who proposed a vote of thanks to both the Churchwardens for their work during the past year. This was seconded by Mr F. Harvey.

Mr Laird was re-elected People's Warden, on the proposition of Mrs Coutts-Deacon, seconded by Mr Harvey. The Rectory nominated Mrs Greg as Rector's Warden.

Parochial Church Council

The first meeting of the newly elected Council was held on Monday evening last, the Rector, the Rev. A.G. King presiding. Mr Harvey was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.

Mrs Coutts-Deacon's resignation as Hon. Secretary was received with regret, and after expressions of thanks to her, Mrs Bright was unanimously elected in her stead.

Mr J. Laird was elected Hon. Treasurer and Mrs Coutts-Deacon, Mr Harvey and Mr Laird as representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

18th March 1927 - Aspenden - Consecration of New Burial Ground by Bishop Lander

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Consecration of New Burial Ground by Bishop Lander

The beautiful little church of St Mary's, Aspenden, was the scene of an important ceremony on Wednesday of last week, when the consecration of the new burial ground was carried out by Bishop Lander, the Assistant Bishop of St Albans.

The new burial ground is situate on the south side of the old Churchyard, and has been given by Sir Arthur Lushington. One-sixth of the ground has been reserved for Sir Arthur Lushington and members of his family. The cost of enclosing the ground has been defrayed by Mr H.C. Marshall, of "Longmead," Buntingford, and the cost of making the entrance by Miss G. Lushington of "Absesdene," Buntingford, thus the new ground has been opened free of debt.

Bishop Lander was attended by the Rural Dean (the Rev. W.J.L. Dutton), and the following clergy: Rev. H.R. Shepherd (Hormead), Rev. F.R. Williams (Ansty), and the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill).

Amongst the congregation were Mr and Mrs W. Steel, of Aspenden Hall; the Rev. and Mrs L.W. Wright, of Wyddiall; Miss Lushington, Mrs R.W. Fell, Mrs L.C. Croslegh, and Mrs A. Howard. The Rev. A. Howard was unable to be present.

The service in the Church was conducted by the Rector, the Lesson, taken from II St John, being read by the Rev. A.G. King.

In an address from the chancel steps, the Bishop said they were preparing a place, not for those who were dead, but for themselves. Life is short, and though we do not dread death, as Christians we make provisions for the future. When the life goes out of a body we treat that body with respect. A Churchyard should be the best kept garden in any parish; all the flowers should be of the best, and there should be no untidiness, for it was a place of sympathy and unity.

He (the Bishop) had spent many years in China, a country where there was much show at a funeral and very little hope after the grave. In setting aside a burial ground they were asserting their belief that our Lord is Lord of all, and we go forth in faith and confidence and look to our own decease.

As the procession left the Church the choir and congregation sang the hymn "Soldiers who are Christ's below." The Bishop, accompanied by the Churchwarden (Mr E.S. Fletcher), and followed by the clergy, the choir and the congregation, then proceeded to the new burial ground.

At the entrance to the plot, the Rector, addressing the Bishop, said "Reverend Father in God, we beg you to consecrate this ground for the burial of our people."

The Bishop then replied "I am willing to perform the consecration, to which let us proceed in peace."

The procession the perambulated the boundaries of the plot, during which Psalm xci. was said, after which the sentence of consecration was read and signed by the Bishop.

The Bishop then made the following declaration:

"By virtue of our sacred office in the Church of God, we Michael, by Divine Permission Bishop of St Albans, do now consecrate, and for ever set apart from all profane and common uses, this ground, to be the resting-place of the bodies of the dead until the glorious Resurrection of the last day; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

A prayer for all who mourn and the Blessing concluded the ceremony, and the procession returned to the church chanting the Nunc Dimittis.

11th March 1927 - Women's Institute Monthly Meeting

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Women's Institute

Monthly Meeting

A Talk on the B.B.C.

Judging by the keen interest taken by members of the Buntingford Women's Institute, during a lecture on the British Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday evening, many of the Institute members must be wireless enthusiasts. "We have no wireless set at our home, but my husband told someone he had a loud speaker, I suppose he meant me" said a lady after Wednesday's meeting.

The women had the best of it on Wednesday, for if they learned nothing about high frequency circuits and resistance coupling they gained a good knowledge of the manner in which the B.B.C. programmes are drawn up, the type and the number of studios at one station and other important administrative matters so necessary for a service which caters for some millions of listeners.

Miss Evans, the lecturer from the British Broadcasting Corporation, told of the history of the B.B.C. from its formation, and dealt very fully with the question of programmes.

The lecture was enjoyed by everyone present.

Mrs H.H. Williams presided over the meeting which was well attended. Applause greeted the Chairman's announcement that the new hall would be officially opened at the end of March. It was hoped that Mrs Martin Smith, the Chairman of the County Federation, would be present.

Other features of the successful meeting were a hyacinth competition, the prize for which went to Mrs Warren, and Community singing led by Mrs Scarborough Taylor, with Mrs Amstrong at the piano.

Mrs King and Mrs Waters, two members from Aspenden, were the efficient tea hostesses.

11th March 1927 - Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

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Funeral of Mr Stanley F. Keen

The funeral of Stanley F. Keen, whose death at the early age of 18 years was reported in this Paper last week, took place at Layston Church on Saturday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard.

Members of the Buntingford Independent Foresters' Society carried out the duty of bearers, the deceased being a junior member of that Society. His employer, Mr A. Jackson, kindly lent his car, and the evidences of sorrow were marked by the number of people present and the beautiful floral tributes.

Mr and Mrs C.F. Keen (father and mother), Mrs W. Whiting and Mrs P. Deards (sisters), Mrs R. Saunders (aunt), Mr P. Deards and Mr J. Gibbs (brothers-in-law), and Miss Jackson.

The wreaths were as follows:

From Mum and Dad

Maggie and Will

Nellie and Percy

Vera and Phyllis

Mr and Mrs A. Jackson and Family

Mr and Mrs and H. Jackson and Mrs James Harradence.

Mr G. Hagger

Mr L. Bradford

His pals - J. and L. Plumb, C. and B. King, R. Fish, J. Ward, J. Oakley, C. and M. Worboys

Mrs Parker

Mr and Mrs French

Mr and Mrs A. Dray

Mr and Mrs Arthur Dray

Miss E. Cutts

Mr and Mrs L. Smith

Mrs Patmore and Mr Hummerstone

Mrs Pateman and Family

Mr and Mrs Haddock

Mrs Brewington

Mrs Prior and Family

Mrs Horth and Reg

Mrs G. Bradford

4th March 1927 - Buntingford Rural Deanery

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Buntingford Rural Deanery

Conference at Buntingford

Africa and the World Call

A meeting of the representatives of the Ruri-Decanal Conference for the Rural Deanery of Buntingford, took place at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Saturday afternoon.

The Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr, of Meesden (Rural Dean) presided, supported by the Secretary (Rev. W.L. Shepherd, of Hormead).

The clergy attending were - Rev. A. Howard (Layston), Rev. F.R. Williams (Anstey), Rev. L.W. Wright (Wyddiall), Rev. W. Jobson (Braughing), Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen (Barkway), Rev. E.E. Empringham (Cottered), Rev. A.G. Langdon (Munden), Rev. J.L. Dutton (Aspenden) and the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill). A goodly number of lay members were present.

The conference opened with prayer, offered by the Rev. A. Howard.

The Rural Dean stated that the Diocesan Board of Finance were anxious to adjust the assessments of the Diocesan Quota in parishes where it was considered that the assessment was too high. It was decided to appoint a committee to represent the parishes concerned, and the Board of Finance had asked for names to be submitted and a date selected for discussing the assessment.

The conference was of the opinion that the date of the meeting should be left over until it was ascertained which parishes proposed appealing against the assessments. Those elected to serve on the committee were Rev. A.G. Langdon, Mrs Dimsdale and the Rural Dean.

The Rural Dean said he thought the quotas were assessed the same as last year.

The Rev. C.W. Alington, of Baldock, the addressed the conference on "Africa and the World Call." The demand, he said, had arisen from the very sudden opening up of Africa by explorers.

He referred to the work of Livingstone, and of his challenge to the Universities; it was through Livingstone's message to the Universities that the mission to Africa took its birth. In dealing with Africa it should be remembered that the population of white men to black at 1 and a half million to eight million. A hundred years of most splendid missionary work had created a problem of its own, extracts from one book showing that in one diocese alone the baptisms were 14,000 a year.

The demand had also risen from the opening up of the country by the settlement of alien races, the great strides in commerce and industry and by the work of missionaries. The Missionary Societies had made such headway, that at the present time 90 per cent of the education is in the hands of the Missionary Societies. (Applause).

The speaker then dealt with extracts from the report on Africa, and at the close of his address, was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the proposition of the Rural Dean, who said that before they met that afternoon, someone had said it was a pity they were not discussing the new Prayer Book. He (the Rural Dean) was very glad they were not. (Laughter); he thought that they should look to the great problems which had to be dealt with, and not trouble so much over matters which were of comparatively small importance.

A discussion on the World Call followed, the Rev. E.E. Empringham and Mr W.J. Pitcher taking part.

The conference then closed, after which tea was provided.

10th June 1927 - Ruri-Decanal Conference at Buntingford

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Ruri-Decanal Conference at Buntingford

Prayer Book Revision

The Ruri-Decanal Conference for Buntingford Deanery was held on Saturday, June 5th, at 3 p.m. in the new Women's Institute Hall, presided over by the Rual Dean (Rev. W. McKerr, Rector of Meesden).

There was a large attendance of clergy and lay representatives, including Revs. L. Wright, W. Jobson, A. Howard, A.G. Langdon, F. Williams, W. Shepherd, Dr Eck, H.F. Webb-Bowen, F. Phillips, J.L. Dutton and A.G. King.

After prayer by Rev. A. Howard, the Deanery Committees for (1) Board of Missions, (2) Finance, (3) Social service, and (4) Education, were re-appointed.

The Rural Dean, in introducing the Hon. and Ven. Kenneth Gibbs, Archdeaon of St Albans, expressed his thankfulness that the Conference was to hear such an able exponent of the proposed new Prayer Book as the Archdeacon, who, as Prolocutor of the Lower House of Convocation, had been close touch with the events leading to the final revision.

The Archdeacon, who was warmly received, insisted on the necessity for Prayer Book Revision, which had been recommended by the Royal Commission in 1906. The clergy had made their own revisions and probably not one of those present could claim that he carried out all the rules of the old Book.

The changes had been made with the aim, not of compromise, but of comprehension, and he agreed with the Archbishops and Bishops, who maintained that no change of doctrine was intended. He believed that if the deposited Book became law, those who at present were exceeding in their practices what it allowed would, by the strength of public opinion, be inducted to keep loyally within its bounds.

He knew the Book could not please all (he himself could have wished some things otherwise), but he believed that it would be for the good of the Church, and in the interests of peace and order that it should be accepted by the Church and Parliament.

Mr Claud Fraser moved a resolution expressing the Conference's approval of the new Book. He did not speak, he said, as a theologian, but after the clear explanation they had heard from the Archdeacon, and knowing that it was the result of the long and careful labours of many years on the part of the Bishops, he felt it was their duty to accept the Book.

The resolution was seconded by Rev. F. Williams, late Rural Dean.

Rev. A. Howard, Vicar of Layston, deeply regretted having to differ from Archdeacon, for whom he had the greatest respect and admiration, but his convictions obliged him to dissent from the resolution.

He welcomed much in the new Book, but with many others, was deeply grieved by the proposed alternative Canon of the Holy Communion and by the introduction of Reservation and prayers for the dead, which he felt to be a step backward. He quoted from the report of the Convocation Debate the adverse opinions expressed at the Convocation of 1915 by the then Bishops of Exeter, Ely, St Albans, Bath, Wells, and others, against any change in the Communion Service. He could not agree that there was no change in doctrine, and far from restoring peace and order his opinion was that to legalise a book which manifestly spoke with two voices could only bring strife and confusion.

Mr Ball stated his belief that from his own experience of churches where extreme practices were carried on public opinion would be of little use. He could not agree that the introduction of Reservation and prayers for the dead implied no change of doctrine.

Rev. L. Wright said he should vote for the Book although he did not entirely agree with it.

In reply to a question, the Archdeacon stated that although the 39 aritcles are not bound up in the deposited Book, clergy would still be required to assent to them on institution to a living. He said he had been prepared for a difference of opinion, which, however, would not prevent the mutual friendliness of those who differed.

The resolution was put to the Conference and was carried by a large majority.

Mr Claud Fraser kindly entertained the members to tea at the Red House.

30th November 1923 - Death of Miss Sarah King

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Miss Sarah King, aged 81 years, passed away at the Infirmary of the Buntingford Poor Law Institution on Saturday last.

The deceased was an eccentric person. She always dressed in white from her boots to her hat, she having sometime or other contracted an illness whilst nursing, and ever after she wore white, and was known as the "White Woman."

She had several times been transferred to her native place at Chatham, but would return to Buntingford again, stating that she preferred the Buntingford air.

3rd Feb 1928 - Hare Street, Funeral of Mr Thomas Bardwell

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Hare Street

Funeral of Mr Thomas Bardwell

The second funeral in the new Catholic Cemetery at Hare Street took place last Saturday, when the body of Mr Thomas Bardwell, of Hare Street, was laid to rest.

The death occured the previous Wednesday, January 25th, the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul. Mr Bardwell had been ailing for some days, but his death was unexpectedly sudden.

A large number of relatives and friends were present at the Service in Hare Street Chapel, and many went to the grave-side also in spite of a heavy downpour of rain. In the Chapel, the Choir from the Buntingford Convent sang a hymn beloved by the deceased, "Jesu, the very thought of Thee with sweetness fills my breast"; and the Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus was then said for the repose of his soul, as well as the psalm used for the departed through all the ages of Christianity, "Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord."

Father Morgan, in a short address, commented on Mr Bardwell's intense love for our Blessed Lord, which he was able to satisfy so perfectly in the Catholic Church. The Sacred Presence of our Divine Lord on the Altars of the Church was a great joy to him; he came and talked to Jesus as to a death Friend. In the Holy Mass also he found his Redeemer, for Christ is the Great High Priest Who offers every Mass, using the human priest as His tool or instrument. And the magnet that drew Mr Bardwell to undertake his long walks to Buntingford Church was the Sacred Host, veiling the presence of Jesus, and raised above the Altar for the adoration of the faithful. 

The Holy Name of Jesus also was constantly on his lips; he often repeated the Divine Praises, taught by the Catholic Church to her children, "Blessed be Jesus Chris, Blessed be the Name of Jesus." And that Holy Name was the last word ever uttered by the deceased, for he died saying "Dear Jesus." He has seen his saviour now, for on Wednesday morning he met Him face to face. To His gracious mercy we commit our departed friend. May he rest in peace.

It was intended to sing at the grave-side another favourite hymn of the deceased, "Oh Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord," but the inclement weather prevented a lengthy stay in he Cemetery; the priest merely blessed the grave in the accustomed manner with incense and holy water, and said the brief prayers which accompany the committal of the body to the grave.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered at Buntingford Church for the repose of Mr Bardwell's soul on the day of the burial; and at Benediction on Sunday afternoon the congregation sang the hymn omitted at the grave-side and said once more the Litany of the Holy Name, offering it for the deceased.

All who knew Mr Bardwell will long remember him for his simple and unaffected piety. R.I.P.

The immediate mourners were: Miss Emily Bardwell (daughter), Mr N. Bardwell (brother), Mrs D. Bardwell and Mrs W. King (sisters-in-law), Mr and Mrs H.E. Bardwell (nephew and niece), Mr and Mrs Player and Mrs Darton (brother-in-law and sisters-in-law) and Mrs Norris (niece).

Others present included Miss Lyall, Mrs Waterton, the Misses Marriott, Mr and Mrs S. Wick, Mrs Gillett, Mr Reg. Wilson, Mr Corbett, and Miss L. Norris.

27th Jan 1928 - Wyddiall, The New Rector

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Wyddiall - The New Rector

Induction of the Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr

The Institution and Induction of the Rev W. Mc C. Kerr as Rector of Wyddiall was conducted by the Lord Bishop of St Albans on Monday afternoon last. The new Rector was formerly Rector of Meesden and is Rural Dean for the Buntingford Deanery. There was a large congregation present at the service.

The visiting Clergy were the Rev. A. Howard (Layston), the Rev. E.E. Empringham (Cottered), the Rev. F.R. Williams (Anstey), the Rev. H. Shepherd (Gt. Hormead), the Rev. A.G. Langdon (Munden), the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill), the Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen (Barkway), the Rev. F.W.B. Jobson (Braughing), the Rev. A.J. McKinney (Buckland), Canon Shorting (St Albans), and the Rev. W.J. Stewart (Langley). The Rev. Dr H.V.S. Eck, of Ardeley, acted as the Bishop's Chaplain.

Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., the Patron of the living, presented the new Rector to the Bishop in the following words: "Reverend Father in God, I present you this meet and proper person to be insitituted to the cure of souls in this parish."

The new Rector, standing before the Bishop, then took the various oaths required, after which there was silent prayer. The Bishop then took the new incumbant by the hand and, preceded by the Rev. A.G. Langdon (who acted for the Archdeacon) and the Patron (Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis) he conducted him to the five principal parts of the Church - the Font, the Prayer Desk, the Lectern, the Pulpit, and lastly to the Altar, during which appropriate verses of the hymn, "We love the place, O God," were sung, and certain questions were put to the incumbent, at each place to which he answered "I will do so, the Lord being my Helper."

The incumbent then knelt before the Bishop at Altar rails, and after prayers the hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" was sung, the Bishop sung the first and third lines and the congregation the second and fourth of each verse. The Bishop then read the letters of Institution, and afterwards, with his hand on the head of the incumbent, pronounced a Benediction.

The incumbent was then led by the hand to the Church door and to the belfry, where he tolled the bell to signify to the parishioners that he had taken possession.

The Bishop then delivered a very stirring address. He said with the institution of their new Rector they were beginning a new chapter in the history of that parish. The great object in every parish, county and country was that men should have life and have it more abundantly. Christ's work goes on through us. Our Lord used a human body to make God known to us, and men came to know that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God because they looked at Him in the face. No man could mistrust a Man with a look like His. It is a terrible thing when a man loses his grip on life, and when we hear of men committing suicide we say they are temporarily insane, because normal people want to live.

We must get back to God and find out the laws governing human life. We have seen tremendous progress in many things. Wireless, for instance, and even greater things than that were spoken of. There was a talk of television; so in addition to people ringing you up on the 'phone and talking to you, there was a prospect of them actually seeing what you were doing. A few years ago a man who could drive a motor car was considered a kind of super man.

All material progress has come from study and research, and by following the laws of nature; all theories respecting farming woud "go west" if the laws of nature were not obeyed. 

Fellowship is one of the laws of God and those who belonged to large families knew what that meant. If there were any present who were members of a large family let them thank God for it, for they had received their education, especially if they happened to be the youngest member of the family, for their elder brothers and sisters would see to it that they roughed it.

God had given us parents, brothers and sisters, and we had to learn to live together - sometimes with people we did not like, but all had a common job to do for God, and without Him we can do nothing.

During the singing of the last hymn a collection was taken for the Ordination Candidates Fund, and the service concluded with the Blessing pronounced by the Bishop.

After the service the Bishop, the Clergy, and members of the congregation were entertained at Wyddiall Hall by Sir Charles and Lady Heaton-Ellis.

Miss Marion Macklin, L.R.A.M., presided at the organ.

19th Feb 1926 - Church Sunday School

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Church Sunday School

The Sunday School Sunday was observed on Sunday last at St Peter's. In the morning the children occupied a prominent place. Children's hymns were sung, and the sermon by the Vicar, on Ephesians vi. 1-4, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord. Fathers...bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord," was such as the children could not fail to understand.

In the afternoon a service was held, when the parents were largely represented. The Prize-giving will be held today (Friday) at "The George" Assembly Room at 7, to which all parents and friends of the children are warmly invited. Mr B. Thody is kindly giving a lantern entertainment after the prizes have been given.

Lent services will be held throughout Lent on Thursday evenings (for the most part) at 7. The preachers on February 25th will be the Rev. A.G. King.

12th Feb 1926 - Westmill - Church Renovation Fund Concert

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A concert, in aid of the above fund, was given at the Village Hall, Westmill, on Wednesday evening last.

The preliminary arrangements were ably carried out by Mrs Deacon (of Knight's Hill), and Mr F. Anthony (Buntingford), and a lengthy programme was gone through - most of the items being encored.

Previous to the first item on the programme, Mrs Deacon referred to the church being over 800 years old, and that repairs, of course, were necessary from time to time, and also that as it was a heritage to us, said it was only right we should keep it in good condition.

The concert was thoroughly enjoyed, and the room packed to overflowing. All the artists gave there [sic] services free.

A substantial sum was realized [sic], and will be given to the fund.

Before the close, the Rev. A.G. King thanked the promoters, and also everyone who has assisted in making the entertainment such a success.

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