Showing posts with label to let. Show all posts
Showing posts with label to let. Show all posts

15th October 1926 - Miscellaneous

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4 Unfurnished rooms to let, in Buntingford, on second floor. Box no. 86, "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

Wanted in the neighbourhood of Buntingford, Braughing, or Sandon, small cottages with good gardens. Thatched cottages are not objected to; either vacant or occupied. Full particulars to A.B.C., c/o "Buntingford Gazette."

2nd April 1926 - Situations Vacant

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Situations Vacant

Wanted, a good general maid. Apply, Mrs J. Russell, Alswick Hall, Buntingford.

Wanted, an improver or someone with knowledge of dress-making to assist. Fiddaman, Old Vicarage, Buntingford.

To Let

To Let - "The Manse," end of April. Apply, H. Clark, Norfolk Road, Buntingford.

For Sale

Marmet pram, condition as new. Cheap. Forrest Stores, Buntingford.

For sale, Wolseley 2-seater motor car, 12-horse power. Perfect condition. Apply, Dr Fell, Buntingford.

Bicycle (lady's), second-hand; aerial; good condition. Dunlop tyres; electric lighting. Apply, Wilson, Buntingford.

Baby clothes - 5 embroidered gowns, 2 nightgowns, 1 petticoat, 2 embroidered black flannels. 30/- complete (almost new). Box No. 50, "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.

19th Feb 1926 - To Let and For Sale

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Good shop and house in Buntingford. Apply, Box No. 48, "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.


Eggs for Hatching - R.I.R., White Wyandotte and Light Sussex. 4/- sitting; 30/- 100. Ellis Mildren, Buckland, Buntingford.

Ducks pay better than chickens - Khaki Campbell's eggs for sitting, 4/- per dozen. A. Dray, Riverside, Buntingford.

For early spring-cleaning we have the stuff you want. 7lb. tins paste Distemper, colours 3/-; white 19. 3 1/2 lb packets (dry), colours 1/8. Attwood & Son.

Wallpapers from 4d. roll. Paints 7d. per tin. Grate black (with brush) 1/- Floor stain 1/6 per tin. Attwood & Son, Buntingford.

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