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Situations Vacant
Wanted, a good general maid. Apply, Mrs J. Russell, Alswick Hall, Buntingford.
Wanted, an improver or someone with knowledge of dress-making to assist. Fiddaman, Old Vicarage, Buntingford.
To Let
To Let - "The Manse," end of April. Apply, H. Clark, Norfolk Road, Buntingford.
For Sale
Marmet pram, condition as new. Cheap. Forrest Stores, Buntingford.
For sale, Wolseley 2-seater motor car, 12-horse power. Perfect condition. Apply, Dr Fell, Buntingford.
Bicycle (lady's), second-hand; aerial; good condition. Dunlop tyres; electric lighting. Apply, Wilson, Buntingford.
Baby clothes - 5 embroidered gowns, 2 nightgowns, 1 petticoat, 2 embroidered black flannels. 30/- complete (almost new). Box No. 50, "Gazette" Office, Buntingford.