Showing posts with label October 1928. Show all posts
Showing posts with label October 1928. Show all posts

26th Oct 1928 - Birthday Party

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Birthday Party

The pleasure it gives Mrs Alexandra Dixon to cheer and comfort the sick or needy is well known by many, and the thoughts for the care of others is for ever in her mind.

On Saturday, the 20th inst., which was her birthday, Mrs Dixon entertained the inmates of the Poor Law Institution to a capital tea at the Institution, which was thoroughly enjoyed.

Mrs Dixon, who was accompanied by her neice, Miss Fry, was present during the meal, and also visited the sick wards, where the "hostess" of the afternoon and Miss Fry conversed with their "guests." There was a happy little incident in the dining hall before Mrs Dixon left, when the inmates, to show their appreciation of her kindly thought, accorded the king lady rousing cheers.

26th Oct 1928 - Cottered Congregational Church Harvest Festival

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Congregational Church Harvest Festival

The Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held on Sunday and Monday last at 6 and 7.15 p.m. respectively. As usual, the Church was prettily decorated, and each service was exceedingly well attended. The ample display of flowers, fruit, vegetables, &c., was proof of the great interest shown in this annual event in the village.

Mr Rogers, of Hay Street, Braughing, conducted the Sunday service, and was assisted by Mr Leader, who gave a very stirring address. God, said Mr Leader, has not broken His promises, and He deserves our praise and thanks not once a year or once a month or once a week, but daily. Harvest time, he continued, should be a stocktaking time for each one of us - a time for examining the fruits of our last sowing and for choosing the seeds for our next.

Mr Rogers spoke on similar lines, and the service closed with the hymn "Sow in the morn thy seed." Mrs Grundy kindly presided at the organ. The collection amounted to 14s. 3 1/2d.

On Monday, Mr Andrew Miller, of Barnet, delivered the address, and was supported by Revd John Cole, of Buntingford, and Mr Harper, of Therfield. Unlike so many earthly promises; said Mr Miller, God's promises were made without repentance and they still stood after 4,000 years as the display of produce before him proved.

Mrs Miller gave two very delightful solos, with autoharp accompaniment, entitled "In the Garden" and "The Love of God." The Buntingford Town Silver Band (under the direction of Mr E.J. Smith) very kindly provided the music for the hymns.

The collection amounted to £2 0s. 3 1/2d. and the sale of produce after the service realised £2 5s. 6d.

The collections and proceeds of sale will be equally divided between the Royston and District Hospital and the Church Funds.

26th Oct 1928 - Buntingford Congregational Church

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Buntingford Congregational Church

Silver Tree & Entertainment

On Tuesday evening, October 16th, a large company assembled in the Buntingford Congregational Schoolroom for a social evening, the chief features of which were a "Silver Tree" and an entertainment by members of the Buntingford Women's Institute.

In his opening remarks the Minister said that whilst the idea of a Silver Tree was by no means new in itself, having been carried out with marked success in neighbouring Churches, it was certainly an innovation where the question of raising funds for the Buntingford Congregational Church was concerned.

He explained the idea, which briefly was as follows: Fancy paper bags having been made, they are distributed to the friends, who, by contributions of silver, &c. (notes not being unwelcome) from themselves, their own friends and relatives, do their best to fill them. These are returned on the day when the "tree" is to be held, each containing a quotation, either from the Bible, or from a hymn, prose or poetry (sometimes the sender's favourite text or motto), and hung on a tree or trees. The bags are opened, the verses, &c., read out together with the individual amounts, the whole constituting a very interesting item in an evening's social programme or a pleasing part of an afternoon's outdoor event.

The Minister remarked also that they had now installed the electric light in the Church, vestry and schoolroom, at a cost of some £30 to £36. A certain number of subscriptions had in the summer been forthcoming in connection with that part of the Special Appeal Fund, and he was hoping that the proceeds of this social evening, which was in aid of this fund, would result in the balance of the money being obtained. The bags had been taken not only by the friends at the Congregational Church, but also by others in the town and country who were interested in its work; and for this wider response to the appeals also he expressed his warm thanks.

The bags were then opened by Mr H. Cutts and Mr R.F. Dellow, and the reading of the amounts of the contributions and the quotations, &c., by the Minister was proceeded with. Though this item took some time, it was nevertheless followed with much interest by all who were present, many Biblical texts referring to the "light." The tree was kindly loaned by Mrs Squires.

During a short interval refreshments were served, Mrs Camp and Mrs Blaxill being in charge of this stall, they and their helpers being kept quite busy satisfying their customers' hunger and thirst.

The Minister then welcomed Mrs Ralph Scott and Mrs B.E. Thody, who, together with a number of fellow members of the Women's Institute, had in response to his request, very willingly come along to help in the evening's entertainment. Their contribution to the programme was the acting of a charade, the word taken being "Institute" in its three syllables. This was provocative of much amusement, was exceedingly well done, and included, on a minor scale, an admirable representation of Madame Tussaud's Exhibition. A number of miscellaneous items of entertainment by the same ladies followed, their entire programme being very much appreciated.

During the evening there was also a Jumble and Work Stall, Mrs Benstead and Mrs Cornwell being in charge, and they and their assistants did very good business. Mr Anderson did duty at the door, exacting toll of all comers.

The Minister, at the close, expressed his thanks to the members of the Women's Institute; to all who had sent along gifts towards the refreshments; and to one and all who had in any way, by time, service, &c., before and during the evening, helped to make it so successful.

The results of such an occasion are always two-fold - a social: it was "a very enjoyable evening"; and a financial: this too was very satisfactory, for the tree proved to be of a very productive nature, and has continued to yield "fruit" to the value now of £16 4s. The total proceeds from the evening's effort to date amount to £20 19s. 8d., and it is expected that by the end of the present week they will amount to £22 10s (approximately). It is gratifying to note that the electric light account has been settled, and is now a thing of the past.

The singing of the Doxology brought to a close a very pleasant and very delightful evening.

26th Oct 1928 - British and Foreign Bible Society

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British and Foreign Bible Society

The annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 31st in the Congregational Schoolroom; social hour 6.30 to 7.30, with music.

The Chairman will be Dr Wigfield, of Puckeridge, and the Deputation Rev. J. Crossley, Metropolitan Secretary.

26th Oct 1928 - Aspenden

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A meeting of the Bellringers of the Ancient Parish Church of St Mary will be held in the Schoolroom on Thursday, November 1st, at 7.30 p.m. It is proposed to form a Ringers' Guild, and to have at least sixteen Ringers. The Rector invites all those interested in ringing to be present. It is hoped that several young men will come forward to be taught on these wonderful old bells. The meeting will elect a Captain, Vice-Captain and Secretary.

Special Services will be held on Armistice Day - November 11th - at 3 and 6.30. Major Richard Pigg, B.A., O.B.E., T.D., J.P., will address the afternoon Service and the Rector will preach a special sermon at evensong, when the Buntingford Silver Band will be present. The offertories will be given to Earl Haig's Fund.

The Bishop of St Albans will hold a Confirmation Service and Sunday, November 18th, at 3 p.m. His Lordship will also dedicate the new electric lighting and heating to the memory of the late Mr Poulton, verger for 50 years.

A Church Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 21st, in the Parish Room at 7.30 to welcome into Church fellowship the newly confirmed.

Arrangements are being made for a robed choir and there are vacancies for men and boys. Applicants should apply to the Rector.

19th Oct 1928 - Death of Mrs C. Perry

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Death of Mrs C. Perry

We regret to record the death, which occurred recently, of Mrs C. Perry, who passed away at her daughter's house at Mardock, near Ware.

Mrs Perry was for some years a well-known and respected inhabitant of this town, and was the widow of Mr C. Perry, who served as a guard on the Buntingford branch of the Great Eastern Railway for over twenty years; he was one of the Company's most faithful servants.

Mrs Perry, who was 76 years of age, had been ill for some time, during which she was nursed by her daughter, Mrs Groom of Mardock.

The moral remains were conveyed to Buntingford by rail and carried to Aspenden, in which Churchyard they were laid to rest in the grave of her husband. The Rector, Rev. L.A. Ewart, conducted the service, during which the hymn "Jesu, Lover of my soul" was sung.

There were many old friends at the graveside to pay their last respects to the deceased. The immediate mourners were Mrs Ivory, Mrs P. Bennett, Mrs Baker, Mrs Groom (daughters), Mr Ivory, Mr P. Bennett and Mr Groom (sons-in-law), Mr T. Perry (son) and Mrs T. Perry (daughter-in-law).

19th Oct 1928 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Housing Troubles

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held on Thursday, the 11th inst., when there were present: Captain H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Messrs. C. Hummerstone, G.C. Wilson, H. Ward, J. Russell, S. Pigg, A.J. Hayes, E.J. Marchal, G. Graves, J. Bygrave and H.E. Dudley, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Tenders were received for the erection of a fence, etc., around the water supply at Little Hormead, these being from Messrs. D. Wilson and Son, of Hare Street, who quoted £13 15s.; and Mr C.E. Harradence, who quoted £16 10s. 

It was resolved that the tender of Messrs. Wilson & Son be accepted.


The Surveyor submitted his monthly report, in which he stated that the Isolation Hospital was closed. The consumption of water during the last month had been 1,218,000 gallons, and the water level now stood at 38 feet. A supply of 400 gallons of paraffin was required for use at the Waterworks, at a cost of £12 10s.

The Surveyor also reported that the County Council had completed the wharfing of the River Rib as requested by the Council. The work at the Hospital and the Ardeley water supply had now been carried out. No report was forthcoming with reference to the extension of the Sewage Farm owing to the dry weather having made it impossible to ascertain certain details.

The Council authorised the purchase of the paraffin, and instructed the Surveyor to dispose of the crop of mangolds at the Sewage Farm to the best possible advantage.


The Surveyor also submitted a detailed statement showing the amount expended on the repair and maintenance of the Council's cottages throughout the district for the seven years ending March last, together with a lengthy list of the various repairs that were necessary.

It appeared that the average cost of maintenance per house per annum had been £2 13s. 6d., whereas the sum allotted was £2 7s. 2d., and thus the Maintenance and Repair Fund had been overdrawn by the sum of £287 3s. 1d.

The matter was referred to the Housing Committee, and it was decided to call a meeting of the Committee at an early date. It was also resolved to furnish the Ministry of Health with a report upon the matter, together with a statement of the expenses incurred in connection with the Cottered drainage scheme, and the £300 that was required for the external painting of the cottages in the district.

The Surveyor pointed out that it would be necessary to repair the roofs of the cottages at Meesden as the tenants had declined to pay their rents owing to the wet coming in, and it was decided to carry out the repairs forthwith.

There were several applicants for the two cottages at Buntingford and Chipping, which were both let to local residents.

The Clerk submitted the report of the district auditor with reference to the audit of the Council's accounts, in which the auditor made certain suggestions with regard to rate collection.

Notification was received from the North Metropolitan Electric Power Company that owing to the delay experienced in procuring materials the lighting scheme would not be ready until a few days later than the specified time.

Mr Hayes asked whether the Council could not write to the County Council about the speed of motor vehicles which used the Hare Street Road. The road which had just been repaired, he said, would soon be as bad as before.

The Chairman replied that the Council would take no action in the matter as motor vehicles were licensed to use the roads, but the speed of the vehicles, however, was a matter for the police to deal with.

19th Oct 1928 - Arrangements for Armistice Day

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Arrangements for Armistice Day

Armistice Day is rapidly approaching, and the arrangements for its observance were discussed at a meeting of the Committee of the Local Branch of the British Legion at the Club Room last Friday evening. Captain H.H. Williams was in the chair.

It was decided to adopt as far as possible the procedure of last year. It was announced that the usual sale of poppies would, of course, be held on Saturday, November 10th, as this year's Armistice falls upon Sunday.

A whist drive, jumble sale and a dance were also arranged to be held on the Saturday. The parade of ex-service men and other bodies on the Sunday was also arranged. 

Further information concerning the observance will appear in our columns in due course.

12th Oct 1928 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

There was a good attendance at the October meeting which was held on Wednesday evening in last week. The President (Mrs H.C. Marshall) was in the chair.

A lantern lecture that was highly interesting was given by Mr W. Graveson, of Hertford, whose subject was "Folk law and legends of birds." A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer and also to Mr B.E. Thody, who operated the lantern.

All members joined heartily in the community singing which followed. The tea hostesses were Mrs Scarborough Taylor and Miss Ward. Notice was given of the concert to be held on the 24th inst. in aid of the hall fund.

The meeting concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

12th Oct 1928 - Whist drive

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Whist Drive

A pleasant evening was spent by those who participated in the Football Club whist drive at the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday evening.

Mr H. Clark was M.C., and the prizewinners were: Ladies - 1 Miss M. Cornwell, 2 Mrs H. Clark; Gents - 1 Mr Care, 2 Mr S. Smith.

12th Oct 1928 - Country Town Concert at Buntingford

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Country Town Concert at Buntingford

Arranged by the Herts Rural Community Council

By the direction of the Herts Rural Community Council, a grand variety concert was given in the Women's Institute Hall on Wednesday evening.

A good number of persons seized the advantage of listening to the professional artistes who have so often been heard in broadcast concerts. The artistes taking part were Miss Margaret Stephen (soprano and accompanist), Miss Phyllis Nash (violinist), Miss Rita Sharpe (cellist) and Mr David Hutchinson (tenor), who took the part, owing to indisposition, of Mr Owen Bryngwyn.

The object of this and similar concerts to be held in Hertfordshire is for the purpose of keeping the various musical and choral societies in touch with one another, arranging tours of the village, country town and school concert parties, and generally helping to promote musical enterprise in the country towns and villages of the county. Any surplus money which is left in hand after paying the expenses involved will be expended by arranging for concerts to be held in hospitals and similar institutions where circumstanes do not allow for charging any fees.

The programme opened with two delightful trios by the Misses Nash, Stephen and Sharpe, which were followed by two songs by Mr Hutchinson, who fine voice was greatly admired; his song "Sigh no more, lady" was exceptionally well sung. The "Hungarian Rhapsody," the cello solo which commences with a mournfully and rhythm gradually changing to a wild composition, too, was well rendered by Miss Sharpe. 

Then followed Miss Stephen's three soprano songs (1) "My true love day," (2) "By and by," said to have been sung by people of the Hebrides when they were thinking of the joys of Heaven, and (3) "The route of the isles," the words of which are supposed to have been uttered by an old native journeying back to his land of Scotland, all of which were extremely charming. Equally charming were the two violin solos "Minuet" and "Air and Variations" by Miss Nash, and Miss Stephen and Mr Hutchinson sang as a blosing item to the first part of the programme the familiar duet "Oh no, John," for which they were loudly encored.

Following a brief interval, during which a representative of the Herts Rural Community Council explained what the scheme is and how it is worked, Miss Sharpe illuminated the commencement of part 2 by two other praiseworthy cello solos "Drink to me only with thine eyes" and an oriental dance tune; Miss Sharpe was clamourously encored, and she replied with "Le Cygne." Mr Hutchinson was also vociferously applauded, and as an encore he sang "My love, she's but a laddie," which was very amusing.

Miss Nash's two violin solos of her own composition, "Miniature in G" and "African Dance" were well received, as also were the humourous duets "Keep away, my Johnny" and "My boy, Billy" so excellently sung by Miss Stephen and Mr Hutchinson. Two other trios, preceded by a cello solo, was followed by community singing, when all the audience joined in the singing of "John Brown's body" and songs of a similar character. The accompaniments of Miss Stephen at the piano deserve special mention.

Various explanatory notes on music were given by the artistes during the evening, and Mr Hutchinson laid emphasis on the importance of sounding the consonants as well as the vowels in singing, and not relying upon the audience as always having a book of words before them. It was articulation and interpretation that were most essential.

Special thanks are due to Mr E.E. Dennis who made the necessary arrangements for the concert; to Mr H. Fry who sold tickets; to Misses M. Wornham and M. Coxall who sold programmes; and Mr F.W. Butler and others who kindly acted as stewards.

12th Oct 1928 - Rev. and Mrs Frank Richardo Williams

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The Rev. and Mrs Frank Richardo Williams, Standon House, Standon, Ware, will in future be the address of Rev. and Mrs Richardo Williams, late of Anstey Rectory and the Court, Buntingford.

12th Oct 1928 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians



The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday) morning, when there were present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs K.J. Dimsdale, Capt H.H. Williams, Messrs. G.C. Wilson, H. Ward, J. Russell, S. Pigg, A.J. Hayes, E.J. Marshal, G. Graves, J. Bygrave, and H.E. Dudley, with the Relieving Officer (Mr B.E. Thody), the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Master (Mr F.W. Butler).

The House Committee reported that they had visited the wards at the Institution and found them clean and the inmates cheerful. The Committee recommended that several ceilings be white-washed, for which there was no immediate hurry. The Committee also reported that it had been impossible to solicit tenders for the alteration of windows in the dining hall as the sizes required were not standard and it would probably be necessary to cut away the brickwork, which the Committee hoped to avoid, so the matter was left in the hands of the Chairman to arrange with Mr Thody to go into the matter further.

The Master reported that during the month gifts had been received from Mrs F.R. Williams (books), Miss Davies (sponge cakes), the Rev. E. McKerr (produce from Meesden harvest festival and also from the festival at Wyddiall), Rev. W.L. Shepherd (produce from Great Hormead harvest festival), and Rev. A. Howard (grapes). 

Miss L.M. Baker brought her pupils to the Institution and they gave gifts to the inmates and also sang harvest hymns in the sick wards. The Layston Church Choir also assisted with the singing at the harvest service in the dining hall on Sunday evening last. The Master had written to the kindly donors thanking them on behalf of the Board. 

Since the last meeting 494 casuals had been admitted against 257 for the corresponding period last year. The number was made up as follows - First week 101, second week 117, third week 147, fourth week 129. The accommodation was sufficient.

Mrs Dimsdale pointed out that the casual wards at Hatfield and other unions were closed, and this naturally made more seek admission at Buntingford Union. She did not think it was fair for a small union like Buntingford to have to relieve the large number of casuals when the casual wards of much larger unions were closed.

It was resolved that the Clerk enquire into the matter, with a view to obtaining sanction for the closing of the casual wards here.

The Board dealt with several relief cases and issued instructions to the Relieving Officer.

Among the correspondance was a circular from the Ministry of Health authorising the discontinuance of the examination of casuals; and a resolution from the Cockermouth Union with reference to unemployment, which the Board left on the table.

12th Oct 1928 - Buckland Harvest Festival

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Harvest Festital [sic]

The Buckland Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held at St Andrew's Church on Friday evening in last week and on the following Sunday. The services were of a specially bright nature, and the Church was tastefully decorated. There were good congregations on each occasion.

On the Friday evening the Rev. L.A. Ewart, Rector of Aspenden, preached the sermon, taking for his text "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee" (St. Like xii., 20). It was a stirring address, making a strong impression on all present, and although lengthy was far too short for most of the congregation.

The good old harvest hymns were heartily sung, and an excellent anthem rendered by the choir while the congregation was seated. It was taken from the words "While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest shall not erase."

The Rector, Rev. A.J. McKinney, accompanied the choir on the organ for the anthem.

The Rector conducted the Sunday morning service, giving an excellent address on thankfulness. The hymns were heartily sung, and after the service there was a celebration of Holy Communion. The Rector also conducted a children's service in the afternoon, when the young people brought offerings of fruit and eggs.

The church was filled for the evening service, when the Rural Deal, Rev. Mc C. Kerr, Rector of Wydiall, preached from the text "A joyful and pleasant thing it is to be thankful" (Psalm 147). He emphasised thankfulness as being a fact in our lives. The choir again rendered the anthem, Miss F. Pigg presiding at the organ.

The following were responsible for the decorations: Mrs McKinney (east windows, choir stalls and reading desk), Mrs Morris (pulpit), Miss N. Pigg (lectern), Mrs J. And Mrs H. Carter (font and windows), Mesdames J. Hurry, C. Jackson, South, Whitby and others (windows).

The collections throughout the festival amounted to £7 2s., and were divided between the Royston Hospital and Addenbrooke's Hospital at Cambridge. The fruit and vegetables were also sent to Royston.

12 Oct 1928 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The usual monthly meeting was held in the School on Wednesday evening, when the President, Miss N. Pigg, was in the chair. Nearly all members were present.

The meeting opened with a demonstration on silk flower making by Mrs Codrington, of Great Hormead Bury, who exhibited a gorgeous assortment of her own making.

Envious eyes were cast upon these, and the demonstrator was cordially thanked before leaving.

Business having been dealt with, tea was enjoyed. Then followed a small "Exchange and Mart." An amusing sketch, entitled "Impossible Perkins," was given by Miss Gilbey (hon. secretary), Mrs Tott and Mrs Masters, and these ladies were also heartily thanked.

The singing of the National Anthem terminated a very pleasant evening.

[Transcriber note: The demonstrator's name is clearly spelled as Codrington, but a Mr Coddington of Hormead Bury was a speaker at Hormead WI in February 1926, so I'm not sure what the correct surname spelling is.]

12th Oct 1928 - Accidents

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Whilst driving a Trojan van from Cherry Green to Munden on a bread delivery round, Mr E. Ward, who is employed by Mr G. Pearce, collided with a 5-ton lorry. Fortunately nobody was injured, but the impact resulted in the Trojan being badly damaged. The damage to the lorry, of course, was of a minor character.

Another accident occurred at Chipping on Monday afternoon. From what our representative was told, it seems that a car travelling in the direction of London was overtaking a lorry, and in passing it is presumed that the lorry was struck by the mudguard of the car, so slightly that the driver proceeded on his journey being unaware of the accident, which resulted in the lorry being turned into the ditch.

The greasy state of the road resultant from the heavy rain of Thursday morning was responsible for an accident of an unusual character near Reed Hill. The car, which was a Morris Oxford saloon, skidded and struck the bank, turning completely round in the opposite direction, but the driver, the only occupant, systained no injury, although the car was badly damaged.

It is interesting to note that other accidents of this nature have occurred on the same spot during recent weeks.

5th Oct 1928 - Situation Vacant

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Situation Vacant

Wanted immeditately, a Girl 14 or 15; live in; good outings. Mrs Bishop, 39 Old North Road, Royston.

Domestic help for Royston - two ladies; Cook for Cambridge, £45 to £50. Write Miss Brown, 136 Tenison Road, Cambridge.

Young General Maid required - some experience preferred - for family of 3; modern house; wages according to ability. Hamilton, Layston, Eversley Park Road. Winchmore Hill.

5th Oct 1928 - Funeral of Mrs Jackson

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Funeral of Mrs Jackson

List of Floral Tributes

On Monday afternoon last, October 1st, the remains of Mrs Harry Jackson, whose sudden death we announced in our last issue, were conveyed to Layston and laid to rest in a quiet corner of the Churchyard.

The Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, who officiated, read the service very sympathetically. There was a large number of sympathisers and friends gathered at the Church and graveside to pay their last respects to the deceased's memory, which testified to the high esteem in which she was held.

At the graveside, in committing the body to the grave amid much manifestation of sorrow, the Vicar referred to the deceased as one of a family whom he had known for many years, he having watched the departed one grow from childhood in to womanhood.

The coffin, which was of plain oak with brass furniture, bore the inscription, "Betty Jackson, died September 26th, 1928, aged 42 years."

A special coach was required for the large collection of beautiful floral tributes, which more than covered the grave.

A list of the wreaths is appended.

The immediate mourners were Mr H.A. Jackson (husband), Mr and Mrs E. Harradence (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs A. Jackson (father-in-law and mother-in-law), Mr Bob Jackson, Mrs Charge, and Miss E. Jackson (brother-in-law and sisters-in-law), Mr W. Jackson and Mr F. Jackson (uncles), Mrs H. Handy (cousin), and Messrs. H. Cutts, S. Dowler and H. Plumb.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr G. Handy.


From her own "Chubby".

From her brothers, Bert and Percy, Saskatchewan, Canada.

From Ernest and Daisy to dearest Betty.

In loving memory, from Dad, Mum and Ethel.

From Francis, Daphne and Brenda, to dearest Auntie Betty.

In loving memory, from Hilda, Bert and children.

In loving memory, from Hilda and Bob.

With deepest sympathy, from Uncle Walter and Auntie.

In loving memory, from Uncle Frank and Aunt Ada.

In loving memory, from Winnie and Harry.

With sincere sympathies, from Buntingford tradesmen.

With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E.J. Totman.

With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Bartlett and family.

With sincere sympathy and in remembrance of many happy times, from Eva, Bert and Joe.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs C.H. Tottman and Mr and Mrs J. May.

In kind remembrance and heartfelt sympathy, from Ernie McNulty.

With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E. Camp and family.

In loving remembrance, from Herbert.

In loving memory of a sincere friend, from Mr and Mrs E.B. Haddock.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Dowler.

With sincere sympathy, from W. Mottram and Sid.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs J. Lawrence.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs G. Handy.

With deepest sympathy, from Fred.

In loving memory, from Mrs Game and Willie.

In loving memory, from Mrs Halls, Dolly and Len.

With sincere sympathy, from Mrs Arthur Smith.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs A. Walhert.

With heartfelt sympathy, from Stanley and Harry.

With deepest sympathy, from Mrs Pateman and family.

In loving memory, from A. Stapley.

With heartfelt sympathy, from Mrs Prior.

With deepest sympathy, from Mrs W. Parker.

With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E. Plumb.

5th Oct 1928 - Death and Funeral of Mrs (Ida) Smith

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Death and Funeral of Mrs Smith

Yet another of Buntingford's old inhabitants has been removed by the death of Mrs Smith, of Norfolk Road, who passed away on Friday last.

The deceased, who was 67 years of age, had been ill for several weeks. Mrs Smith came to reside in the town about thirty years ago, and shortly afterwards her husband passed away at the age of 42. Mrs Smith therefore outlived her husband by over twenty years. The deceased leaves a grown-up family, to whom sympathy is extended.

The funeral took place at Layston Church on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. A. Howard officiating. The immediate mourners were Messrs. J. And G. Smith (sons), Mrs T. Perry, Mrs Baker, Mrs Macallen and Mrs Piggott (daughters), Mr and Mrs J. Ginn (brother and sister-in-law), Mrs E. Ginn (sister-in-law), Mr Piggott and Mr C. Baker (sons-in-law), Mr and Mrs John Swallow (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs Crook and Mrs Story (neices), and Reginald Smith and John Turk (grandson).

There were several beautiful wreathes, including one from the neighbours in Norfolk Road. The coffin was of plain elm with brass furniture, and bore a name plate inscribed: "Ida Smith, died September 28th, 1928, aged 67 years."

5th Oct 1928 - Grand Concert

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Grand Concert

The concert to be given at the W.I. Hall next Tuesday should be one well worth attending, for all the artistes taking part are famous in the wireless circles. They are Miss Margaret Stephen (pianist), Miss Phyllis Nash (violinist), Miss Rita Sharpe (cellist) and Mr Owen Bryngwyn (baritone).

Tickets can be obtained from Mr H. Fry, or at the doors. Fuller information can be gained from the posters exhibited in the town. Price etc., can be seen in our advertisement columns.

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