Showing posts with label Anstey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anstey. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Sale of Biggin Farm

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Sale of Biggin Farm

Messrs. James Styles & Whitlock, of Rugby, London, Oxford and Birmingham, announce that on behalf of King's College, Cambridge, they have now sold Biggin Manor Farm, in the parish of Anstey, Buntingford, on the Herts. and Cambs. borders, extending to 267 acres, together with an excellent house, buildings and cottages, to a purchaser introduced by Mr G. Scarborough Taylor, of Buntingford.

This property was withdrawn at auction by Messrs. James Styles & Whitlock in May last, and the sale completes the entire disposal of the estate.

10th September 1926 - Notice

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Parishes of Anstey, Little Hormead, Meesden, Throcking and Wyddial

Notice is hereby given that the Overseers have received instructions to complete the collection of the Poor Rate, made on the 30th day April, 1926, and all amounts outstanding must be paid to the Collector before the 23rd inst., failing which proceedings will be taken for the recovery of the amount due.

Ernest G. Thody

Collector, Buntingford

9th September 1926

10th December 1926 - British Legion Buntingford and District Branch

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British Legion

Buntingford and District Branch

The following is a Statement of the amounts raised and collected on Remembrance Day, 1926.


C. Fraser, Esq. - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Nevett - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Greg - £1 1s. 0d

Mrs J.R. Russell - 10s. 0d.

Mrs Codrington - 10s. 0d.

Miss Gruner - 5s. 0d.

Mr Sutterby - 2s. 0d.

Total - £4 10s. 0d.

Poppy Sales - Buntingford

Miss M. Crane and Miss Armstrong - £1 13s. 4 and half pence.

Mrs L. Smith and Miss Cutts - £1 15s. 8d.

Miss Lushington - £1 13s. 0d.

Masters John and Georgie Taylor - £1 6s. 11d.

Miss M. Fell - £1 5s. 0d.

Miss Scrivener and Miss Wilkerson - £1 11s. 4d.

Miss E. Smith - £1 2s. 6d.

Mrs J. Aylott - £1 4s. 10d.

Miss P Mayes - 14s. 1d.

Mrs Marshall - 8s. 6d.

Mr H. Fry - 7s. 6d.

Total - £12 2s. 8 and a half pence.

Anstey - per Miss Buckwell - £1 8s. 1d.

Wyddiall - per Lady Heaton-Ellis - £1 17s. 3d.

Aspenden - per Miss Grace Phillips - £1 14s. 6d.

Buckland - per Miss Morris - £2 13s. 8 and a half pence.

Cottered - per Miss Wilderspin - £2 6s. 3d.

Furneaux Pelham (part) - per Mrs Holmes - £1 8s. 2 and a half pence.

Westmill - per Mrs Coutts-Deacon - £4 0s. 4 and a half pence.

Meesden - per Mrs Kerr - £1 6s. 0d.

Great and Little Hormead - per Mrs Dimsdale - £4 0s. 0d.

Rushden - per Mr E.J. Marchal - £3 16s. 6d.

Ardeley - per Mr J.H. Thorpe - £2 3s. 6d.

Brent Pelham - per Mrs Barclay - £2 10s. 0d.

Wallington - per Miss Cragg - £2 0s. 0d.

Total - £31 4s. 4 and a half pence.

British Legion (Branch and Club) Poppies for Wreath - £1 0s. 0d.

Proceeds of Rummage Sale - £10 3s. 8d.

Trail of Pennies - £7 10s. 0d.

Proceeds of Concert, including Sale of Programmes (£1 2s. 1d.) and auction sale of Baby's Comforter (£1 0s. 9d.) - £22 7s. 4d.

Church collections

St Richard's R.C. Church, Buntingford - £1 1s. 2d.

Anstey - £2 1s. 7d.

Buntingford Congregational Church - 17s. 0d.

Total - £3 19s. 9d.

Grand total - £93 17s. 10d.

The above figure of £93 17s. 10d. represents the Gross Receipts up to the 7th December, and there is a further amount to be included in respect of the Church Collections, which has not yet come to hand.

The Gross Receipts for Poppy Day, 1925, amounted to £91 11s. 8d.

E.C. Clarke, Hon. Sec., Buntingford and District Branch British Legion.

Buntingford, 7th December, 1926.

22nd April 1927 - Anstey - The Late Mr James Cowlin Pigg

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The Late Mr James Cowlin Pigg

Impressive Scenes at Church and Graveside

It is with sincere regret and sympathy with the bereaved relatives we record the decease of Mr James Cowlin Pigg, of Anstey Hall.

The deceased, who had been ill for some considerable time, passed away in a London nursing home on Wednesday of last week. His death, at the age of 41 years has brought great sorrow, not only to the parish but to the whole district.

The deceased's father, the late Mr J. Pigg, farmed the 700 acre Hall Farm for over 30 years, and at his death some six years ago, the villagers were happy to think that his son, "Jimmy," was to remain with them and farm the land his father had left. "Jimmy" as he was known to all, was a man of whom no one spoke ill. A good farmer and a very generous employer, he was loved by all who came into contact with him. The most marked characteristic of him was his love of fair play and fair dealings. He was also a lover of sport and was considered an excellent shot.

Prior to the Great War he joined the Herts Yeomanry, but at the outbreak of war he expressed a wish to go abroad and was transferred to the R.G.A. and saw a good deal of fighting in Palestine. 

Ater the war he returned to Anstey, where he took an interest in all local affairs. A staunch Conservative, he was an enthusiastic supporter of the cause. He was also a member of the Buntingford Board of Guardians and Rural District Council.

The deceased was only married some two years ago.

The Funeral

The popularity of the deceased over a wide area was testified to by the large number who assembled for the funeral on Monday afternoon last. The interior of the Church was bright with Easter flowers, many of them having grown in the woods on the Hall farm. The full choir was present, and the service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. F.R. Williams, assisted by the Rural Deal (The Rev. W. McKerr), and The Rev W.L. Shepherd (Hormead). The hymn song was "Peace, perfect peace."

The coffin was plain oak, and was borne from the Hall by eight of the deceased's employees. The interment took place in a flower-lined grave at the east end of the churchyard, being only separated from the Hall garden by a yard entrance to the Hall.

The immediate mourners were: Mrs J.C. Pigg (widow), Mr H.F. Pigg (cousin), Miss Pigg and Miss G. Pigg (sisters), Mr and Mrs L. Duke (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs Seabrook and Mrs Baker (aunts), Mr and Mrs E. Pigg, jun. (cousins), Mr and Mrs F. Pigg, and Mr T. Coleman.

Among others present were - Mrs Wyman, Mrs Dimsdale, Miss F. Pigg, Miss N. Pigg, Mrs Oyler, Miss Beale, Miss N. Ashford, Mrs Monk-Jones, Miss Lyall, Mrs C.R. Turney, Mrs White, Mrs H.F. Pigg, Mrs Turney, Miss Coleman, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Rev. Morton, Mr and Mrs S. Pigg, Mr and Mrs W.T. Patten, Mr and Mrs F.B. Cannon, Mr and Mrs W. Johnson, Mr and Mrs J.F. Lofts (Stortford), Mr H. Clarke (representing the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club) and Mrs Clarke, Mr and Mrs Hammond (Ware), Captain E.T. Morris, Dr H.E. Dixon, Messrs. T. May, H. Fry, J.R. Russell, J. Russell, G. Scarborough Taylor, P. Hamilton, E. Mildren, R. Gardener, F. Brown, W. George, W. Millbank, F. Sapsed, W.J. Sapsed, F. Prime, Andrew Weir, C. Bolton, C. Johnson, H. May, F. Rand (Kelshall), A.W. Page, S. Lees, Harry May, J. May, H.R. Stubbing, A. Macarthur, V. Pledger, C. Burr, W. Burr, F. Dibbin (representing the local branch of the Conservative Association), Herbert Ward, G. Andrews, S. Hoy, W.J. May, J.S. Baker, T.J. Stick, H.E. Dudley, Jack Pigg, J. Woollard, B. Kent, S.A. Rice, H. Mole, C.P. Mole, C. Chapman (Standon), John Coleman, and Messrs. F.W. Butler, E.G. Thody, and H.H. Macklin (officers of the Buntingford Guardians and R.D.C.)

There was also a large number of villagers and employees present.

20th May 1927 - Wyddiall Cricket - Anstey v. Wyddiall

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Anstey v. Wyddiall

A match between the above teams was played at Wyddiall on Saturday last, May 14th, resulting in an easy win for the home team by 48 runs.

Anstey batted first, and were quickly dismissed for a 42 - F. Phillips (not out 11) and "Mr Extras" (10) being the only double-figured totals. S. Pledger took 4 wickets for 14 runs, and H. Pledger 3 for 9.

On Wyddiall going in to bat, the result hung in the balance until after the fall of the sixth wicket (which fell at 33 runs), but after that H. May (25) and R. Reed (18) put the result beyond doubt, Wyddiall winning as stated. E. Bonfield also made a capital 16 when runs were badly needed.



E. Abrams, c Bonfield, b S. Pledger - 0

B. Catley, b R. Pledger - 3

C. Phillips, b S. Pledger - 1

W. Strange, b S. Pledger - 1

E. Dodkin, c H.Hatchett, b S. Pledger - 6

A. Bentley, c Bonfield, b H. Pledger - 2

F. Phillips, not out - 11

S. Danes, c May, b R. Reed - 2

H. Phillips, c C. Hatchett, b H. Pledger - 0

F. Chappel, run out - 3

A. Phillips, c R. Reed, b H. Pledger - 3

Extras - 10

Total - 42


C. Hatchett, b Abrams - 8

S. Pledger, b Abrams - 0

H. Pledger, c Phillips, b Abrams - 5

E. Bonfield, c Chappel, b Abrams - 16

R. Pledger, b E. Phillips - 1

F. Hatchett, c H., b A. Phillips - 2

H. May, c Strange, b Abrams - 25

R. Reed, b A. Phillips - 18

H. Hatchett, b A. Phillips - 5

J. Martin, run out - 5

S. Reed, not out - 0

Extras - 5

Total - 90

3rd June 1927 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week.

Present: Capt. H.H. Williams (in the chair), Messrs. C. Hummerstone, F.B. Cannon, H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, H.E. Dudley, E. Bygrave, F. Prime, A.W. Page, G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, T.J. Stick and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Medical Officer of Health (Dr R.A. Dunn), and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported that the Isolation Hospital remained closed.

The consumption of water for the past month has been 1,075,000 gallons.

The Surveyor also reported that Mr C. Reed, of Cottered, had submitted plans for a proposed bungalow to be erected by him at Cottered. The plans were in order.

There was also a report on the water supply at Wakeley cottages, the Surveyor reporting that they reservoir needed repairing and adequate means taken to ensure protection of the water from pollution.

Cottered Drainage

The Surveyor reported that he had again inspected the site adjoining the Cottered cesspool, and he suggested that a small Sub-Committee be appointed to view it.

The Chairman, Mr H.E. Dudley and Mr T.J. Stick arranged to meet on the site on Saturday.

The Clerk stated that the Anstey Parish Meeting had submitted the name of Mr Herbert S. Ward, of Bandons, Anstey, as a candidate to fill the vacancy on the Board caused through the death of Mr James C. Pigg.


Copies of the proposed Bye-laws which had been drafted by a Sub-Committee of the Council were submitted to the members.

The Chairman said that two of the members of that Sub-Committee were strongly in favour of the adoption of bye-laws, but one wished to reserve his judgment. If, however, the Council decided to adopt hte bue-laws, that member was of the opinion that those drafted would be most suitable.

In commenting on the drafts submitted, Captain Williams said the intention of the Council was not to draft anything in the way of interfering laws, but he thought that it was a mark of progress that they should have something that would be a guide to the people.

Mr G.C. Wilson moved a vote of thanks to the Sub-Committee for the way in which they had gone into the matter.

It was decided to adjourn the matter for a period of four months.

A further letter was read from Mr Chapman, of London Road, Buntingford, with reference to his application for a subsidy in respect of the bungalow recently erected by him. The Clerk stated that the letter had been sent to the Council by the Ministry of Health, and he had replied to the Ministry, and furnished them with all particulars of the case. The matter was left over until the Ministry has dealth with the Clerk's letter.

Dr R.A. Dunn submitted his annual report of vital and general statistics, an observation of which appears in another column. In answer to a question by the Chairman, Dr Dunn said that cancer is distinctly a disease of old age.

The Council confirmed the appointment of the 2 rating officers to carry out the work in connection with the Registration of Electors' Lists and the preparationg of the Juror Lists.

Mr F.B. Cannon urged that the Council draw the attention of the County Council to the dangerous corner near the Sandon turning at Chipping Bridge. Several accidents had occurred there, and there had been a smash up on the corner that morning.

It was resolved to write the County Council on the matter.


At the meeting of the Guardians, Mr H.C. Marshall suggested that the Board approach the North Metropolitan Electric Light Co. with a view to obtaining an estimate for wiring the Poor Law Institution.

18th June 1926 - Buntingford and District School Sports Association

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Buntingford and District School Sports Association

1st Annual Sports Day

The 1st Annual Sports Day in connection with the above Association took place at Chapel End, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mr C. Smith), on Thursday in last week.

Teams came from the following schools: Anstey, Barkway, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Cottered, Great Hormead, Meesden, Great Munden, Puckeridge C. of E., Puckeridge R.C., Reed, Sandon, Standon, and Walkern. The competitors numbered 250.

The Sports Day was first arranged for Wednesday, June 2nd. It rained all day. This necessitated postponing the event until June 10th. It was again wet, but the programme was successfully carried out, although the bad weather increased the difficulties of rearrangements.

Teachers and children were very enthusiastic, and some really good material was discovered.

The team races were especially interesting, and the full results will be found below.

Mr E.E. Dennis, Hon. Sec. and Treas., explained the objects of the Association, and stated that Buntingford and District could now send a representative team to compete at the County School Sports to be held at Ware on Saturday, July 3rd.

He thanked all those who had helped to make the meeting a success, particularly the teachers in the schools in the district for their splendid co-operation. It was very pleasing to record that some of the smaller schools had supplied winners in the different events.

The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer thanked the Preisdent (Lieut.-Col. C.H.B. Heaton-Ellis) and the Hon. Baron Dimsdale for kindly giving a Shield for the Boys, also the Walkern School Managers for the Shield for the Girls, ad the C.E.M.S. (per Mr Pitcher, Cottered), for the Shield for the smaller schools. On behalf of the Association, he also thanked all those ladies and gentlemen in the district who had supported the movement, and Mr C. Smith for kindly placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association. He specially thanked Mr E.H. Roberson and Mr E.G. Thody for much help given prior to the day.

Mr H.E. Stickland (Braughing C.C. School) then thanked Mr E.E. Dennis for all the good work he had done, and said that he felt sure the Association would prosper. Enthusiastic cheers from the children followed.

Mr E.E. Dennis then called for cheers for the Band. The children and assembly then sang the National Anthem. The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer wishes to thank the following for their assistance:

Materials - Messrs. E.G. Thody, P. Hamilton, J. Holmes, G. Handy, B. Nicholls, S. Daniels, W.H. Smith, G. Aylott, T. Hummerstone, E.J. Crane, F. Rand, H. May, M. Smith, Burrows (Hitchin), J. Ireland, A. Bardwell, R. Dellow, E. Leak, E. Borsberry, Letchworth Boys' Club, Hitchen and District School Sports Association (per Mr F.W. Bunn), Buntingford Congregational Church, The Rev. A. Howard, and Miss E.M.A. Woods.

Workers - Messrs. E.G. Thody, E.H. Roberson, Marshal; B.E. Thody, A.G. Day, H. Cutts, A.E. Mayes, E. Martin, J. Thody, G. Bedford, H. Mannox, W. Graves, Clerks of the Course; F. Butler, J.W. Sutterby, A.C. Bartlett, H.E. Stickland, A.G. Jenkins, W. Cooper, Stewards; The Rev. W.L. Sheppard, The Rev. John Cole, The Rev. A.G. King, Mr W.J. May, Mr F. Cannon, Judges; Mr Harry Clarke, Mr F. Fraser, Starters; Mr E.C. Clarke, Miss Gardner, Recorders; Mr G.H. Maughan, Timekeeper.

Ladies' Committee for Refreshments - Mesdames H.L. Baker, W. Corp, J. Pateman, H. Clarke, E.H. Roberson, H. Feasey, J. Warren, A.E. Mayes, G. Geaves, F.W. Butler, A. Coxall, Misses Anthony, L.M. Davies, M. Mayes, H. Walsingham, E.G.W. Howard. Mr J.A. Anthony.



Championship Events


100 yds. - 1 L. Thompson (Reed) 13 secs., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 G. Alder (Walkern), 4 S. Savage (Walkern).

220 yds. - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford) 34 secs., 2 S. Savage (Walkern), 3 F. Edwards (Walkern), 4 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.).

440 yds. - 1 C. King (Walkern), 1 and one third mins., 2 G. Warner (Buntingford), 3 N. McLeod (Meesden), 4 L. Poulton (Buntingford).

880 yds. - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford) 3 mins. 12 secs., 2 C. King (Walkern), 3 W. Garland (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Jackson (Puckeridge R.C.)

Hurdles - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford), 2 H. George (Meesden), 3 C. Cook (Braughing), 4 N. Birch (Brent Pelham).

Long Jump - 1 L. Gray (Walkern), 13 ft. 6 ins., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 J. Miles (Walkern), 4 E. Ginn (Braughing).

High Jump - 1 G. Adler (Walkern), 3 ft. 11 ins., 2 W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 E. Chalkley (Walkern), 4 P. South (Sandon).

Team Race - 1 G. Adler, C. King, F. Edwards, S. Savage (Walkern); 2 C. Dowler, R. Graves, A. Rose, C. Clarke (Buntingford); 3 R. Jennings, H. George, L. George, N. McLeod (Meesden); 4 W. Hummerstone, A. Springham, E. Ginn, C. Cook (Braughing).

Winning School - WALKERN C.C. (31 points). Challenge Shield for Boys presented by Lieut.-Col. C. Heaton-Ellis and Hon. Baron Dimsdale. Runners up - Buntingford Senior C. of E. (25 points).


100 yds. - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 13 secs., 2 L. Dye (Sandon), 3 J. Bysouth (Braughing), 4 e. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead).

150 yds. - 1 G. Copeland (Anstey), 23 secs., 2 E. Searle (Buntingford), 3 N. Bonfield (Buntingford), 4 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Hurdles - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 2 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 3 D. Skipp (Cottered), 4 G. Roper (Standon).

Long jump - 1 H. Arnold (Braughing) 11ft. 3ins., 2 M. Barker (Braughing), 3 L. Dye (Sandon), 4 A. Coxall (Buntingford).

High jump - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 3fts. 6ins., 2 E. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead), 3 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 4 W. Hummerstone (Braughing).

Team Race - 1 E. Searle, O. Martin, N. Bonfield, A Coxall (Buntingford), 2 H. Arnold, J. Bysouth, M. Barker, W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 M. Brand, L. Taylor, E. Ruskin, G. Hummerstone (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Copeland, P. Bentley, L. Martin, F. Sapsed (Anstey).

Winning School - BUNTINGFORD SENIOR C. of. E. (23 points). Challenge Shield for Girls, presented by Managers of Walkern C.C. School. Runners up - Braughing C.C. (18 points).

Winners of Shield (for schools with less than 100 on books), presented by C.E.M.S. per Mr Pitcher, Cottered, Gt. Hormead C. of E. (8 points). Runners up - Meesden C. of E. (7 points).


Egg and Spoon Race (girls) - 1 G. Gravestock (Cottered), 2 E. Gray (Walkern).

Sack Race (girls) - 1 P. Bentley (Anstey), 2 E. Prior (Braughing).

Flower Pot Race (girls) - 1 E. Prior (Braughing), 2 M. Newbound (Braughing).

Skipping Race (girls) - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Driving Race (girls and boys) - 1 A. Wallace, S. Cox (Standon), 2 A. Rose, R. King (Buntingford).

Sack Race (boys) - 1 C. Prior (Braughing), 2 H. Webb (Braughing).

Throwing Cricket Ball (Boys) - 1 S. Savage, 2 E. Chalkley (both of Walkern).

Obstacle Race (Boys) - 1 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.), 2 R. Cannon (Sandon).

23rd April 1926 - Anstey Prizewinners

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At the Ploughing Competitions held at Anstey on 9th October last, Mr H. Cox offered prizes to the schoolchidren present for the best essay on the competitions.

There were many entries and the task of judging has taken a considerable time. The results have now been published, and it is pleasing to note that both prizewinners reside at Anstey.

Reginald Bentley has been awarded first prize and Thomas Barklem second.

27th Jan 1928 - Wyddiall, The New Rector

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Wyddiall - The New Rector

Induction of the Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr

The Institution and Induction of the Rev W. Mc C. Kerr as Rector of Wyddiall was conducted by the Lord Bishop of St Albans on Monday afternoon last. The new Rector was formerly Rector of Meesden and is Rural Dean for the Buntingford Deanery. There was a large congregation present at the service.

The visiting Clergy were the Rev. A. Howard (Layston), the Rev. E.E. Empringham (Cottered), the Rev. F.R. Williams (Anstey), the Rev. H. Shepherd (Gt. Hormead), the Rev. A.G. Langdon (Munden), the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill), the Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen (Barkway), the Rev. F.W.B. Jobson (Braughing), the Rev. A.J. McKinney (Buckland), Canon Shorting (St Albans), and the Rev. W.J. Stewart (Langley). The Rev. Dr H.V.S. Eck, of Ardeley, acted as the Bishop's Chaplain.

Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., the Patron of the living, presented the new Rector to the Bishop in the following words: "Reverend Father in God, I present you this meet and proper person to be insitituted to the cure of souls in this parish."

The new Rector, standing before the Bishop, then took the various oaths required, after which there was silent prayer. The Bishop then took the new incumbant by the hand and, preceded by the Rev. A.G. Langdon (who acted for the Archdeacon) and the Patron (Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis) he conducted him to the five principal parts of the Church - the Font, the Prayer Desk, the Lectern, the Pulpit, and lastly to the Altar, during which appropriate verses of the hymn, "We love the place, O God," were sung, and certain questions were put to the incumbent, at each place to which he answered "I will do so, the Lord being my Helper."

The incumbent then knelt before the Bishop at Altar rails, and after prayers the hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" was sung, the Bishop sung the first and third lines and the congregation the second and fourth of each verse. The Bishop then read the letters of Institution, and afterwards, with his hand on the head of the incumbent, pronounced a Benediction.

The incumbent was then led by the hand to the Church door and to the belfry, where he tolled the bell to signify to the parishioners that he had taken possession.

The Bishop then delivered a very stirring address. He said with the institution of their new Rector they were beginning a new chapter in the history of that parish. The great object in every parish, county and country was that men should have life and have it more abundantly. Christ's work goes on through us. Our Lord used a human body to make God known to us, and men came to know that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God because they looked at Him in the face. No man could mistrust a Man with a look like His. It is a terrible thing when a man loses his grip on life, and when we hear of men committing suicide we say they are temporarily insane, because normal people want to live.

We must get back to God and find out the laws governing human life. We have seen tremendous progress in many things. Wireless, for instance, and even greater things than that were spoken of. There was a talk of television; so in addition to people ringing you up on the 'phone and talking to you, there was a prospect of them actually seeing what you were doing. A few years ago a man who could drive a motor car was considered a kind of super man.

All material progress has come from study and research, and by following the laws of nature; all theories respecting farming woud "go west" if the laws of nature were not obeyed. 

Fellowship is one of the laws of God and those who belonged to large families knew what that meant. If there were any present who were members of a large family let them thank God for it, for they had received their education, especially if they happened to be the youngest member of the family, for their elder brothers and sisters would see to it that they roughed it.

God had given us parents, brothers and sisters, and we had to learn to live together - sometimes with people we did not like, but all had a common job to do for God, and without Him we can do nothing.

During the singing of the last hymn a collection was taken for the Ordination Candidates Fund, and the service concluded with the Blessing pronounced by the Bishop.

After the service the Bishop, the Clergy, and members of the congregation were entertained at Wyddiall Hall by Sir Charles and Lady Heaton-Ellis.

Miss Marion Macklin, L.R.A.M., presided at the organ.

5th Oct 1928 - Auction (Anstey)

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Friday Next

The Rectory, Anstey, Nr Buntingford, Herts.

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I.

Has received instructions from the Rev F.R. Williams, who is leaving the district to Sell by Auction at the above on Friday, October 12th, 1928, at 12 noon, the surplus and useful Household Furniture and Effects, comprising Bedsteads and Bedding, Bedroom Suite, Mahogany Roll-top Desk, Settees, Chairs, and Occasional Tables, Overmantels, Bookcases, &c., Kitchen Utensils and Outside Effects.

Catalogues of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel 20), Baldock (Tel 62), Welwyn (Tel 98), and Hatfield, Herts (Tel. 16).

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