Buntingford Rural Deanery
Meeting of the Conference at Buntingford
A meeting of the members of the Buntingford Ruri-Decanal Conference was held at the Foresters' Hall, Buntingford, on Friday afternoon last.
The Rural Dean (the Rev. F.R. Williams) presided, and was supported by the Secretary (Rev. W.T. Stubbs.) Representatives were present from the parishes of Aspenden, Layston, Wyddiall, Throcking, Cottered, Anstey, Hormead, Meesden and Barley. A goodly number of lay members were present.
The chairman said they were pleased to welcome the Rev. Carr, of Meesden, and the Rev. W.L. Sheppard, of Great Hormead.
The chairman announced that he had received a letter with reference to the Diocesan Board of Finance. At Michaelmas there was a debit balance of £2459, and it was hoped that all parishes would forward their contributions as soon as they were due.
Ruri-Decanal Education Committee
The chairman said that the Bishop thought that an education committee was most important, and he would ask the meeting to elect representatives.
The following were elected: The Rev. H.E. Langdon (secretary), the Rev. F.E. Harton, Mr E.E. Dennis, Mrs C. Johnson, and Mrs North.