Showing posts with label Large. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Large. Show all posts

7th May 1926 - Food Transport

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Food Transport

The following have power to act on behalf of Joint Committee in signing passes for drivers of lorries conveying Food Stuffs to various destinations:

Mr Mallet, No. 5, Sunny Hill, Buntingford.

Mr S. Burton, No. 2, Station Road, Puckeridge.

Mr Large, Widford Road, Hadham.

Signed G.W. Pepper, Secretary N.U.R. (Buntingford Branch), on behalf od the N.U.R. Transport Workers, A.S.L.E. and F. and R.C.A.


Re above advertisement, we are requested by the Rural District Council to state that the above has been accepted as an advertisement only. The Local Authority has the food situation in hand, and will operate irrespective of Trade Union dictates.

The above notice is an illegal assumption of authority. All drivers have a full right to the road, and permits such as those named above are invalid.

9th April 1926 - Tennis Club Annual Whist Drive

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Tennis Club

Annual Whist Drive

The annual whist drive and and dance, in aid of the Buntingford Tennis Club, was held at the Benson Hall on Easter Monday. Owing to other whist drives in the neighbouring villages there was not such a large gathering as last year.

Twelve tables were in use for whist, and Mr H. Clarke kindly acted M.C. The prize winners were:

Ladies - 1, Miss Morley, 184 (case of pastry forks); 2, Mrs Wallis, 170 (fruit dish); 3, Mrs H. Handy, 170 (box of handkerchiefs).

Gents - 1, Mr W. Watson, 177 (clock); 2, Mr T. Wornham, 171 (pair of etchings); 3, Mr E. Moule, 169 (pair of socks), Lowest score - Mrs Large (Easter egg).

A number came in for dancing after the whist, and the Town Band provided an excellent programme of music. Mr L. Smith was M.C.

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