Showing posts with label Blakiston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blakiston. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Leap Year Dance

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Leap Year Dance

There were 110 dancers present at the leap year invitation dance on Wednesday evening, which took place in the Benson Hall.

The whole of the necessary arrangements were made entirely by Mrs Philpott, who is to be congratulated on the success achieved. Mrs Philpott not only issued the invitations, but also sold the admission tickets, besides contributing in no small way to the excellent assortment of refreshments which were served during the evening.

Refreshments were also given and served by Mrs Bishop, Mrs McGuinness, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Plumb, Mrs W. Watson, Miss Mulvany and Miss Spencer. The duties of M.C. were undertaken by Mr Blakiston, who spared no pains to add merriment to the evening's enjoyment.

A special feature was the lighting effects, which were greatly admired by the energetic company present. The music, which added still greater pleasure to the proceedings, was supplied by the "Mavis" Dance Band, the members of which did their utmost to provide a programme to meet with the popularity of all. Their programme was excellent.

A Spot Dance Competition was won by Miss Philpott and Mr B. Howard, the former receiving a pound of chocolates for a prize and her partner a box of cigarettes. A Novelty Dance was also greatly enjoyed.

Mrs Whitehouse, of Sunny Hill, kindly lent her piano, and Mr W. Budd acted as door-keeper throughout the evening.

The proceeds, which were for the purpose of installing new electric light wiring in the hall, were very satisfactory, but the actual amount taken is not yet known.

It was generally agreed that this was one of the jolliest dances ever held in Buntingford.

28th December 1928 - Old Boys' Club

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Old Boys' Club

While rain descended in torrents on Saturday evening last, a fine goose was drawing dancers to the Benson Hall for an evening's dancing and to participate in the chance to secure the fine bird for a Christmas dinner.

The event, which was in aid of the Old Boys' Club, was most enjoyable, and what gave the dance that atmosphere of Yuletide was the decorations in the hall; these looked remarkably well, holly, ivy and other evergreens being lavishly displayed.

Mr Blakiston again won admiration as M.C., and so did the goose, which had been offered as a lucky ticket prize, and which went to Mr T. Hummerstone, of Westmill.

The Mavis Dance Band played some spirited selections, and one of the members, Mr Whitehouse, secured the bottle of port which was raffled for during an interval.

24th December 1926 - Concert at the Benson Hall

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Concert at the Benson Hall

For the Buntingford & District Nursing Association

The concern given at the Benson Hall on December 15th by "The Bunties" Concert Party, attracted a crowded audience that spent a very delightful evening.

The concert party were so successful last season that they decided to carry on during the 1926-27 season, and it must be said that their new programme went with a swing from beginning to end.

The items consisted of the latest musical "hits," and many of the choruses were taken up by the enthusiastic audience. Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor and Mr B. Kennedy were loudly applauded for their two special numbers "Waiting for the Moon" and by request, "Leander."

Mr J. White sang "Leanin" and "An Old-Time Song," being assisted in the latter by Mrs Scarborough Taylor. Mrs G. Armstrong, who last year gave such delightful dances, was partnered with Mr Bobbie Adamson, and their "Charleston" number was one of the best items on the programme.

Mrs Armstrong and Mr Brian Kennedy had a great reception for their picture from the past "A Second Minuet"; they were re-called twice, and each received gifts from members of the audience.

Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor's interpretation of Gounod's "Flower Song" (from Faust) was perfect, and won a deafening encore.

Mrs G. Armstrong and Mrs Scarborough Taylor sang with success "Ukelee." Mr G. Armstrong's droll monologues kept the audience in a ripple of laughters, as did Mr G. Scarborough Taylor in a first-class comedy act "Where are the Girls of the Old Brigade."

"Poor Papa," sung by Mr Bobbie Adamson was another number which brought rounds of applause. Of the concerted numbers "The Biff Brigade" is worthy of special mention; the marching and turning of the troupe, dressed as toy soldiers, was exceedingly well done. "Then I'll be happy" "There may be Days" and "A little bit of fun"; the latter with the aid of the entire adience, were other successful numbers by the Company. The concerted numbers by Mr G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor also deserve mention.

A dramatic sketch, "The Brass Door-Knob," was given by Mrs G. Armstrong and Mr Scarborough Taylor, and was performed so well that the audience were spellbound till the final curtain. "The Bunty Medley," arranged by Rieta Hull, the accomplished pianist to the troupe brought the evening to a close.

The stage lighting and management and effects were undertaken by Messrs. H.M. Blakiston, B.E. Thody, J. Handy and H. Feasey. Miss Ward greatly assisted the production.

At the close, Mr Claud Fraser called for three cheers for the Troupe and thanked them for such a delightful programme.

It is understood that the net proceeds, which will be paid over to the Nursing Fund, are expected to reach £20.

4th February 1927 - Whist (again)

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In response to several requests, the Town Silver Band held another Whist Drive at the George Hotel on Saturday evening.

There was a good company present and prizes, which were vouchers for goods to be purchased in the town, were won by the following:

Ladies - 1, Miss Marshall; 2, Miss E. Cutts.

Gents - 1, Mr H. Pledger; 2, Mr S. Pledger.

A Waltz competition was won by Mr A.B. Wallis and Miss G. Mean, while a Fox-trot competition was won by Mr J. Bishop and partner.

An excellent programme of music was provided by the Band, assisted by Mr J. Bishop (piano).

Mr Henry Clark for whist and Mr A.B. Wallis for dancing were the two efficient M.C.'s.

The judging of the dancing competitions was kindly undertaken by Mr H.M. Blakiston.

4th February 1927 - Benson Hall

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Benson Hall

Ninety-four sat down to whist at the Benson Hall last Wednesday, and over a hundred took part in the dancing.

Ten prizes were advertised for the drive, and eleven were awarded - the extra one being a dozen eggs for the "Lucky Chair," which was occupied by Mr H. Clark.

The other prizes were won by the following:

Top score (large iced cake), Mr T.H. Holden.

Ladies' prizes: 1st (set of tea knives), Mrs Case; 2nd (cushion cover) Miss Margery Cornwell; 3rd (silk tea cosy) Miss Mabel Cornwell; lowest score (chocolate babies) Mrs Leslie.

Men's prizes: 1st (hair brushes in case) Mr E. Ward; 2nd (woolly scarf) Mr E. Bruce; 3rd (fifty cigarettes) Mr J. Moule; lowest score (chocolate wireless set) Mr J. Wornham.

Lucky ticket (5/-) Mr H. Hatchett.

The prizes were presented by Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs Leslie, Miss Marriage, Miss Morgan, Mrs Philpott, and others.

Refreshments were given by Mrs Bennett, Mrs Blakiston, Mrs Coates, Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs Game, Mrs Leslie, Miss Lushington, Miss Morgan, Mrs Plumb, and Miss D. Spencer, most of whom worked indefatigately in serving the same.

The M.C.'s were Mr Clarke for the whist and Mr Blakiston for the dancing. It was largely due to the tactful methods of the former that the drive was finished in time for two hours' dancing.

Miss Blakiston was in the pay box; and Messrs. Blakiston, jun., Castle and Rowley acted as Stewards. The Hall was prepared and clearned by Messrs. Blakiston, jun., and Castle.

Music for the dancing was supplied by the "Standon Orchestra," and a highly successful and enjoyable evening terminated at midnight.

It is hoped that Miss Lushington's Whist Drive and Dance for the Nursing Fund on the 16th will also be well patronised.

25th March 1927 - Dance

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The attendance at the Benson Hall for the dance on St Patrick's night exceeded the most sanguine expectations. The organisers anticipated a hundred, but the number present was over a hundred and fifty.

Among the dangers were some who had never been in the Hall before, and they were pleasantly surprised at the excellence of the floor, which is undoubtedly the best for miles around.

The music was provided by the Standon Orchestra, who co-operated with the M.C., Mr Blakiston, in providing continuous dancing.

Among the special features were two "spot" dances, the first of which was won by Mr and Mrs Jackson, of Westmill, and the second by Mr Don Little and Miss Jordan.

Also a "Pandemonium" Dance, for which horns were issued, and the result fully justified the title!

The prize for the "lucky ticket" was won by Mr C. Smith.

The net proceeds were over £9, and the organisers are to be congratulated on the splendid success of their efforts. Hearty thanks are also due to all who provided the refreshments and prizes, and sold the former so efficiently, in addition to those who undertook the sale of tickets and prepared the Hall for the occasion. Each article of the refreshments was offered at one penny, and over 320 items were sold.

As the crowd streamed out of the Hall shortly after midnight, there were many requests for "another of the same kind" - the best proof of an enjoyable evening.

25th March 1927 - Chess Match

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Chess Match

A chess match between the Cottered Chess Club and a Buntingford team, arranged by Mr B.E. Thody, took place on Monday evening.

There were some good games, and the result was a win for Buntingford by four games to two.

The scores were as follows:

Buntingford - Cottered

Father Morgan - 1 - R.M. Hull - 0

E. Brett - 1 - E.E. Empringham - 0

B.E. Thody - 0 - R. Shepherd - 1

J. Lawrence - 1 - R. Barry - 0

H.M. Blakiston - 1 - T. Perry - 0

A.N. Other - 0 - B.A. Edwards - 1

Total - 4 - 2

At the close, the Rev. E.E. Empringham, of Cottered, thanked Father Morgan for placing his study at the disposal of the teams and for so kindly entertaining them.

3rd June 1927 - Annual Bazaar at the Benson Hall

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Annual Bazaar at the Benson Hall

The annual two days' bazaar, in aid of the Catholic Church funds, was held in the Benson Hall on Saturday and Monday last.

The usual throng of bargain hunters filled the Hall on both days, and the enormous stock, which had been received from far and wide, was almost sold out.

There were seven stalls replete with articles, a large jumble stall being a special attraction. There was no opening ceremony, but business commenced punctually at the advertised time.

Among the sellers and helpers were Father Morgan, Miss Morgan, Mrs Leslie, Mrs Dowdney, Mrs Gabbitas, Mrs P. Castle, Miss Mulvany, Miss Macgennis, Mrs Wignall, Mrs Boniface, Miss Hatchett, Mrs Bennett, Miss Buchanan, Mrs B.E. Thody, Mrs and Miss Blakiston, Miss Marriage, Mrs Fox, Miss Spencer, Mr H.M. Blakiston and Mr E.J. Sparkes, Girlie Leslie, Stella Reid, Ivy Graves and Gertie Fox.

There were a few side-shows, these being as follows: 1, silver mine, in which prizes went to Miss M. Harritt and Miss C. Anderson; guessing weight of coal, correctly guessed by Mrs Boniface and Mrs A.G. Day; 3, cake, won by Miss M. North and Miss Mulvany. A 2d. dip was cleared out on both days.

Mrs Philpott did a brisk sale of refreshments.

At the conclusion of the bazaar Father Morgan thanked all the helpers, whose hard work had ensured success.

18th June 1926 - Serious Accident on the Royston Road

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Serious Accident on the Royston Road

Pillion-riding Danger

A serious accident occurred about 5 o'clock last Sunday evening on Reed Hill.

Mr Turner was returning home to Cambridge on a motor cycle with a friend on the pillion, and had just overtaken and passed a car driven by Mr Blakiston, of Buntingford, when another car coming from the opposite direction drew out to pass a stationary combination.

The motor cycle struck the off rear wing of the oncoming car, throwing the pillion rider in the air, who fortunately fell on the bank which saved him from serious injury, but the driver of the motor cycle was thrown forward and badly injured.

The pillion rider soon regained his feet and assisted in helping his friend to the side of the road.

It was evident that the man was in a serious condition, and Mr Blakiston at once took him to Royston Hospital, where it was found that he has sustained a fracture at the base of the skull.

The accident might have led to far more serious results to the already injured riders but for the presence of mind of Mr Blakiston.

Upon enquiry at the Hospital before going to press, Mr Turner was reported to be going as well as possible, and that there was no immediate cause for anxiety.

11th June 1926 - The Bazaar

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The Bazaar

The Bazaar in the Benson Hall on June 5th and 7th was a great success. The exact amoung of the takings is not yet known, but will be about £120. Large numbers filled the Hall on both days, and hearty appreciation was expressed at the price of the goods offered. The enormous stock was almost sold out.

There were eight stalls - fancy goods, coats and skirts, jumpers and blouses, underclothing, men's clothes, boots and shoes, refreshments, and a "Woolworths" stall at which every article was 6d. or less.

Among the sellers were the Rev. Mother and Sisters from the Convent, Mesdames Bennett, Castle, Dowding, Gabbitas sen., Gabbitas jun., Game, Leslie, Plumb, Watson; Misses Blakiston, Day, Graves, Knight, Leslie, Marriage, McCarthy, Morgan, Spencer, Wilkerson; Messrs. Castle, Charles Gabbitas, Fred Gabbitas, Rowley.

Among the side-shows were - 1, silver mine, in which the prizes went to Miss D. Spencer and Mr P. Castle; 2, guessing weight of lump of coal (113 and a half lbs.), correctly guessed by Mr M. Blakiston; 3, cake, won by Miss Marriott; 4, basket of eggs, won by Mrs Knight; 5, dinner (chicken, vegetables, sweets), won by Mr Balls; 6, table-centre, won by Mrs Leslie.

Father Owen, the former parish priest, gave great pleasure to his old friends, by motoring down from town with his brother and mother on the Monday afternoon.

At the conclusion of the Bazaar, Father Morgan thanked all the helpers, whose hard work had ensured this great success.

Bazaar Items

Parcels for the Bazaar came from all over England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The promoters intended to keep a record of the number of parcels and boxes, but lost count after two hundred.

It took hundreds of hours to mark the goods.

One stall was marked "Here we are - Woolworths," every article being 6d. or less.

Buyers were five deep round some of the stalls. 

A big trade was done in hot tea and ices. No, the ices were not hot.

The weight of a lump of coal could be guessed for 1d. It was 113 and a half lbs.

Competitors were allowed to pick it up, but did not.

One of the guessers asked "Would it be a ton?" The frivolous custodian replied "It would be if it could, but it can't."

The coal was won (of course) by a man who uses no coal in his house.

A silver mine contained silver coins, the position of which could be guessed for 1d.

There was no strike of miners.

Guessing was popular. The weight of a cake could be guess for 6d, and the number of eggs in a closed basket for 3d.

Brigands in pretty dresses and bobbed tresses recorded the guesses.

Father Morgan guessed 19 lbs. for the cake. This was considered uncomplimentary.

Nobody said a cross word all through the Bazaar, and everybody seemed pleased with everything. There were many wonderful bargains.

20th Jan 1928 - Benson Hall

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Benson Hall

In spite of the heavy rain which fell last Wednesday evening, the dance in the Benson Hall was well attended; in fact, nearly as many were present as could fit comfortably on the spacious floor, which is known as the best dancing floor for miles around.

Mr Blakiston, who filled the post of M.C. in his usual accomplished manner, announced that prizes would be given for a spot dance and for the best "fancy dress." No prizes had been promised for either event, but the Management felt that some recognition was due to the large number who had braved the elements, among whom were visitors from Cottered, Therfield, Puckeridge, Aspenden and Hare Street.

The Standon Orchestra kindly undertook the difficult task of judging the entries in the "Fancy Dress Parade" - "difficult" because of the clever portrayal of the varied characters selected. The prizes went to Miss Kelly, The Limes, Therfield, who came as the "Blue Moon"; and to Mr Kelly, of the same address, who was a "French Cavalier," with wig, uniform, cocked hat, and sword complete.

The gentlemen, however, had already agreed that as the "fancy dress" ladies exceeded the gentlemen in number, the men's prize should go to the second lady, and this award was to Miss May Mulvany (of Aspenden), who represented a "Spinning Top."

The spot dance prizes were won by Mr Mead and Miss Norris; and the "lucky ticket" prize of 7/6 by Mr W. Game of Buntingford.

Novelties were distributed after the interval. Masks, hats, crowns, spectacles, false noses, whistles, puff-outs and similar features added to the general merriment; and red electrics enhanced the colour scheme adopted by the energetic Decorating Committee, who had suspeded festoons and streamers across the Hall, producing an effect well worth seeing.

The refreshments, to which justice was done, were provided by the Committee and friends. The total receipts came to £7 11s. 1d.

Father Morgan wishes to thank all who helped to make the event such a success, both the capable workers and those who patronised the dance in spite of the inclement weather.

An invitation "Leap Year" dance is announced for February 29th, with the new Buntingford Dance Orchestra in attendance.

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