Buntingford Board of Guardians
Tributes To The Late Mr Edward Pigg
The monthly meeting of the above board was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).
Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, A.W. Page, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May, G.C. Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).
The Late Mr Edward Pigg
The Chairman said that before proceeding with the business of the meeting he had to refer with deep regret to the passing of one, who for many years was an active and honoured member of the Buntingford Board of Guardians.
Mr Edward Pigg was Chairman of the Board up to the time of his retirement, and his unfailing kindness and courtesy to all would be long remembered. He (the Chairman) felt sure it would be the wish of the Board that the Clerk convey to Mrs Pigg and family the deepest symapthy of the Board in their sad bereavement.
The motion was carried in silence.
Master's Report
The Master reported as follows:
Number of inmates - men 17, women 16, children 2. Total 35.
Number admitted to Casual Wards during past week - men 24.
During the month gifts of books have been received from Mr Leake, Sunny Hill, Buntingford, and Mrs Laird, Coles Hill, Westmill.
During the past month 89 casuals have been admitted, against 19 last year.
The House Committee reported as follows:
The House Committee visited the House today, and found all in order, the contract work was completed and was very satisfactory.
We recommended the sale of old iron by the Master, we also recommend that the two children now in the house be sent to the National Children's Home.
Signed - G.C. Wilson, L.W. Wright.
The Board decided to send the two children to the National Children's Home. The Chairman said he understood the thanks of the Board had been conveyed to the donors of the gifts to the inmates. The Board were very grateful for their kindness.
Half-Yearly Estimates
The Clerk presented the half-yearly estimates for the period ending 31st March 1927.
The estimated receipts were £2,093 and expenditure £5,880.
£4,387 was required to ensure a working balance which was a decrease od £180 compared with the corresponding period last year.
The Chairman said he thought the figures were very satisfactory, and the Clerk added that it represented a decease in the rates of 2d. in the £ as compared with the corresponding period of last year.
In reply to a question from the Chairman, the Clerk stated that there was a number of calls still outstanding, and approximately £600 was due from one parish alone.
Tenders for the supply of goods to the Institution were opened, and the following accepted:
Groceries - Messrs. Forrest Stores.
Meat - Messrs. W.G. Clark, Ware.
Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.
Haircutting and shaving - Mr C. Miles.
Milk - Mr C.H. Poulton, 1/4 per gallon.
There was no tender for bread, and the matter was left over.
Rating and Valuation Act
Capt. H.H. Williams gave a very lucid explanation of the amended scheme for the constitution of assessment areas under the New Act.
He said it was previously arranged that Buntingford should amalgamate with Royston and Ashwell, but as the county was to be divided into seven areas instead of 12 it was proposed to amalgamate Buntingford with Bishops Stortford, Sawbridgeworth, and Hadham.
Under the old scheme there were 15 representatives appointed, Buntingford having three representatives from the Council and two from the Guardians. The new scheme provided for 20 representatives and allowed the Buntingford Union one representative only, but the Council's representation of three remained unaltered.
The Chairman said they were very grateful to Capt. Williams for attending the meeting in London and for his explanation of the new scheme. He (the Chairman) thought it would be appropriate if the Board appointed their representatives forthwith.
The following were appointed:
Mr C. Hummerstone (representing the Board of Guardians); Captain H.H. Williams, Mr G.C. Wilson and Mr F.B. Cannon (representing the Rural District Council).
Several cases of relief were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.
Other Business
The remaining business was of a formal nature.