Showing posts with label Poulton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poulton. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Death and Funeral of an Old Resident

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Death and Funeral of an Old Resident

The death of Mrs E. Plumb, wife of Mr William Plumb, occurred at the Hertford County Hospital on Saturday in last week.

Mrs Plumb was born in the village close on seventy years ago, where she was greatly respected by the inhabitants. The mortal remains were brought to Aspenden the following Wednesday, and rested in the deceased's home throughout the night before burial on Thursday afternoon.

The Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill, conducted the service, and the family mourners included: Mr W. Plumb (husband), Mrs Savage (daughter), Messrs. William and Fred Plumb (sons), Mrs Tolts (sister), Mrs Gooch (sister-in-law), Mr Arthur Plumb and Miss Annie Plumb (brother-in-law and sister-in-law), Mrs W. Plumb (daughter-in-law), Mr John Plumb (brother-in-law), Mrs Bunn, Mrs Morly, Mrs Waters and Miss L. Plumb (nieces), and Mrs Miller (grand-daughter).

There was also a large number present at the Church to pay their last respects to the memory of the deceased, and there was a collection of beautiful floral tokens, and included wreaths from Mrs Steel, Mrs A. Wilson, Mrs H. Poulton, Mrs Fletcher, Captain and Mrs Williams; a small posy was also sent by Master Leslie Moule, who showed many little kindnesses to the deceased in her old age.

The Rev. King, preaching at the Parish Church on Sunday morning, referred to the deceassd's [sic] life and her simple faith. Much symyathy [sic] is extended to the family in their bereavement.

21st December 1928 - Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs

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Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs

The Christmas Show and Sale of Poultry and Eggs took place on the Market Hill on Monday last, this being the first occasion that the show has been held separate from the fat stock show.

There was an excellent display of birds, the pens of turkeys being particularly fine, and numbered 57 in all. Some of the best birds realised £1 11s., the lowest prices ranging from 14/- apiece. As will be seen from our list of awards (which is appended), Mr T. Vigus secured the first prizes in each case for the best pen of three cock turkeys, three hen turkeys and the best killing cock bird. These exhibits were some of the best birds in the district.

The supplies of hens and cockerels more than exceeded those of previous years, the number of birds penned being 355, of which 195 were cockerels. These made a fine show as their crowed out their last notes, and the majority will be heard no more, but seen in another guise during next week!

There was a good all-round trade for the birds, some of the cockerels realising 12/6 each, the hens being knocked down at 7/. The geese numbered 45, the highest price which these realised being 10/-. There were also a good many ducks and rabbits penned, the latter being for sale purposes only. The eggs classes were also well filled.

The judge of the poultry was Mr G.H. Hankin, of High Cross, the well-known local expert.

List of Awards

Three cock turkeys - 1 T. Vigus, 2 J.H. Glascock, 3 J.H. Glascock

Three hen tukeys - 1 T. Vigus, 2 T. Vigus.

Killing cock turkey - 1 T. Vigus, 2 T. Vigus, 3 C. Warren.

Killing hen turkey - 1 J.H. Glascock

Four geese - 1 E. Howard, 2 J. Poulton, 3 A.W. Gray.

Four killing cockerels - 1 H. Piggott, 2 C. Chappell, 3 W. Burrow.

Four killing hens - 1 J. Cogan, 2 J. Hale, 3 J. Russell.

Four killing ducks - 1 F.W. Gatward, 2 F.W. Gatward, 3 A. Macarthur.

Three score hens eggs - 1 E. Brett, 2 E. Brett.

5th August 1927 - Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

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Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

A Fine Exhibition

"A fine exhibition, especially in the vegetable classes. The root classes and the pea classes were excellent, and we have seldom seen such fine potatoes."

The above was the comment passed by the judge at the Buntingford Flower Show, held yesterday.

The venue was once again Corney Bury Park, kindly lent by Mr W.J. Wedd, and when one entered the gate it seemed impossible that the pre-war shows, for which Buntingford was famous, were held in the small meadow adjoining.

The weather was on its best behaviour, brilliant sunshine prevailing throughout the day. There were few umbrellas seen in the show ground - what there were appeared to be in use as sunshades.

The Officials

The President of the Society is Mr H.C. Marshall, who was a successful competitor at yesterday's Show.

The Hon. Secretary, Mr Ernest G. Thody, once again spared no efforts to make the show a success; he was also a very successful exhibitor, his cut flowers being a specially fine exhibit.

The Committee worked assiduously throughout the day.

Trade Exhibits

There were four trade exhibits, Messrs. Chaplin's of Waltham Cross, taking first prize for a wonderful display of roses and gladioli; the display was staged on a platform 24ft. long by 4th. 6ins. wide.

Other trade exhibits included Messrs. Goodliffe's and Mr W. Keep's displays of herbaceous and rock plants, and Mr H.A. Thody's exhibit of fruit.


The entries numbered over 1,000, and were staged in three large tents.

As stated, there was an excellent entry in the root classes, the judges remarking that they had seldom seen better potatoes.

There were ten table decorations, Miss Thody taking first prize with a pretty single rose, "K of K" and "Waltham Cross." Major Douglas Crossman, M.F.H., (Mr Dibben, gardener) took first prize for best arrangement of pot plants; he had a fine colour scheme of pink and mauve hydrangeas with ferns.

The Judges

The following kindly acted as judges:

Trade exhibitors and amateurs classes, Messrs. A. Jeffries (Hertford) and J.A. Gates (Ardeley); cottagers' classes, Messrs. J. Friend (Stansted) and W. Ring (Puckeridge); table decorations, Messrs. Keep, Chaplin and Goodliffe; bread, Mr R.F. Dellow; honey, Mr C.H. Poulton; cooked potatoes, Mr C. North; bottled fruit, Mr S. Daniels.

The tea tent was very capably managed by the Buntingford Women's Institute.

It was found impossible to manage the teas on the same lines as last year, so the Institute kindly came to the assistance of the Society, and their services were greatly appreciated by the large numbers who patronised the tea tent during the afternoon.


There was an attractive programme of amusements, &.

Thirty boys from the William Baker Technical School at Hertford (Dr. Barnardo's Homes) gave two excellent gymnastic displays during the afternoon and evening, and were accorded a very warm welcome.

Through the kindness of several ladies and gentlemen, the boys, together with their Band, were entertained to tea. Dr Barnardo's Boys' Band was also in attendance, and played selections throughout the afternoon and evening for the displays, and later for dancing.

A balloon race, organised by the Committee, drew several competitors. The prizes - vouchers value 15/- and 7/6 - will be awarded to the competitors whose balloons travel farthest.

Thurston's amalgamation of amusements drew a large crowd, especially towards the close. The day's events concluded with a grand display of fireworks by Messrs. J.R. Wells, of London.

A further report, together with a complete list of awards, will appear in our next issue.

Large numbers flocked to the ground during the evening, and the gate receipts exceeded £80.

20th August 1926 - A Happy Party

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A Happy Party

Some 300 children who were on an outing from the Stoke Newington Branch of the British Legion passed through Buntingford on Saturday last.

The party, which occupied eleven charaabancs made a halt near the Benson Hall where each child was supplied with half-a-pint of new milk.

The arrangements for the distribution of the milk were made by Mr E.C. Clarke, the Local Secretary of the Buntingford Branch, and the milk was kindly given by Mr C.H. Poulton, of Aspenden.

The children were delighted with the treat and left with happy memories of their short stay in Buntingford.

17th September 1926 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

Captain H.H. Williams presided at the meeting of the Council which followed. Dr R.A. Dunn (M.O.H.) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody) were also present.

Vote of Condolence

The Chairman said he felt he must endorse the remarks which Mr Hummerstone had made with reference to the late Mr Edward Pigg.

Everyone must feel that men with such a high sense of public spirit were very rare, and the death of Mr Pigg was indeed a great loss.

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported as follows:

Isolation Hospital

No cases of infectious disease have been notified, and the hospital remains closed.


The consumption of water during the past month has been:

1st week - 246,000 gallons

2nd week - 257,000 gallons

3rd week - 240,000 gallons

4th week - 258,000 gallons

The rest level has fallen and now stands at 37ft, being 1ft. lower that [sic] at September last.

Little Hormead Drainage

I have again interviewed Mr Patten with reference to the proposed drainage, and he is willing that the drain take the line shewn upon the accompanying plan.


Mr T. Pugh, of Ardeley, submits plans for the erection of a bungalow at Ardeley. The plans are in order.

Coal Emergency

Since submitting my last report, increased supplies have reached the merchants, which together with a quantity that I have been able to secure, has been sufficient to meet current needs.


Samples of water from properties at Sandon have been sent for analysis, and the owners should be called upon to provide an efficiant and wholesome supply.


The Clerk presented the estimates for the half-year ending 31st March, 1927.

The expenses were estimated at £1,675, and after deducting receipts, £813 was required. This was a decrease of £93 compared with the corresponding period last year.

Special Expenses

£139 was required for Special Expenses, which was a decrease of £82 compared with corresponding period of last year.

Tenders for Scavenging

Mr C.H. Poulton submitted a tender for Scavenging, 12/- per day. This was considered very reasonable and was accepted.

The other business was of a formal nature.

17th September 1926 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Tributes To The Late Mr Edward Pigg

The monthly meeting of the above board was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, the Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, A.W. Page, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May, G.C. Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler) and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

The Late Mr Edward Pigg

The Chairman said that before proceeding with the business of the meeting he had to refer with deep regret to the passing of one, who for many years was an active and honoured member of the Buntingford Board of Guardians.

Mr Edward Pigg was Chairman of the Board up to the time of his retirement, and his unfailing kindness and courtesy to all would be long remembered. He (the Chairman) felt sure it would be the wish of the Board that the Clerk convey to Mrs Pigg and family the deepest symapthy of the Board in their sad bereavement.

The motion was carried in silence.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 17, women 16, children 2. Total 35.

Number admitted to Casual Wards during past week - men 24.

During the month gifts of books have been received from Mr Leake, Sunny Hill, Buntingford, and Mrs Laird, Coles Hill, Westmill.

During the past month 89 casuals have been admitted, against 19 last year.


The House Committee reported as follows:

The House Committee visited the House today, and found all in order, the contract work was completed and was very satisfactory.

We recommended the sale of old iron by the Master, we also recommend that the two children now in the house be sent to the National Children's Home.

Signed - G.C. Wilson, L.W. Wright.


The Board decided to send the two children to the National Children's Home. The Chairman said he understood the thanks of the Board had been conveyed to the donors of the gifts to the inmates. The Board were very grateful for their kindness.

Half-Yearly Estimates

The Clerk presented the half-yearly estimates for the period ending 31st March 1927.

The estimated receipts were £2,093 and expenditure £5,880.

£4,387 was required to ensure a working balance which was a decrease od £180 compared with the corresponding period last year.

The Chairman said he thought the figures were very satisfactory, and the Clerk added that it represented a decease in the rates of 2d. in the £ as compared with the corresponding period of last year.

In reply to a question from the Chairman, the Clerk stated that there was a number of calls still outstanding, and approximately £600 was due from one parish alone.


Tenders for the supply of goods to the Institution were opened, and the following accepted:

Groceries - Messrs. Forrest Stores.

Meat - Messrs. W.G. Clark, Ware.

Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.

Haircutting and shaving - Mr C. Miles.

Milk - Mr C.H. Poulton, 1/4 per gallon.

There was no tender for bread, and the matter was left over.

Rating and Valuation Act

Capt. H.H. Williams gave a very lucid explanation of the amended scheme for the constitution of assessment areas under the New Act.

He said it was previously arranged that Buntingford should amalgamate with Royston and Ashwell, but as the county was to be divided into seven areas instead of 12 it was proposed to amalgamate Buntingford with Bishops Stortford, Sawbridgeworth, and Hadham.

Under the old scheme there were 15 representatives appointed, Buntingford having three representatives from the Council and two from the Guardians. The new scheme provided for 20 representatives and allowed the Buntingford Union one representative only, but the Council's representation of three remained unaltered.

The Chairman said they were very grateful to Capt. Williams for attending the meeting in London and for his explanation of the new scheme. He (the Chairman) thought it would be appropriate if the Board appointed their representatives forthwith.

The following were appointed:

Mr C. Hummerstone (representing the Board of Guardians); Captain H.H. Williams, Mr G.C. Wilson and Mr F.B. Cannon (representing the Rural District Council).


Several cases of relief were dealt with, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

Other Business

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

29th October 1926 - Buntingford Bowls Club Annual Dinner

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Annual Dinner

The annual dinner, in connection with the Buntingford Bowls Club, was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday evening in last week, when a company of about 60 spent a very happy time.

The chair was taken by Mr H.C. Marshall, the President of the Club, who was supported by Mr George Aston, Mr Claud Fraser, Capt. H.H. Williams, Mr W. Chapman-Wood and others.

An excellent four-course menu was provided by the Host and Hostess, Mr and Mrs J. Holmes, after which the loyal toast was enthusiastically honoured on the proposition of the Chairman.

"The Club"

Mr Claud Fraser said he had the privilege of proposing the toast of the evening, "The Buntingford Bowls Club." The Club had been making history, and it was a great pleasure to the inhabitants of the town to see the Buntingford Club at the end of the East Herts League Table.

The members had played with a spirit of sportsmanship, and they had just cause to be proud of their achievements. The speaker then referred to the new green, and the prospects it held out for the future; it was situate near his house, and he would regard himself as a kind of guardian. He hoped that Buntingford Bowls Club would flourish by root and branch forever. (Applause).

In responding, Mr W.J. May, the popular captain of the Club, said the Club had many friends in Buntingford and in the district.

During the season, the Club had won 12 out of 18 matches, and had carried off the George Aston Challenge Cup. Everyone felt greatly indebted to Mr Aston who had done so much for the game of bowls. (Applause).

Others he would like specially to mention were the President, who had found the money for the new ground, and Mr Thody who had again come forward and lent them plants and decorations for the room that evening. (Applause).

Mr J. Boniwell, the veteran of the Club, also responded. He said he started the Club himself in 1913, and it was a pleasure to him to see the Club had reach [sic] such a high level. Their Captain, Mr May, had done a lot to bring success. (Hear, hear). It had become the habit of his (Mr Boniwell's) friends not only of the Buntingford Club, but also of all the other Clubs in the league to call him "Dad," and after matches the Buntingford Club members invariably said "Well Dad, what do you think of us now."

To one and all of them he would now say "You have done well, and I hope you will keep up the record." (Applause).

"The League"

Captain H.H. Williams, who rose to propose the toast of the "East Herts Bowls League," said he always remembered being taught at school that the whole of a thing is larger than its parts; he would say, therefore, that but for the East Herts Bowls League there would be no competition or Challenge Cup.

It was a pleasure to have Mr Aston with them that evening. There was little doubt that the League owed its success to the harmonious way in which the clubs worked, and to the excellent organisation. The speaker then paid a tribute to the Executive of the League and to Mr Chapman-Wood, and referred to "that extraordinary good publication" - the League Handbook. (Applause).

Mr George Aston, who was applauded on rising, congratulated the Buntingford Club on winning the Challenge Cup; he also thought they were very lucky in getting the support they did from their President and others.

The whole success of the league was due to the Executive, to Mr Chapman-Wood, and to all the affiliated clubs who had all played the game as it should be played. (Hear, hear).

Continuing, Mr Aston said that since he had been in Herts. nothing had given him greater pleasure than to be President of the East Herts. Bowls League, which he hoped would go on for many years. (Applause).

A replica of the cup was then presented to Mr W.J. May, who suitably replied.

Mr G. Scarborough Taylor, who proposed the toast of "The Guests," said that amongst others, they had Mr Chapman-Wood with them that evening. Both through the press and on the executive, Mr Chapman-Wood had done an enormous amount of work for the game. They were also delighted to have Dr Dixon with them once again. (Applause).

Mr Chapman-Wood and Dr H.E. Dixon both esponded. The former said that although the Buntingford Club lived on the outskirts of the leagure area, and had to travel the farthest they had won through.

He was afraid that he did not know much about the actual game of bowls, although he knew the bias side of a wood - (laughter) - and some day he hoped to play the game. The speaker then made some humourous remarks and concluded by expressing his pleasure at being present that evening, and thanking them for the cordial way in which they had received the toast.

Dr H.E. Dixon said the ancient game had been played in the true spirit of sport by several able bodied men of the town, and he was pleased to be amongst such a happy company.

The toast of the "Vice-Presidents" was proposed by the Rev. L.W. Wright, who said that no club could get on with the aid of its Vice-Presidents. To the members of the Club he would say that now they have ascended to the pinnacle of success they needed a little more caution than before. They had set themselves a great task, as the town looked forward to them to retain the title they had won. (Applause).

Mr E.E. Dennis replied, and said that the Vice-Presidents were especially pleased at the honour the Club had won they wished the Club success next year, and in the years to come.

"The Chairman"

Mr C.H. Poulton proposed the toast of "The Chairman." No club in Herts, he said, could boast of a better president.

Mr Marshall gave so much away that he would probably find one day that he had no money left. (Laughter). They had to thank Mr Marshall for many things in Buntingford, and without doubt he had proved himself to be a worthy son of a worthy father. (Applause).

The Chairman, in replying, said it was a pleasure to be President of any club in Buntingford. He thought it was communism in the best sense of the word, because everyone worked together so splendidly. He thought himself very fortunate to be amongest them, as when he came to Buntingford some 17 years ago, he did not think he would even find so many good friends. (Applause).

Dr R.W. Fell proposed a vote of thanks to the Artistes. Music was one of the most essentials of life, and the artistes that evening were excellent. Mr Jack Pierce responded.

Presentation of Prizes

During the evening the Chairman presented a Silver Challenge Cup to Mr E.R. Brett and a gold medal to Mr E.J. Totman.

The music items were rendered by The Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr J. Pierce, Mr A. May and Mr V. Pledger, and were very much enjoyed.

After thanks to Mr and Mrs J. Holmes, the Secretary (Mr J. Lawrence) and his dinner committee the evening concluded with the National Anthem.

1st October 1926 - Gt. Hormead property auction

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Gt. Hormead, Buntingford

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I., has received instructions from C.H. Poulton, Esq., to sell by auction at the "George and Dragon" Hotel, Buntingford, on Monday, October 18th, 1926, at 3.45 p.m., the freehold grazing holding known as Lilley End Farm, together with some buildings and sheds, and having an area of about 87 acres; also small freehold farm, with residence and useful buildings, all known as Weston's Farm, and having an area of 27 acres; and freehold parcel of accommodation building land, having extensive frontage to the main road and known as Bradbury Field, having an area of 26a. 3r. 4p. Vacant Possession.

Further particulars of Messrs. Hare & Son, Solicitors, Much Hadham, Herts.; or of the Auctioneer, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel 20); Welwyn (Tel. 98); Baldock (Tel 62); and Hatfield (Tel 16).

24th December 1926 - Folk Dancing Party

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Folk Dancing Party

The Buntingford Branch of the English Folk Dancing Society has made rapid progress in folk dancing.

On the 9th inst. the Branch had a party at the George Room, when folk dancers from Walkern and Great Munden were also present.

There was a capital programme of these graceful and pretty dances that all enjoyed. Quite a feature of the evening were the special dances by Mrs G. Armstrong and Miss Olive Poulton.

Songs, interspersed with the dances, gave additional pleasure, and were contributed by the Rev. A.G. Langdon, Mrs Hull, and Mr E.E. Dennis.

10th December 1926 - Board of Guardians Monthly Meeting

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room yesterday (Thursday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Capt. H.H. Williams, Rev. L.W. Wright, Messrs. Claud Fraser, F.B. Cannon, G. Graves, H.C. Marshall, H.E. Dudley, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes and G.C. Wilson, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

Following the minutes, the House Committee's Report as follows, was submitted:

The House Committee visited the House today and found everything in good order, and the inmates very comfortable and happy.

The gas-pipe leading to the Isolation Ward became blocked, but has been put right again.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 21, women 18, children 2. Total 41.

Casuals relieved during the month 72. Corresponding period last year 8.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated -

Anonymous Lady - chocolates.

Capt. Salvation Army - books.

Mrs Coleman - books.

Mrs Laing - books.

Mrs Greg - books.

Mrs Veasey - books.


The following tenders for the supply of goods to the Institution were accepted.

Milk - Mr C. Smith (1/4 per gall.)

Groceries - Mr W.B. Moss & Son.

Meat - Mr H.W. Piggott.

Bread - Mr C.S. Coates.

Coal - Mr E.J. Sparkes (hard cobbles £2 4s. 6d., Portland hards £2 9s. 6d.)

Coffins - Mr G. Saggers.

Boots - Messrs. Wilkins.

Clothing - Messrs. Hurst and Kettewell.

Three tenders were received for renewing the kitchen floor. The amounts were as follows:

C.H. Poulton - £20 9s. 0d.

J. Aylott - £20 15s. 0d.

C.E. Harradence - £21 0s. 0d.

On the proposition of Mr Claud Fraser it was agreed to accept Mr Poulton's tender.


Several cases of relief were dealt with by the Board, and instructions given to the Relieving Officer. It was decided to allow the extra 1/- per week for coals for the period of another month.

The remaining business was of a formal nature.

7th January 1927 - Ex-service men entertain the children

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Ex-service men entertain the children

That nothing appeals to the heart more than a group of happy children was amply demonstrated on Monday evening, when the children of the members of the Buntingford British Legion Club were the guests at the annual party.

The arrangements for the treat were made by Mr H. Clarke (Sec. of the Club) and Mr E.C. Clarke (Hon. Sec. of the Buntingford Branch of the British Legion).

The room, with its attractive decorations was much admired. A great attraction was the huge Xmas Tree (given by Mr C.H. Poulton). The tree was heavily laden with toys and gifts selected by Mrs H. Clarke.

Some 50 children responded to the invitation to be present, and judging by the enthusiasm displayed this party exceeded all predecessors.

The whole party sat down to tea at 4.30, assistance at the tables being given by Mrs H. Clarke, Mrs E.C. Clarke, Mrs Starr, Mrs Warren, Mrs White, Mrs S. Smith, Mrs Scarborough Taylor and Miss Mayes.

Mrs Hall, the stewardess at the Club, also lent valuable assistance. Visitors included Captain and Mrs H.H. Williams, Mrs, Miss and Master C. Fell, Messrs G. Scarborough Taylor, E.C. Clarke, H. Clarke, E.J. Crane, E.E. Dennis, B.E. Thody, F. White, T. Pledger, A. Coxall, S. Daniels and W. Hall.

During tea Mr H. Clarke installed a powerful wireless set, and the music was much enjoyed.

Following tea, games and songs were indulged in until 7p.m. when the arrival of "Father Christmas" was the signal for three hearty cheers.

Mrs H.H. Williams then presented each child with a gift from the tree, and a National Savings' Card with two sixpenny stamps attached.

Mr H. Clarke called for cheers for the members of the Club and numerous friends who had made the treat possible.

Cheers were also given for the ladies, the New Year and Messrs. H. and E.C. Clarke. On leaving each child was given two oranges, a bag of sweets and a small gifts, and a thoroughly successful treat ended with the singing of God Save the King.

4th February 1927 - Board of Guardians

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Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

Big Increase in Tramps

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, The Rev. L.W. Wright, Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. G. Graves, W.J. May, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, E.J. Marshall, H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, A.W. Page, and T.J. Stick, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin) and Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

The Late Mrs F. Prime

On the proposition of the Chairman, it was unanimously resolved to send a letter of condolence to Mr Frank Prime, of Meesden Bury, on the recent loss of his wife.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 22, women 17, children 2. Total 41. Corresponding period last year - 40.

Number of casuals during month - 174. Corresponding period last year - 21.

During the month two females have died.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated:

Mrs Dimsdale (cake), Mrs Dixon, Mrs Veasey, Mrs J. Smith, Capt. Green (Salvation Army), and Mrs C.H. Poulton - (books).


During the past month 174 casuals were admitted, against 21 for the corresponding period last year. Of those admitted this year over 100 are men under 50 years of age, who state they are looking for work on farms.

The present accommodation is sufficient, if the men are discharged the first day after admission.

The Chairman asked if the men were genuinely looking for work on farms, and the Master said that some of them did not appear suitable for farm work.

Relief Cases

Several relief cases were dealt with by the board.

Resolution From Derby

A circular was read from the Derby Union asking for the support of the Board with reference to the following resolution passed by the Derby Guardians:

"This is Board is very concerned and distressed to find so many male applicants for relief who have fought and been maimed and disabled in the great war, and the Country after all promises made on its behalf, has failed to stand by these men and prevent their becoming chargeable to the Poor Law."

It was decided to leave the resolution on the table.

There was little other business and the meeting was followed by the monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council, a report of which will appear next week.

22nd April 1927 - Buntingford Bowls Club Annual General Meeting

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Buntingford Bowls Club

Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the Buntingford Bowls Club was held at "The Crown" Inn club room, on Tuesday evening of last week, the President, Mr H.C. Marshall, presiding.

The Chairman said he wished to congratulate the Club on winning the Ashton Cup, and he hoped they would have an equally successful season this year.

The Hon. Sex., Mr J. Lawrence, then presented his annual report. During last season, the club played 18 League matches, winning 12 and losing six. The actual number of points scored was 728 against 631.

He (the Secretary) was also pleased to report that they had an increased membership; in 1925 they had 19 members, and in 1926 26 members, and it was hoped to increase this number this year. The Club had 10 Vice-Presidents, who, like their President, had taken an active interest in the welfare of the Club. (Applause).

The Secretary then referred to the financial statement. At the last annual meeting it was thought that the new green would cost about £30, but so far about £200 had been spent and more would have to be spent before the green was ready for use; there was, however, little doubt that when the new green was completed it would be as good as any in East Herts.

With the help of members and friends, they hoped to be able to pay off the loans, and to make the Club self-supporting. (Applause).

The balance sheet was as follows:


Loan from H.C. Marshall, Esq. - £100 0s. 0d.

Loan from ten members - £44 0s. 0d.

President's Subscriptions - £2 3s. 0d.

Seven Vice-Presents - £8 8s. 0d.

16 Tournament Entrance Fees 1/- - 16s. 0d.

Fete (as per balance sheet) - £56 13s. 8d.

Jumble Sale - £8 0s. 5d.

Dinner - £11 5s. 0d.

Xmas Draw and Whist Drive - £43 7s. 2d.

15 Hand Books - 3s. 9d.

Mr May (Luton) - 1s. 0d.

26 members subscriptions at 10/6 - £13 13s. 0d.

Total - £268 10s. 0d.


Purchase of ground from Mr Poulton - £50 0s. 0d.

Labour on New Green - £123 7s. 7d.

Tools - £2 16s. 9d.

Creosote Oil - £3 15s. 0d.

Mr Crane (carting) - 12s. 6d.

Printing - £3 8s. 6d.

Mr J. Holmes' account - £16 10s. 0d.

Old Green - £8 16s. 8d.

Sundries - £9 4s. 1d.

Balance at Bank - £49 16s. 2d.

Cash in Hand - 2s. 9d.

Total - £268 10s. 0d.

Mr W.J. May, in moving the adoption of the accounts, said the members had much to thank their Hon. Sec and Treasurer, Mr Lawrence, for, The accounts were quite satisfactory, and he had much pleasure in moving that they be adopted.

Mr F.W. Butler seconded, and the motion was carried.

Election of Officers

Mr F.W. Butler moved the re-election of Mr Marshall as President. They were proud to have him as their President, and they were also grateful to him his very valuable help. Mr E.G. Thody seconded, and the vote was carried with applause.

Mr W.J. May moved the re-election of the Vice-Presidents with the addition of Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, Mr S. Codrington, and Mr Davidson.

Mr J. Lawrence was re-elected Hon. Sec. and Treasurer, and was thanked for his past services.

Mr W.J. May, who has been Captain for the past four seasons, and he thought it would be good to have a change this year, and he proposed Mr F.W. Butler as Captain. Mr Butler, in refusing to accept the position of Captain, said he was sure that every member would wish Mr May to carry on. This was carried with applause.

Mr F.W. Butler was re-elected Vice-Captain, and the following were appointed to serve as a general committee - Messrs. E.J. Totman, J. Pateman, J. Boniwell, F.B. Sharp, J. Cornwell, H.E. Birkett, F. Crouch, H. Clark, E. Brett, and A. Mannox.

Green Committee - Messrs. W.J. May, F.W. Butler, E.R. Brett, J. Cornwell, E.G. Thody, and C.H. Poulton.

Selection committee - re-elected en bloc.

It was decided to make the Club room at "The Crown" Inn the headquarters of the Club. Mr Mannox, the proprietor, said the room would be at the disposal of the Club whenever the members required it, and that he would make no charge. (Applause).

A discussion took place as to competitions &c., and it was agreed to arrange more matches to encourage new members.

Before the conclusion of the meeting, thanks were accorded Mr C.H. Poulton and Mr E.G. Thody for their valuable assistance in connection with the new green, and to the Chairman for presiding.


The Committee of the above club wish to thank all who have helped and contributed to the Jumble Sale, held at the Foresters' Hall, on April 20th. The sale was a great success.

8th April 1927 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week.

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (Chairman), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Dimsdale, Rev. L.W. Wright, Captain H.H. Williams, Meesrs. H.C. Marshall, G. Graves, E. Bygrave, H.E. Dudley, W.J. May, G.C. Wilson, A.J. Hayes, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin), and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

Master's Report

The Master reported that the number of inmates was 36, compared with 33 for corresponding period last year. During the month one inmate had died, 5 had been admitted and 8 discharged. The number of casuals admitted during the month was 188 against 55 for the same period last year.

The Hertford Visiting Committee visited the Institution on 16th March.

Gifts of books had been received from Mrs Greg, Mr C. Hummerstone, and Mrs Ashford, and cake from Miss Lushington. During the year the amount received from the disposal of firewood was £26 4s.

The Clerk reported that the average weekly cost of inamtes for the past year was 11/-, against 10/1 and three quarters last year. The Chairman reviewed the prices of fuel, clothing, &c., and said that the figure given by the Clerk compared very favourably with other unions.

Mr G.C. Wilson said the question of the Chairmanship would come before the next meeting. About four years ago it was decided to elect a new Chairman each year, and he (Mr Wilson) wondered whether the time had come when they should review the position and considered whether it would not be wise to re-elect the Chairman for at least four years.

Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman) spoke in support of Mr Wilson, "There was," he said, "a great deal to be said for the re-appointment of a Chairman, especially when they had such an efficient Chairman of both the Council and the Guardians."

Mr H.C. Marshall, who was Chairman of the Council for a period of seven years running, said he thought seven years was too long to be Chairman, after three years someone else should have the honour and the responsibility.

Captain H.H. Williams, the Chairman of the Council, said he had got through his year of office well, and he thought it would be better to fade away at the end of his term. There was, however, something to be said in favour of a longer period, as when one got into the workings it was time to re-elect a fresh Chairman.


The following tenders were accepted:

Bread and flour - C.S. Coates.

Meat - H.W. Piggott.

Coal and coke - E.J. Sparkes.

Milk - C.H. Poulton.

Groceries - Messrs. Forrest Stores.

Haircutting - C. Miles.

Coffins - G. Saggers.


Several cases were dealt with by the Board and instructions given to the Relieving Officer.

8th April 1927 - Rural District Council

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Rural District Council

Captain H.H. Williams presided over the meeting of the Rural District Council which followed, other officers present being - Dr R.A. Dunn (M.O.H.), and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

Surveyor's Report

The Surveyor reported that the Isolation Hospital was closed. The town's consumption of water during the month had been 935,000 gallons, and the water level had risen slightly.

A further supply of disinfectants was required - estimated cost £10 3s.


Drainage work had now been completed at the Little Hormead site, and difficulty was now being experienced with the drainage at Cottered; it would be advisable, if possible, to secure a piece of the land adjoining the Council's cottages, for use as a dump.

The Surveyor also asked for instructions as to the cropping of the Buntingford Sewage farm, and stated that sugar beet had been grown there with success during the past year.

After discussing the matter, the Council decided to grow two acres of sugar beet on the farm. It was also agreed to purchase the disinfectants required. The question of the purchase of a piece of ground at Cottered for the disposal of drainage matter from the Council's cottages was left over until the Surveyor had seen Mr Sanders, of Cottered.

A letter was read from Mr Chapman, who has recently erected a bungalow on the London Road, to the effect that, although he had complied with the Surveyor's instructions, as to certain parts of the buolding, he had received a letter from the Clerk to the effect that he was not entitled to the subsidy.

The matter was fully discussed by the Council, and it was unanimously agreed that the Council were in order in not recommending a subsidy.

The Surveyor reported on the rent arrears, and the Chairman said he was very pleased to see that there was an improvement, and that some of the tenants had made an effort to get the arrears down.

The question of adopting bye-laws was again discussed, and the Surveyor presented a draft of the bye-laws which the Council proposed adopting before the war. Mr H.C. Marshall proposed that the Surveyor look through them and report on the matter to a sub-committee consisting of Capt. H.H. Williams, Messrs. C. Hummerstone and W.J. May.

Mr W.J. May reported on his visit to a conference in London on the Rating and Valuation Act, and was thanked by the Chairman for his interesting and instructive report.

The Clerk read a letter for Sir Charles Longmore to the effect that the work of preparing the Jurors Lists, and registers of electors would now be carried out by two of the Council's rating officers.

Mr C. Hummerstone said the matter required consideration. If the work was being taken out of the hands of the Assistant Overseers, there would be compensation to pay. Some of the Assistant Overseers had been collecting rates, and had been paid no salary for the work, buy they had been receiving certain sums for the preparation of the lists of voters; it was now proposed to take this work from them and give it to the Council's rating officers.

The Clerk said that the amount paid for the preparation of the whole of the lists was approx. £100. He (the Clerk) did not want the job.

Mr G.C. Wilson said he believed thre was a lot of feeling over the matter, and he was anxious, if possible, or giving the Assistant Overseers a chance to carry on.

Mr H.E. Dudley also spoke in a similar way, and after further discussion the Clerk was instructed to write to the County Council for a ruling on the matter.

The North Metropolitan Electric Company submitted plans showing the route of their overhead cable, and these were passed.

The half-yearly estimates were presented by the Clerk. The total required - £3763 - was an increase of £81. There would be a General Rate of 5/- for the district.


The following tenders were accepted - Scavenging - Mr C.H. Poulton. Team labour for highways - Mr E.J. Crane.

27th May 1927 - Buntingford Board of Guardians

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Buntingford Board of Guardians

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Thursday (yesterday).

Present - Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mr F.B. Cannon (Vice-Chairman), Captain H.H. Williams, Messrs. H.C. Marshall, Claud Fraser, H.E. Dudley, E. Bygrave, F. Prime, A.W. Page, G. Graves, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, T.J. Stick and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke), the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), and Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin).

House Committee

The House Committee submitted the following report:

"The House Committee visited the House this morning, and found everything satisfactory. They think that six dozen tramp rugs will be required before the winter months, and recommend that the Master obtain tenders for them."


The following tenders were received for repairs to the laundry ceiling and for the erection of new lavatories:


Mr C.E. Harradence - £11 11s. 0d.

Mr J. Aylott - £15 10s. 0d.

Mr C.H. Poulton - £17 19s. 0d.


Mr C.E. Harradence - £70 15s. 0d.

J Hamilton & Co. - £72 15s. 2d.

Mr C.H. Poulton - £76 5s. 0d.

Mr Claud Fraser proposed that Mr C.E. Harradence's tenders be accepted. This was agreed by the Board.

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates for the week ending May 21st - men 17, women 16, total 33.

Corresponding period last year - 33.

Casuals - men 80, women 4, children 2.

During the month three persons have been discharged and two admitted.


During the month the following casuals have been admitted - Men 279, women 18, children 10.

The figures for the corresponding period last year were - Men 67, women 3, children 0.

Of the men, 200 were ex-soldiers and genuine workers. Eight were unable to work, and 71 were tasked. Only five were on the books of the Labour Exchange; the majority of the others call themselves farm labourers.

Unless there is a big drop in the number of unemployed I doubt if our accommodation will be sufficient for the winter months. On some nights now our accommodation is taxed to its limits.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated: Mrs Veasey, books; Mrs B.E. Thody, books.

10th June 1927 - Cricket - Aspenden v. Clapton

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Aspenden v. Clapton

The above teams met at Aspenden on Whit-Monday, and a very pleasant and close game resulted.

Aspenden batted first, and made 57. Jackson (22) and Stoten (14) were the principal scorers.

Clapton made 6 more than their opponents, thus winning the match. Gardener and Prince were the only batsmen to reach double figures.



J. Holmes, c Slatter, b Dean - 5

F. Barker, c Dean, b Head - 0

F. Hurry, c Head, b Gardener - 5

W. Neale, run out - 0

A. Shepherd, b Head - 0

F. Stoten, c Gardener, b Head - 14

R. Whitby, b Head - 0

H. Parker, stumped Prince, b Head - 7

W. Jackson, b Ashbolt - 22

S. Oakley, b Ashbolt - 0

R. Poulton, not out - 0

Extras - 4

Total - 57


S. Gardner, c Oakley, b Shepherd - 8

W. Ashbolt, c Poulton, b Neale - 2

D. Davies, c Neale, b Shepherd - 6

W. Slatter, c Holmes, b Shepherd - 1

H. Prince, b Jackson - 11

T. Gardener, b Jackson - 17

H. Dean, c Hurry, b Shepherd - 3

M. Head, c Hurry, b Shepherd - 1

R. Slatter, c and b Shepherd - 0

L. Stevens, run out - 4

R. Jarrett, not out - 7

Extras - 3

Total - 63

23rd July 1926 - Board of Guardians

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Board of Guardians

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Board of Guardians was held at the Board Room on Tuesday (yesterday).

Present: Mr C. Hummerstone (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Captain H.H. Williams, Captain E.T. Morris, Messrs F.B. Cannon, H.C. Marshall, G. Graves, C. Fraser, H.E. Dudley, W.H Kittow, A.J. Hayes, W.J. May and G.C. Wilson, with the Master (Mr F.W. Butler), the Relieving Officer (Mr H.H. Macklin), and the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

Master's Report

The Master reported as follows:

Number of inmates - men 15, women 13, children 2. Total 30. Corresponding period last year - 35.

Casuals 65. Corresponding period last year 5.


The following gifts have been received and much appreciated:

Fancy cakes and strawberries, Mrs Greg; books, Mrs Tapper.


Tenders were received for work on the casual wards at the Institution.

Only two tenders were received, these being as follows: Messrs J. Hamilton & Co., £82 15s. 6d.; Mr C.H. Poulton, £99 5s.

Messrs Hamilton's tender was accepted.

2nd November 1923 - Re John Poulton, deceased.

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Legal and Official Notices

Re John Poulton, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims against the estate of John Poulton, late of Rose Cottage, Aspenden, near Buntingford, Retired Postman, who died on the 19th day of October last, are required to send in particulars in writing of such claims to the undersigned before the 3rd day of December next, after which date the Executors will distribute the assets among the persons entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice.

Dated this 2nd day of November, 1923.

Chalmers-Hunt & Co., Buntingford.

Solicitors to the Executors.

25th June 1926 - Wyddiall Garden Fete

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Garden Fete

The Annual Garden Fete, in aid of Foreign Missions, was held in the Rectory Grounds on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The weather was beautifully fine, and the well-kept garden was much admired by all present.

The Fete started at 3 p.m. and closed shortly after 6 p.m. There were three stalls in charge of Mrs Wright, Mrs W.J., Mrs H. and Mrs J. May, Miss Wall and Miss N. Hatchett. Mrs C.H. Poulton and the Misses S. and O. Poulton were in charge of the teas.

Mr W.J. May successfully managed the clock golf competition, Mr Scarborough Taylor winning the prize (given by Mrs H.C. Marshall) with a score of 23. Miss Olive Poulton was in change of a guessing competition, the winner being Mrs W.J. May.

There was also a balloon race for which there were numerous entries; the result of this will be made known later.

The Rev. L.W. Wright also lent valuable assistance and thanked those who had supported the Fete.

The net result was £12 8s. 4.d which was considered very satisfactory.

Among the Clergy present were The Rev. F.R. Williams (Rural Dean), The Rev. A. Howard, The Rev. A. McKerr and The Rev. W.L. Shepherd.

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