Showing posts with label Newell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newell. Show all posts

23rd July 1926 - Death of Mrs H. Clarke

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We regret to announce the death of Mrs H. Clarke, mother of Mr E.C. Clarke (Clerk to the Buntingford Board of Guardians and Rural District Council), which took place at Garland Road, Ware, early on Sunday last.

The deceased, who was 76 years of age, had been in failing health. The deceased leaves two daughters and one son, for whom much sympathy is felt.

The funeral took place at Ware on Wednesday afternoon, The Rev. Newell officiating.

25th June 1926 - Church Pastoral Aid

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Church Pastoral Aid

Sermons were preached on Sunday last in St Peter's and in the evening at Layston on behalf of the Church Pastoral Aid Society by the Rev. C.P. Newell, Curate of Christ Church, Ware, who effectually aroused the interest of his hearers in the cause he was advocating.

In the morning he preached from Micah vii, 3, "With both hands earnestly," contrasting the zeal and earnestness usually displayed in the search for this world's advancement and gain with the half-heartedness of even professing members of the Church in carrying on God's business.

In the evening his text was from Proverbs xxiii. 23, insisting on the value of truth, the cost of truth, and the paramount duty of not selling it, but sharing it with those who have it not.

This, he said, was the main object of the C.P.A. which assists the clergy in crowded parishes, provides them with assistant clergy and lady workers, and also helped to train for Holy Orders men who are otherwise fitted, but are unable to pay for their own training.

The offertories during the day amounted to £3 5s. 4d.

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