Showing posts with label Webb-Bowen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Webb-Bowen. Show all posts

5th August 1927 - Reed Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the Mission Room on Thursday evening in last week. Thirty-four members were present and three visitors.

The President was in the chair, and after the usual business was transacted another new member was welcomed.

Mrs R. Turney and Miss Tott gave their reports of the annual meeting, held in London recently, which they attended as delegates.

A very interesting demonstration on "papier mache" was given by Mrs Turney, for which was accorded a vote of thanks.

The prize for a "Memory Test" was won by Miss Muncey.

Community singing and dancing ended another pleasant evening.

The hostesses for the evening were Mrs Webb-Bowen, Mrs Collins, Mrs Coxall, Mrs Hillson and Mrs Muncey.

15th October 1926 - Harvest Festival at St Peter's

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Harvest Festival at St Peter's

The Harvest Festival services were held on Thursday in last week and were continued over the following Sunday.

The church was beautifully decorated with a profusion of corn, flowers, fruit and vegetables, which had been brought as thankofferings.

The corn had previously been weathered at the Parish Room by Mrs Pateman, Mrs Corp, Miss Woodley, Mrs H. Clark, Miss V. Feasey, Mrs Howard and Miss Brodie, the actual decorations being tastefully carried out by Miss Boniwell, Mrs Butler, Mrs Coleman, Mrs White, Miss M. Howard, Miss Lushington, Mrs Ambrose, Mrs J. Pateman and Mr H.L. Baker.

The Rev. H.B. Webb-Bowen, R.N., Vicar of Barkway, preached on Thursday evening to a large and attentive congregation. The anthem "Song to the Lord of the Harvest," was well rendered by the choir, and the whole service was a hearty and happy one.

On Sunday, in addition to the morning and evening services, a Flower Service was held in the afternoon.

The church was well filled, and many generous offerings were brought by the children of flowers, fruit and eggs, accompanied by appropriate texts, which been warmly appreciated by the sick and needy. The Festival closed with a very hearty service on Sunday night.

Owing to the special fuel and lighting difficulties, the offertories were for that object, over £6 being received, but in addition nearly £3 was given for the hospitals.

8th October 1926 - Reed - Social at Mission Room

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Social at Mission Room

The Mission Room was almost full for a very enjoyable function on the evening of Wednesday, the 22nd September.

The occasion was a tea and social to welcome the Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen as Rector of the Parish. The idea was first suggested by the Churchwardens, and enthusiastically taken up in the village.

A small committee was formed, who gave liberally, and with donations from the Churchwardens, success was assured. All the schoolchildren of the village were invited free, all others to pay the nominal sum of 3d.

After full justice had been done to the tempting viands displayed, Mr J.W. Sworder, in a few well-chosen words, voiced the welcome of the parishioners to the new Rector, who later responded in a happy vein, thanking Mr Sworder for the welcome he had extended to him, and asking for the support and backing of his parishioners in Church life and work.

Songs and recitations filled up the remainer of the evening, which was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem.

4th March 1927 - Buntingford Rural Deanery

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Buntingford Rural Deanery

Conference at Buntingford

Africa and the World Call

A meeting of the representatives of the Ruri-Decanal Conference for the Rural Deanery of Buntingford, took place at the Assembly Room, the George Hotel, on Saturday afternoon.

The Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr, of Meesden (Rural Dean) presided, supported by the Secretary (Rev. W.L. Shepherd, of Hormead).

The clergy attending were - Rev. A. Howard (Layston), Rev. F.R. Williams (Anstey), Rev. L.W. Wright (Wyddiall), Rev. W. Jobson (Braughing), Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen (Barkway), Rev. E.E. Empringham (Cottered), Rev. A.G. Langdon (Munden), Rev. J.L. Dutton (Aspenden) and the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill). A goodly number of lay members were present.

The conference opened with prayer, offered by the Rev. A. Howard.

The Rural Dean stated that the Diocesan Board of Finance were anxious to adjust the assessments of the Diocesan Quota in parishes where it was considered that the assessment was too high. It was decided to appoint a committee to represent the parishes concerned, and the Board of Finance had asked for names to be submitted and a date selected for discussing the assessment.

The conference was of the opinion that the date of the meeting should be left over until it was ascertained which parishes proposed appealing against the assessments. Those elected to serve on the committee were Rev. A.G. Langdon, Mrs Dimsdale and the Rural Dean.

The Rural Dean said he thought the quotas were assessed the same as last year.

The Rev. C.W. Alington, of Baldock, the addressed the conference on "Africa and the World Call." The demand, he said, had arisen from the very sudden opening up of Africa by explorers.

He referred to the work of Livingstone, and of his challenge to the Universities; it was through Livingstone's message to the Universities that the mission to Africa took its birth. In dealing with Africa it should be remembered that the population of white men to black at 1 and a half million to eight million. A hundred years of most splendid missionary work had created a problem of its own, extracts from one book showing that in one diocese alone the baptisms were 14,000 a year.

The demand had also risen from the opening up of the country by the settlement of alien races, the great strides in commerce and industry and by the work of missionaries. The Missionary Societies had made such headway, that at the present time 90 per cent of the education is in the hands of the Missionary Societies. (Applause).

The speaker then dealt with extracts from the report on Africa, and at the close of his address, was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the proposition of the Rural Dean, who said that before they met that afternoon, someone had said it was a pity they were not discussing the new Prayer Book. He (the Rural Dean) was very glad they were not. (Laughter); he thought that they should look to the great problems which had to be dealt with, and not trouble so much over matters which were of comparatively small importance.

A discussion on the World Call followed, the Rev. E.E. Empringham and Mr W.J. Pitcher taking part.

The conference then closed, after which tea was provided.

27th May 1927 - Reed Variety Concert

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Variety Concert

A very enjoyable concert was given by members of the Royston Concert Party, under the leadership of Miss M. Rogers and Capt. F.C. Gosden, in the Mission Room, on Thursday, May 5th.

That their efforts to entertain were much appreciated was shown by the number of encores they received, but special mention must be made of the sketch, "Impossible Perkins," which caused roars of laughter.

The Misses Eileen Giffen, Marjorie Kingsley and Dorothy Drage were very enthusiastic in selling programmes and in taking round a mystery box. Various guesses were made as to its contents, Mrs Isaacson eventually being the winner, she having guessed correctly.

The Rector, Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen, presided, and at the close proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the artists for having given their services, and for the excellent way in which they had rendered the various items on the programme.

Capt. F.C. Gosden, replying for the concert party, said how grateful they were for the Rector's words, and assured the audience that they themselves had much enjoyed the concert.

The room afterwards cleared for dancing, which was indulged in with great zest, Mrs Isaacson being the accompanist.

The concert and dance were arranged by the members of the Social Club, and the proceeds given to the Piano Fund. The proceeds of the concert amounted to £2 9s. 6d. The balance from the dance, after expenses were paid, was 9/-. A further 1/6 was given at the committee meeting, making a total of £3 for the Piano Fund.

10th June 1927 - Ruri-Decanal Conference at Buntingford

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Ruri-Decanal Conference at Buntingford

Prayer Book Revision

The Ruri-Decanal Conference for Buntingford Deanery was held on Saturday, June 5th, at 3 p.m. in the new Women's Institute Hall, presided over by the Rual Dean (Rev. W. McKerr, Rector of Meesden).

There was a large attendance of clergy and lay representatives, including Revs. L. Wright, W. Jobson, A. Howard, A.G. Langdon, F. Williams, W. Shepherd, Dr Eck, H.F. Webb-Bowen, F. Phillips, J.L. Dutton and A.G. King.

After prayer by Rev. A. Howard, the Deanery Committees for (1) Board of Missions, (2) Finance, (3) Social service, and (4) Education, were re-appointed.

The Rural Dean, in introducing the Hon. and Ven. Kenneth Gibbs, Archdeaon of St Albans, expressed his thankfulness that the Conference was to hear such an able exponent of the proposed new Prayer Book as the Archdeacon, who, as Prolocutor of the Lower House of Convocation, had been close touch with the events leading to the final revision.

The Archdeacon, who was warmly received, insisted on the necessity for Prayer Book Revision, which had been recommended by the Royal Commission in 1906. The clergy had made their own revisions and probably not one of those present could claim that he carried out all the rules of the old Book.

The changes had been made with the aim, not of compromise, but of comprehension, and he agreed with the Archbishops and Bishops, who maintained that no change of doctrine was intended. He believed that if the deposited Book became law, those who at present were exceeding in their practices what it allowed would, by the strength of public opinion, be inducted to keep loyally within its bounds.

He knew the Book could not please all (he himself could have wished some things otherwise), but he believed that it would be for the good of the Church, and in the interests of peace and order that it should be accepted by the Church and Parliament.

Mr Claud Fraser moved a resolution expressing the Conference's approval of the new Book. He did not speak, he said, as a theologian, but after the clear explanation they had heard from the Archdeacon, and knowing that it was the result of the long and careful labours of many years on the part of the Bishops, he felt it was their duty to accept the Book.

The resolution was seconded by Rev. F. Williams, late Rural Dean.

Rev. A. Howard, Vicar of Layston, deeply regretted having to differ from Archdeacon, for whom he had the greatest respect and admiration, but his convictions obliged him to dissent from the resolution.

He welcomed much in the new Book, but with many others, was deeply grieved by the proposed alternative Canon of the Holy Communion and by the introduction of Reservation and prayers for the dead, which he felt to be a step backward. He quoted from the report of the Convocation Debate the adverse opinions expressed at the Convocation of 1915 by the then Bishops of Exeter, Ely, St Albans, Bath, Wells, and others, against any change in the Communion Service. He could not agree that there was no change in doctrine, and far from restoring peace and order his opinion was that to legalise a book which manifestly spoke with two voices could only bring strife and confusion.

Mr Ball stated his belief that from his own experience of churches where extreme practices were carried on public opinion would be of little use. He could not agree that the introduction of Reservation and prayers for the dead implied no change of doctrine.

Rev. L. Wright said he should vote for the Book although he did not entirely agree with it.

In reply to a question, the Archdeacon stated that although the 39 aritcles are not bound up in the deposited Book, clergy would still be required to assent to them on institution to a living. He said he had been prepared for a difference of opinion, which, however, would not prevent the mutual friendliness of those who differed.

The resolution was put to the Conference and was carried by a large majority.

Mr Claud Fraser kindly entertained the members to tea at the Red House.

27th Jan 1928 - Wyddiall, The New Rector

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Wyddiall - The New Rector

Induction of the Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr

The Institution and Induction of the Rev W. Mc C. Kerr as Rector of Wyddiall was conducted by the Lord Bishop of St Albans on Monday afternoon last. The new Rector was formerly Rector of Meesden and is Rural Dean for the Buntingford Deanery. There was a large congregation present at the service.

The visiting Clergy were the Rev. A. Howard (Layston), the Rev. E.E. Empringham (Cottered), the Rev. F.R. Williams (Anstey), the Rev. H. Shepherd (Gt. Hormead), the Rev. A.G. Langdon (Munden), the Rev. A.G. King (Westmill), the Rev. H.F. Webb-Bowen (Barkway), the Rev. F.W.B. Jobson (Braughing), the Rev. A.J. McKinney (Buckland), Canon Shorting (St Albans), and the Rev. W.J. Stewart (Langley). The Rev. Dr H.V.S. Eck, of Ardeley, acted as the Bishop's Chaplain.

Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, C.B.E., the Patron of the living, presented the new Rector to the Bishop in the following words: "Reverend Father in God, I present you this meet and proper person to be insitituted to the cure of souls in this parish."

The new Rector, standing before the Bishop, then took the various oaths required, after which there was silent prayer. The Bishop then took the new incumbant by the hand and, preceded by the Rev. A.G. Langdon (who acted for the Archdeacon) and the Patron (Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis) he conducted him to the five principal parts of the Church - the Font, the Prayer Desk, the Lectern, the Pulpit, and lastly to the Altar, during which appropriate verses of the hymn, "We love the place, O God," were sung, and certain questions were put to the incumbent, at each place to which he answered "I will do so, the Lord being my Helper."

The incumbent then knelt before the Bishop at Altar rails, and after prayers the hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" was sung, the Bishop sung the first and third lines and the congregation the second and fourth of each verse. The Bishop then read the letters of Institution, and afterwards, with his hand on the head of the incumbent, pronounced a Benediction.

The incumbent was then led by the hand to the Church door and to the belfry, where he tolled the bell to signify to the parishioners that he had taken possession.

The Bishop then delivered a very stirring address. He said with the institution of their new Rector they were beginning a new chapter in the history of that parish. The great object in every parish, county and country was that men should have life and have it more abundantly. Christ's work goes on through us. Our Lord used a human body to make God known to us, and men came to know that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God because they looked at Him in the face. No man could mistrust a Man with a look like His. It is a terrible thing when a man loses his grip on life, and when we hear of men committing suicide we say they are temporarily insane, because normal people want to live.

We must get back to God and find out the laws governing human life. We have seen tremendous progress in many things. Wireless, for instance, and even greater things than that were spoken of. There was a talk of television; so in addition to people ringing you up on the 'phone and talking to you, there was a prospect of them actually seeing what you were doing. A few years ago a man who could drive a motor car was considered a kind of super man.

All material progress has come from study and research, and by following the laws of nature; all theories respecting farming woud "go west" if the laws of nature were not obeyed. 

Fellowship is one of the laws of God and those who belonged to large families knew what that meant. If there were any present who were members of a large family let them thank God for it, for they had received their education, especially if they happened to be the youngest member of the family, for their elder brothers and sisters would see to it that they roughed it.

God had given us parents, brothers and sisters, and we had to learn to live together - sometimes with people we did not like, but all had a common job to do for God, and without Him we can do nothing.

During the singing of the last hymn a collection was taken for the Ordination Candidates Fund, and the service concluded with the Blessing pronounced by the Bishop.

After the service the Bishop, the Clergy, and members of the congregation were entertained at Wyddiall Hall by Sir Charles and Lady Heaton-Ellis.

Miss Marion Macklin, L.R.A.M., presided at the organ.

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