Showing posts with label Wyddial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wyddial. Show all posts

2nd March 1928 - Wyddiall Lantern Lecture

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Lantern Lecture

Mr J.W. Harvey, of Puckeridge, visited the parish of Wyddiall on Tuesday in last week, and gave an interesting lantern lecture on the subject of "True as Steel."

The connective story was read by the Rev. John Cole, of Buntingford, and there was a good number present, who were very interested in Mr Harvey's pictures.

Two favourite hymns were sung, and at the conclusion the Rector (Rev. Mc. C. Kerr) thanked the lecturer. A collection was taken on behalf of the Colportage Association.

2nd March 1928 - Death of Mr Charles Pinner

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Death of Mr Charles Pinner

The death of Mr Charles Pinner, at the age of 64 years, occurred at Lye End Farm on Wednesday last.

Mr Pinner had been ill for some time, and received treatment at the Royston Hospital at the beginning of this year. Although he received every attention at the Hospital and also from Mr and Mrs Wornham, with whom he had resided for many years, his health gradually failed until his death on Wednesday.

He was well known throughout the district and was always of a quiet nature.

The funeral will take place at Wyddiall Church tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon.

2nd March 1928 - St Peter's

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St Peter's

There was a fairly good congregation at St Peter's on Thursday in last week, when the first of a series of Lenten services was conducted by the vicar (Rev. A. Howard).

The Rector of Wyddiall (the Rev. W. Mc C. Kerr) had intended to preach, but was prevented from attending owing to indisposition.

2nd March 1928 - Preliminary Notice - Rosemead

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Preliminary Notice

Rosemead, Wyddiall, Nr Buntingford, Herts.

G. Scarborough Taylor, P.A.S.I. has received instructions from Mr W.J. May, who is leaving the district, to Sell by Auction at the above, on Tuesday, March 20th, 1928, the surplus modern and antique furniture and effects, poultry and appliances.

Further particulars in subsequent issues, and of the Auctioneers, Auction Offices, Buntingford (Tel. 20); Baldock (Tel. 26); Welwyn (Tel. 98); and Hatfield, Herts. (Tel. 16).

18th January 1924 - Wyddiall - An Enjoyable Concert

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[Transcriber note: To save everyone's eyes I've turned the collections of names at the end into bullet pointed lists]


An Enjoyable Concert

The concert given in the schoolroom on Tuesday last attracted a crowded audience, that spent a delightful time.

Mr H. May was the chief organiser, and Mr R. May presided at the piano.

No charge was made for admission, but during the interval a collection was made in aid of the Men's Club, the satisfactory sum of 30s. being collected.

At the close Mr H. Pigg congratulated the artistes on the excellent programme, and called for three cheers, which were heartily given.

On behalf of the performers, Mr H. May thanked the audience for their support, and the liberal way they had subscribed to the Club funds.

The programme was as follows:

Part 1 -

  • Pianoforte Solo, Mr R. May;
  • song, "Maryland," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mary Ann and Jack," Mr H. Money;
  • duet, "Barbara Allen," Misses N. Hatchett and R. Marshall;
  • recitation, "From the wreck," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "Passing by," Mr W. May;
  • song, "The old armchair," Mr W. Searle;
  • dialogue, Messrs B. Hatchett and E. Martin;
  • song, "I passed by your window," N. Hatchett, Miss L. Pledger and R. Marshall;
  • song, "Whispering," Mr H. Pledger;
  • song, "I shall have to ask my mother if she'll let me," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "That old fashioned mother," Miss L. Pledger;
  • song, "God send you back to me," Mr W. Watson.

Part 2 -

  • Song, "Annie Laurie," Mrs W. Mead;
  • song, "Light of her life went out," Mr H. Money;
  • song, "Bubbles," E. Bonfield, R. Reed and C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Bells of St Mary's," Mr H. Pledger;
  • duet, "The old rustic bridge," Miss N. and Mr B. Hatchett;
  • recitation, "A great fit," Mr E. Searle;
  • song, "My meatless day," Mr C. Hatchett;
  • song, "Mate of mine," Mr W. May;
  • song, "Poor ole' Joe," Mr W. Searle;
  • reading, "Our village," Mr J. Searle;
  • song, "Touch the harp gently," Mr W. Watson;
  • song, "Amazon," Mr B. Hatchett;
  • "Auld Lang Syne," concert party.

5th August 1927 - Cricket - Newsells v. Wyddiall

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Newsells v. Wyddiall

This match was decided at Newsells on Saturday last, resulting in a crushing defeat of the homesters by 123 runs.

Newsells went in first, and were quickly dismissed for the poor total of 19.

The majority of the Wyddiall batsmen batted very well indeed, S. Pledger being top scorer with 55. W. Hatchett (18), F. Hatchett (15), T. Pledger (11), and H. Hatchett (not out 10), helped splendidly to raise the fine total of 142.

For Wyddiall, H. Pledger took six wickets for 9 runs and S. Pledger two for 7.


Newsells Park

W. Miles, c Bonfield, b S. Pledger - 0

B.F. Arthur, b H. Pledger - 2

E. Hales, run out - 2

E. Turney, b H. Pledger - 6

C. Whitby, b H. Pledger - 0

G. Patterson, c H. May, b H. Pledger - 0

J. Thompson, run out - 2

J. Parish, c Bonfield, b H. Pledger - 0

E. Willis, c F. Hatchett, b H. Pledger - 0

F. Watkins, b S. Pledger - 2

W. Watkins, not out - 1

Extras - 3

Total - 19


C. Hatchett, b Hales - 6

S. Pledger, c Turner, b Whitby - 55

F. Hatchtt, b Turner - 15

R. Reed, c F. Watkins, b Turner - 3

E. Bonfield, b Turner - 2

H. Pledger, b Whitby - 1

T. Pledger, b Turner - 11

H May, b Turner - 1

H. Hatchett, not out - 10

W. Hatchett, b Turner - 18

W. Leathers, b Hales - 9

Extras - 11

Total - 142

6th August 1926 - Wyddiall v. Brent Pelham

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Wyddiall v. Brent Pelham

This match was played at Wyddiall on August Bank Holiday, Wyddiall winning by 3 runs.

Again not one batsman obtained double figures - W. Dodkin (for Pelham) being the most successful bowler, taking 8 wickets.

6th August 1926 - Cricket - Wyddiall v. Buckland

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Wyddiall v. Buckland

The above match was played at Wyddiall on Saturday last, resulting in a win for Wyddiall by 22 runs.

Not one batsman in either innings scored double figures - R. May and S. Pledger dismissing Buckland for only 9 runs.

Wyddiall scored a few more runs, but were quickly dismissed by the two Shepherd's for Buckland - A. claiming 6 and W. 4.

10th September 1926 - Notice

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Parishes of Anstey, Little Hormead, Meesden, Throcking and Wyddial

Notice is hereby given that the Overseers have received instructions to complete the collection of the Poor Rate, made on the 30th day April, 1926, and all amounts outstanding must be paid to the Collector before the 23rd inst., failing which proceedings will be taken for the recovery of the amount due.

Ernest G. Thody

Collector, Buntingford

9th September 1926

15th October 1926 - Wyddiall Harvest Thanksgiving

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Harvest Thanksgiving

Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held at the Parish Church on Wednesday, October 6th, and the following Sunday.

On Wednesday evening there was a crowded congregation, when the preacher was the Rev. H.A. Marshall, Vicar of Royston. The collection, which amounted to £2 5s. 8d., was for the Royston Hospital.

On Sunday, October 10th, there were again crowded congregations, the Rector preaching at both the morning and evening services.

The collections throughout the day amounted to £3 5s. 7d., and were given to the Buntingford Nursing Association.

15th October 1926 - Correspondence - Red Cross Flag Day

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Dear Sir,


I think your readers will perhaps like to know the result of the Red Cross Flag Day held at Buntingford and district on September 25th.

The following amounts were collected:

Buntingford - £5 2s. 6d.

Aspenden - 17. 8d.

West Mill - £1 1s. 2d.

Wyddiall - 13s. 5d.

There were no expenses, so that the full amount collected, £7 14s. 9d., was able to be sent to Sir Hildred Carlile, Bart., the County Treasurer.

I wish to thank both the Flag Sellers who worked so hard and so successfully, and the general public who gave so generously.

Yours faithfully,

M.I. Veasey, Vice-President, B.R.C.S.

Layston Lodge, Buntingford.

Oct. 14th, 1926.

10th December 1926 - British Legion Buntingford and District Branch

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British Legion

Buntingford and District Branch

The following is a Statement of the amounts raised and collected on Remembrance Day, 1926.


C. Fraser, Esq. - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Nevett - £1 1s. 0d.

Mrs Greg - £1 1s. 0d

Mrs J.R. Russell - 10s. 0d.

Mrs Codrington - 10s. 0d.

Miss Gruner - 5s. 0d.

Mr Sutterby - 2s. 0d.

Total - £4 10s. 0d.

Poppy Sales - Buntingford

Miss M. Crane and Miss Armstrong - £1 13s. 4 and half pence.

Mrs L. Smith and Miss Cutts - £1 15s. 8d.

Miss Lushington - £1 13s. 0d.

Masters John and Georgie Taylor - £1 6s. 11d.

Miss M. Fell - £1 5s. 0d.

Miss Scrivener and Miss Wilkerson - £1 11s. 4d.

Miss E. Smith - £1 2s. 6d.

Mrs J. Aylott - £1 4s. 10d.

Miss P Mayes - 14s. 1d.

Mrs Marshall - 8s. 6d.

Mr H. Fry - 7s. 6d.

Total - £12 2s. 8 and a half pence.

Anstey - per Miss Buckwell - £1 8s. 1d.

Wyddiall - per Lady Heaton-Ellis - £1 17s. 3d.

Aspenden - per Miss Grace Phillips - £1 14s. 6d.

Buckland - per Miss Morris - £2 13s. 8 and a half pence.

Cottered - per Miss Wilderspin - £2 6s. 3d.

Furneaux Pelham (part) - per Mrs Holmes - £1 8s. 2 and a half pence.

Westmill - per Mrs Coutts-Deacon - £4 0s. 4 and a half pence.

Meesden - per Mrs Kerr - £1 6s. 0d.

Great and Little Hormead - per Mrs Dimsdale - £4 0s. 0d.

Rushden - per Mr E.J. Marchal - £3 16s. 6d.

Ardeley - per Mr J.H. Thorpe - £2 3s. 6d.

Brent Pelham - per Mrs Barclay - £2 10s. 0d.

Wallington - per Miss Cragg - £2 0s. 0d.

Total - £31 4s. 4 and a half pence.

British Legion (Branch and Club) Poppies for Wreath - £1 0s. 0d.

Proceeds of Rummage Sale - £10 3s. 8d.

Trail of Pennies - £7 10s. 0d.

Proceeds of Concert, including Sale of Programmes (£1 2s. 1d.) and auction sale of Baby's Comforter (£1 0s. 9d.) - £22 7s. 4d.

Church collections

St Richard's R.C. Church, Buntingford - £1 1s. 2d.

Anstey - £2 1s. 7d.

Buntingford Congregational Church - 17s. 0d.

Total - £3 19s. 9d.

Grand total - £93 17s. 10d.

The above figure of £93 17s. 10d. represents the Gross Receipts up to the 7th December, and there is a further amount to be included in respect of the Church Collections, which has not yet come to hand.

The Gross Receipts for Poppy Day, 1925, amounted to £91 11s. 8d.

E.C. Clarke, Hon. Sec., Buntingford and District Branch British Legion.

Buntingford, 7th December, 1926.

3rd December 1926 - Death of Mrs Mary Bye

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Death of Mrs Mary Bye

It is with much regret that we record the death of Mrs Mary Bye, which took place at Royston Hospital on Wednesday in last week.

The deceased had been in ill health for some time, and was removed to Royston early in November. Both Mrs Bye and her husband have lived in Wyddiall for a number of years, and have been respected by all who knew them.

Mr Bye, who is a very conscientious workman, is at present in Royston Hospital and we understand he is going on well.

The funeral of the deceased took place at St Giles' Church, Wyddiall, on Monday afternoon, when a large number of friends and relatives were present to show respect and sympathy. The coffin, which bore a place inscribed - Mary Bye, Died November 24th, 1926, Aged 69 years, was covered with flowers.

The service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. L.W. Wright, who spoke highly of the deceased.

The immediate mourners were - Mr H. Bye and Mrs B. Woods (son and daughter), Mr W.  Bye and Miss A. Bye (son and daughter), Mr F. Bye and Mrs G. Smith (son and daughter), Mr B. Woods and Mrs H. Bye (son and daughter-in-law), Mr G. Smith and Mrs W. Bye (son and daughter-in-law), Mrs C. Catley and Mrs T. Coxall (sisters), Mr and Mrs T. Coxall (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Coxall (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Bye (brother-in-law and sister-in-law), Mrs Catley and Mrs Bentley (sisters-in-law), A. Bye, I. Catley, and J. Bentley (nephews). Others present were Mr H. May, Mr T. May.

Amongst the numerous wreaths was one from her sorrowing husband and children, and one from her loving sister and cousins.


Mr D. Bye and family wish to thank all friends for the many expressions of sympathy received in their recent bereavement.

7th January 1927 - Wyddiall Choir Social

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Choir Social

The Rector of the Parish and Mrs Wright were "At Home" to the members of the Church Choir on Thursday evening of last week.

The proceedings were of a very happy nature, and well in keeping with the spirit of Christmas.

During the evening Mr Walter Searle (Verger) presented the Rector, on behalf of the Choir, with a beautifully bound copy of "Hymns - Ancient and Modern."

The Rector, in acknowledging the gift, said that he was sure they could not realise what the kindness and co-operation of the Choir meant to him in his parish work, and he deeply appreciatied their very handsome gift. It was always a real pleasure to Mrs Wright and himself to have the Choir in their own home at Christmas time.

At the close of the evening, Mr W.E. May proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Rector and Mrs Wright, and called for three cheers.

These were given in the usual lusty manner, and the proceedings terminated with the singing of "They are jolly good fellows" and "Auld Lang Syne."

18th March 1927 - Death of Mr W.D. Bye

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Death of Mr W.D. Bye

We regret to record the death of Mr W.D. Bye, who passed away on Wednesday of last week.

The deceased, who was 67 years of age, had lived in Wyddiall for the past 30 years. He was taken ill just before his wife's death in November last, and although he underwent a serious operation he did not recover his healt.

The large company present at the funeral at Wyddiall Church on Saturday afternoon showed the high esteem in which he was held by his fellow workers and villagers.

The immediate mournes were - Mr H. Bye and Miss A. Bye (son and daughter), Mr W. Bye and Mrs G. Smith (son and daughter), Mr and Mrs F. Bye (son and daughter-in-law), Mr G. Smith and Mrs H. Bye (son-in-law and daughter-in-law), Mr B. Woods and Mrs W. Bye (son and daughter-in-law), Mr W. and Miss H. Coxall (brother and sister-in-law), Mr W. Bye and Mrs Bentley (brother and sister), Mrs R. Catley and Mrs E. Catley (sisters), Mrs W. Coxall (sister-in-law), A. Bye, H. Catley and J. Bentley (nephews).

Amongst others present were: Lt.-Col. Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, Mr W. May, Mr T. May and Mr H. May and many employees. Fellow employees from the farm on which the deceased was employed acted as bearers.

22nd April 1927 - St Giles' Wyddiall

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St Giles' Wyddiall

There were large congregations at the Easter Services at St Giles,' Wyddiall, the number of Communicants being over 50. The offerings throughout the day were in aid of the Clergy Pensions Fund.

At the morning service the lessons were read by Mr G. Scarborough Taylor.

In a stirring address, the Rector, The Rev. L.W. Wright, said that Easter was a time to rejoice in the possession of a life full of such infinite possibilities.

The Church was beautifully decorated, and the singing was much enjoyed.

20th May 1927 - Wyddiall Cricket - Anstey v. Wyddiall

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Anstey v. Wyddiall

A match between the above teams was played at Wyddiall on Saturday last, May 14th, resulting in an easy win for the home team by 48 runs.

Anstey batted first, and were quickly dismissed for a 42 - F. Phillips (not out 11) and "Mr Extras" (10) being the only double-figured totals. S. Pledger took 4 wickets for 14 runs, and H. Pledger 3 for 9.

On Wyddiall going in to bat, the result hung in the balance until after the fall of the sixth wicket (which fell at 33 runs), but after that H. May (25) and R. Reed (18) put the result beyond doubt, Wyddiall winning as stated. E. Bonfield also made a capital 16 when runs were badly needed.



E. Abrams, c Bonfield, b S. Pledger - 0

B. Catley, b R. Pledger - 3

C. Phillips, b S. Pledger - 1

W. Strange, b S. Pledger - 1

E. Dodkin, c H.Hatchett, b S. Pledger - 6

A. Bentley, c Bonfield, b H. Pledger - 2

F. Phillips, not out - 11

S. Danes, c May, b R. Reed - 2

H. Phillips, c C. Hatchett, b H. Pledger - 0

F. Chappel, run out - 3

A. Phillips, c R. Reed, b H. Pledger - 3

Extras - 10

Total - 42


C. Hatchett, b Abrams - 8

S. Pledger, b Abrams - 0

H. Pledger, c Phillips, b Abrams - 5

E. Bonfield, c Chappel, b Abrams - 16

R. Pledger, b E. Phillips - 1

F. Hatchett, c H., b A. Phillips - 2

H. May, c Strange, b Abrams - 25

R. Reed, b A. Phillips - 18

H. Hatchett, b A. Phillips - 5

J. Martin, run out - 5

S. Reed, not out - 0

Extras - 5

Total - 90

27th May 1927 - Cricket - Wyddiall v. Hormead

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Wyddiall v. Hormead

The above teams met at Hormead on Saturday last, Hormead winning by 46 runs. Hormead batted first, and made the moderate score or 77 - V. Bentley making a good score of 39. E. Wilson also scored double figures.

Wyddiall made a poor display against the bowling of V. Bentley and A. Scripps, the former taking 6 of the wickets. H. Pledger was the onl batsman to reach double figures. Score:


E. Wilson, b S. Pledger - 11

R. Brabrook, b S. Pledger - 0

V. Bentley, c H. May, b S. Pledger - 39

A. Scripps, b S. Pledger - 0

H. Bardwell, c S. Pledger - 3

A. Brand, b H. Pledger - 2

O. Bentley, c S. Pledger - 3

G. Moule, c F. Hatchett, b S. Pledger - 2

A. Baker, b S. Pledger - 0

G. Bardwell, not out - 2

H. Barker, c H. Pledger, b H. May - 0

Extras - 15

Total - 77


S. Pledger, b Scripps - 0

C. Hatchett, b Scripps - 1

R. Reed, c and b V. Bentley - 1

E. Bonfield, c Baker, b V. Bentley - 1

H. Pledger, b V. Bentley - 14

F. Hatchett, b V. Bentley - 6

T. Pledger, c Bardwell, b Scripps - 3

H. May, c Moule, b V. Bentley - 1

E. May, c Bardwell, b Scripps - 1

S. Reed, b V. Bentley - 1

G. Bardwell, not out - 0

Extras - 2

Total - 31

10th June 1927 - Cricket - Buckland v. Wyddiall

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Buckland v. Wyddiall

A match between the above teams was played on Saturday last, Wyddiall winning by 20 runs on the first innings. Score:


W. Jackson, c S, b H. Pledger - 6

C. Jackson, b S. Pledger - 0

A. Shepherd, b S. Pledger - 0

F. Hurry, run out - 10

F. Stoten, c and b S. Pledger - 4

F. Barker, c H. Hatchett, b Bonfield - 11

W. Shepherd, c Bonfield, b H. Pledger - 7

R. Whitby, b H. Pledger - 0

S. Whitby, b S. Pledger - 0

R. Jackson, b S. Pledger - 4

F. Hurry, no out - 0

Extras - 5

Total - 47.


R. Reed, c Hurry, b A. Shepherd - 24

H. Hatchett, c Barker, b A. Shepherd - 0

E. Bonfield, c Hurry, b A. Shepherd - 5

T. Pledger, b A. Shepherd - 6

H. Pledger, b A. Shepherd - 13

C. Hatchett, c Barker - 0

S. Pledger, b A. Shepherd - 0

H. May, c Hurry, b W. Jackson - 1

F. Hatchett, c R. Whitby, b A. Shepherd - 2

E. May, not out - 4

J. Martin, c and b W. Jackson - 2

Extras - 10

Total - 67


H. Pledger's XI. v. Wyddiall Church Choir

This match resulted in an easy win for the Choir by 36 runs, due mainly to the good score of 43 set by R. Reed.

3rd June 1927 - Cricket - Wyddiall v. Mr T. Pledger's XI

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Wyddiall v. Mr T. Pledger's XI

A match between these teams was played on Saturday last, Wyddiall winning by an innings and 50 runs.

Mr Pledger's XI batted first, and were quickly dismissed for 27 runs, Cooze being the only batsman to reach double figures. Cooze, however, was rather lucky - being bowled with a no-ball the first ball he received.

Wyddiall very promptly passed their opponents score, and after making 100 runs for 6 wickets declared their innings closed.

With 73 runs to get to avoid an inning's defeat, Mr Pledger's XI fared even worse than at their first attempt, scoring only 23.


Mr T. Pledger's XI

S. Oakley, b H. Pledger - 0

H. Parker, c F. Hatchett, b S. Pledger - 4

T. Pledger, b H. Pledger - 0

W. Neale, b H. Pledger - 7

J. Holmes, b S. Pledger - 0

W. Cooze, b S. Pledger - 12

A. Martin, c H. May, b S. Pledger - 0

- Dowler, b H. Pledger - 3

W. Leathers, not out - 0

- Rayment, b H. Pledger - 0

J. Martin, b H. Pledger - 1

Extra - 1

Total - 27


W. Hatchett, b Holmes - 1

H. Pledger, b Neale - 29

E. Bonfield, lbw, b Pledger - 8

R. Reed, b Pledger - 16

H. Hatchett, not out - 14

F. Hatchett, c Oakley, b Pledger - 2

H. May, c Holmes, b Pledger - 17

C. Hatchett, not out - 7

S. Pledger - did not bat

C. May - did not bat

S. Reed - did not bat

Extras - 6


*Innings declared closed.

Mr T. Pledger's XI

T. Pledger, c R. Reed, b Bonfield - 2

H. Parker, c W. Hatchett, b Bonfield - 5

J. Holmes, stumped H. May - 5

W. Neale, b Bonfield - 5

W. Cooze, b Bonfield - 1

S. Oakley, b C. Hatchett - 1

W. Leathers, b H. May - 0

A. Martin, not out - 5

- Rayment, did not bat

- Dowler, c S. Pledger, b C. Hatchett - 0

J. Martin, c E. May, b C. Hatchett - 3

Extra - 1

Total - 23

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