Showing posts with label Edridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edridge. Show all posts

29th October 1926 - Buckland Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

The monthly meeting for October was held on the 13th inst., in the School, and a very good attendance of members had another nice evening.

Business dispensed with, Mr C. Bullard (Letchworth), gave a very good demonstration on basket-making, a hearty vote of thanks being passed to him by Mrs J. Carter.

A memory competition was entered into by quite a large number, Mrs Jarman, Miss N. Carter, and Mrs H. Carter having to cut for the prize, the latter then winning.

Tea was served by Mrs J. Bishop, Mrs Geaves, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Masters, Mrs A. Gilby, and Mrs W. Hagger.

Exchange and Mart (jumble sale) was keenly entered into, and the saleswomen were kept fairly busy for quite a little time.

At the previous monthly meeting, Mrs E.T. Morris, Miss P. Morris, Mrs Masters, Mrs C. Jackson and Mrs H. Carter entertained the members with recitations, singing and music. 

Many jolly meetings are looked forward to as a Women's Institute singing class has been formed, and is in the capable hands of Mrs Edridge, of Furneaux Pelham.

29th October 1926 - Forthcoming Concert

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Forthcoming Concert

The Concert to be given at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening next, in aid of the Buntingford Women's Institute, promises to be quite a musical event.

The artists are - Mrs Major Edridge, Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor, Mrs G. Armstrong, Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr F. Coates, Mr S. Daniels, Kenneth Beard (Comedian), Brock Daniels (Ventriloquist).

We are asked to say that tickets can be obtained of Mr H. Fry and Miss Ivy Aylott.

Get your tickets now for what promises to be a full evening's enjoyment.

28th January 1927 - Buckland Concert

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On Friday, January 14th, in the School, a concert organised by the Rev. Phillips and Miss N. Pigg was a huge success, the amount taken, with the sale of programmes, being £9.

This amount is to be handed over to the Clothing Clubs &c., and the Nursing Fund. The room was crowded, quite a few having to stand.

A long and varied programme was arranged, and it would indeed be very difficult to pick out any item for particular mention, the piano solos, recitations, songs, violin solos, dance and ventriloquial performances being of the highest character.

Pretty and dainty indeed was the song and dance, "The red, red robin," by Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Edridge, Mrs Lanyon and Rev. Circuit gave songs, which were heartily encored, and by allowing the audience to join in the choruses it was a very happy time for all.

Mr Symes' violin solos were greatly appreciated. This gentleman, like Mr Daniels (ventriloquist) was not hitherto known to a Buckland audience. The latter gentleman caused roars of laughter, especially by making reference to the village Women's Institute and its choir.

Miss Hall's recitations were beautifully and feelingly rendered, and the play by Mrs Bailey and Mrs Seymour was very amusing and well played.

The Rev. F.B. Phillips thanked the audience for coming in such a number, whilst Miss N. Pigg passed a hearty vote of thanks to the performers.

A 6d. dance followed, from which the sum of £1 17s. 0d. was realised, and this is to be used for paying the expenses of the above.

A very enjoyable time for both young and old was brought to a close at 12.30 a.m.

Mr Bishop was at the piano for dancing.

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