Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

18th January 1924 - Social

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The pupil teachers of the Buntingford centre entertained on Saturday last, the pupil teachers from the centres at Hertford, Hitchin, Royston and Letchworth.

The social was held in the Assembly Room at the George Hotel. Over 60 were present, and had a delightful time.

Following an excellent tea, games, competitions, music, recitations and dancing were indulged in, and the happy time passed all too quickly.

Among those present were Miss Walton, B.A., Head Mistress of the Buntingford pupil teachers centre; Miss Saunders and Miss Clark.

Last year the annual social was held at Hertford, when the arrangement were made by that centre.

28th December 1928 - Aspenden Parish Church

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Aspenden Parish Church

There was a record number of communicants on Christmas Day, and the service on Christmas morn was a bright and happy one.

The bells ushered in the festival by a joyous peal, which proclaimed the dawning of Christmas Day.

The Rector, Rev. L.A. Ewart, preached an appropriate sermon at the morning service, dealing with the episodes of the First Christmas Night, showing that the scene at Bethlehem during the birth of the Holy Infant proved that God honoured animal creation, childhood and motherhood.

The hymns were rendered with style, and the interior of the Church was tastefully decorated. The collection, which was devoted to the coal club, came to the record sum of £3 19s.

On the previous Sunday, there was a large congregation at a carol service in the evening, when the children of the Senior School sang carols under the direction of Mr E.E. Dennis. The Rector preached on the subject of the Christmas Child.

17th September 1926 - Rural Evening Classes

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Rural Evening Classes

The Buntingford Local Education Sub-Committee, of which the Rev. F.R. Williams, Rector of Anstey, is the chairman, have obtained the sanction of the County Council for classes to be held at Buntingford technical Institute during the season 1926-27 in some ten subjects.

The comprise woodwork, educational, handwork, and domestic handicrafts, shorthand, book keeping and office routine, and four new subjects - cookery, needlework, agriculture and horticulture.

There is a greater choice of subjects, and this is certain to prove very advantageous, and there is every promise that the young men and women of this town and district will seize the opportunity offered of making themselves proficient in one or more of the selected subjects.

The committee are doing their utmost to make the classes a success, and are anxious to secure as many students as possible. They hope most of the late students will again attend, and also induce their friends to join the classes.

Particular attention is draw [sic] to the agricultural and horticultural class, which the sub-committee are of opinion is especially likely to attract pupils from the outlying villages.

The time tables will be issued shortly, with the names of the teachers, and it is hoped the classes will be opened and start their activity of usefulness the first week in October.

Full information respecting the various classes can be obtained from Mr E.C. Clarke, the clerk to the sub-committee. The responsible teacher who will advise and supervise the whole of the classes is Mr E.E. Dennis, Head Master of the Buntingford Senior Mixed School.

10th December 1926 - Rumours on Miss Elliott's school

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There is no truth in the rumour that Miss Elliott is giving up her school.

On the contrary, she hopes in due course to arrange for weekly boarders also.

14th January 1927 - Miss E.G.W. Howard moves to new school

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Miss E.G.W. Howard, who has been teaching in the Buntingford Junior School since gaining her certificate, has been appointed assistant certificated mistress in the Dane School, Holy Trinity, Margate, and has commenced her duties there this week.

4th February 1927 - School Attendance

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School Attendance

Mr C. Hummerstone presided at a meeting of the Buntingford Educational Committee, held at the Board Room on Monday morning, January 24th.

The School Attendance Officer reported that the number of children on the books was 702.

A record of irregular attendance was submitted, and in one case instructions given by the Committee for a summons to be applied for.

The remainder of the business was of a formal nature.

4th February 1927 - Buntingford - The Flu

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The Flu

Many cases of flu are reported in the town, and the doctors are having a busy time.

At the Buntingford schools over 70 children were away this week suffering from the epidemic.

8th April 1927 - School Attendance

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School Attendance

Mr C. Hummerstone presided at a meeting of the school attendance comittee held at the Board Room on Tuesday last.

The Attendance Officer reported that there were 718 children on the books, and that attendance for the past week was 87.8.

A number of cases of irregular attendance was dealt with, and the Summer, Easter and Christmas holidays were fixed.

27th May 1927 - Evening Classes

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Evening Classes

At the recent examination in Pitman's Shorthand, held at the Buntingford Technical Institute, two students attending the Buntingford evening school shorthand classes were successful in gaining certificates (preliminary).

The successful candidates were Leonard Dowler and Colin Handy. Credit is due to Mr Percy A. Hanly, F.I.P.S., the instructor.

The Rev. John Cole acted as attestor.

10th June 1927 - 2nd Annual Sports Day

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Buntingford and District School Sports Association

2nd Annual Sports Day

The 2nd Annual Sports Day in connection with the above Association took place at the Buntingford Town Football Ground (by kind permission of the Football Club) on Wednesday, June 1st.

Teams came from the following schools - Anstey, Ardeley, Barkway, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Cottered, Great Hormead, Meesden, Great Munden, Puckeridge C. of E., Furneaux Pelham, Reed, Sandon, Standon, Walkern and Westmill.

The competitors numbered 250.

Teachers and children showed great enthusiasm, and some really good material was discovered.

At the conclusion of the sports, Miss G. Cotton-Browne, of Walkern, kindly presented the three shields and prizes.

Mr E.E. Dennis (hon. sec. and treasurer) thanked Miss Cotton-Browne for the very great interest she takes in the work of the association and also for so kindly coming to present the trophies. He called for hearty cheers, which were enthusiastically given.

Miss Cotton-Browne, replying, said she was only too pleased to be able to come. She was sure the Sports Assocation was doing sound work. She was proud of the boys from Walkern, who had once again won the boys' shield. She also wished to thank Mr Dennis for the amount of work he had put in to make the association and sports day a success.

This was enthusiastically received.

Mr Dennis, replying, thanked Miss Cotton-Browne for the kind things said, and stated that the results obtained fully compensated him for the work put in. He wished to thank once again the teachers and children for their hearty co-operation, also those who had again sent subscriptions.

He was sorry that Sir Charles (the President) and Lady Heaton-Ellis were unable to be present. They wished the association every success. He felt sure this year that Buntingford and district would be able to provide a good team to compete at the County Sports, to be held at Letchworth on June 15th. 

He congratulated Walkern, Braughing and Great Hormead on winning the shields, and thanked the Band for once again helping.

The children and assembly then sang the National Anthem.

The hon. sec. and treasurer thanks the following for their ready help:

Materials - Buntingford Football Club (ground), Congregational S.S., Letchworth Boys' Club, British Legion Club, Brent and Furneaux Pelham Scouts, Walkern C.C. School, Capt. J. Denny, Father Morgan, Messrs G. Handy, J. Holmes, E.G. Thody, F. Rand, H. May, P. Hamilton, W.H. Smith, - Burrows, J. Ireland, G. Aylott and G. Maughan.

Helpers and Officials - Revs. A.G. Langdon, W.L. Shepherd, F. Holmes, Major M.E. Barclay, Miss L.M. Baker, Messrs J. Russell, H. Richardson, A. Lake, H. Mannox, J. Bishop, H. Cutts, S. Daniels, A. Clark, H. Clark, F. Fraser, R. Graves, B.E. Thody, E.H. Roberson, E.J. Totman, A.E. Mayes, H.E. Stickland, W.E. Cooper, A.G. Jenkins, F. Harvey, J. Thorp, J. Sherlock, E.C. Clarke, W.G. Bonness, B. Nichols, C. Miles, F.W. Butler, S and L. Dowler.

Ladies' Committee - Mesdames A.E.P. Baker, W.R. Corp, A.E. Pateman, E.H. Roberson, H. Feasey, H. Clarke, A.E. Mayes, Ambrose, Coxall, Warren, Geaves, Starr, Butler, Misses L.M. Davies, Anthony, B. Langham, K. Smith, D. Howard, and W. Walsingham.


Championship Events


100 yds - 1 S. Savage (Walkern), 2 L. Burr (Standon), 3 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 4 G. Hamilton (Braughing).

220 yds - 1 S. Savage (Walkern), 2 J. Clarke (Walkern), 3 G. Hamilton (Braughing), 4 E. Dear (Ardeley).

440 yds - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford), 2 G. Warner (Buntingford), 3 J. Clarke (Braughing), 4 R. Scripps (Hormead).

880 yds - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford), 2 G. Field (Walkern), 3 R. Baldock (Walkern), 4 A. Camp (Ardeley).

Hurdles - 1 G. Savage (Walkern), 2 S. Savage (Walkern), 3 W. Warner (Buntingford), 4 L. George (Meesden).

High Jump - 1 G. Savage (Walkern), 2 F. Gilbert (Walkern), 3 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 4 W. Warner (Buntingford).

Long Jump - 1 L. Burr (Standon), 2 W. Warner (Buntingford), 3 A. Springham (Braughing), 4 C Dowler (Buntingford).

Team Race - 1 Walkern, 2 Buntingford, 3 Standon, 4 Braughing.

Winners of Buntingford Shield - Walkern C.C. (34 points); Runners up - Buntingford C of E. (25 points).


100 yds - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 E. Wilson (Great Hormead), 3 G. Young (Walkern), 4 E. Prior (Braughing).

150 yds - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 E. Prior (Braughing), 3 M. Coxall (Buntingford), 4 E. Knight (Brent Pelham).

Long Jump - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 V. Carter (Walkern), 3 E. Prior (Braughing), 4 E. Miles (Walkern).

High Jump - 1 E. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead), 2 E. Miles (Walkern), 3 O. Martin (Buntingford), 4 M. Clark (Braughing).

Hurdles - 1 M. Brand (Gt Hormead), 2 H. Baldock (Walkern), 3 J. McLeod (Meesden), 4 M. Baker (Westmill).

Team Race - 1 Braughing, 2 Walkern, 3 Gt. Hormead, 4 Standon.

Winners of Walkern Shield - Braughing C.C. (23 points); Runners up - Walkern C.C. (15 points).

Winners for Cottered Shield (for schools less than 100 on books) - Great Hormead C of E. (14 points); Runners up - Standon (10 points).

Other events


Throwing cricket ball - 1 S. Savage (Walkern), 2 G. Hamilton (Braughing).

Obstacle race - 1 G. Warner (Buntingford), 2 J. Clarke (Braughing).

Sack Race - 1 C. Prior (Braughing), 2 A. Ambrose (Buntingford).

Driving race - 1, boy,  H. Darton, girl, M. Coxall (Buntingford), 2, F. Milton, N. Clements (Walkern).


Skipping Race - 1 L. Stacey (Braughing), 2 M. Barker (Braughing).

Sack Race - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 E. Oakley (Standon).

Egg and Spoon Race - 1 J. McLeod (Meesden), 2 P. Tott (Braughing).

Flower Pot Race - 1 M Barker (Braughing), 2 D. Woodley (Standon).

10th June 1927 - Education Committee

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Education Committee

School Attendance

Fewer Exemptions from School to be granted

A meeting of the Buntingford Education Committee was held at the Board Room on Tuesday morning. Mr C. Hummerstone occupied the chair and others present being The Rev. F.R. Williams, the Rev. John Cole and Mr E.E. Dennis, with the clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke).

The most important business down for discussion related to exemptions from school in respect of children attaining the age of 14 years. In ordinary cases a child attaining the age of 14 years has to remain at school until the end of the term, but the Committee have power to grant exemptions to such scholars for the remainder of the term where cases of suitable employment has been offered the child.

The County Council have now issued instructions that in cases where exemption is granted the name of the scholar must remain on the register until the end of the term, a procedure which seriously affects the attendance average.

In view of this the Committee at their meeting on Tuesday decided that in future applications for exemption in respect of scholars attaining the age of 14 years during the currency of a term will, in future, only be granted in exceptional cases.

The Committee also decided that where applications for exemption have been made the scholars must continue to attend school until notice has been received to the effect that the applications have been granted.

The meeting expressed thanks to Mr E.E. Dennis for the way in which the evening classes had been conducted during the past session, and the chairman said they viewed with satisfaction the report of the success attained by two students in the shorthand classes, and it was decided to proceed with the arrangements for the classes to be held during the 1927-28 session, which would consist of Junior and Senior Woodwork, Shorthand and Office Routine, Book-keeping and English and Cookery.

3rd June 1927 - School Sports

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School Sports

The annual school sports in connection with the Buntingford School Sports Assocation was held on the Town Football Ground on Wednesday last.

There was an excellent attendance of competitors and spectators, and everything passed off satisfactorily.

The three challenge shields were won by Walkern, Hormead, and Brauging Schools. A full list of prizewinners will appear in our next issue.

30th July 1926 - School Attendance

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School Attendance

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Education Sub-Committee was held at the Board Room on Monday, Mr C. Hummerstone presiding.

The question of evening classes for the 1926-27 session was discussed, and a skeleton syllabus drawn up.

It is proposed to hold classes for Horticulture and Agriculture in addition to the usual subjects, and it is hoped that many will avail themselves of the opportunity of studying these two important subjects.

30th July 1926 - St Francis' School Outing

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St Francis' School Outing

Arranged as usual with great completeness by the Sisters, the boys at St Francis' School had their annual outing on Wednesday in last week.

About 40 boys and the Catholic children of the town had an enjoyable drive round in two charabancs to Royston. Luncheon on Royston Heath proved a great enjoyment, as also did a capital meat tea served in the afternoon.

One of the events of the outing was a cricket match between the school's two teams, captained respectively by a boy from Halifax and one from Cardiff, by which names the teams are known. Mr E.J. Sparkes rendered very welcome aid on the Heath and added to general enjoyment.

The party arrived home soon after 9 p.m. highly delighted with their pleasant outing, and full of gratitude to the Sisters.

23rd July 1926 - Success

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We have pleasure in recording that at a recent examination, in connection with the Daily Graphic National Scholarship Competition, Doris Queenie Law, of Church Street, Buntingford, was award [sic] a Diploma of Merit for proficiency in the following subjects - History, Geography, English, Needlework and Drawing.

We congratulate Miss Law, who is only 13 years of age, on her success, especially as there were some 130,000 entrants to the competition.

9th July 1926 - Westmill School Entertainment

**Content warning: There is a racist term in the original article that I have censored in the text below, but is uncensored in the original image.**

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School Entertainment

The children of Westmill School gave a very successful entertainment on Friday in last week to a good and appreciative audience, in the Village Hall.

The first part of the programme took the nature of a ****** Troupe, and the boys acquitted themselves very creditably, with John Miller as Interlocutor and Charles and Ernest Pegram as cornermen, supported by Keith Bright and Edward Rayment.

To help in the singing, several girls dressed as pierrots gave a striking effect on the stage. This part concluded with a small sketch, entitled "The Ghost," very ably performed by the cornermen and Keith Bright, as ghost.

The second part was miscellaneous, chiefly devoted to the performance of the infants, which was capitally done and elicited continued applause from the audience.

Kathleen Jackson gave a monologue in a very clear and appreciative manner, followed by a song by Violet Miller, so well rendered that an encore was accorded her. 

The last item was a sketch, called "Who's Who?" performed by four girls (Hilda Reed, Elsie Bradbury, Alice Miller and Florrie Moule), all of whom gave a very good account of themselves, though the acting of Florence Moule as the servant, "Jemima Anne," brought round after round of laughter and applause.

A capital evening concluded with the National Anthem, and a hearty vote of thanks proposed by Mr C. Hummerstone to Mr Harvey and Miss Hankin was most warmly responded to.

As the entertainment was given in aid of the Nursing Fund, the sum of £4 1s. was handed over to Mrs C. Hummerstone, the secretary of the Westmill branch of the Nursing Association.

2nd July 1926 - Sale of Work and Fete

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Sale of Work and Fete

A sale of work and fete was held at the Puckeridge R.C. School on June 29th, 1926, in aid of the new Catholic Church which has been built opposite the school. The sale was opened at 3 o'clock by Miss Slattery in place of Lady Paget, who was unable to be present through illness.

Inside the school there were three stalls of clothing and fancy goods, two of them organised by the people of the Parish of Old Hall Green, and a third organised by the staff of the school and the children. The three stalls were very artistically arranged and very successful.

In the school playground there were numerous amusements organised by the men of the parish.

Teas, ices and other refreshments were served during the afternoon and evening. During the evening an open-air whist drive was held.

The organisers of the fete wish to thank all those who helped to make it a success, and those who generously gave prizes to be competed for.


[Transcriber note - The Puckeridge RC school mentioned here is the St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School]

2nd November 1923 - Scholastic Success

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Scholastic Success

Miss E.L. Geaves, formerly a pupil teacher at Buntingford, has since been a student at Hockerill Training College.

She has recently passed a final examination for students in training colleges, with credit in hygiene, singing and theory of music and drawing.

We congratulate Miss Geaves on her success.


Note from Alison - Elsie Geaves married Wilfred Smith from Smith's Garage.

25th June 1926 - Jumble Sale

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Jumble Sale

The Jumble Sale advertised in these columns last week, in aid of the Buntingford Schools Improvement Fund, was held on Tuesday last in the George Assembly Room with satisfactory results.

The appeal for gifts was largely responded to, and Mrs Howard wishes to thank all who contributed, including one unknown donor of a parcel of books, and all who worked so willingly to make the sale a success.

Mrs Wyman, Mrs J. Smith, Mrs Butler and Mrs Coxall undertook the stall of women's and children's clothing; Mrs H. Feasey and Mrs Roberson the household goods; Mrs Mottram the books; Miss Hornby and Mrs Geaves the 3d. stall; and Mrs Howard and Mrs W. Jackson the men's and boys' clothing stall.

Over £10 10s. has been taken, clear of expenses.

18th June 1926 - Buntingford and District School Sports Association

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Buntingford and District School Sports Association

1st Annual Sports Day

The 1st Annual Sports Day in connection with the above Association took place at Chapel End, Buntingford (by kind permission of Mr C. Smith), on Thursday in last week.

Teams came from the following schools: Anstey, Barkway, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Cottered, Great Hormead, Meesden, Great Munden, Puckeridge C. of E., Puckeridge R.C., Reed, Sandon, Standon, and Walkern. The competitors numbered 250.

The Sports Day was first arranged for Wednesday, June 2nd. It rained all day. This necessitated postponing the event until June 10th. It was again wet, but the programme was successfully carried out, although the bad weather increased the difficulties of rearrangements.

Teachers and children were very enthusiastic, and some really good material was discovered.

The team races were especially interesting, and the full results will be found below.

Mr E.E. Dennis, Hon. Sec. and Treas., explained the objects of the Association, and stated that Buntingford and District could now send a representative team to compete at the County School Sports to be held at Ware on Saturday, July 3rd.

He thanked all those who had helped to make the meeting a success, particularly the teachers in the schools in the district for their splendid co-operation. It was very pleasing to record that some of the smaller schools had supplied winners in the different events.

The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer thanked the Preisdent (Lieut.-Col. C.H.B. Heaton-Ellis) and the Hon. Baron Dimsdale for kindly giving a Shield for the Boys, also the Walkern School Managers for the Shield for the Girls, ad the C.E.M.S. (per Mr Pitcher, Cottered), for the Shield for the smaller schools. On behalf of the Association, he also thanked all those ladies and gentlemen in the district who had supported the movement, and Mr C. Smith for kindly placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association. He specially thanked Mr E.H. Roberson and Mr E.G. Thody for much help given prior to the day.

Mr H.E. Stickland (Braughing C.C. School) then thanked Mr E.E. Dennis for all the good work he had done, and said that he felt sure the Association would prosper. Enthusiastic cheers from the children followed.

Mr E.E. Dennis then called for cheers for the Band. The children and assembly then sang the National Anthem. The Hon. Sec. and Treasurer wishes to thank the following for their assistance:

Materials - Messrs. E.G. Thody, P. Hamilton, J. Holmes, G. Handy, B. Nicholls, S. Daniels, W.H. Smith, G. Aylott, T. Hummerstone, E.J. Crane, F. Rand, H. May, M. Smith, Burrows (Hitchin), J. Ireland, A. Bardwell, R. Dellow, E. Leak, E. Borsberry, Letchworth Boys' Club, Hitchen and District School Sports Association (per Mr F.W. Bunn), Buntingford Congregational Church, The Rev. A. Howard, and Miss E.M.A. Woods.

Workers - Messrs. E.G. Thody, E.H. Roberson, Marshal; B.E. Thody, A.G. Day, H. Cutts, A.E. Mayes, E. Martin, J. Thody, G. Bedford, H. Mannox, W. Graves, Clerks of the Course; F. Butler, J.W. Sutterby, A.C. Bartlett, H.E. Stickland, A.G. Jenkins, W. Cooper, Stewards; The Rev. W.L. Sheppard, The Rev. John Cole, The Rev. A.G. King, Mr W.J. May, Mr F. Cannon, Judges; Mr Harry Clarke, Mr F. Fraser, Starters; Mr E.C. Clarke, Miss Gardner, Recorders; Mr G.H. Maughan, Timekeeper.

Ladies' Committee for Refreshments - Mesdames H.L. Baker, W. Corp, J. Pateman, H. Clarke, E.H. Roberson, H. Feasey, J. Warren, A.E. Mayes, G. Geaves, F.W. Butler, A. Coxall, Misses Anthony, L.M. Davies, M. Mayes, H. Walsingham, E.G.W. Howard. Mr J.A. Anthony.



Championship Events


100 yds. - 1 L. Thompson (Reed) 13 secs., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 G. Alder (Walkern), 4 S. Savage (Walkern).

220 yds. - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford) 34 secs., 2 S. Savage (Walkern), 3 F. Edwards (Walkern), 4 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.).

440 yds. - 1 C. King (Walkern), 1 and one third mins., 2 G. Warner (Buntingford), 3 N. McLeod (Meesden), 4 L. Poulton (Buntingford).

880 yds. - 1 C. Scrivener (Buntingford) 3 mins. 12 secs., 2 C. King (Walkern), 3 W. Garland (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Jackson (Puckeridge R.C.)

Hurdles - 1 R. Graves (Buntingford), 2 H. George (Meesden), 3 C. Cook (Braughing), 4 N. Birch (Brent Pelham).

Long Jump - 1 L. Gray (Walkern), 13 ft. 6 ins., 2 C. Dowler (Buntingford), 3 J. Miles (Walkern), 4 E. Ginn (Braughing).

High Jump - 1 G. Adler (Walkern), 3 ft. 11 ins., 2 W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 E. Chalkley (Walkern), 4 P. South (Sandon).

Team Race - 1 G. Adler, C. King, F. Edwards, S. Savage (Walkern); 2 C. Dowler, R. Graves, A. Rose, C. Clarke (Buntingford); 3 R. Jennings, H. George, L. George, N. McLeod (Meesden); 4 W. Hummerstone, A. Springham, E. Ginn, C. Cook (Braughing).

Winning School - WALKERN C.C. (31 points). Challenge Shield for Boys presented by Lieut.-Col. C. Heaton-Ellis and Hon. Baron Dimsdale. Runners up - Buntingford Senior C. of E. (25 points).


100 yds. - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 13 secs., 2 L. Dye (Sandon), 3 J. Bysouth (Braughing), 4 e. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead).

150 yds. - 1 G. Copeland (Anstey), 23 secs., 2 E. Searle (Buntingford), 3 N. Bonfield (Buntingford), 4 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Hurdles - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 2 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 3 D. Skipp (Cottered), 4 G. Roper (Standon).

Long jump - 1 H. Arnold (Braughing) 11ft. 3ins., 2 M. Barker (Braughing), 3 L. Dye (Sandon), 4 A. Coxall (Buntingford).

High jump - 1 L. Hill (Buntingford), 3fts. 6ins., 2 E. Ruskin (Gt. Hormead), 3 M. Wornham (Buntingford), 4 W. Hummerstone (Braughing).

Team Race - 1 E. Searle, O. Martin, N. Bonfield, A Coxall (Buntingford), 2 H. Arnold, J. Bysouth, M. Barker, W. Hummerstone (Braughing), 3 M. Brand, L. Taylor, E. Ruskin, G. Hummerstone (Gt. Hormead), 4 G. Copeland, P. Bentley, L. Martin, F. Sapsed (Anstey).

Winning School - BUNTINGFORD SENIOR C. of. E. (23 points). Challenge Shield for Girls, presented by Managers of Walkern C.C. School. Runners up - Braughing C.C. (18 points).

Winners of Shield (for schools with less than 100 on books), presented by C.E.M.S. per Mr Pitcher, Cottered, Gt. Hormead C. of E. (8 points). Runners up - Meesden C. of E. (7 points).


Egg and Spoon Race (girls) - 1 G. Gravestock (Cottered), 2 E. Gray (Walkern).

Sack Race (girls) - 1 P. Bentley (Anstey), 2 E. Prior (Braughing).

Flower Pot Race (girls) - 1 E. Prior (Braughing), 2 M. Newbound (Braughing).

Skipping Race (girls) - 1 M. Barker (Braughing), 2 H. Arnold (Braughing).

Driving Race (girls and boys) - 1 A. Wallace, S. Cox (Standon), 2 A. Rose, R. King (Buntingford).

Sack Race (boys) - 1 C. Prior (Braughing), 2 H. Webb (Braughing).

Throwing Cricket Ball (Boys) - 1 S. Savage, 2 E. Chalkley (both of Walkern).

Obstacle Race (Boys) - 1 A. Ives (Puckeridge R.C.), 2 R. Cannon (Sandon).

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