Showing posts with label Farrer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farrer. Show all posts

8th October 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

Group Conference at Buntingford

A Visit from Headquarters

A most successful meeting took place on Friday last at the Benson Hall, Buntingford, when members from Buckland, Clothall, Hormead, Sandon, Weston and Westmill joined their friends at Buntingford. Representatives from Standon and Pelham Groups were also present.

The chair was taken by Mrs H.H. Williams of Aspenden House, the Group Leader for his district.

In welcoming the members, Mrs Williams said it was a pleasure to see so many present, it showed the interest taken in the various Institutes.

Particular interest was taken in an address on "The responsibility of the individual member," given by the Hon. Miss Farrer from Headquarters.

The speaker urged the necessity for close co-operation between members and between Institutes. Each member had a most important part in the success of the Institute, and if she fulfilled her part the success of the body as a whole would be ensured.

Following her address came a charming little speech from Mrs Martin, of Hunsdon, a V.C.O.

Tea was capitally arranged and served by members of the Buntingford Institute, and later much amusement was caused by a game organised by Miss Farrer.

A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Mrs Vernede, Group Leader for Standon, and seconded by Mrs H.C. Marshall, the local President.

The singing of the National Anthem closed a very pleasant and profitable afternoon, enhanced by delightful sunshine.

Before Miss Farrer left, she said she would always remember Buntingford as being "Such a friendly meeting."

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