Ruri-Decanal Conference at Buntingford
Prayer Book Revision
The Ruri-Decanal Conference for Buntingford Deanery was held on Saturday, June 5th, at 3 p.m. in the new Women's Institute Hall, presided over by the Rual Dean (Rev. W. McKerr, Rector of Meesden).
There was a large attendance of clergy and lay representatives, including Revs. L. Wright, W. Jobson, A. Howard, A.G. Langdon, F. Williams, W. Shepherd, Dr Eck, H.F. Webb-Bowen, F. Phillips, J.L. Dutton and A.G. King.
After prayer by Rev. A. Howard, the Deanery Committees for (1) Board of Missions, (2) Finance, (3) Social service, and (4) Education, were re-appointed.
The Rural Dean, in introducing the Hon. and Ven. Kenneth Gibbs, Archdeaon of St Albans, expressed his thankfulness that the Conference was to hear such an able exponent of the proposed new Prayer Book as the Archdeacon, who, as Prolocutor of the Lower House of Convocation, had been close touch with the events leading to the final revision.
The Archdeacon, who was warmly received, insisted on the necessity for Prayer Book Revision, which had been recommended by the Royal Commission in 1906. The clergy had made their own revisions and probably not one of those present could claim that he carried out all the rules of the old Book.
The changes had been made with the aim, not of compromise, but of comprehension, and he agreed with the Archbishops and Bishops, who maintained that no change of doctrine was intended. He believed that if the deposited Book became law, those who at present were exceeding in their practices what it allowed would, by the strength of public opinion, be inducted to keep loyally within its bounds.
He knew the Book could not please all (he himself could have wished some things otherwise), but he believed that it would be for the good of the Church, and in the interests of peace and order that it should be accepted by the Church and Parliament.
Mr Claud Fraser moved a resolution expressing the Conference's approval of the new Book. He did not speak, he said, as a theologian, but after the clear explanation they had heard from the Archdeacon, and knowing that it was the result of the long and careful labours of many years on the part of the Bishops, he felt it was their duty to accept the Book.
The resolution was seconded by Rev. F. Williams, late Rural Dean.
Rev. A. Howard, Vicar of Layston, deeply regretted having to differ from Archdeacon, for whom he had the greatest respect and admiration, but his convictions obliged him to dissent from the resolution.
He welcomed much in the new Book, but with many others, was deeply grieved by the proposed alternative Canon of the Holy Communion and by the introduction of Reservation and prayers for the dead, which he felt to be a step backward. He quoted from the report of the Convocation Debate the adverse opinions expressed at the Convocation of 1915 by the then Bishops of Exeter, Ely, St Albans, Bath, Wells, and others, against any change in the Communion Service. He could not agree that there was no change in doctrine, and far from restoring peace and order his opinion was that to legalise a book which manifestly spoke with two voices could only bring strife and confusion.
Mr Ball stated his belief that from his own experience of churches where extreme practices were carried on public opinion would be of little use. He could not agree that the introduction of Reservation and prayers for the dead implied no change of doctrine.
Rev. L. Wright said he should vote for the Book although he did not entirely agree with it.
In reply to a question, the Archdeacon stated that although the 39 aritcles are not bound up in the deposited Book, clergy would still be required to assent to them on institution to a living. He said he had been prepared for a difference of opinion, which, however, would not prevent the mutual friendliness of those who differed.
The resolution was put to the Conference and was carried by a large majority.
Mr Claud Fraser kindly entertained the members to tea at the Red House.