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Buntingford Tennis Club
Annual General Meeting
A Change of Officers
The Annual General Meeting of the Buntingford Tennis Club was held on Monday evening. The Rev. John Cole presided, and there was a good attendance of members.
The Hon. Treasurer presented the balance sheet for 1926 season. Particulars were as follows:
26 Members subscriptions and donations - £9 18s. 11d.
Visitors fees - 5s. 0d.
Donations from H.C. Marshall, Esq. 1925 season - £3 0s. 0d.
1926 season - £3 0s. 0d.
Total - £16 3s. 11d.
Balance due to Treasurer from 1925 season - £1 15s. 5d.
Groundsman Mr Handy - Cementing standard, repairing gate and pavilion, and coating with solignum - £5 0s. 0d.
Balls - £1 8s. 7d.
Repairs to mower - 16s. 6d.
Rent of courts - £3 0s. 0d.
Whitening, &c. - 1s. 6d.
Baance of donation to hospitals whist drive - 2s. 9d.
Total - £16 3s. 11d.
The Chairman moved the adoption of the accounts, and said he thought they were entirely satisfactory; the Club had had a most successful year. The Chairman also moved the re-election of Mr H.C. Marshall as President of the Club. Mr Marshall had supported them for many seasons, and it would be difficult to find a better President.
This was carried with applause.
The Chairman said the meeting would regret to learn that Mr and Mrs B.E. Thody had decided to resign the offices of secretary and treasurer respectively. Mrs Thody had been treasurer since the formation of the Club in 1914, and Mr Thody had been secretary since 1919. Both had done yeoman service for the Club, and the members regretted their resignation.
He (the Chairman) would move that a very heatry vote of thanks be accorded them for their service.
This was carried.
Mr B.E. Thody, in replying, said that they had both intimated last year that they hoped someone else would come forward this season. During the years they had held office their associations with the members had always been most pleasant, and if the spirit of good friendship that had existed in the Club up to now was continued there would be no reason to fear that they success of the Club would be continued.
There were several members who had been with the Club since its formation, and thanks were due to them, and to others who had ceased play, for the work that had been done to put the courts in such an excellent condition. In the early days of the Club they had no wire meeting or pavillion, and the members had to mow the courts themselves.
The Chairman said he quite agreed with what had been said about the good fellowship that existed between all the members. They had an excellent ground, a good pavillion, nets &c., and a very low subscription. He was not in Buntingford when the Club was formed, but he would like to record his appreciation of the work that had been done.
Election of Officers
Mr Leslie Smith was appointed as Hon. Secretary and Miss I. Aylott as Hon. Treasurer.
The Committee elected were: Mrs S. Smith, Mrs J. Aylott, Miss Careless, Miss Bush, the Rev. John Cole, Messrs. S. Smith and W. Smith. Captain - Mr S. Howlett, Vice-Captain, Mr H. Clark.
Suggestions as to the matches, ground improvements, &c., were discussed, and the annual subscription was fixed for 7/6 inclusive.
A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting.