Showing posts with label Daniels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daniels. Show all posts

5th August 1927 - Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

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Buntingford & District Horticultural Society

A Fine Exhibition

"A fine exhibition, especially in the vegetable classes. The root classes and the pea classes were excellent, and we have seldom seen such fine potatoes."

The above was the comment passed by the judge at the Buntingford Flower Show, held yesterday.

The venue was once again Corney Bury Park, kindly lent by Mr W.J. Wedd, and when one entered the gate it seemed impossible that the pre-war shows, for which Buntingford was famous, were held in the small meadow adjoining.

The weather was on its best behaviour, brilliant sunshine prevailing throughout the day. There were few umbrellas seen in the show ground - what there were appeared to be in use as sunshades.

The Officials

The President of the Society is Mr H.C. Marshall, who was a successful competitor at yesterday's Show.

The Hon. Secretary, Mr Ernest G. Thody, once again spared no efforts to make the show a success; he was also a very successful exhibitor, his cut flowers being a specially fine exhibit.

The Committee worked assiduously throughout the day.

Trade Exhibits

There were four trade exhibits, Messrs. Chaplin's of Waltham Cross, taking first prize for a wonderful display of roses and gladioli; the display was staged on a platform 24ft. long by 4th. 6ins. wide.

Other trade exhibits included Messrs. Goodliffe's and Mr W. Keep's displays of herbaceous and rock plants, and Mr H.A. Thody's exhibit of fruit.


The entries numbered over 1,000, and were staged in three large tents.

As stated, there was an excellent entry in the root classes, the judges remarking that they had seldom seen better potatoes.

There were ten table decorations, Miss Thody taking first prize with a pretty single rose, "K of K" and "Waltham Cross." Major Douglas Crossman, M.F.H., (Mr Dibben, gardener) took first prize for best arrangement of pot plants; he had a fine colour scheme of pink and mauve hydrangeas with ferns.

The Judges

The following kindly acted as judges:

Trade exhibitors and amateurs classes, Messrs. A. Jeffries (Hertford) and J.A. Gates (Ardeley); cottagers' classes, Messrs. J. Friend (Stansted) and W. Ring (Puckeridge); table decorations, Messrs. Keep, Chaplin and Goodliffe; bread, Mr R.F. Dellow; honey, Mr C.H. Poulton; cooked potatoes, Mr C. North; bottled fruit, Mr S. Daniels.

The tea tent was very capably managed by the Buntingford Women's Institute.

It was found impossible to manage the teas on the same lines as last year, so the Institute kindly came to the assistance of the Society, and their services were greatly appreciated by the large numbers who patronised the tea tent during the afternoon.


There was an attractive programme of amusements, &.

Thirty boys from the William Baker Technical School at Hertford (Dr. Barnardo's Homes) gave two excellent gymnastic displays during the afternoon and evening, and were accorded a very warm welcome.

Through the kindness of several ladies and gentlemen, the boys, together with their Band, were entertained to tea. Dr Barnardo's Boys' Band was also in attendance, and played selections throughout the afternoon and evening for the displays, and later for dancing.

A balloon race, organised by the Committee, drew several competitors. The prizes - vouchers value 15/- and 7/6 - will be awarded to the competitors whose balloons travel farthest.

Thurston's amalgamation of amusements drew a large crowd, especially towards the close. The day's events concluded with a grand display of fireworks by Messrs. J.R. Wells, of London.

A further report, together with a complete list of awards, will appear in our next issue.

Large numbers flocked to the ground during the evening, and the gate receipts exceeded £80.

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

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Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

The Annual Rally in connection with the Buntingford and District Local Association of Boy Scouts was held on Wednesday in last week at Longmead (by king permission of H.C. Marshall, Esq., J.P.) There was keen competition and the rally was very successful.

The following three troops competed - Buntingford, Brent Pelham and Furneaux Pelham.

A 3 o'clock the scouts, who were in charge of District Commissioner Major M.E. Barclay, paraded on the Market Hill and then marched to "Longmead," where they competed for the Shield, which was previously held by the Brent Pelham Troop.

As will be seen by the following list, Buntingford and Brent Pelham each gained 75 out of a possible 90 marks, and therefore will hold the shield for six months each.


Turnout - 17

Ambulance - 15

Signalling - 16

Tent Pitching - 17 

Fire Lighting - 10

Total - 75

Brent Pelham

Turnout - 18

Ambulance - 14

Signalling - 20

Tent Pitching - 15

Fire Lighting - 8

Total - 75

Furneaux Pelham

Turnout - 16

Ambulance - 11

Signalling - 18

Tent Pitching - 14

Fire Lighting - 9

Total - 68

Marks possible 90.

The judges were Dr Campbell, Mr E.E. Dennis and Mr G. Last, and Messrs. A. Lake, F.W. Butler, A. Freeman and E.J. Totman acted as stewards.

Mrs Marshall kindly presented the shield to the winning troops, and the scouts thoroughly enjoyed the other sports which took place.

Mr E.E. Dennis (Hon. Sec and Treasurer) thanked Mr and Mrs Marshall for their kindness in placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association, and also for the excellent tea which had been provided.

Major Barclay also spoke of the great interest Mr Marshall had always taken in the Scout Movement in the district.

Cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Marshall, Major Barclay (Secretary) and helps.

Special thanks are due to Messrs. G. Handy, H. May, S. Daniels, E.G. Thody, B.E. Thody, Harry Clark and the Buntingford Congregational Church for loan of materials.


We have been asked to mention that Scoutmasters are still wanted. More troops could be found if Scoutmasters can be obtained.

29th October 1926 - Forthcoming Concert

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Forthcoming Concert

The Concert to be given at the Benson Hall on Wednesday evening next, in aid of the Buntingford Women's Institute, promises to be quite a musical event.

The artists are - Mrs Major Edridge, Mrs G. Scarborough Taylor, Mrs G. Armstrong, Rev. L.W. Wright, Mr F. Coates, Mr S. Daniels, Kenneth Beard (Comedian), Brock Daniels (Ventriloquist).

We are asked to say that tickets can be obtained of Mr H. Fry and Miss Ivy Aylott.

Get your tickets now for what promises to be a full evening's enjoyment.

1st October 1926 - Buntingford and District Musical Society

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Buntingford & District Musical Society

Annual General Meeting

The Season's Work

The annual general meeting of the Buntingford and District Musical Society was held at the Congregational Schoolroom on September 20.

Dr R.W. Fell, M.D., presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

Before the commencement of the business, the chairman said he would like to compliment the Society on its splendid success last season.

At the Letchworth Festival they had carried off two cups, two firsts and one second, which was a great honour. Personally he felt that it was a great honour to be president of such a Society.

In congratulating them on their past record, he also expressed the hope that their work in the coming season would reach an equally high standard.

1926-27 Season

The coming winter season was discussed, and it was decided to hold practices every Monday at 7 p.m. Members were also asked to enrol new members, tenors being especially required.

The Herts Musical Festival will be held at St Albans early next year, and any wishing to join the Society should obtain particulars from the Conductor (Mr E.E. Dennis), Mr H. Cutts, Mr A.G. Day, or Mr S. Daniels.

Election of Officers

The election of officers resulted as follows: President (Dr R.W. Fell, M.D.), re-elected; Hon. Sec. Mr H. Cutts; and Hon. Treasurer, Mr S. Daniels.

Mr E.E. Dennis was unanimously appointed conductor. The Chairman and Mr W.J. May referred in eloquent terms to the efficient way in which Mr Dennis had carried out his duties. He had brought the Society to its present high state of efficienct, and they did not known [sic] what they would do without him. (Applause).

Mr W.J. May, the late Hon. Treas., was reluctantly compelled to resign that post and as stated above Mr H. Cutts was appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr Dennis moved a vote of thanks be accorded Mr May for his valued services during the past. (Applause).

He (Mr Dennis) also thanked the officers and members for the way in which they had carried out their duties. The members had given their local and regular support. He hoped that the splendid keenest that had prevailed amongst them would continue.

Thanks were also accorded Miss M. Macklin for her great help at the piano last season.


Before the meeting closed Mr Dennis moved a hearty vote of thanks to their President, Dr Fell.

Their President had always taken a deep interest in the Society, and it was a great pleasure to have him at their head. He hoped that the great interest Dr Fell took in all matters relating to the Society would continue. (Applause).

28th January 1927 - Buckland Concert

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On Friday, January 14th, in the School, a concert organised by the Rev. Phillips and Miss N. Pigg was a huge success, the amount taken, with the sale of programmes, being £9.

This amount is to be handed over to the Clothing Clubs &c., and the Nursing Fund. The room was crowded, quite a few having to stand.

A long and varied programme was arranged, and it would indeed be very difficult to pick out any item for particular mention, the piano solos, recitations, songs, violin solos, dance and ventriloquial performances being of the highest character.

Pretty and dainty indeed was the song and dance, "The red, red robin," by Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mrs Edridge, Mrs Lanyon and Rev. Circuit gave songs, which were heartily encored, and by allowing the audience to join in the choruses it was a very happy time for all.

Mr Symes' violin solos were greatly appreciated. This gentleman, like Mr Daniels (ventriloquist) was not hitherto known to a Buckland audience. The latter gentleman caused roars of laughter, especially by making reference to the village Women's Institute and its choir.

Miss Hall's recitations were beautifully and feelingly rendered, and the play by Mrs Bailey and Mrs Seymour was very amusing and well played.

The Rev. F.B. Phillips thanked the audience for coming in such a number, whilst Miss N. Pigg passed a hearty vote of thanks to the performers.

A 6d. dance followed, from which the sum of £1 17s. 0d. was realised, and this is to be used for paying the expenses of the above.

A very enjoyable time for both young and old was brought to a close at 12.30 a.m.

Mr Bishop was at the piano for dancing.

25th March 1927 - Whist

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The weekly whist drive and dance in aid of the Town Silver Band continues to prove popular, and on Saturday there was the usual large number present.

The prizes went to the following:

Ladies - 1 Mr J. Wornham (playing as lady), 2 Miss Flynn, lowest score Mrs Daniels.

Gents - 1 Mr H. Cutts, 2 Mr H. Clark, lowest score Mr H. Hatchett.

Lucky chair, Mr F. Ward; spot dance competition, Mr P. Saunders and Miss K. Smith.

4th March 1927 - Organ Recital at Congregational Church

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Organ Recital at Congregational Church

A Delightful Programme

Mr E.E. Dennis gave another of his organ recitals at the Congregational Church on Tuesday evening. There was a good gathering, and the programme was much enjoyed.

The soloist was Mr S. Daniels, who was at his best.

Mr Dennis chose for his recital the following:

"Spring Song." - Hollins

"Evening Song" - Gos-Cusstard

"Catherdral Music" - Wareing

"Barcarolle" - Hoffman

"Minuetto" - Guillmant

Variations on an air in F - Lemare

His "Evening Song" was beautifully played, as was the "Minuetto."

Mr Daniels' items were delightful. He chose "It is enough" (from Elijah), and "The trumpet shall sound" (from the Messiah). His accompanist, Mr E.E. Dennis, gave him every support.

Altogether it was an excellent programme.

15th April 1927 - Buntingford Musical Society

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Buntingford Musical Society

"Olivet to Calvary"

On Tuesday evening last, a large congregation gathered in St Peter's to hear the Cantata "Olivet to Calvary" (Maunder), rendered by the Buntingford Musical Society.

Mr E.E. Dennis, who presided at the organ, interpreted with skill and sympathy the theme of the Cantata, and which opens with the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jerusalem, following Him to the agony in the garden, the trial before Pilate, His condemnation, and finally the last scene at Calvary - and the choir responded to his leading, the result being, not a mere performance, but a deeply touch religious service.

Mr Daniels as baritone, and Mr Ralph Williams as tenor soloists, were greatly appreciated; also Mrs Hull, who took the soprano solo.

The first part closed with a very beautiful rendering of the hymn, "Just as I am," and the second paty with "Rock of Ages," in both of which the congregation joined heartily.

The service was opened with prayer by the Rev. A. Howard, and closed with the general Thanksgiving.

3rd June 1927 - St Peter's Organ Recital

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St Peter's

An organ recital on the organ, which has been put in excellent repair by Messrs. Corps & Son, will be given on Thursday, June 9th, at 7.30 p.m., by Mr E.E. Dennis.

Soloist - Mr S. Daniels.

Collection for organ fund.

11th June 1926 - Women's Institute Result of Whit-Monday Fete

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Women's Institute

Result of Whit-Monday Fete

We have received a copy of the balance sheet of the Fete held at Layston Court on Whit-Monday.

The accounts show a satisfactory balance of £89 2s. 4d., which, it is understood, has been devoted to the hut fund.

The balance sheet is as follows:


Donation, Mrs Kingsley (Cottered) - 10s. 0d.

Donation, Town Band - £1 8s. 6d.

Donation, Mr Daniels - 10s. 6d.


Mrs Marshall and helpers - £10 2s. 6d.

Mrs Williams and helpers - £15 0s. 0d.

Mrs Coleman and helpers - £10 2s. 6d.

Mrs Roberson and helpers - £6 2s. 0d.

Mrs May and helpers - £2 5s. 7d.

Mrs Squires and helpers - £3 15s. 0d.

Mrs S. Smith and helpers - £1 6s. 9d.

Mrs White and helpers - £1 4s. 10d.

Profit on teas - per Mrs Fell - £6 5s. 8d.

Ices - per Mr Tottman - £1 6s. 0d.

Tennis - per Miss Porter - £4 0s. 0d.

Hoop-la - Mr Marshall - £3 8s. 0d.

Arrow - Mr Totman - £3 3s. 2d.

Fortune - Mr Mildren - £2 10s. 4d.

Treasure hunt - Miss Woods - £1 11s. 6d.

Balloons - Mr B. Thody - £2 9s. 6d.

Nails - Mr G.H. Maughan - 5s. 0d.

Bowls - Mr J. Lawrence - £1 11s. 6d.

Bran tub - Miss Aylott - 4s. 6d.

Gate money - £15 16s. 8d.

Doll - Miss S. Armstrong - £1 0s. 9d.

"Gipsy" - Mrs Robinson - £5 0s. 0d.

Concert - Folk dancing and dancing - £2 11s. 6d.

Per Joan Roberson - 6s. 2d.

See-Saw - 3s. 4d.

Clock golf, per Mr W.J. May - £1 12s. 6d.

Sundries - 3s. 7d.

Total - £105 17s. 10d.


Printing and advertising - £4 5s. 6d.

Band - £10 0s. 0d.

Cartgage, gas for balloons and sundries - £2 10s. 0d.

Net profit - £89 2s. 4d.

Total - £105 17s. 10d.

The Balloon Race

Of the 60 balloons entered for the balloon race, ten labels were returned through the post; the list of these is given below.

The winner is Mr H.A. Thody, Buntingford, whose balloon was picked up at Nortleulingem, France, on 27th May.

Balloon - Where found

Mr H.A. Thody- Nortleulingem, Pas-de-Calais, France.

Mrs F. Pigg - Wenden, Essex.

Mr Fowler - Peldon, Colchester.

Mr J. Waldock - Raidontree, Essex.

Mr G.S. Taylor - Braintree, Essex.

Peter Taylor - Weatherfield.

R.H. Powell - Wenden, Essex.

Miss F. Brown - Thaxted.

Mr F. Fraser - Feering, Kelvedon.

Miss Shefford - Ashen, Suffolk.

21st May 1926 - Correspondence

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To the Editor, Buntingford Gazette.


I would like to add to the list of those mentioned by G. Scarborough Taylor in his letter of last week the splendid fellows who manned the lorries (of my firm and other firms) up and down the country and collected the goods from London warehouses, docks and wharves, under most trying conditions and at considerable risk of injury.

It was the courageous efforts of these men which saved us all from what might have been a very unpleasant experience.

Thanks to them there was no shortage of any essential food supplies, and, speaking for myself and the business I manage, supplies from Hitchen headquarters came along with amazing regularity, although, of course, one only lived from day to day, not knowing what the morrow might bring forth.

I beg to remain, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

S. Daniels

High Street, Buntingford, May 20th, 1926.

14th May 1926 - Meeting of Grocers at Buntingford

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Meeting of Grocers at Buntingford

A meeting of grocers of the Buntingford district was held at Buntingford on Monday evening, May 10th, 1926.

Present: Messrs. G.C. Wilson (Hormead), J.Smith, S. Daniels, C. Tottman, and E. Bayman (Buntingford), T. Barklem (Anstey), S. Lyon (Rushden), J. Carter (Buckland), A. Crowe (Puckeridge), B.A. Edwards (Cottered), E. Bedford (Harestreet), M. Hammond (Great Hormead), E. Taylor (Westmill), G. Ashton and E. Law, of Buntingford.

Mr G.C. Wilson was appointed Chairman.

The Chairman read a letter from the Buntingford Rural District Council, and outlined the scheme for transport of foodstuffs in the district. He then asked for particulars as to what stock were held for traders.

Mr E. Bayman (Messrs. Forrest Stores) said he had seen most of the grocers in the district on Sunday, and the general position was that there appeared to be enough supplies in the district for the next 14 days.

The Chairman asked whether the traders would like to form a small committee in order that any orders could be dealt with by that body. Mr S. Daniels moved, and Mr E. Bayman seconded that the whole of the traders for the committee. This was carried unanimously.

Mr B.A. Edwards (Cottered and Buntingford), said it appeared to him that while the traders might have sufficient stocks for the next 10 or 14 days, there would be a certain amount of difficulty in replenishing stocks should the strike continue. He thought that it would be wise to secure further stocks as early as possible. The matter was fully discussed, and several traders reported that they had received notification from their wholesale dealers that normal supplies would be delivered this week.

One of the traders stated that he was short of a certain commodity, whereupon another trader promised to let him have a supply. The Chairman said this was the spirit that was required, and he felt sure that co-operation such as this would help them to overcome difficulties.

The Chairman said the Buntingford Rural District Council were meeting on Tuesday morning, and he thought it would be wise to let Mr Scarborough Taylor know before the Council met, the exact position of the grocers.

The following resolution was then carried unanimously:

"In view of the fact that several wholesalers have promised delivery of supplies this week, this meeting of traders, while appreciating the action of the Buntingford Rural District Council, feel that for the present their stocks are sufficient to meet the demands of the public.

The traders wish to state that they are keeping a close view of the situation from day to day, and should the necessity of transport arise they will appeal to the Buntingford Rural District Council for such help as is considered necessary to ensure the replenishment of their stocks."

A further resolution was passed to the effect that the daily returns called for by the Council should be supplemented for weekly returns. It was also agreed that should any trader run short of supplies he would get into touch with Mr Scarborough Taylor.

The possibility of forming a Grocers' Association was discussed, and it was decided to leave the matter over until the present crisis was over.

The next meeting of the traders was arranged for Monday evening, May 17th.

24th Feb 1928 - Football Club

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Football Club

On Tuesday evening a whist drive and dance, in aid of the funds of the Town Football Club, was held at the Benson Hall, when in spite of a very foggy evening, several persons from the district were present. The event was quite successful.

Twenty-four tables were in use, and Mr H. Clarke carried out the duties of M.C. The voucher prizes were won by the following players: Ladies - 1 Mrs Nash 9188), 2 Mrs S. Smith (183), 3 Mrs Piggott (173). Gents - 1 Mr T. Pledger (173), 2 Mr R Fisher (172), 3 Mr M. Corp (171). A special prize for the highest score at the first half was given by Mr Daniels, and this was won by Mr E. Hatchett.

At the conclusion of the whist, dancing took place until midnight.

Mr C.H. Tottman officiated as M.C. and the music was supplied by the "Mavis" Dance Band.

20th Jan 1928 - Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club

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Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club

Annual Treat to Members Children

For upwards of seven years the children of the members of the Buntingford Ex-Service Men's Club have, during the Christmas season, been entertained to a tea and Christmas Tree.

Those who attended the treat given on Wednesday last were unanimous in their praise for the excellent arrangements. A Christmas Tree, lit up with electric lamps, was at one end of the room, and by it stood a huge clothes basket full of neatly wrapped parcels.

The entire room presented a scene fitting to the festive season - evergreens and paper decorations being used on a lavish scale.

About forty children sat down to a sumptuous tea, consisting of bread and butter, cakes, &c., huge plates of which speedily disappeared, whilst the helpers were also kept busy in filling the cups with hot tea.

Following the tea, the long tables were cleared away and games went on merrily until 7 p.m., when the arrival of Father Christmas was the signal for an outburst of cheering. He immediately went to the Christmas Tree and commenced distributing the presents. After this, the noise of drums and various wind instruments can better be imagined than described.

Before leaving each child was handed a National Savings Card bearing two 6d. savings stamps. The cards were distributed by Mrs H.H. Williams, who thanked the helpers for their excellent work.

Winnie Winters then call for three cheers for the ex-service men, which was heartily given.

Mr Scarborough Taylor proposed a vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs H. Clarke for their work in connection with the arrangements, and this was carried amid cheering.

The National Anthem was then sung, and each child was handed a bag of sweets and an orange.

Those responsible for the excellent arrangements were Mr and Mrs H. Clarke, Mr and Mrs E.C. Clarke, Mrs Warren, Mrs S. Smith, Mrs S. Howlett, Mrs Davies, Mrs Starr, Mrs Hall and Mr E.E. Dennis.

Visitors during the evening included Mrs Williams, Mr and Mrs Scarborough Taylor, Mr G.H. Maughan, and Mr and Mrs B.E. Thody.

Ex-Service Men At Supper

Hardly had the last child left the children's party when the ladies who assisted with the children's tea set to work on an equally important job - the preparation of the tables for the ex-service men's supper. This was the first event of its kind to be held in Buntingford, and judging by the number present and the success of the evening it promises to become an annual event.

About forty ex-service men and their friends sat down at daintily laid and prettily decorated tables, doing justice to an appetising spread consisting of roast beef, boiled beef and ham, cheese, pickles &c. Mr A.E. Mayes, a former honorary secretary of the club, presided, and a very enjoyable evening was spent.

After the loyal toast had been honoured, songs were contributed by Mr S. Daniels and the whole company joined in the singing of well-known Army choruses and songs. Mr Dennis worked extremely hard at the piano throughout the evening, and kindly lent song books.

At the close, the Chairman proposed the toast of "The Ladies." Everyone was very grateful to them for the excellent service they had rendered, not only at the supper but also at the children's treat.

The ladies were then accorded musical honours.

Musical honours were accorded Mr Dennis for his valuable assistance at the piano, and votes of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, and to Mr H. Clarke, the hon. secretary, for the excellent arrangements, concluded a day which gave great pleasure to the members of the Club and their children.

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