Showing posts with label Houlden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Houlden. Show all posts

11th March 1927 - Death and Funeral of Mr F. Cowtan Furness

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Death and Funeral of Mr F. Cowtan Furness

We sincerely regret to record the death of Mr F.C. Furness, who was well and popularly known in the town. He was taken ill with influenza about a fortnight ago, and died from cerebral haemorrhage on Friday last.

Mr Furness, who was 66 years of age, was born in Holborn, his parents owning a large confectioner's business on the site of the new West Central Post Office. He spent many years in Cornwall, and came to live at Buntingford about three years ago. During the war he served in the Irish Fusiliers. His cheery face and happy disposition will be greatly missed by a large number of friends.

He was buried at Layston Church on Wednesday afternoon, amidst general signs of regret. There was a large number of floral tributes, including a wreath from the Buntingford British Legion Club, of which the deceased was a member.

The immediate mourners were:

Mr R.G. Furness, Amersham (brother), Mr H.G. Bustard, Forest Gate (nephew), Mrs Davies, Miss Davies, Mr T. Wilson, Kennington; Mr F. French, Chelmsford; Mr Reed, Hertford; and Mr J. Horner, Ware.

Among others present were Revd. John Cole; Mr H. Clarke and Mr E.C. Clarke (representing the British Legion), Messrs G. Smith, E.P. Borsberry, A. Wilson, S. Saggers, H.A. Thody, S. Waters, E. Southgate, M. Corp, Mr and Mrs J. Wilson and Mrs Houlden.

Wreaths were as follows:

From Miss Davies

Mrs Davies and Girls

Mr Furness, Mrs Bustard & Family

Ex-Service Men's Club

Mr and Mrs French

Mrs Hone, Albe and Ede

Wilder and Patsy

Will, Gert and his Godchild Ronald

Ina and Billy

Mr and Mrs C. Clark

Mr and Mrs G.B. Medland

Mr and Mrs Wilson, sen.

Mr and Mrs Wilson, jun.

Mr and Mrs Corp

Messrs Houlden

Mr and Mrs H. Handy

Mr and Mrs Plumb

Mr M. Reid

Mr and Mrs Pledger

Mrs C. Rand and Mrs Parker

Doris and Stan



21st May 1926 - Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

A very large and successful meeting took place at the George Room on Wednesday evening of last week. The members not on the Committee gave a free tea, and themselves provided the tiems of entertainment. The chair was taken by Miss Woods as a non-Committee member.

Mention was made by the President and Chairman of the joy at the conclusion of the strike, and of the desirability of avoiding all bitterness or sarcasm, fostering a spirit in every quarter of Buntingford of goodwill and good fellowship.

Mrs Houlden jun., was the accompanist and gave a piano solo; Mrs Thwaites and Miss Howard sang; and delightful recitations and readings were given by Mesdames Howard, Saggers, Horth, the Misses Beadle and Nurse Davies; amusing stories were told by Mrs Baker and Miss Lushington; two dances were delightfully performed by Miss Poulton, accompanied by Miss Macklin; and the competition glees were well sung under the able conductorship of Miss Baker.

Two interesting competitions were arranged by Mrs Warren and Miss Doris Camp, and prizes were won by Miss Leslie, Miss Boniwell and Mrs M. Miles. The prizes consisted of eggs, sugar, tea and butter, given respectively by Mrs Warren, Mrs David Baker, Mrs Geaves and Miss Woods.

10th Feb 1928 - Buntingford Rural District Council

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Buntingford Rural District Council

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Rural District Council was held at the Board Room on Thursday in last week, when there were present: Capt. H.H. Williams (in the chair), Mrs Dimsdale, Messrs. C. Hummerstone, F.B. Cannon, H.C. Marshall, C. Fraser, H.S. Ward, A.W. Page, T.J. Stick, A.J. Hayes, G.C. Wilson, and W.J. May, with the Clerk (Mr E.C. Clarke) and the Surveyor (Mr E.G. Thody).

The Surveyor presented his monthly report. During the month the water consumption had been 1,060,000 gallons. The water level at the Waterworks had risen a further six feet, being six feet higher than at February last. Owing to this it was considered advisable to overhaul and re-leather the pumps.

Isolation Hospital

No cases had been reported during the month and the hospital was closed. Certain repairs were necessary to the building.

The Hospital Committee agreed to inspect the Hospital at an early date and submit a statement of what repairs were necessary.

Mr W. Houlden, of Buntingford, made application for assistance under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, and the necessary forms to be completed were issued.

The Clerk read a letter from Mr W.J. May tendering his resignation from the Board of Guardians and Rural District Council, as he was shortly leaving the district.

The Chairman said how much they all regretted Mr May's departure. They were all deeply conscious of the fact that he had been a very valuable member, and the Council would wish him the best of luck.

Mr Hummerstone, the Chairman of the Board of Guardians, associated himself with the Chairman's remarks, to which Mr May suitably replied.

The remainder of the business was of a formal nature.

26th Feb 1926 - Buntingford Conservative Associaton

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Buntingford Conservative Associaton

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Buntingford Branch of the Hitchen Conservative and Liberal Unionist Association was held at the George Hotel on Thursday evening last.

The chair was taken by Mr Claud Fraser. There was a small attendance of members, the business being of a formal nature only.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman said the members would be glad to hear that Major Kindersley had recovered his health, and that he would be visiting Buntingford on March 26th.

Election of Officers

Capt H.H. Williams moved that Mr Claud Fraser be re-elected Chairman of the branch. They all knew the interest their Chairman took in the Association as a whole. (Applause).

Mr Scarborough Taylor seconded the resolution, which was carried with applause.

The Chairman thanked the meeting for re-appointing him, and said he would always do his best for the cause.

The following were elected to serve on the Central Council: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. W. Steel, C.H. Poulton, A.W. Page, A. MacArthur and W Houlden.

The Chairman and Captain H.H. Williams were elected to serve on the General Executive.

The committee elected were as follows: Dr R.W. Fell, Messrs. F.B. Sharp, J. Pateman, E.J. Crane, C.H. Poulton, E. Camp, E.E. Dennis, E. Denson, T.Kingsley, J. Camp, W. Manning, H. Thody, W. May, W. Houlden, and G. Scarborough Taylor.

Mr B.E. Thody was nominated Secretary.

Other Business

Capt H.H. Williams spoke on the newly-formed scheme for raising subscriptions, and Mr Scarborough Taylor asked whether monthly lectures could be arranged. 

The committee were asked to meet and discuss this question.

The Secretary was also instructed to obtain membership cards.

[Transcriber note: "Major Kindersley" was Guy Kindersley, Conservative MP for Hitchen]

19th Feb 1926 - Women's Institute Monthly Meeting

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Women's Institute

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Buntingford Women's Institute was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday of last week. The President (Mrs H.C. Marshall) presided, and there was a good attendance of members.

Miss Ouless gave an interesting address on Village Dramatic Societies. The lecturer referred to Shakespearian plays, and dealth especially with Shakespeare's "As you like it."

Tea was served by Mrs Dellow and Mrs Squires, and the hostesses were able to hand over the sum of 10/7 to the funds.

The first competition of the year drew over 20 entries. The prize for the best cake, made from a given recipe, was divided between Mrs E.G. Thody and Mrs J. Crane. The next best cakes were those made by Mrs Houlden, Mrs Warner, Mrs Darton.

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