Showing posts with label Wall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wall. Show all posts

10th December 1926 - The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

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The Conservative Fete and Carnival at Hitchin

Buntingford & District Represented

The Empire Fete and Carnival, held at the New Town Hall, Hitchin, on Wednesday and Thursday in last week, was an outstanding success, the numbers attending and the trade carried out exceeding all expectations.

The Stalls were beautifully arranged, and comprised: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, West Indies, and New Zealand.

The Stall for this district, which was presented by Buntingford, Great and Little Hormead, Westmill, Buckland, Cottered, Ardeley, Wyddiall, Aspenden, and Layston, was managed by Lady Heaton-Ellis, Mrs Beadle, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Cavendish, Mrs Codrington, Mrs Crane, Mrs Croslegh, Mrs Deacon, Mrs Dimsdale, Mrs Howard, Mrs May, Miss May, Mrs Mildren, Mrs Page, Mrs Thody, Miss Wall and Mrs Williams.

On Wednesday the Fete was opened by Major G.M. Kindersley, and on Thursday by the Countess of Strathmore.

There was character dancing, Scotch reels, sword dancing, and selections by the Kitchin Symphonic Society Orchestra.

The illustrated 16-page programmes were sold by Miss Kindersley and helpers who were dressed in red, white and blue.

Towards the close of the second evening crowds began to assemble for the announcement of the result of the competition in which a motor car, motor cycle, and a fur coat were offered as prizes. The results were as follows:

Motor car, Mrs E. McCormick, St Ives Hotel, Maidenhead (No. 5612).

Motor cycle, Lady Jane Van Koughnet, Aston (No. 15680).

Fur coat, E. Gray, 43 Gentlemen's Row, Enfield (No. 23251).

The Buntingford effort was well supported, and at the time of going to press the excellent sum of £52 15s. 10d. has been paid to Col. Tyrrell by Mrs Deacon. This amount includes donations, and proceeds of sale of gifts both in Buntingford at the Women's Annual Meeting and at Hitchin on 1st and 2nd December.

It is hoped to hold a stall at a garden meeting in the summer to dispose of rest of goods not sold.

25th June 1926 - Wyddiall Garden Fete

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Garden Fete

The Annual Garden Fete, in aid of Foreign Missions, was held in the Rectory Grounds on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The weather was beautifully fine, and the well-kept garden was much admired by all present.

The Fete started at 3 p.m. and closed shortly after 6 p.m. There were three stalls in charge of Mrs Wright, Mrs W.J., Mrs H. and Mrs J. May, Miss Wall and Miss N. Hatchett. Mrs C.H. Poulton and the Misses S. and O. Poulton were in charge of the teas.

Mr W.J. May successfully managed the clock golf competition, Mr Scarborough Taylor winning the prize (given by Mrs H.C. Marshall) with a score of 23. Miss Olive Poulton was in change of a guessing competition, the winner being Mrs W.J. May.

There was also a balloon race for which there were numerous entries; the result of this will be made known later.

The Rev. L.W. Wright also lent valuable assistance and thanked those who had supported the Fete.

The net result was £12 8s. 4.d which was considered very satisfactory.

Among the Clergy present were The Rev. F.R. Williams (Rural Dean), The Rev. A. Howard, The Rev. A. McKerr and The Rev. W.L. Shepherd.

26th Feb 1926 - Boys' Club

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Boys' Club

A whist drive and dance, in aid of the funds of the Buntingford Boys' Club, was held at the George Hotel on Tuesday evening in last week.

There were 14 tables in use for whist, and Mr E.E. Dennis carried out the duties of M.C. The prize winners were: Ladies - 1 Mrs W. Jackson (biscuit barrel), 2 Mrs Smith (jam dish), 3 Mrs Hummerstone (jam dish). Gents - 1 Mr Mannox (clock), 2 Mr A. Mayes (tobacco pouch and pipe), 3 Mr A. Coxall (cut-glass bowl).

Following the whist, dancing was indulged in until midnight, Mr E.E. Dennis acting as accompanish and Mr J. Wall as M.C.

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