Women's Institute
Monthly Meeting
A Talk on the B.B.C.
Judging by the keen interest taken by members of the Buntingford Women's Institute, during a lecture on the British Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday evening, many of the Institute members must be wireless enthusiasts. "We have no wireless set at our home, but my husband told someone he had a loud speaker, I suppose he meant me" said a lady after Wednesday's meeting.
The women had the best of it on Wednesday, for if they learned nothing about high frequency circuits and resistance coupling they gained a good knowledge of the manner in which the B.B.C. programmes are drawn up, the type and the number of studios at one station and other important administrative matters so necessary for a service which caters for some millions of listeners.
Miss Evans, the lecturer from the British Broadcasting Corporation, told of the history of the B.B.C. from its formation, and dealt very fully with the question of programmes.
The lecture was enjoyed by everyone present.
Mrs H.H. Williams presided over the meeting which was well attended. Applause greeted the Chairman's announcement that the new hall would be officially opened at the end of March. It was hoped that Mrs Martin Smith, the Chairman of the County Federation, would be present.
Other features of the successful meeting were a hyacinth competition, the prize for which went to Mrs Warren, and Community singing led by Mrs Scarborough Taylor, with Mrs Amstrong at the piano.
Mrs King and Mrs Waters, two members from Aspenden, were the efficient tea hostesses.