Showing posts with label Scouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scouts. Show all posts

6th August 1926 - Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

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Buntingford Local Association of Boy Scouts

The Annual Rally in connection with the Buntingford and District Local Association of Boy Scouts was held on Wednesday in last week at Longmead (by king permission of H.C. Marshall, Esq., J.P.) There was keen competition and the rally was very successful.

The following three troops competed - Buntingford, Brent Pelham and Furneaux Pelham.

A 3 o'clock the scouts, who were in charge of District Commissioner Major M.E. Barclay, paraded on the Market Hill and then marched to "Longmead," where they competed for the Shield, which was previously held by the Brent Pelham Troop.

As will be seen by the following list, Buntingford and Brent Pelham each gained 75 out of a possible 90 marks, and therefore will hold the shield for six months each.


Turnout - 17

Ambulance - 15

Signalling - 16

Tent Pitching - 17 

Fire Lighting - 10

Total - 75

Brent Pelham

Turnout - 18

Ambulance - 14

Signalling - 20

Tent Pitching - 15

Fire Lighting - 8

Total - 75

Furneaux Pelham

Turnout - 16

Ambulance - 11

Signalling - 18

Tent Pitching - 14

Fire Lighting - 9

Total - 68

Marks possible 90.

The judges were Dr Campbell, Mr E.E. Dennis and Mr G. Last, and Messrs. A. Lake, F.W. Butler, A. Freeman and E.J. Totman acted as stewards.

Mrs Marshall kindly presented the shield to the winning troops, and the scouts thoroughly enjoyed the other sports which took place.

Mr E.E. Dennis (Hon. Sec and Treasurer) thanked Mr and Mrs Marshall for their kindness in placing the meadow at the disposal of the Association, and also for the excellent tea which had been provided.

Major Barclay also spoke of the great interest Mr Marshall had always taken in the Scout Movement in the district.

Cheers were then given for Mr and Mrs Marshall, Major Barclay (Secretary) and helps.

Special thanks are due to Messrs. G. Handy, H. May, S. Daniels, E.G. Thody, B.E. Thody, Harry Clark and the Buntingford Congregational Church for loan of materials.


We have been asked to mention that Scoutmasters are still wanted. More troops could be found if Scoutmasters can be obtained.

16th November 1923 - Armistice Day

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Armistice Day

Armistice day at Buntingford was celebrated in a very solemn manner.

At 10.30 a.m. a procession was formed in Church Street. The procession comprised the Town Band, under Bandmaster E.Smith; strong muster of Ex-Service men, under the command of Captain G. Scaborough Taylor; the Buntingford troop of Boy Scouts, under Scoutmaster C. Miles; Girl Guides, in charge of Miss N. Ashford; and a section of Special Constables.

The procession marched to the town War Memorial, where the Ex-Service men and other bodies took up their allotted positions. The Rev. A. Howard, the Rev. Byers-Jones, Mr F.J. Cole, and the Buntingford Corps of the Salvation Army joined the parade at the War Memorial.

A large number of townspeople took part in the memorial service, which opened with the hymn "O God, our help in ages past."

The following a stirring address by the Rev. A. Howard, who said: "We are assembled here this morning around our War Memorial, first to thank God for victory and peace, and to remember the truth of the words on the Memorial on the wall of St Peter's, "Theirs is the Victory." Then we must remember and be thankful for the splendid courage of the men who laid down their lives for their King and Country, their home, and we hope also, their God.

We need to pray that we may show our gratitude by leading fearless, selfless, Christ-like lives. That those still sorrowingg over the empty place, or places, in the home may be comforted by the "Father of mercies, and God of all comfort." We will pray, too, specially for the Ex-Service men and others still suffering in various and grievous ways from the effects of the unspeaklably awful war."

He concluded with the striking words of General Smuts: "We semm once more to be hanging [?] into a dark night, and the outcome of the new adventure is hid from everyone but God. Yet I have a conviction that out of all this evil, good will come. The great moral causes of humanity were born not in victory but in defeat, and they are all being defeated today."

The Church paper from which called comments as follows: "What braver text could there be on which to found an appeal for the re-dedication of our country to the will and purpose of God in faith, that his kingdom will come."

After the address, Captain G. Scarborough Taylor read out the names of the glorious dead, whose names are perpetuated on the War Memorial. At stroke of 11 a.m. the Ex-Service men, Boy Scouts, and Girl Guides were called to attention, and the two minutes' silence observed.

After the hymn "Fight the good fight" had been sung, prayers were said by Mr F.J. Cole, the new minister at the Congregational Church.

A large number of beautiful wreathes were laid at the base of the Memorial. The Ex-Service men's wreath consisted of laurel leaves and Flanders poppies, tied with the national colours. Other wreathes were from the members of the Congregational Church, the Buntingford troop of Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides, the Senior School and the Special Constables.

After saluting at the foot of the memorial, the parade marched up to the Market Hill. The band played the National Anthem, after which the parade dismissed. Many persons attended the Special services which were held at St Peter's, and at the Congregational Church, immediately after the ceremony.

The Boy Scouts Shrine, which throughout the year has tributes of flowers, due to the kind attention of Miss Lushington, was specially decoated with evergreen and Flanders poppies.

A special Memorial Service was held at the Congregational Church during the evening. There was a croweded congregation, and the Buntingford Town Band accompanied the hymns. 

The new minister, the Rev. F.J. Cole preached an inspiring sermon. He took for his text "Oh, for a drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem that is by the gate." The collection at the evening service amounted to £3 4s., which was devoted to Church funds, and the British Legion Local Relief Fund.

3rd Feb 1928 - League of Nations Union

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League of Nations Union

Despite a very wet evening, the Women's Institute Hall was well filled on Thursday evening of last week, of the occasion of a meeting in connection with the League of Nations Union.

The chair was taken by Sir Charles Heaton-Ellis, who was supported on the platform by Mrs M.E. Downer, Mrs Lanyon, Mrs G.C. Coutts Deacon, Miss Woods, the Rev. A. Howard, the Rev. E.E. Empringham, the Rev. F.R. Williams, the Rev. A.G. Langdon, the Rev. W. Mc C Kerr and the Rev. John Cole.

A letter of regret at being unable to attend was read from the Rev. A.N. Morgan.

The Chairman gave a very able survey of the work of the League of Nations, and referred to Lord Robert Cecil as whose life's work was for the League. (Applause)

Sir Charles then referred to the past work of the League and added that it would do still greater work in the future (Applause).

Mrs M.E. Downer, of the League of Nations Union, then gave an extremely interesting address on the work of the League of Nations. The League, she said, would settle disputes by reason and not by thought. The Battle of Trafalgar cost £88,000, but one of our present day battleships cost £6,000,000 and we were no stronger in the Navy than we were in Nelson's day. They had in the League of Nations a piece of machinery that could stop war; the machinery was not perfect, but it was everyone's duty to support the League.

The speaker's fine closing appeal resulted in 37 new members being enrolled.

Mr Andrew Weir moved a vote of thanks to Mrs Downer for her most interesting address. He (Mr Weir) could not help thinking that if anyone knew of any other way of settling disputes than through the League of Nations, then for God's sake let them say so.

Miss Woods seconded the vote of thanks, which was carried amid applause.

Mr W.S. Fordham, of Puckeridge, moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and this was seconded by Mr W.J. May and carried with applause.

Thanks are due to the Rev. E.E. Empringham, of Cottered, for the excellent arrangements in connection with the meeting - it is through him that a brand was formed in the district. Mrs Lanyon has also done valuable work in the Braughing district.

Members of the Cottered Troop of Scouts were on duty at the Hall, and handed round enrolment forms.

13th May 1910 - Buntingford, death of King Edward

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As soon as the sad news of the King's death was known at Buntingford it caused the most profound sorrow.

The ancient town bell was tolled. On Sunday, at St Peter's, besides the morning and evening services, there was a children's service, and also one for men. At every service the Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, feelingly alluded to the passing away of the good King. 

In the morning he preached from the words, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." He showed it was a time of personal trouble, family trouble, trouble for the Church of England which had lost its head, trouble for the Nation, which could ill spare such a wise ruler at the present time, and also trouble to our Empire, States, and people over the seas, which looked to King Edward as their guiding friend.

Of the King's charactertistics he dwelt mainly upon his tender love for the poor and feeble and his consistent endeavours to promote peace within the borders of his dominions and among the great powers of the world. The sorrow of the national was truly genuine and heartfelt for their noble monarch, whose end was peace.

"O God our help in ages past" was fervently sung at the services. The "Dead March" in Saul was played by Miss Woods at the end of each service while the congregation stood, most of whom were in mourning. 

- At both services at the Congregational Church, the Rev G. Fraser Elliott referred sympathetically to the death of the King, and prayers were offered for the bereaved Queen. At each service too Mrs Sutterby played the "Dead March" while the congregation stood.

The School flag was hoisted at half-mast. On Sunday two patrols of the Buntingford and District Boy Scouts, numbering in all 21, and each wearing on the left arm an armlet of crepe, paraded at their headquarters in High Street and marched to St Peter's to attend the morning service. To see these orderly well-behaved lads grieving with their elders was a touch tribute of reverential respect and esteem for the dead King, who took such a warm interest in the Scout movement.

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