Funeral of Mrs Jackson
List of Floral Tributes
On Monday afternoon last, October 1st, the remains of Mrs Harry Jackson, whose sudden death we announced in our last issue, were conveyed to Layston and laid to rest in a quiet corner of the Churchyard.
The Vicar, the Rev. A. Howard, who officiated, read the service very sympathetically. There was a large number of sympathisers and friends gathered at the Church and graveside to pay their last respects to the deceased's memory, which testified to the high esteem in which she was held.
At the graveside, in committing the body to the grave amid much manifestation of sorrow, the Vicar referred to the deceased as one of a family whom he had known for many years, he having watched the departed one grow from childhood in to womanhood.
The coffin, which was of plain oak with brass furniture, bore the inscription, "Betty Jackson, died September 26th, 1928, aged 42 years."
A special coach was required for the large collection of beautiful floral tributes, which more than covered the grave.
A list of the wreaths is appended.
The immediate mourners were Mr H.A. Jackson (husband), Mr and Mrs E. Harradence (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs A. Jackson (father-in-law and mother-in-law), Mr Bob Jackson, Mrs Charge, and Miss E. Jackson (brother-in-law and sisters-in-law), Mr W. Jackson and Mr F. Jackson (uncles), Mrs H. Handy (cousin), and Messrs. H. Cutts, S. Dowler and H. Plumb.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr G. Handy.
From her own "Chubby".
From her brothers, Bert and Percy, Saskatchewan, Canada.
From Ernest and Daisy to dearest Betty.
In loving memory, from Dad, Mum and Ethel.
From Francis, Daphne and Brenda, to dearest Auntie Betty.
In loving memory, from Hilda, Bert and children.
In loving memory, from Hilda and Bob.
With deepest sympathy, from Uncle Walter and Auntie.
In loving memory, from Uncle Frank and Aunt Ada.
In loving memory, from Winnie and Harry.
With sincere sympathies, from Buntingford tradesmen.
With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E.J. Totman.
With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Bartlett and family.
With sincere sympathy and in remembrance of many happy times, from Eva, Bert and Joe.
With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs C.H. Tottman and Mr and Mrs J. May.
In kind remembrance and heartfelt sympathy, from Ernie McNulty.
With sincere sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E. Camp and family.
In loving remembrance, from Herbert.
In loving memory of a sincere friend, from Mr and Mrs E.B. Haddock.
With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Dowler.
With sincere sympathy, from W. Mottram and Sid.
With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs J. Lawrence.
With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs G. Handy.
With deepest sympathy, from Fred.
In loving memory, from Mrs Game and Willie.
In loving memory, from Mrs Halls, Dolly and Len.
With sincere sympathy, from Mrs Arthur Smith.
With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs A. Walhert.
With heartfelt sympathy, from Stanley and Harry.
With deepest sympathy, from Mrs Pateman and family.
In loving memory, from A. Stapley.
With heartfelt sympathy, from Mrs Prior.
With deepest sympathy, from Mrs W. Parker.
With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs E. Plumb.